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Everything posted by spydre

  1. *raises hand* I'm a member. In Illinois, as you can see in my other thread, they finally passed a law making buying e-cigs and e-cig products to people under the age of 18 a crime. That's one bit of e-cig legislation I can get behind.
  2. On second thought, after reading the reviews on the MTB honey wood, I'll stick with Chi-Town for it unless I can find another large vendor with better reviews on it than MTB. Chi-Town's reviews on it are all excellent, which is why I ordered the sample pack to begin with.
  3. Chi-town vapers. So mail order. But my local B&M store also has a honey flavor, and I'm thinking of picking that up with the express purpose of mixing that with the Turkish Honey tobacco so I can keep my honey wood for vaping by itself. I dunno, it depends on how the sampler tastes, I guess. But I'm always ready to hear about good suppliers. Edit: Oooh, I see Mt. Baker carries it, too, and cheaper than Chi-Town.
  4. Wow, never heard of this brand before, and did you check out the site? No even contact us link, much less an indication of where they are at http://www.engadget.com/2008/11/12/fifty-one-e-cigarette-will-ensure-you-have-no-friends-even-aft/ I found the equivalent of the "trio peggable" on another site, same brand, different packaging, for $40 cheaper. And look at these reviews - linked to the "trio peggable" on smoke 51's site. And here is the review of the product: http://www.ecigshq.com/smoke-fifty-one-review Scarily enough, the site in the profile seems to be the official site of the brand. The other sites I found associated with the brand (like smoke51outlet or something else), have the products listed (usually same price) but no reviews. They seem to populate kiosks around malls, and I've found no OFFICIAL company information as of yet, with the 20 minutes or so I've been searching.
  5. Well, if I go with Davides, the one stop shop would have to be Discount Vapers. I haven't heard much about ANY online vendors, but Discount Vapers at least has the majority, well, all of what I want at what I consider a decent price - what I've seen it priced at elsewhere, but cheaper than the Brick and Mortar shops here (by about $3 or $4). I'm going to look around again, and see what changes with the "one stop shopping" thought if I change it to ProTanks instead of Davides - as I haven't made up my mind which way I'm going yet, but we are trying to stay "budget conscious" on shipping and handling charges. As it is, if I go Davides, I've thrown out the concept of getting mini Davides, probably, because the extended glass isn't available yet, and the mini Davides actually hold less than my evods, so I would be getting full sized Davides, for about $3 more per.
  6. Hear hear, Christie, on the vaping clean nicotine. Just remember, if a person is considered a "high volume smoker" - I think more than a pack and half a day, the recommended nicotine patch is something like 20 - 24 mg of nicotine to be delivered over 24 hours. And yeah, depending on what strength of cigarettes she smokes, I would start her off at a 24 or an 18 mg of nic, and then slowly step her down. And how many inhales, how deep she inhales, how quickly she exhales, etc., all make a difference in the amount of nicotine that is aborbed, because of the amount of time the smoke is exposed to the mucous membranes in the mouth, lungs, and nose. I started at 24, now I'm down to 18, and after I get paid, I'll be dropping down to 16 or 14 (although my honey wood is already @ 15 mg. My partner in crime ordered the sample pack at that strength, and that's what I got used to in that flavor. But my 618, we started out at 24 mg of nicotine, because that was all they had other than 12 - which 18 - 24 is about your light cigarettes. Both brick and mortars that I shop at ask you initially what you smoked and how much a day and recommended both flavors and nic levels based on that. Actually saw one woman come in and say she went through maybe a pack a week. That's what I thought, too, Jeff - because otherwise, why would the "high volume smoker" nicotine patches be at over 20 mg/day.
  7. *sigh* well, if it does, I still have some other stuff to fall back on, but so far, each time I've been out of something (first, the custom 618, now the honey wood) is the time I'm urging for it the most.
  8. Yeah, I think he did, too. Although I'm not sure if it's because of the rubbery taste he got from the coils of the Davide, or if it was the draw, or what. He never really said why. Maybe I'll message him and ask him... I have seen some of his reviews colored by sometimes getting bum or faulty equipment, or hardware that isn't quite up to standard, and things vary so wildly sometimes on manufacturing lines. You can get bum coils, bad batteries, etc. AND like in that review - the PT2 that he got from the manufacturer wouldn't work when it was screwed all the way down on the APV, but the PT2 that he got from a vendor did.
  9. Welcome! Take a newly clean breath and calm down. I would postpone the store plans for a while yet - there is so much more to know. I haven't been vaping much longer than you. Bought my VP around the 17th of last month. Put down analogs for good the 27th of last month, except for a couple slip ups (thus, my reset counter - the last slip up I felt was enough to warrant resetting my counter, in my mind). But the counter is just for me, not for anyone else, really. So that when I tell family I've officially been smoke free since x date, I don't forget when the last time I had an analog was (someone I'm on this journey with, who's ACTUAL last analog was 7/27, and although that person has been tempted, has not given in - although to be fair, my last slip up day, I was around people with analogs, and that person wasn't, but I don't think that person would have cheated anyway. It was my piss poor way of dealing with stress). I'm currently trying to help my almost-aunt switch over, and hoping that my sister will (if I manage to win a contest that gives out a device, I'll hand my starter kit off to one of them and help them get started; my almost-aunt's son has her ego starter kit, but he dosn't use it, so she's waiting for him to bring it back to her, and with my sister, if I THINK if I give her the equipment, and go with her to taste her options, she may give it a try). My Dad, I would like him to, and I've explained that he'll still get the nicotine AND more flavor this way, but at 68, I think it's pretty much a lost cause. He doesn't WANT to quit smoking, and even after he quit once for three months a few years ago, he started up again. He's had to go outside to smoke for 13 years because when Mom quit, she wouldn't let him smoke in the house anymore, and he still smokes. Ha ha, but I get to vape in their house! I don't know if you've had any analogs since you started vaping (like I said, I still had analogs for a week to 10 days after I started vaping), but if you did, you should have noticed a decided.....lack of taste to them? It got to the point that I would be smoking an analog, and I would be taking hits off my PV to get some flavor kick. This last slip up? Wouldn't have been more than one cigarette probably, if it hadn't been my sister with menthols. I never used to like menthols, but my brain viewed the menthol as a flavor over the tobacco rather than inhaling peppermint (which is what I always compared it to when I was smoking non-menthols).
  10. Okay. Since it said "supplier" under his name, I just figured that's why it was pointed out that his IP addy was from India, not FL.
  11. Granted, I'm still on my straight ego starting device, not a variable voltage, but generally, with evod tanks, I don't hit the cut off. With my Davide, yes I do, because you have to pull on that a bit to get the coil to heat up to get a decent draw off of it (at least it seems that way to me, the coil heats up slower).
  12. Truthfully, it varies by the day it seems - 618 with an extra flavor shot, french vanilla tobacco, and honey wood seem to be on the top of my list lately, with milk chocolate running very close behind. Haven't tried the chocolate tobacco yet. Some days, I just can't stand my sweet tobacco, and other days it's all I vape. Strange. But it took me a while to get used to it.
  13. Let's see, we made the order for the 30 ml bottle of honey wood, I think, Thursday night. I believe hubby got the e-mail stating it had been sent Friday, but no tracking number was sent with it, and we still haven't been charged for it. Today, I vaped the last of my honey wood. I've been craving it like mad lately, especially after figuring out that if I mix some of that turkish honey tobacco with it, it makes a good combination. Couldn't figure out what I wanted to vape today, nothing was working for me, until my hand landed on my honey wood/turkish honey evod. So, I filled the evod once, and vaped it down....and I had enough of the honey wood left over to pretty much fill a second evod, and vaped that down. Then I added a little more of the turkish honey to what was left, and vaped some of that (I really need bigger tanks). So.....I'm wondering, if they say it was mailed on Friday, and we ordered it Thursday, so it was either mixed Thursday or Friday. Assuming we get it Monday (although since there is no tracking number it may just be first class mail and not priority, that would be what, 3 - 4 days of steep time while in transit? You think that's enough? Personally, I can't wait to get paid. My 22 ml bottles of the rest of MY flavors that I don't share are all half empty. I need to get 30 ml bottles of all of them, plus hopefully a lower nic level, except on one for in times of stress. Or an alternate, smaller bottle of one of those juices to hit in times of high stress, or family parties where half the people are going to be smoking analogs. (Gads, I hope to not have any more weeks like this week, though.)
  14. Sorry about causing you to get a warning point.
  15. Okay....I was responding to blucavvy (see the quoted text in my post), but his post seems to be gone now. I specifically wanted to ask him why the vg/pg ratio he posted.. Oh, wait...I guess I somehow got on the front page, and quoted and responded to that??? EDIT: Yup, that's what I did. Don't know how I got on the front page, because when I get notified of a new post, I generally click on the thing that will take me directly to the new post. *hangs head in shame*
  16. Okay, sorry to raise a dead thread, but do ALL juices start tasting burned at the same level, or is it subjective to the juice?
  17. I'm not fond of RY4 myself, and the one shop's Strawberry Cheesecake that I tried was too heavy on the strawberry, not enough cheesecake, though I would be willing to try again with a different maker. One question, though, why so heavy on the vg and so light on the flavor?
  18. True, but carts were the first thing that came to mind, since I know my other half's cart has almost twice the resistance mine does. But can you even run over 3 ohms in a Kanger?
  19. Specifically, the ratio of pg/vg. PG is your flavoring, VG is your vapor. If you are running a juice that is 75 PG/25 VG, that's going to affect your vapor output.
  20. Best place to get both of them at is Discount Vapers, I've found, I believe. And Kanger makes the coils for these - you can either get 2.2 ohms, or 2.5. But now I SERIOUSLY need to stop looking at vendor websites. Discovered that the mini PT holds less than the Evods, so if I switch to glass for my main vapes, if I decide to go the Pro Tank way, I'll just get four more of the larger ones. If I go with Davides, well, no, the mini Davides don't hold as much as an evod either (evod holds 2 ml, Davide PT mini both hold about 1.5 ml), so either way I go, I may end up with all of them full sized. But I'm also seriously considering replacing the Evods, which I was going to hold on to for sampling other juices, with T3S's, because of the larger capacity. I need to stop looking at stuff. When I get in spending moods, it never pays to look at stuff for me.
  21. Okay, so this was a "build your own", then? Question: why do some places call things like the Zmax, the SiD, the Provari mods, and other places call them APV's, when mods are the above - what you just used to build this bad boy? (BTW, very phallic looking.) Oh, I don't think I'll EVER get there. Not mechanically inclined, a bit of a klutz,and well, tremors.
  22. Ha! Told hubby what was going on, and since he got his Provari, he rarely uses his ego stick batteries. He gave me one of his. Edit: Of course, that means if I win that contest which would give me a back up VV once my ZMax comes in, if I give my starter kit to my sister or my Aunt, I will have to specify that battery 1 only lasts 5 hours....then again, maybe as I test it out, cleaning the contacts will have done the trick.
  23. Ha ha! That's what I found. The other day, if you saw my post, due to stress over my mother's medical situation, I got three analogs from my sister. It's a good thing she smokes menthols, because while I hated menthols before with a passion, it was the "flavor" of the menthol that actually kept me from going "blech" to the tobacco taste. When I smoked, I most recently smoked lights, sorry, golds. When I first got my vaping kit set up and ready to go, I was still smoking, but at a slower pace - 2 - 3 days of cigarettes lasted me about a week, and I found myself towards the end of the week, when I was smoking the analog, I'd be taking hits off the PV for the flavor. I started out with tobacco blends - 618 (but I have to have an extra flavor shot), french vanilla tobacco, got some turkish honey tobacco, but the turkish tobacco is too harsh, so I blend it with a non tobacco flavor, honey wood. I also have milk chocolate, and sweet tobacco. Sometimes the sweet tobacco is too "tobacco-y" for me, but some days it works - I don't know what the difference is. But I'm branching out to new flavors now. When I ordered the new bottle of honey wood, I also ordered an Irish Creme. The storefront shop near here has a cinnamon bun I'd love to try as well, as well as vanilla caramel, and some others.
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