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Everything posted by spydre

  1. That, as a matter of fact, sounds REALLY COOL.
  2. I currently have 1 Davide and 4 Evods. Provided that the money I'm waiting on comes tomorrow, Saturday I'll be picking up KPT - probably a 2, to see how much I like it over the Davide. I'm thinking I will. Then I'll be replacing everything but the davide, or giving the davide to my hubby, with the same thing for my main flavors. Then I'll just keep my Evods for sampling other juices. Hubby can't believe I have four, well, now five juices in my rotation now, whereas he has two, sometimes three. Except we're out of coils at the moment (so he can use Pro Tank Mini for the Inferno), so he hasn't been able to hit his Inferno lately, but he should have another glass carto coming in the mail within a few days.
  3. spydre


    If you were a heavy user and/or smoked full flavor, I wouldn't start with anything under 24 mg, or even the next step higher, if your store carries it. That's why you are hitting the thing constantly, and if you aren't satisfying the nic craving, you might just go back to analogs, or use analog in between, and you don't want that. Plus, with chew, you are used to getting a more constant flow of nicotine, right? That's another reason you are hitting it so often, I would think. Yes, changing over from 75/25 to 50/50 would change both the throat hit and vapor, and you would lose some flavor as well.
  4. Okay, because of thumb problems I've been having on my right hand, I've started unscrewing my evods on and off the battery differently. I don't know what it is with this red evod. First, I was taking it off the battery to switch batteries. The bottom end stayed on the battery. Good thing I keep a towel over my desk between the keyboard and the edge (a holdover from when I would smoke analogs and drop ashes, that way they wouldn't build up on the desk), as I ended up with 2 mls of juice all over my hands and the towel. The SECOND time it happened was I was going to change flavors, so change evods, and since it wasn't full this time, and I wasn't holding it flat, nothing spilled until I set it down for the towel - I didn't even notice until I tried to screw the other tank on and I saw the coil sitting there. Only 1 ml in the evod that time, and it spilled straight on to the towel. Argh!
  5. Hiya. Okay, I ordered a bottle of Irish Cream from Chi-Town last week. Hubby confiscated it, saying he had been looking for an Irish Creme flavored vape. Fine, but he still had it steeping. So I talked him into letting me try it last night, since my Honey Wood had already finished steeping, I hoped the Irish Cream would have, as well. I don't see how steeping is going to change this. I don't know if they mixed the wrong thing, and mislabeled it, but it tastes distinctly of coconut, and coconut is NOT in Irish Creme. The reviews on the site said it tasted just like Bailey's. Actually, they have Coconut, Coconut Cream, and Pina Colada as flavors....so I'm going to have hubby try it, and then have him contact Chi-Town and tell them that we think they gave us Coconut Cream instead of Irish Cream and see if they can/will send a replacement bottle. Anyway, this tastes nothing like Bailey's, or any Irish Cream drink I've tried. If they DO send us a replacement bottle, and it's a dud, do any of you know where I can get a GOOD Irish Cream flavored e-juice? I just want to have another option. In my mind, I've KNOWN it wasn't Irish Cream since last night when I climbed in bed and tasted it for the first time and got a mouthful of coconut. Don't get me wrong, I like it, whatever it is, and I'll vape it, but I want what I ordered. The Honey Wood that I get from them is GREAT, and I can see I'm going to have to start ordering two bottles at a time, since they only sell in 36 ml bottles, and I didn't realize this at the time I ordered (hubby ordered because "he has an account there already), but if you buy two of the same flavor, it looks like it's a buy one get one free deal (I'll go ahead and order the two bottles of honey wood after I get paid, when I make my other huge purchase - it's becoming my second top vaped, second only to the 618 custom blend).
  6. Okay, B I just made an assumption when certain sites said they ship all VG juices out in glass bottles. Or rather, PG juices.
  7. Well, our B&M shop is a storefront presence of a smaller online shop. You go order something - like if you ask for a 30 ml bottle - they go in the back and make it up right there, because they don't keep the 30 ml bottles made up. PG/VG and nic content are always marked very clearly on the bottles, and generally the date made is, too. The sweet tobacco, yeah, that needed more steep time than they gave it, and the 618 (another tobacco flavor) custom blend with an extra flavor shot needed about a week of steep time - when we first got it, it was very light, and didn't taste the same as it normally would, but it wasn't vile. Edit: By light, I mean light in color. It darkened over the week that we let it steep and nightly shaking.
  8. Yeah, if you want anything for it, let me know. You have my info.
  9. Earlier today, until about, oh, I dunno, about 4, when my battery died, it was Honey Wood. Since then, it's been 618 in the Davide. Tank is as close to empty as I usually let it get, though. Maybe I'll talk hubby into giving me the Irish Creme back so I can "check it".
  10. Ya'll are making me want to try that Irish Creme juice that I ordered.
  11. Thank goodness, Proteus. I was starting to feel like I was an over-vaper going through around about 8 mls a day on some days. And that's with smaller tanks, with the exception of my single Davide. The Evods are smaller.
  12. I THINK if you had 100% PG you would have to have a glass bottle/tank, or do I have that backwards? Six or 10 mg wouldn't be causing a throat burn, that I know of. But I HAVE noticed if it sits in my mouth before I bring it into my lungs, I exhale less vapor - maybe because the lungs and mouth are retaining more water vapor? I'm not sure. Does it say on the bottle what the PG/VG is? It should. Same with the nic level.
  13. Oh, man, Marlboro has one out now too? What's gonna happen to this industry if MORE Big Tobacco gets involved?
  14. Oh dear, Wizard, that's one that I got for the birthday gift and I HATE it with a passion. Not enough back support, and it's natural position is back away from the body if you are sitting straight up, doesn't fit under my desk because of the arms and not being able to adjust the height, plus the seat is too wide to fit where your legs go (I have one of those older computer hutch type desks), though I CAN sit cross legged in it, lol. Now, THAT is a chair I would pay $70 bucks for, if not more. Looks like it has plenty of support, and nice and comfy.
  15. I'm planning on obtaining a PT 2 this weekend, providing the check is in, and trying it out before I make my massive order. Would love a cartomizer/tank system, but I just don't have the dexterity to fill them anymore. So I'm going to try out the PT 2, and then probably a few days later I'll make my order, though I still have to figure out what flavors I want to try out, but since discount vapers doesn't sell juice, those will come from another site, lol. Most of the sites I see that are in the US are priority mail anyway, so shipping fees aren't that big of a deal, which is what hubby was worried about. And I'm rambling, but it's morning.
  16. Dayvape, I'm planning on doing just that. The bottles I currently have are 18 nic, except for the honey wood that I just ordered at 15 nic, and hopefully this weekend, I'll be picking up my other flavors that I can pick up at the local B&M store at a 16 or 14 nic.
  17. I thought MOST of them that you ordered online had to steep? Don't they all make them up to order - especially if you order extra flavor, or the other options, plus the particular PG/VG ratio? Yeah, the online stuff we've ordered has all been samples, except I took a chance and ordered an Irish Creme in the only sized bottles that Chi-Town sells outside of sample packs (36 ml), simply because I didn't have enough flavors I wanted to still sample from them left, and I got a 36 ml of my honey wood. Because of the shipping time (four days), plus an extra day to sit, the honey wood is done steeping, but I haven't tried the Irish Creme yet to see if it still needs to steep some more or not. Luckily, MOST of the time you buy at a brick and mortar shop, they won't put it out to be sold until it's done steeping, but some flavors take longer to steep than others. I got a Sweet Tobacco from my favorite B&M here locally, it had been made up a week prior, but I still had to let it steep for several more days before it became something I would vape rather than something vile. But sample packs from unknown vendors/flavors is the way to go. That way, you aren't out too much money if you don't like the flavor, and it's not a huge bottle that you have to stare at if you don't like it.
  18. Okay, you may want to mouth inhale. Because of your mucous membranes, especially if you exhale through your nose, you still absorb the same amount of nicotine. I've seen sites that advise mouth inhale, nose exhale only, no lung inhales because the water vapor droplets are bigger than the smoke particles, and the lungs aren't used to that, but I know some people on these forums do lung inhale. If you are getting a raw throat, it could be because the PG is higher than you can tolerate, or maybe your nicotine level is too high - especially if you are trying to lung inhale. What is your PG/VG ratio, and what nicotine rating are you vaping?
  19. Um, since your post has nothing to do with the thread, it's spam. I don't think anyone said anything about opening up a shop in this thread, you should have made a separate post, so I'm ignoring it as of now. Yeah, I read a couple of actual honest reviews, and said the battery life is two hours tops, depending on how much you vape from it, so not worth the cost of it to use as a smoking replacement. Even the Blu's don't cover the "one to two packs" per cartridge that they state. Especially since some of us, at some time, the cigarette burns just as much as we smoke from it.... but with vaping, there's no consumption unless we are USING it, so when we pick it up, we are apt to use it faster than tobacco would go, IMO. I think that may be why I smoked so much more (when I was alone) playing with my phone, or on the computer. If hubby was up or around, we shared the pack, so I didn't smoke AS MUCH. It spent just as much time burning in the ashtray as it did in my mouth - so I would light another one soon after because my nic fix wasn't met....and then the same. Except now, I'm doing the same thing while vaping lately - except it doesn't burn out, I just get more hits, and I'm actually taking in MORE nicotine than I was while smoking.
  20. Weird - sig line says he's a professional manufacturer, but then he makes a post stating that....and all I can think he means is that vaping is harmful to your health? Or maybe he didn't read the rest of the thread, and he meant drinking alcohol? Who the freak knows?
  21. No WONDER I couldn't get the tape to stick on the full sized Davide. Since the holes are on the post, on the threading, every time you put it on or take it off your battery/APV, it rips at the tape, which is why my tape only lasted through two uses! Even now that it's working right again, sometimes I find the Davide too airy for that given day, or that given time, or even that given stage of battery life. And that's not considering the days when I've been vaping mostly tobacco type flavors all day, and any more tobacco flavor (like the 618 blend in my Davide) just tastes like a cigarette butt or an ashtray. I was vaping tobacco flavors, first my honey wood, then the 618, and it got to the point where every tobacco flavor tasted like ashes, or left that kind of after taste. I ended hitting the milk chocolate for a while, and then right before bed switching back to Honey Wood. Sitting in bed, I tried hubby's 618 blend out of his cartomizer with the Provari, (usually tastes better out of his because of the variable voltage) and it was the same thing, so I KNEW I'd had too much 618 yesterday, lol.
  22. Obviously, they don't understand the vaping experience. In addition to Bebop's suggestions, explain that you plan on stepping down your nicotine content slowly (depending on the size of your bottles, I wouldn't recommend dropping down a step more than every two bottles - for the 30 ml bottles). And frankly, even when you get to zero nicotine, you may choose to continue vaping. I'm not sure if I will or not, but I definitely enjoy the flavors. I mean, why do some people that don't smoke go to hookah bars? On the same note, why do people that don't drink go to bars, or even get the virgin equivalent to alcoholic drinks (I myself love a virgin strawberry daiquiri)?
  23. Oh, and your first draw, particularly the first after you turn your unit on, will generally be your most powerful, at least in my experience.
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