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  1. I think the 1300mah will grow on you. People end up with bigger batteries as time moves on.
  2. I would imagine some reviews are kinda crazy. Has anyone read the app store reviews lately! LOL
  3. Everyone could just DIY and its impossible to stop the hardware. Hey this is not a ecig but a personal vaporizer!
  4. Ohh Good Price! They Are SOLD OUT!! Found One For $14.50 From All American Vape!
  5. Who are we talking about?
  6. ProTank 1 & ProTank 2
  7. Hey Guys, I just ordered 2 for myself. I Found this deal elsewhere and would like the share with you since most places have them for 20 bucks! www.allamericanvape.com
  8. Hey, I Started with a 30 dollar All American Vape starter kit. Now I Use the eVic which cost more but is really great!
  9. Welcome from florida
  10. Im new here, it is very nice to meet everyone. Im From Miami Florida & Vape a eVic.
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