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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. That's what I been waiting for!
  2. I tried to get one on ebay, after I purchased it, a week went by and no shipping updates so i contacted the seller and apparently all the ones he had in were all broken (some issue with the center posts) so unless I wanted to wait 4 weeks for a good one, he offered me a full refund. I took the refund.
  3. I use to when I first started, but normally I will carry my one device with a rba, and maybe my u-can for a refill. If I know I am going to be away from the house for more then 8-10 hours I will carry a little kit with me usually containing my MVP, with kayfun, a mech mod and rda, spare battery usually a 18650, my u can filled, and a bottle of different juice in case I get bored of what is in the u can.
  4. I remember seeing them on ebay about a week or so ago. I almost grabbed one myself, but decided against it, mainly for the fact that I already have about 5 rda's with similar design, so i honestly didn't see the value in it. (that's just me though, if you don't already have a 3 post design, like a nimbus or trident, then go for it)
  5. The only advice i can really give is take the kayfun apart and separate the base by removing the pin on the bottom (firing pin) then unscrew the base apart. You have a little resevoir there that catches excess juice, and will often give you the gurgling sound and or leakage. I havent had an issue with mine leaking out of the fill port, only the air hole and it was solved by doing the above. Only other thing i could thing of to do would be take it apart and wipe it all down, then gently blow from the top of the base down into the fill hole. (reverse order of how the fluid would enter the tank from the outside) maybe that will close the valve again for you.
  6. So somewhere off the eastern seaboard is a bunch of fish overdosing on nicotine.... lol
  7. Purchased all new base liquids and flavorings today. Was having issues with the previous brand. Luckily Comp turned me onto wizardlabs, and I was able to just replace everything with a better brand.
  8. I actually just ordered some Loranns, I was using some I found on vices website and it was horrible, had a real strong chemical odor. Like cleaning chemicals or something. Smelled very bad... lol
  9. It was very reasonable pricing. Hopefully these will be better then my original stuff. It smelled so chemically, I was scared to vape it... lol I just poured it down the sink.
  10. The base by itself has no smell or odor at all. I went ahead and ordered all new liquids from the site you provided. This time I did a 12mg of nic in 100% VG then ordered some PG as well o I can dilute it down to 6mg with the PG or mix to whichever ratio I want. I think this will fix the problem. The stuff I have no is just garbage and probably old too.
  11. Ok, I will check them out. im not sure the brand I got, I believe its their own brand (vices) I don't even remember how I found them... lol
  12. Alright you DIY'ers out there... I'm having an issue with mixing my own. I am using a 30%PG/70%VG with 6mg NIC as my base, and have tried 3 different flavorings but they all end up smelling like chemicals (kinda reminds me of like the smell of compressed air or cleaning chemicals or something) and taste awful... I bought the flavorings and the PG/VG base from Vices Electronic Cigarettes (online) I have tried the sweet cream, peanut butter, and brown sugar flavorings. Am I just using crap juice or something? I been using 4ml of the base, and between 10 to 15 drops with a dropper of the flavorings. I'm just making about 5ml of each batch to test with. Are my mixtures of flavor to base off or something?
  13. I give my kids a choice. The choice is... do it... or don't, and I take all your s@#t away.
  14. Ordered me the crown RDA... should hopefully have it in my hands in a few days. Its my first RDA with the intention of using the gold crown. All my stuff to date is all SS minus the MVP, but I wanted a pretty RDA to go on my Sentinel M16, that I haven't even used because I didn't have a gold or brass RDA... lol
  15. I haven't tried Mr. Cookie, but I'm vaping on some Bowdens Mate right now!
  16. The thickness isn't bad for dripping, however my wife doesn't drip she uses either her nautilus tank or my spare kayfun and i know the juice is way to thick to wick in those... Lol
  17. This was a helpful read. I just got my base nic and a few flavors in to try my hand at mixing as well. I did a 30PG / 70VG base at 6mg of NIC. I was hoping it would thin out a little with the mixing but no luck it is so thick... lol I have my first mix steeping now hopefully it turns out good.
  18. Got my clear kayfun kit, and my base juice plus some flavoring today... now to try my hand at some mixing.
  19. Tell the truth, own up to it. You are 18, and of legal age. They might not like it, and they might disagree but at least it isn't a Crack pipe.
  20. You can use any Guage wire to achieve a 2.0 coil, what will influence the ohms is how many wraps you do with your choice of wire. If your going to try and build one for a kpt mini I would recommend 28g or maybe 30g. The reason you torch the wire after its wrapped is to help keep it together. Torching takes the springiness out and stiffens the wire so it keeps it's shape better. The differences between macro, micro, nanotechnology and super nano is size or diameter of the coil. macro being largest, then micro, then nano, and super nano being the smallest. As far as actual dimension for each, i dont know the exact measurements. I recommend using cotton it seems to give me the best flavor. Ekowool gives good flavor as well but is a little harder to find. Hemp supposedly is the best for flavor, but I personally haven't tried it so I can't vouch for it or not. Hope this helps in some way.
  21. Lol... Im vaping on some castle long right now too! B-)
  22. That would be sick in a kpt or nautilus head!
  23. I ordered some unflavored base liquid and some flavorings to try my hand at mixing my own. I don't know much about mixing so I'm most likely gonna kill myself..... lol
  24. Got my magnets today to replace the spring in my nemesis..... way better now. It got rid of the wiggly clunky sound, I used three magnets, its super tight now, but no jiggle.
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