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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, discovered this about the sigeli's ZMaxes by klutzy accident(s) - they are TOUGH. In the course of three hours, I knocked it off my desk, dropped it getting out of an SUV (from SUV seat height) on to pavement, and THEN dropped it again when I was carrying things in too many hands, and not a thing happened to it, not even a scratch on the chrome, lol. Luckily, I had an evod attached all three times, and not a glass tank, or I think I would have been cleaning up glass at least one of those times. One was outside in a parking lot, so I wouldn't have had to clean that glass up. I always look for sturdy.....because I'm a klutz. :P
  2. Another thought to the Vamo would be a Sigeli Mini Zmax. You don't have the wider assortment of battery sizes to choose from, but it's in the same price range. I'm using the full sized telescoping Sigeli telescoping Zmax, and I adore it.
  3. Woo hoo, Wizard! Had hubby check the tracking on the Irish Cream from Chi-Town (same place I got my honey wood, the one addressed to him is a "make up mail" from the order they screwed up). That one was mailed the day before mine.....and even though it originated in Illinois, like mine, for some reason it went to New York State before turning around and coming back this direction????? I USUALLY prefer dealing with the postal service over shippers like DHL and Fed Ex, for one, because they don't toss stuff around like the big boys do, two, they are USUALLY dependable, and three, well, family loyalty - my father in law worked for the Postal Data Center since around the time hubby was ten, I think. That is, for small packages - bigger stuff, you know, like stuff you get off newegg.com, that's almost automatically sent DHL or Fed Ex, and I wouldn't want my mail carrier to have to carry a computer tower, even if she parks her truck at the end of my driveway and brings it up to the door. The last tower hubby ordered, well the last large tower hubby ordered, was HEAVY - and that was mostly empty. I think just the tower, the mobo, and the fans.
  4. ^^ What Medic said. Ordering online, a Vamo is in your price range, and you get a good APV out of it.
  5. Yeah, Aqua, if the site recommends a particular ratio, I'll usually try that out first, unless it's less PG than VG. Otherwise I start out with 50/50, and I'll change if I feel I need to.
  6. What you have is ego threading - so you'll want to look for something that is compatible with ego threading. If you got to a B&M store and tell them you are looking for something that accepts ego threading, they'll be able to point you in the right direction, or if you are looking online it will say something like ego compatible, or ego and 510 compatible (those are preferred, for me, so it would take anything you buy). Otherwise, if you buy a 510 device, you just need to get a little adapter to go to 510 from ego. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I THINK the only ones that are ego threaded exclusively are the skinny ones, right? Or does Joyetech make a larger diameter product?
  7. You know, hubby's sort of used that move on me before when "asking" if he can get something off newegg.com. Before he tells me the price, he always says, "It's THIS much cheaper than at Best Buy or MicroCenter!"
  8. LOVE the being able to measure the resistance and battery on my ZMax, so I can take the resistance into consideration when I set my vv. Found out that way that some of of my coils were actually up to .6 ohms BELOW what they were supposed to be, straight out of the box and onto the tank. I think I spent a TON of time playing around with it, and I've got a chart for safe volts with different resistances, so I would look at the resistance, and start playing around with the voltage until I found a spot that I liked. Gonna have to find out what resistance is on hubby's carto/tank and what voltage he's running for his 618, though, so I can match the power up on mine (using my handy dandy chart), because THAT'S what I'm shooting for with the 618. Also, your batteries should come to you partially charged. Mine were at around 3.7 volts, so I was able to throw one in right away and start using it (and even at that, it lasted close to 24 hours with heavy vaping + playing around), and the others were topped off shortly. Then when that one died the Nitecore had it charged up pretty quickly.
  9. Well, the coil I started with came with the Davide, and it ended up being 2.5. When that coil went bad, I replaced it, but not with the spare coil that came with it (I forgot about that one, but a 2.2 ohm we had in a pack of spares. I THINK I figured out the issue when I put it on the ZMax today. The coil was already down to 2 ohms. It was drawing fine, I just wasn't pulling much out of it, even after adjusting for the lower ohms. So I replaced it with a 2.5. I just wasn't in the mood for the flavor that was in it to work with it to find it's sweet spot. But I had an experience earlier in the day that taught me to always double check the resistance when I hook a tank up. I checked the resistance on a tank that had the pro tank 2 coil in it, and it was 1.6!
  10. You know, granted, it's not a stick battery, but the charger (Intellicore, I think?) was very specific about not overcharging and not leaving a battery to charge unattended.
  11. What's Endless Summer taste like, Brian?
  12. I could have sworn I posted this last night. Okay, so far, I like my tobacco flavors, which are sweeter, but sometimes I feel like I'm tasting an ashtray. So I have other juices in reserve. Right now my reserve juices are cinnamon roll, french vanilla, and milk chocolate. LOVE the cinnamon roll, but I can't vape that for long stretches of time, and eating or drinking really messes up with the way it tastes, and say, like right now in the morning, there's no way I could manage it because my mouth's so dry anyway. Oh, and I also have the coconut, and Irish cream is on it's way, but if Bailey's had no alcohol, would you want/be able to drink it all day? Yeah, didn't think so. So, I'm looking for something, like I said, a little sweet, but not cloying. Right now, my two favorite vapes are Honey Wood and 618 blend with an extra shot of flavor (both tobacco flavors), but there are times I just can't vape any more tobacco flavors. And while I like my milk chocolate and french vanilla, at some point in time, they've dropped down on the list to "sometimers", although I did bump French Vanilla back up in the last couple of days, but I need to make a supply run to get more of it and milk chocolate. The chocolate banana that Aqua sent me was freaking awesome. I was thinking about getting a straight honey, or buttery nipple, no tobacco flavor, but like I said, I'm looking for something sweet-ish. I can't do mints, though. I like mints on occasion, I just don't like how it tastes to vape it, although I haven't really gotten much of a "mint" hint from the Mint Chip Ice Cream sample that Aqua sent me, but I still can't figure that flavor out. Maybe have hubby take a hit on it later when he comes home. Anyway, just looking for any suggestions of flavors anyone can give me?
  13. I got my DV mail a day early, and I got my Chi-Town Honey Wood order what I consider a day early - it only hit St. Louis this morning - then had to be shipped over here in time for our mail lady to start her route. Now I'm worried about hubby's package from them. He didn't say if they gave him tracking info on it or not, but his was shipped out Monday, and mine Tuesday (same place). And "his" (ours, it's the irish cream that they screwed up on last time) hasn't come yet.
  14. If you are talking about the yahoo news link that I put on there about the French study, yeah, it looks it, but it's not. I'm not sure if I can find the link to the larger article that I had on it, but that link only worked about 1/2 the time, which is why I posted it the yahoo news link. But the info is out there, and frankly, it's way out of proportion. Read an analysis of it that compared it to a previous study done, it was NO NEW NEWS, and the same chemicals that were detected in a study in '08 were detected this time, in similar proportions. But the French government seems to be even more so anti-smoking/anti-e-cigarettes than the US. All of this is accessible at CASAA's fb group. But with any studies that have anything to do with nicotine, I think there is going to be this overreaction and blowing things out of proportion. I don't know if you know who Richard Dawkins his, but his foundation's fb page put a meme up the other day about the cycle of scientific research (as he IS an evolutionary biologist) - from what happens when the scientist makes his conclusions, all the way through what happens when the "normal" people hear what is presented on the news, how it is presented on the news, and make their own interpretation of it. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151798757370155&set=a.496176595154.294030.8798180154&type=1&theater Seems pretty accurate to me. I saw a similar reaction when the first surgeon came forward with his theory for CCSVI for people with MS (basically, looking for kinked up veins and partially blocked veins in the brain that needed angioplasty, cleaning them out, putting in stents). The symptoms would go away - for a while. It was called the "miracle procedure". Except the stents that could be used in brain blood vessels are not as sturdy as the ones that can be used elsewhere in the body, and they broke free. Or, well, as you know, if you tend to develop blockages in veins and arteries at one point in time, it will continue to happen. So the MS symptoms would only go away as long as there were no even minor blockages (now, this procedure was never even approved for experimental use in the US, you had to go to other countries to get it done, Canada, Italy, I think Israel. Hell, Montel Williams even had it done). I believe they were discussing starting experimental trials in the US when the Canadian study, and I think even the Italian study came out that it had no measurable long term effect on MS symptoms at all - but because this ONE surgeon got this wild hair up his butt and used his wife as guinea pig (which is where he says he got the original data from), people were all over this for three to four YEARS. I guess that's actually the OPPOSITE effect of the meme on Dawkins' site, but you get the picture. That's how the conspiracy theories that diet soda, metal fillings, and all sorts of other things caused peoples' MS came about, and none of them were true.
  15. Christie, counting last night, I think it's four for me now on the Evods - but I think the 2 last night were because I had the base screwed on wrong.
  16. Tried out a couple of the flavors you sent me last night. The Vape Dudes Chocolate Banana is, IMO, to die for. Haven't vaped on anything else since, and I can definitely see ordering this myself. The Vape Dudes Mint Chip Ice Cream, I dunno, maybe it was because it was close to after supper (but supper was cheeseburgers and chips) or something, but my first try last night definitely did not taste like the description of it, I tried bumping it up and bumping it down. Can't get a handle on what it tastes like. What was your experience with with Aqua? It's possible I grabbed the wrong bottle and put No Bake Cake in, but it doesn't look like there's enough missing from No Bake bottle for that to have happened, and it DOES look like I used a couple mls of the mint chip ice cream. Haven't tried the No Bake Cake yet. Will try that one after I finish what I have left of my fr. vanilla that's in an evod (since that's all I have left of it) or finish off the 10 ml of Chocolate Banana (and yes, it WILL be finished today or tomorrow, as I had two two ml spills that happened as I was, well, not filling up the Evod, but I got it on the Zmax, and it wouldn't work. So I went to take it off to see what was wrong, and the tank unscrewed off the base, spilling the contents. This happened TWICE. Apparently, I hadn't gotten the base screwed on properly to the tank, either time. Third time was a charm, got the base on right, and I've been vaping that flavor ever since (I think this was around 8 - 9 last night).
  17. I do have to say, I love my PT 2's, and have not had a problem with leakage, or with any of my Evods, or with my Davide.
  18. Full sized. Wow, that's like, insanely priced. We have, let's see, two, soon to be three within 20 minutes of us, here in Illinois. Then there are at least two in the St. Louis area. The first one that opened up is how I learned that vaping wasn't all Blu faux analogs and the expensive crap like that which only lasts two hours. That's where we went to get set up. They "fell into" the business, because at the time, there was no shop in our area on this side of the river, so you would have to drive 45 minutes to get stuff if you didn't order it online (and they didn't). That's the one we started with, and I don't think they even realize that the ego starter packs that they sell are knock offs - all they know is they can sell them cheaper than the two stores in Missouri. They MOST of their juice from Better Vapes, but some juice from more "gourmet" outlets that bottles everything in glass, etc. (those run expensive). Then we found out about Better Vapes, which had just opened up their storefront to go along with their online shop, in Jerseyville. Since we can get MORE Better Vapes juices at Better Vapes, as 3D doesn't carry all of them, plus Better Vapes sells their juice $2 cheaper (3D, of course, HAS to be more expensive on Better Vapes juices because they have to purchase it, pay for shipping - unless the guy hand delivers it, which is possible - etc.) for a 22 ml bottle - plus, Better Vapes can custom mix - like adding in that extra flavor shot on the 618, and they can do it while we wait in the store, provided more than one person is working. But neither shop has much hardware. Ironically, Better Vapes has the PT mini, and I THINK the PT 1 (clear only, no colored ones), but no PT 2 yet. They also have the Davide. 3D has the PT mini and the PT 2, but no Davide (Better Vapes says their supplier is back ordered on the PT 2 so far). The new shop is opening, I think Monday - he keeps posting updates, and I think he has all of his rooms done, he just has to get the inventory on the shelves, but I don't know what kind of stock he's going to have, and ironically, he's just going to be a few miles away from 3D. The biggest problem I have with Better Vapes, other than the prices on the hardware - the Davide in shop ran me $3 more than I could get it ANYWHERE online, however the ego starter kit, or even an ego twist starter kit are cheaper there than at 3D, and they AREN'T knock offs - is that the nic levels that they keep in stock are 24, 18, 12, and 6 - but of course, if I order online, I could get 16, 14, etc., Chi-Town offers 15. If you want 16 or 14 from Better Vapes, they have to custom mix it. But I need to run out there this weekend, and refill two of my flavors, get them in a 31 ml bottle instead of 22 mls.
  19. I'm planning on partially filling my Davide tomorrow and testing it out on the zmax - I know it seemed the same on the Provari, but I want to check it on the Zmax before writing it off as faulty (I did have times when it wasn't so airy, then after I changed the coil, it tightened up again, and then went back to airy). So I'll check and see. If it works, great, I've got 6 glass tanks and 4 evods, rather than 5 glass tanks, a defective davide, and 4 evods. Even the store I bought it from can't figure it out.
  20. The Vape Mail has arrived! Got my entire set up in the mail - mod, batteries, tanks, charger (so that's two packages), and some nice little trial bottles from Aquatroy. Only thing I'm waiting on is my Honey Wood, and the Irish Cream that we are waiting on. Now I have to dig through all this stuff and get my tanks set up.
  21. Hey, got my package in the mail today, haven't had a chance to try any of them out yet because I'm busying setting up my new tanks and stuff.
  22. Yeah, I meant carto tanks. Sorry for the confusion.
  23. Okay, not to incite more panic - here is a "summary" of a French study that studied 10 whole e-cigs (by the language, I'm still thinking faux analogs). http://www.medicaldaily.com/do-e-cigarettes-have-carcinogens-french-consumer-study-finds-some-toxins-same-levels-cigarettes I don't know if the quote by the FDA was IN RESPONSE to this study, or at another time and added to the story for context. For those that haven't read it, here is a link to ANOTHER CASAA article about the Drexler University study - this time with more details. This also links to the study itself (a pdf doc) and CASAA's original press release. http://antithrlies.com/2013/08/08/breaking-news-new-study-shows-no-risk-from-e-cigarette-contaminants/ Seems to me that the Drexler U study had a larger sample size (although they didn't say how large) and also addressed issues brought up by studies in the past - that there is exposure to the vaper himself of some of these substances, but they are well below concerning levels. Anyway, just thought I'd throw this out there, as I just learned of it last night.
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