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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I really like that! I so need to get off my lazy butt and start working on mine.
  2. Hey comp... ever had your wicks catch on fire before?.... LOL... I did that once... dry cotton, and a little juice on the post, poof... no damage just stunk to high hell, and scared the crap outta me. (that was my first few attempts at a RBA) I still don't like RBA's unless its a kayfun style, wont mess with my RSST anymore... lol
  3. Holy big *** mod, batman! I love that! dam it..... something else I have to buy and hide from the wife... lol
  4. :facepalm: I been vapeing for a year now, and just in the past few months got into RDA's and RBA's and before I started I did a lot of research, and watched the guys at the vape shop, and asked questions as they built coils. I had a real good understanding on every aspect of rebuilding, Ohms Law, Airflow, wicking, battery amperage, etc. I still get stumped on wicking sometimes, sometimes its too tight, too loose, what have you. I sub ohm a lot, but never below a .2, and I test everything before I fire the device, even inspect the battery for any signs of leakage, damage, discoloration, etc. There is a certain level of safety and awareness that you develop over time, that you will miss if you try to jump right in. That is why everyone is preaching safety, safety, safety. We preach safety cause most of us, has had that bad experience that we don't want you to have. I have never had a battery explode, but I have done other things, like forget to lock my fire button and it fired with my finger and thumb on the coil.
  5. Yep they are junk.... you can just mail them all to me!
  6. Im gonna share this one with you guys, even though I could not get it to work good with out getting a burnt cotton taste. I am gonna try it again later though.... triple twisted 30g, 6/7 wrap, set up in a quad coil, @ .2 ohms...
  7. To each their own, I just cant spend the crazy amount of money on something, especially if a clone can do the same thing. (Not sure if this clone is even any good yet) However if it is, and it does the same thing, spending that extra money on an authentic to me is a waste, cause then your just paying for the brand.
  8. Yeah the epoxy is horrible. The wires not much you can do about that unless they used shrink tubing to make it cleaner, but then the clone would have been $20 more expensive... lol
  9. Then I second the comment of... "Ugh...."..... lol
  10. Tell them to eat it! If you rebuild, then you rebuild, I wasn't aware of any levels for builders... im a level 90 with 500 skill points in coil building.... lol
  11. is that the innards of the DNA20 from FT? That's a mess. the efest batt will have to go when I get mine, I don't like efest batteries.
  12. You can make grandmaster? Would you mind sharing your recipe with me, I been trying to make something close to it, cause I love grandmaster, but haven't been able to get it down yet.
  13. Simple 28g quad coil. no twists, nothing... @ .2 ohms... Also a little video... its my first little review type video so don't laugh at me too hard... lol...
  14. Yeah checked them out today, that's gonna be my new Vape Shop till I move again! WAY better then the other ones around here, and really knowledgable.
  15. Picked up VTC5, few bottles of juice and a Stillare clone today from a local B&M....
  16. Fallout vapor huh... I only knew of the rocket ecigs out gate 4, I will have to check them out tomorrow. I need some more good juice, just ran out of my castle long by five pawns.
  17. I have the maraxus clone, not the iron man one I don't think. But its ok, I use it, still prefer my nemesis though.
  18. I been using a 24g dual macro coil build. I tried going back to a simple 28g twisted, then a 28g non twisted and a 30g twisted, but I can't vape those anymore, don't get the nice hot draws of them.... I been spoiled.
  19. That definetly sucks. I have never had my devices just quit working, but I do have times where I just cant seem to build a decent coil, and nothing seems to wanna work right.
  20. Dang... I want one... those are pretty nice. Wide bore?
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