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Everything posted by spydre

  1. So, we know this guy's from India, or could he really be bounced from using something like a broadband card? I'm sorry, I'm not computer techno-geek savvy
  2. Well, by the time I saw this message, Battery 1 was on the charger, and had been for several hours...but not fully charged yet, so I thought there might be something to the contacts thing. Pulled if off the charger this morning after the not fully charged battery 2 lasted me from 3:30 yesterday afternoon to 9:30 this morning. So put battery 2 on the charger, and started using battery 1. Battery 1 lasted from 9:30 to 3:30 today. So, I got out the rubbing alcohol and q tips, and cleaned the contact real quick and plugged it into the charger. I'm betting this partially charged Battery 2 will still last me through tomorrow morning, and we'll see how long Battery 1 lasts tomorrow before I decide if I'm going to have to take the kit back and have at least the one stick replaced next week.
  3. This is true. The one brick and mortar place where were started out, a couple of the associates were really, really good and knowledgeable. And another one we dealt with, well, it seemed like he was just trying to get the deal done, and didn't really explain things (our first time in, trying to get things set up) like the other models they have, except a little bit about the MVP - I pointed out one APV, and he said, "Oh, no, that's really advanced, rebuildable," etc. (although I bet hubby would have learned that thing like a duck takes to water, he's mechanically inclined, and a genius with stuff like that), he hurried us through picking a flavor, wanted us to agree on a flavor rather than me picking one and hubby picking one, and then, he filled both of the clearos that came with my starter set with the fluid that came with the starter set! I would have liked to have saved one of those clearos for a different flavor, TYVM. I've not dealt with either one of the owners yet, and I'm not really sure HOW MUCH about stuff they know - they opened the business to give people in our area the ability to get the stuff without going online or driving across the river and deep into St. Louis County. But one guy that we dealt with there was GREAT. Couldn't be the owner, he was younger than me, and I don't recall the picture in the paper looking like him. The other brick and mortar shop is better, but again, it depends on who you get. One girl only REALLY knows about certain stuff, generally, I think stuff she's used, while the other two people I've dealt with know about just about anything. But at that shop, they bend over backwards pleasing their customers. But they DO have an online store, so they already have some name recognition and some respect, I guess.
  4. Brian, BTW, you misunderstood me on what I meant by ego or 510 compatible - the Sigeli Zmax is compatible with both. What I have now, the starter ego stick batteries, I think you need an adapter for 510's right? The Davide has three holes. As far as taping up holes, I've never had much luck keeping the tape to stay on. Had hubby tape up one hole on it (the Davide), and it made a bit of a difference, and it looked like it was going to stay - this was after cleaning the whole stem and bottom plate with alcohol, and he even sort of shoved the tape into the hole as well, but after taking it off the battery the second time, the tape came off, Does anyone else have to continually re-tape, or if you tape, what kind do you use? I tried electrical tape, but I myself never have any luck with electrical tape (and that I did myself), so it's no wonder it didn't stick. When hubby did it, he used scotch tape.
  5. That's why before I actually make my upcoming purchase, I'm planning on getting a pt2 and trying it out for a few days. If I like it, I can have at least this one Davide, that PT2, and whatever else I decide on glass tanks.
  6. Look, so far, the FDA did a study about 5 years ago, on ONE brand of the e-cigarettes coming in from China - they only tested the cartridge, I would imagine they swabbed the cartridge, and found some not so great things. They didn't test the juice, just the cartridge. The latest study has shown that the VAPOR itself is safe enough - for now. I don't know if they tested the vapor off different juices, different manufacturer's juices, whatever. It's entirely possible that the cartridge e-cigs, like Blue and this other Chinese brand, may still have some traces of these chemicals on the inside of the cartridges (and I think you are talking about using a cigarette look alike, not a vaporizer that doesn't look like a cigarette, right?), we just don't know. As far as I know, no one has studied the cartridges since the FDA did that sample with the one shipment from China in 2008. The fact of the matter is, for smokers, this is HARM REDUCTION. I wouldn't advise picking up on vaping if you've never smoked before. There is just still plenty we don't know. That's why states are finally making the move to make it illegal for those under 18 to buy it, although most shop owners don't allow anyone under 18 into the shops anyway, much less sell to them, even if there isn't a law in place, and vaping websites, most of them, ask you to confirm that you are over legal smoking age before you enter into the full site.
  7. I actually think of fish when I hear it, as the fish with longer upper lip extending over the lower lip are bottom feeders. (Used to keep fish, so I read up on a whole bunch of them before deciding what fish to get next).
  8. Yeah. Well, when I order my new equipment, it will be 510 or ego compatible. So I'm still on the fence. Yesterday I was fine with the airiness of the Davide, but today, I guess it's because I can't settle on a flavor to vape, it's bothering me more.
  9. Yeah, with the egos, if you turn them off before charging, just plugging them into the charging cord turns them back on again.
  10. Okay, I asked you this in another thread, but I'll ask you here, too. Which do you like better, PT2 or the Davide?
  11. So, which do you like better, the PT2 or the Davides? Which has a tighter draw, BTW?
  12. Do you mean, amps, or resistance? I know cartomizers use coils that are higher in resistance, thus, you can run more voltage/power through them, from what I understand.
  13. It's possible that the particular stick battery is nearing the end of it's life cycle.
  14. Vivi Nova, from what I understand, is pretty tight, so if you are looking for glass, go with one of the Pro Tanks. If plastic is okay with you, I would go with the Kanger T3S or the Evod. They are all made by Kanger, so they will all have similar draws. The T3S holds more than the Evods do, and the T3S's are translucent, instead of just having a tiny window on each side, so you'll have an easier time seeing the juice level. But I would still recommend glass - it tastes much better. And if you are looking for a draw similar to the Vivi Nova, I would say go with the Pro Tank 2 - you can fully take it apart just like the Davide, but it has a tighter draw.
  15. Heard back from their customer service. The website still allows you to get the free e-cig, but they no longer cover shipping and handling. Well, I think it still allows you to get the free e-cig. The e-mail I got back said they are not doing the free offer anymore, but on the website, it still prompts you to enter the coupon code, and my total was ONLY that of shipping and handling, but I didn't put in the CC info, so I don't know if it would have come up with anything saying that it was no longer being offered when someone tries to complete the order.
  16. I commend you about your concern about your family members, as a mother. But remember, adults are stubborn. Sit down with the 30 year old, and broach the subject - I would mention it in broad terms - not the Blu e-cig specifically, because I've frankly heard that the other equipment works better than the cigarette lookalikes. You may not understand what I mean, but you have to suck a lot harder with a Blu e-cig than you do with a regular cigarette, and with the other things that we use. My kids wanted me to stop smoking for YEARS. I knew I had to, but all I knew about was the Blu e-cig, and I knew that would be too expensive. I didn't know about this other equipment, which makes it much cheaper than smoking real cigarettes. The start up cost is higher than a carton of cigarettes, but in the long run, it's cheaper (using the equipment we use, not the Blu). Also, the only harmful thing, as far as the latest study shows, in e-cigarettes is nicotine, which the adults already are getting. But tobacco cigarettes contain 4000 chemicals and known carcinogens. But the bottom line is, the adult has to be READY to put down the tobacco stick and switch to e-cigs. When you talk to the adult, you can have him or her do a web search on e-cigarettes, and there is a LOT of information out there about starter methods other than the Blu system. When I was your age, I kept trying to get my parents to quit smoking, too.
  17. Thanks, I THINK one of the train cases will do the trick nicely. One of soft sided cases would work as well - if I didn't add anything to my collection, which I'm sure I will.
  18. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law an order stating that e-cigarettes, materials, and juices, are illegal to be sold to in the State of Illinois to persons under the age of 18. Granted, the two shops in my area both explicitly state no one under 18 allowed inside the shop. This even extends to parents bringing toddlers shopping with them. But there was no law on the books anywhere limiting the sale of e-cigarette products to adults only - it was the shops owners policies that limited it. Looking back to when I started smoking, I am appalled at how easy it was for me to get cigarettes at the age of 15. And not just 15 made up to look good, to look older. Fifteen looking, well, like 15 year olds look at 11 at night when they're tired, and they just want a cigarette, or a 15 year old that's just walked a mile to get to a gas station that will sell to her (by an attendant that's maybe 18 tops). Hell, I even walked into a gas station in my high school girls show choir outfit (trust me, no one wears THAT dress willingly) and was sold cigarettes. Once I was 17, and had checking account, if I wrote checks at Quik Trip, they didn't even ask for ID on the check, I just had to put my social or DL# on the check. At THAT Quik Trip, I didn't get carded for cigarettes until I was 21, carrying a toddler in my arms, pregnant with child number 2, and I got pissed off that I had to set squirming toddler down (and I put him on the counter) so I could rifle around to get my license out of my wallet because I walked in, cash in hand for my gas and the pack of cigarettes I wanted to pick up. I knew every place I could go to that I wouldn't get carded for cigarettes. The little quicky mart type thing near my home was a no go, because they'd seen me grow up, they knew I wasn't 18. The gas stations and hit n run near the high school were no gos because hey, high school kids are gonna want cigarettes, and I bet some of them are underage. And at that time, in Illinois, stupidest law of all time, you had to be 18 to purchase cigarettes, but only 16 to possess cigarettes. BUT, at least nominally, students couldn't possess them on high school property. I heard of 1 girl my senior year that got sent to her assistant principle's office for possessing cigarettes on school property, but that was ONE girl. If they really wanted to bust kids for possessing cigarettes on school property, all they had to do was stand at the parking lot entrance and the back parking lot entrance, near where people gathered off campus to smoke before school and on lunch, and bust them when they came back on campus. But I also remember the days when you could get a note from your mom, take it up to the store that said, "I can't get out due to being sick, having a sick baby, whatever, please let my daughter buy x cigarettes and bring them home to me" - my sister did that a couple times, had me get her cigarettes when her baby was sick.
  19. LOL, believe it or not, USPS usually does a pretty good job, especially with priority mail. (Sorry, father in law used to work for the USPS in the data center). It's Congressional interference that screws it all up, and drives costs up - like the need to have pension funds set aside for FUTURE employees. I'm not at all sure how it works, but their pension obligations - the full pension set up and funded immediately (not earned as you work) is killing the USPS, especially in these times, when fewer people are using snail mail.
  20. Those same coils can be used/are used in the Davides as well.
  21. I think I'm going to suggest the needle nose bottle tip to him, though.
  22. Yeah, you need to replace the o-rings, unfortunately. AFAIK, there's no coming back from a smooshed o-ring.
  23. See, that's the thing. These are the eGo batteries that came with the starter kit, which I got just about a month ago. I have it in more detail in the it's broke forum.
  24. Yeah. In school, we were always told they were stimulants - I even saw a documentary somewhere, long time ago, that showed that someone performed WORSE on fine motor skills after smoking a cigarette. Then SOMEONE started telling me it was depressant because it relaxes you. So I started reading up again recently. In fact, what smokers feel as "relaxing" when they light up, is their withdrawal sensations being appeased. The relaxation goes away as soon as you put the cigarette out, or rather, exhale. Cigarette goes out, our body starts the craving cycle all over again. I find it telling that the current head of Phillip Morris never smoked, but thinks it should be easy for smokers to quit if they want to.
  25. No, I meant needle nose bottle tips, or a needle type thing to get the e-juice out of the bottle into the carto, at least, that's the way his cartos are. As far as comparing minis to full size, the review did, sorta, but I wasn't. I know there's a big difference. First off, the amount of e-juice that it holds. Since, oh, about 4 or 5, I switched from my 618 in the Davide, to my sweet tobacco in an an evod, and I already had to refill the tank, and I'm about 1/2 way through that tank. I DID compare the Davide mini to the PT mini, because the Davide mini can come apart (again, with the possibility of inserting larger glass later on, and for easier cleaning), while the PT mini does not, and is one solid piece, except for the bottom with the coil, just like the Evods. Now, in another thread, I DID compare the PT mini with the Evods, because I have Evods, hubby has 1 evod and 1 pt mini, and I've tried his PT mini, and it pulls exactly the same as my evods, which makes sense since they are from the same company. But when I make the switch, when I get paid, to go all glass, and just keep my evods for stuff I'm sampling, I like how the Davide mini comes apart.
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