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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Muraxus clone, K101, Launcher V2, Sentinel M16, Cronus, Nemesis, KTS+
  2. Ahh yeah I use a 50/50, sometimes a 40/60 @ 6mg.
  3. I don't have a mod that big, but I know what you mean. I'm the same way my RDA's/RBA's have to be the same diameter as the mod they sit on or it drives me nuts.
  4. I don't own one, but I watched a review on it by Rip Trippers, he mentioned it isn't for mouth to lung hitters, he said it hits hard. Not sure how that hits harder then straight to lung hits. I often switch from straight to lung to mouth to lung, just to get a break from the throat hit.... lol
  5. Just made a run to Nashville... only came home with a bottle of Castle Long and Grandmaster by FivePawns, and a bottle of Custard Matters by Mad Alchemist
  6. Received 500ml of my PG Nicotine base and 250ml more of the VG base...
  7. Hobby Lobby rocks! That's where I found my coiler and my angled cutters.
  8. Looks like that has the airflow control as well.
  9. Thank you! For being a brass monkee clone its not bad, had to drill out the air holes to suit my needs but overall I'm satisfied with this clone.
  10. ordered a few items from FT today.. figured I would try the Hana Clone, also grabbed the Omega (Black Delrin one), and some BDC Tank I never heard of, but thought the wife might like... White Beard Pirate (BDC)
  11. Well I went ahead and ordered one... I don't have high expectations, nor do I honestly expect it to be anything spectacular. I will let you guys know how it is though when I get it in about a month!... lol
  12. Yeah im a little curious as to how well it will be myself. I might just buy one, just so I can find out. I have a funny feeling if I do buy one, it will end up gtting opened and having the board replaced with the real deal.
  13. Here is a pretty good chart to use. The lowest amp battery is a 4amp and its lowest "safe" ohm resistance is 1.2 ohms....
  14. Not be a ****.... but dude, with the uncertainty of your batteries and the question of how low ohms you can go... your the next news headline waiting to happen bro! I would be more concerned with getting batteries you could trust first. But to answer your question the amount of ohms you can go will depend on the amperage of your batteries. Figure out what the amperage is and do some research. Try not to blow your hand off in the mean time.
  15. This one should work..... My little collection..... http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/24/zyju4e6a
  16. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/24/yvapu7a4 That didn't work the way I wanted.... lol
  17. No its just a clone... at least I hope its a clone seeing as how I only paid like $27 or something like that.
  18. LOL! Yeah you might wanna bump that down to about 6mg of nic for that build.. I did the same thing awhile back I grabbed an old bottle of juice and didn't realize it was one of my old 24mg and I dripped it into my rda I had set up for cloud chasing... needless to say, I will NEVER make that mistake again!.. lol
  19. it finally arrived.... granted it takes 15 days just for them to ship it, then another 15 for transit... so you might have it in your hand in about a month! https://www.fasttech.com/product/1689401
  20. That's a pretty good idea! Im gonna have to do that now.
  21. hmm... that might be a good tank for my wife. she loves my kayfun, but she doesn't want to rebuild coils.
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