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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. yeah I tried my syringe tip, then a drill bit. did you fold your wire in half? I tried not folding, and folding. I will just have to try again this weekend when I have more time to actually sit down and focus on it.
  2. Picked up a mauraxus today, and ordered a brass monkey RDA to sit on it. Also bought some more nicotine/VG base, more PG, more bottles, syringes, and some extra flavoring. All in all was a little bit of a spend day.
  3. I tried to build it.... for whatever reason I just could not get the wire to stay tight once I pulled the syringe tip out. I even tried torching prior to wrapping and torching while on a steel rod after wrapping.
  4. I'm actually vaping one of my own creations... I haven't named it, but its just a 50/50 with peanut butter and banana cream @ 6mg nic.
  5. I liked my nautilus tank for about the 1st 2 weeks, now not so much. I think I liked it just cause it was something different. Its not a bad tank, it does its job, I haven't had any problems with it other then its dam near impossible to get the coils locally.
  6. Oh dang, that's pretty good. I don't have any good B&M's near me, I have to drive to Nashville for a decent one.
  7. Yeah when I first starting to rebuild I had a ton of issues and questions. I started out one the smoktech RSST, had so many issues I set it aside and bought a RDA, and that's how I learned. Now I have no issues using my RSST or my kayfun. The RDA gave me more room, and took out some of the complications such as getting the juice to wick right, ss mesh wick touching the base, etc, etc.
  8. You can buy the magnets to swap out the switch on ebay. They are only like $7 or something.. I bought 2 sets and threw one in my nemesis and one in my launcher v2
  9. Without beating a dead horse on research and safety... lack of vapor can be caused by a variety of issues. Most common issue when using a RDA, is airflow. If you pack too much wicking material in the coils and on the deck you will not get good flow of air. Second cause could be the coils themselves. I understand your new to RDA's, my suggestion.... build your own coils, ensure there are no ground issues or hotspots then wick it and vape away. Never dry fire it with dry cotton or dry wick of any kind. Hope this helps get you started. Vape safe!
  10. Here you go.... Tams wasn't hyperlinked... if your using tapatalk then I'm assuming your on a mobile device and copy/paste can be a pain.... http://www.fadoravapor.com/store/
  11. Hcigar and ehpro both make pretty good clones. I have a hcigar nemmy and I love it, just invest in the magnets to convert the spring switch to a magnetic one and you won't be disappointed.
  12. I made this same mistake a few months ago.... needless to say it was all the confirmation I needed to realize I am officially a nonsmoker!... lol
  13. I finally found a few items to create a little work station.... no more little boxes for me....
  14. Since I moved, i had to set up a new area for my children....
  15. Dude that kanger tank looks pretty good on that provari! I want the zombie provari.
  16. Nothing too exciting here, ordered some more flavors from Wizard Labs. Trying to find the perfect RDA with brass/gold accents, while not spending too much money, so far no luck.
  17. I had no issues with RDA's on my SVD, mine would only fire 1.2 and above as well though
  18. I use the trusty, cap off, in a dark, closed cabinet, with nothing else in it, for about 48-72 hours. However i never thought of using a Ultrasonic cleaner, so i might actually go buy one now just to try it... Thanks Comp, something else i have to go do now... lol
  19. I overlap, usually it only tastes odd or mixed for about 2 maybe 3 puffs. Thats the advantage of dripping, you can switch flavors on the fly with very little taste effect. The most shocking part is when it is on accident, cause then its a shock, because you are expecting one taste or flavor but get something totally different.
  20. Castle long is really good! I have been trying to get some mothers milk, but the few places I know that sell it are always out of stock.
  21. I see the definition for simulacrum , but where is the rest of the post? The title is clones vs. simulacrum ... but all you posted was the definition for one side of the title. Care to go more in depth............
  22. sorry for double post.... I got my order in from Wizard Labs and immediately made a small (8ml) test batch of butterscotch, 50/50, @6mg nic, steeped 24 hours.... WAY BETTER! could use a touch more flavor in the next batch, but im happy! Thanks Comp for recommending Wizard Labs!
  23. I vape the Moon Sugar by them @ 6mg of nic.... its awesome!
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