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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Are there any cartos around that DON'T require needles, that needlenose bottle tips will do the trick? Silly to wonder about it now, since I'm likely not going to upgrade to that for a while, especially since glass cartos are what, twice the price of KPT 2's? But I'm just wondering.
  2. Not sure I could help you there. I prefer a little sweetness, not a lot, to my vapes. Having a hard time finding that balance right now, though. Making another post about it.
  3. Nice, B! I forgot to say I finally got a case for all the vaping supplies of mine, too.
  4. Right now, I have the standard ego starter battery, but my sigeli zmax will be here on Wednesday. Depending on which flavor, I either vape 18 or 15 mg. The storefront that we buy our 618, the french vanilla, the milk chocolate, and cinnamon bun, at doesn't normally keep 16 or 14 mg in stock, so in addition to having to add the flavor boost on the 618, they would have to mix up the nicotine amount special, so we haven't dropped on that yet.
  5. Yeah, I, myself, go through a lot on any given day - but that's keeping up with my habits on the analogs. I was a 2 ppd smoker - IF I was always smoking with hubby, smoking when he smoked (we would share a pack of analogs), except for when I got up in the middle of night, if I got up earlier than him, stayed up later than him, or he would leave,taking the pack with him, and leaving x amount of analogs for me. If I got up in the middle of the night, and usually that was twice, I'd have an analog both times. If I got up earlier than him, or later than him, I would close to chain smoke because, depending on what I was doing, if I was at the computer or playing with my phone, as they would burn at least half of it without me smoking it. And I smoked more when I was in higher amounts of pain or during anxiety attacks (it was either smoke or eat). So now, vaping, well, it's easy to go through the juice as it's just there, to pick up anytime. And again, more stress, more anxiety, the more I hit it. In the car, rather than essentially using landmarks to determine when I light up, I do a lot of frequent hits. I need to get better about that, but it is what it is, for right now.
  6. Got my custom 618, picked up another bottle of sweet tobacco, and am in the process of ordering more Honey Wood now.
  7. Welp, we don't have vodka on hand, and hubby put the kibosh on me using rubbing alcohol (what if you don't get all of it out?), so cleaning that particular one is going to have to wait until probably this weekend, after I get it initially rinsed out to get the flavor off the wicks - this one has a much lighter flavor, so it's easier to just do the hot water rinse to get the flavor out, I've done it with this one before.
  8. A few vendors carry their versions of American Red - which is SUPPOSED to be the Marlboro Red, or close to it. I passed on it, though. was a bit too harsh for me? But then again, I'd been smoking lights for years, and there is a flavor difference between the lights and reds, not just the nicotine.
  9. Dang, maybe if I had waited 24 hours before ordering, they would have gotten the batteries and charger in, and I could have ordered everything from one place - I think RTD was more expensive on the batteries, to be honest.
  10. Got my PT 2 on Friday, and I'm loving it.
  11. Oh, and I'm sorry, I should have specified a 50 ml of 618 only lasts a week and a half because it's MOSTLY what hubby vapes.
  12. Will this work when you are starting to get a burnt taste to whatever's in the tank as well? Or is that simply a sign that the coil's gone off?
  13. I knew this would happen, but I contacted Chi-Town Vapers via their e-mail submission form last night, on behalf of hubby, who's account the Irish Cream was ordered on (which we ended getting either coconut or coconut cream). Frankly, the reviews on the site said the Irish Cream tasted like Bailey's, and this was clearly not Bailey's. So I contacted them, as hubby made no move to, and hubby pretty much indicated he wasn't going to. I guess I sent in the contact form around 10 last night, and by 20 after eight this morning, I received an e-mail telling me that a new bottle would be sent out in today's mail (and hubby got the confirmation sheet of the order being shipped) that they are replacing. Now, provided it DOES taste like Baileys, we have another flavor to get from Chi-Town.
  14. Okay, so since I put my french vanilla into my black evod, I had never tried switching it out for another flavor, much less a lighter flavor. I'm still having problems with my Davide, and it's pulling airy on hubby's provari, so unless I can get airflow regulator, that's just going to have to sit aside. That was FILLED with my leftover 618 supply, and I missed my 618. I offered to trade hubby the Davide for his cartomizer with the 618 in it, but he refused, because you can't push as much power through the Davide as you can a cartomizer with a 4 something resistance (I think that's what he said). So I emptied out my black evod, cleaned it out, but didn't much pay attention to whether the flavor would stick with the wick, as some flavors do. Put most of the 618 from the Davide into the Evod. Tried it out last night, and the fr vanilla overpowered the 618 BADLY. So, this morning, after vaping on it some more, still fr vanilla mainly, and there was no fr. vanilla in that tank of 618. So I bit the bullet. I changed the coils. Nothing but nice 618 coming through now. So, another question is, is there anyway I can clean the coil/wick, say with vodka, that will get this remaining taste out? It MAY be a moot point, as when my pro tanks come in, if there is any 618 left in the Evod, I'll just transfer it to the Pro Tank, and I'll put that coil in the PT, and put the fr vanilla coil into whatever tank I decide on for that, possibly. But this also opens my eyes to the fact that I'll likely have the same problem when I go to switch out my milk chocolate evod to something else.
  15. Well, from what I understand so far, on the Nexus 7, you can download both the nook e-reader, and I think, the Kindle e-reader, as well as a different e-reader. But you also have the flexibility of having a little mini-computer - checking e-mail, playing games, etc., I think ANYTHING you can do on your android phone. Plus, there's a front and back facing camera. So far, that's all I know.
  16. No worries, Aqua. We all have to make a living...or in some cases, make enough money to support our hobby, lol....no, but seriously, obviously, your jobs are important, and I find it amazing that you are able to balance THREE of them. Then again, I know at one point in time, my mom was working two jobs....if it was when I think it was (I was pretty young), I thought they were all part of the same one.
  17. Well, it would actually be $12 every two weeks, provided I biy two at a time if the same flavor. Chi-town has it so that if you but 2 36 ml bottles of the same flavor@ the same time, the second one is free. But, unless you buy a sample pack, 36 ml is the only size you can get, though I wonder if you could get away with buying the three 20 ml bottle sample pack, having all three flavors the same flavor, no it's cheaper to go the 2 36 mls. That's why we'll probably only go through there for flavors only one of us vapes.
  18. LOVE my evods, except for the very tiny windows you get in the sides to see what level your juice is at (which can be a pain if you aren't in a very well lit room - like most of my house). But I also love my Pro Tank 2 (just got it). Similar draw to the Evod, bottom coil, glass, and hold more than the Evod. I'd skip the pro tank mini, granted, it's glass, and has all the advantages of the Evod (same manufacturer), except it actually holds LESS than the Evods. Which is why when I just placed my order, in order to go all glass, I went all full sized Pro-Tank 2's and skipped minis. I'll keep the Evods for flavors I don't use as often, or for sampling purposes.
  19. I LOVE my e-books. It's the only way I read anymore. I have the nook color. Hubby just got a Nexus 7 tablet, and he's transferring all of his Nook Books onto that. Was actually thinking of getting a nexus, and doing the same thing....it would just put my game playing and reading all on the same device, in all likelihood, lol. Maybe then my phone would hold a charge for longer, lol. But since I just dropped over $200 on vaping stuff, not sure I can do that.
  20. Well, hubby wanted me to get AW, so I did, off RTD, and I ended up with a 4 bay Nitecore intellicharger.
  21. BTW, something new again! Pulled the trigger on my big order. Sigeli Zmax V3 5 Pro Tank 2's, 1 clear, and the other in the 4 available colored glass Two packs of replacement coils for the protanks and my other tanks. 2 drip tips, 1 for my grey PT and one for my second clear one That's from discount vapers From RTD Vapor (DV was out of the batteries and chargers I was looking for) 3 18650 AW IMR batteries 1 Nitecore intellicharger 4 bay charger (got a 4 bay so hubby can use it too, because he got the um, a different brand, and it's not working so well for him) Spent a LITTLE more a DV than I had originally planned on for just that stuff, but that's because the PT 2's are more expensive than the Davides Now I just have to my juice order, and pick up my other juices tomorrow...and frankly, I'm not ENTIRELY sure that I'm going to a couple of them that I have sitting here in stock just yet because frankly, I don't think I've vaped more than 2 ml a piece of any of them this week, since my honey wood came in, and I got the coconut/coconut cream that is SUPPOSED to be Irish Cream (calling Chi-Town on that tomorrow), but I like it some. Just haven't had the taste for chocolate or french vanilla this week that much.
  22. Yeah, I prefer bottom coils, that's probably why I never looked at the VN after I got my first Evod.
  23. And remember - this is apparently coming from the guys who have no trouble getting their products - the analog lookalikes) on store shelves in regular cigarette shops, and they make a killing THAT way, because there is no competition from what I'm coming to call "regular" vaper use machines - not the Blue,not the disposables, and certainly not the expensive sh*& Marlboro sells. Truthfully, if the faux cigarettes were sold side by side with our stuff (sorry for anyone that actually pays through the nose for the faux cigarettes), this stuff would outsell it hands down, simply because it's less expensive, at a basic level. It's not a jillion dollars a week for cartridges or replacing disposables with batteries that don't last as long as they are advertised to. I mean, if I stuck with just one flavor, the honey wood, I would be looking at $12 bucks a week, plus shipping. Or, if I stuck with the 618, we could get a 50 ml of the custom blend for about $18, but that only lasts about a week and a half if I'm only hitting it part time during the day. We're going to order to 50 ml bottles this time (can get 120 ml, it's but it's more expensive that way). The thing is, these are tobacco flavors...and while hubby is happy to vape tobacco all day and night, sometimes I have to switch it up or I start feeling like my mouth's an ashtray, you know. So that, and getting my long term equipment set up is where my money's going right now. (Oh, and ooooh, I ordered my equipment today, but I'll post about that in the bump thread.)
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