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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. I was just about to post this as well, glad someone else got on it. I did my part already, super quick and easy to do.... EVERYONE in one of these states should be doing this if you TRULY love vaping and aren't just here for the cloud chasing fad!
  2. ^^^^ Dispose of that battery! Check your switch for any poor machining that may have left any burs that could have cause the puncture to your battery. If you have burs gently grind them away with a dremel, replace with a good battery such as a Sony VTC4 or VTC5 or similar (Panasonic, etc.) Let the smoke shop know of the battery issue as well so they can contact effect and see if its a bad lot/batch and return them for good ones if need be.
  3. Im the exact opposite, I tried the high VG and didn't like it, then I switched it up with a 70PG / 30VG and the flavor is a little muted, but i get bigger clouds, cause i can put more in my lungs without it hurting or burning.
  4. Sent my request last night, and shared on my facebook page as well. Good looking out Comp!
  5. research, research, research..... always use an ohm meter, learn the ohms law, use batteries that can handle your particular build, and be safe. Other then that your best tips will come from watching youtube videos, so you can see how to build a coil step by step. I could explain it all here, but you can really only explain so much before it becomes more confusing then it really is.
  6. There is a risk with anything you do. Can it hurt you if you dip down to .2, it could. The battery can handle it, in certain situations.... new battery, no weird defects, etch, but its not designed to do it, and if you do it too much on that battery it most likely could fail and vent, or worse case, blow up on you. Have I built sub-ohm coils, yes I have, do I use it as a daily, all day vape, no. I always have my MVP 2 near by, or another mech with a higher resistance coil. At the end of the day only you can decide if the risks are worth it or not, and only you will decide to do it or not. Listen to your instincts, not random strangers on a forum. Do your research, and make the decision for yourself. That is the bet advice I can give you, I'm sure its not what you wanted to hear, but maybe it is what you needed to hear.
  7. Just placed a order to resupply my DIY stash... about 10 more flavors, 250ml more of both PG and VG, 250ml of 24mg Nicotine VG base, some more 30ml blue glass bottles, some droppers for my 8ml tester bottles, and a bunch more latex gloves.
  8. This is the type of story that pops up when people google ecigs+harmful..........
  9. That's too low for me I barely use the 24g but I'm really loving the 26g right now.
  10. Nice work! I need to get me some more flat ribbon too, but I think the wife would lose her mind, I already have a roll of every Guage from 32g to 24g round wire, and she is like wft!?!..... Lol
  11. Got my 26g Kanthal in now just waiting for Chi Yu and my organic cotton balls
  12. I had to look it up as well... lol definitely a interesting design. Im kinda curious as to how well it works. Let us know once you get it and try it.
  13. That is nice! I really like how that looks on the Hades.
  14. I need to try that then, I get bad whistle on my igo-w, plus it looks cleaner.
  15. Nice! How does she vape? Does she "Chuck the Vapor"?
  16. Ok, maybe not mass production, but you could definetly make some coin of those!
  17. I almost forgot to post I got my all black Omega Clone (not impressed) and a White Bearded Pirate BDC (surprisingly impressed) today in the mail.
  18. The original is nice, and although it is spendy, it's worth it in my opinion. Haven't seen the clone up close or used one, but it could be every bit as good, if so then score!... Lol
  19. Please don't start a new thread for same thing in different sections. I answered your question in the other post. The MVP 2 is your best bet. You can't use a KPT flush but it has vv/vw, usb charging and it's pass through. If you want to use a kpt flush look at the Hana mod then, however it goes up to 20/30 watts, so might be more then she wants or needs.
  20. ITaste MVP 2, it has USB charging, VV. And VW, and it's pass through, you can vape while it charges.
  21. Ok, I need to know.... how much a black one, with a smoked lid would cost? I think we found the next big box mod manufacturer right here! I want a totally unique, custom one. That way when you make it big tome, I can be like I have a custom made one from him.... lol
  22. There are clones out there. Not sure how different if any the clones are.
  23. Here is my nautilus... I broke my glass but replaced it with a black on, then wrapped it in carbon fiber to match my MVP.....
  24. The financial part goes away once you realize all Mods are better then your current one and you end up with a hundred Mods but only use one.... or it could be just me, either way welcome to VT!
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