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Everything posted by iheartvape

  1. Haven't been on here in... Dang think 2 or 3 years! Just wanted to say hi and see if any of the old members were still around. Sent from my Z983 using Tapatalk
  2. picked up a Fire Pipes box mod and Mephisto V2 yesterday.
  3. Picked up a Ares mod by VIP Customs and a Mutation X.. not super impressed with the MX, but love the Ares mod.
  4. hmm.. i never knew this either.
  5. I love my IPV v2.. Thing is a beast! There is also the cloupor T5 50watt mod, the IPV v3 will be out soon it's a 150w box mod.
  6. I have bought a couple authentics lately and absolutely love them. I never have to worry about anything when using them. Have zero issues and they hit harder then anything I have ever owned... I have the shotgun by emit paired with the Apollo by emit, flagship paired with ceo, and a Tantra by chillum.
  7. I'm using my IPV v2 and I stay at 36.5w on a .4 single coil. This thing at 36.5w and a single coil is putting out clouds equivalent to my .12 dual coil on my mech. I love this dam device.. I also have the cloupor t5 but it's still sitting in the box just cause I been loving my IPV. I might update the firmware on the t5 so it can hit 75w (granted it doesn't break my device in the process)
  8. Yeah I never cared for the sweet cream. If I use it I will let you guys know how it is. I think I might mix a little with my berry crunch flavor. See if I canf get it to taste like actual milk and cereal... Lol
  9. I went out and bought a chuff (I think that's what they are called) top for my shotgun mod and Apollo. Also picked up some Pima cotton... Its just organic, all natural, fresh from the farm, but it's super fine, and has straight long fibers, almost like hair.
  10. Welcome to VT!
  11. I love the mod.. The dripper I don't care much for though.
  12. I have noticed my builds have gradually decreased in resistance over the past few month... I use to not be able to go lower then about a .3 but preferred to sit about .5.. Now my builds are all below .2 I tend to stay about .14 or .12 now, anything higher and I don't feel like I'm getting anything.
  13. Not sure if you got your replacements yet, but Amazon also sells a plastic version for about $5. I bought one along time ago and it worked great, other then I could no longer see my juice level.
  14. I have mixed emotions with mine. I had the same problem with finding the sweet spot, but after buying an authentic flagship and emit shotgun I haven't had any issue with them... Other then They die super fast in comparison to my MXJO's
  15. I go through about 100-120ml a week. I also usually have to fight the other 3 Vapers in the house from stealing my jyice... Lol
  16. Nah I got it for a recipe I had in mind, but since forgot what it was iw wanted to try and make... Lol
  17. I moved up very quick, but it took my wife almost a year. If it isn't as much a hobby as a healthier alternative, then there is no need to move up. If your satisfied with the ego or pen style then rock it! Anything is better then going back to the stinkies.
  18. I'm currently vaping... Divinus Custard by just V.A.P.E
  19. No problem... They should have just called it milk... I looked in M first.. Then while browsing for other stuff I stumbled upon it.
  20. I been simple lately just doing plain 6 wrap 22g royal wire dual coils.
  21. Just picked up the shotgun mod and Apollo rda by emit vapors...
  22. Yes they do..., dairy milk I have some in my hand right now.
  23. Acetyl Pyrazine 0.5% Caramel original 3% EM 1% French Vanilla 5% Hazelnut 1% Ripe Banana 0.5% This is the recipe I use... 50/50 blend
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