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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Yeah, DV normally carries them, but out of stock. Anyvape advertises colored glass and replacement glass, but hasn't actually RELEASED them yet.
  2. I'm sure if at some point in time, I end up getting another APV, or even a spinner or something as a back up, I'll pass my starter kit on down to either my almost aunt or my sister and get them started.
  3. I like your whole pink and blue set up thing! I can't definitely see you like the "pretty stuff" as you put it. Grats on getting your kids wanting to go to e-cigs. But you may want to slyly ask them if they can wait until Christmas? And while neither of my kids smokes, I can understand that's the best present you could ask for. When my sister (albeit temporarily) quit smoking for six months back when I was, um, 16 (?), my grandmother gave her $500 - there were reasons why my sister hung on to not smoking for that long by the skin of her teeth, because she knew that money would come if she lasted that long. If she would have lasted a year, there would have been a $1000 check for her, but she couldn't do it. My brother didn't need an incentive to quit smoking other than my mother's major health scares thirteen years ago that she managed to quit smoking in the midst of. I think he used the patch. When I talked to my mom in July about this, we were pretty sure we could get the starter kit stuff cheaper online, but we needed someone to talk us through it, the whole process, and we wanted to be able to sample flavors (and it took me a good three tries on each non-menthol sample before I settled on 618 at the time). And THAT was more expensive. Mom made no secret about that fact that she wanted us to quit smoking, so I took a chance, and she agreed to reimburse us the money for both of us to get our own starter kits (yay!) and didn't even blink when instead of the single starter kit price, we ended up getting the double starter kit (2 batteries instead of one) since we didn't want to go to bed (when we are generally up for close to an hour before bed, and when I get up in the middle of night, and want nic when I get up), so the price doubled.
  4. I'll take those under advisement. Went into my B&M shop that has the honey,and I don't know what I was expecting - maybe for it to taste more like honey, like my honey wood does, but it's not something I would vape. As soon as I can, I'm gonna order that chocolate banana if not now (my regular Sept paycheck came in early, too, thanks to the holiday), then in October, and possibly the the Irish Cream that Uma recommended to me in another thread, and then the fuzion samples. But I need to get my flavor rotation set soon, as December is coming, and 2 kids b-days in the week and a half before x-mas, plus x-mas, well, yeah, that sucks.
  5. Thanks. Finding this helps, because *sigh* we got the package in from Chi-Town and when I opened the bottle it SMELLED almost right....but on tasting it, it tasted just like the other one - coconut. I'm gonna give it some steeping time (I guess long enough until I finish this no bake cake, I have 2.2 ohm coils coming out the wazoo) and see if that improves it. When I first sniffed it, I thought I detected an almost alchol-y Baileys type scent from of it, but I guess the alcohol scent was the nic solution in it, I'm not sure.
  6. Feel better sheepdog. Just started vaping on the no bake cake tonight, and although it's not one that I'll be ordering more of, I'll definitely finish the bottle!
  7. I'll be good and not mention any actual drug use, however, the B&M shop we regularly go to and custom order our 618 from, they have a 420 flavor sitting out on the counter with the samples. No drug, just the flavor.....and it REEKED. I don't know why someone who hits the real thing would want to just vape the flavor it of with none of the other...benefits(?), but I choked on that, and I didn't even choke on a direct lung inhale of Inferno. BLECH.
  8. Good to know - is there another not so conservative chart I could follow? The calculator app on my phone is even MORE conservative, as well. It says 2.2 resistance with 4 volts is "green" (so good), but 2.0 ohms with 4 is in the warning area.
  9. Just bought some more French Vanilla Tobacco and Milk Chocolate, this time in 16 mg tobacco, which will line up with almost everything I'm vaping now except the 618 (and today has been a mainly 618 day once I finished my chocolate banana). Day's not over yet, I may still buy from Vape Dudes.
  10. The only reason I can think of is because the "faux analog" looking e-cigs, well, look exactly like an analog, if you ignore the fact that there is no ash, no smoke coming from the tip, and it's not getting shorter. Therefore, SOMEONE'S going to look at it and yell, "SHE'S SMOKING!"
  11. Finished the chocolate banana, so I'm a sad panda now, but I'll clean out that Evod (probably change the coil) and try the no bake cake. I'm going to be ordering another order of it from Vape Dudes, though (hubby is probably freaking out with me trying new flavors and ordering them and stuff, but there are times you can't find something that sits right in your mouth, you've gotta find something, and right now it's a bit worse because I haven't found the right settings for all my flavors yet.
  12. With the resistances I currently have - up to 2.8 - I can't get close to much above 8 watts without running into the warning zone. Strike that, lemme change it - with the chart I have, it doesn't show ANY mix of settings hitting 9 (well, one hits 9) without going into the warning zone, or the burnout imminent zone.
  13. The thing is, with me, not all my juices can be done at the same setting. Like, okay, my 618 is set for around 6 watts, or 5.5, depending on how I feel. Was trying to duplicate what I would get off hubby's provari/carto tank set up, and I pretty much duplicated wattage, at least from the chart I have, but it's still not quite there....either that, or maybe I don't like the flavor coming off his 618 set up as I thought, for long term vaping. I'm not sure. But some flavors I find the 5.5 or 6 watts too cool, and some I find it almost burning it. I've found some success (depending on the resistance in the coil) at 4 volts with some of my flavors.
  14. Wow, is that an analog sitting there (and you still have them sitting around?) or is that one of those faux cigarettes that I don't recognize?
  15. Holy smokes, Rixter! I'm like, seriously drooling right now. Hubby winces at how many tanks I have right now (1 Davide, 6 PT 2's, and 4 Evods). He'd drop a brick if I had a mod for every tank! Now, is that ALL your mods, or do you keep another or some others off to the side for sampling stuff? I'm hoping to have at least two Evods left over for sampling stuff once I get my "usual stuff" - most of the stuff I'll vape in a week - in tanks (or even rotating tanks.....). That is, once I decide on everything. I wanted to start trying some other stuff, but some of this stuff is sooo good I want to keep it, (and yet, right now, with all the flavors I have, minus the three samples I got from Aqua, there are times I STILL can't decide on what to vape, nothing's hitting the right note with me - usually after I've eaten something flavor altering, or sometimes after I've just gotten up, or a LOT of times after brushing my teeth, or when I'm having panic attacks). THAT's why I'm still looking and sampling, lol.
  16. Well, in the cases of chain restaurants, like Applebee's, TGI Fridays, etc., it's an automatic no unless corporate MAKES a policy. At least the ones around here. Bars aren't chains, usually, so the owners just do what they want. But if a chain restaurant allows someone to do that, and corporate hasn't okayed it, and the regional manager walks in and sees it, the restaurant management gets their butts in a sling.
  17. I suppose that way, you two, you don't have to worry about reprogramming for the different settings for different flavors - just keep one flavor on the same unit all the time, so the programming's already in there, right? But gosh, you two, that's a LOT of units that you must keep around. If I had a unit for every different flavor I vaped on a weekly basis? Well, um, I'm up to four or five right now.....hubby would have a coronary. Get me this APV for Christmas, get me this APV for my birthday, get me this APV for our anniversary/mother's day (often on the same weekend, or within the same week).
  18. Okay, you have a couple different questions going on, and I'm sorry, I've been sorta half answering. But I've also knocked myself into confusion because I don't understand how my 510 threaded Pro Tank 2 and Davide work on my ego starter battery, other than the fact that it has interior threading (I'm assuming for 510) and exterior threading (I believe that's the ego threading). So, guys, help me out here, the egos worth with both ego and 510 tanks right? All of them, or just some? Trying to learn, and the person I would go to in order to ask this question isn't here to ask, lol.
  19. Bookmark this chart, first of all. http://www.vaporrater.com/images/Ohmschart.jpg You know the voltage you liked your juices at on the twist, right? You look up the voltage and the resistance, and the wattage (power) is the number in the box in the grid. So if you like your Strawberry Fields at a certain wattage when it had a certain resistance coil in it, but now you have a different resistance coil in it, you can use the chart to look up what the wattage level was, and set it that way - to that power setting, or you could turn it around and use that wattage number, and look at the current resistance coils you have in it, and find out what voltage you would need. That's how I'm planning on getting to right levels going off of hubby's numbers - I just got his resistance and his voltage, and so now, just look at the chart, see what power level (roundabout, because his resistance (3.8) isn't on the chart, and find either the wattage level and program that in, or find what voltage level I need with the coil I have in that tank to get to that power level. Okay, this makes sense in my head, really it does. Tell me if it doesn't make sense when I said it. Edit: Ha! I found it. About 5.5 watts. Cooler than I would have thought, and I tried that power setting on my chocolate banana, and it's too cool for that, but no wonder that last time he put my Davide on his Provari and he forgot to change the settings it tasted burnt - at the that time my coil was at 2 resistance, and at 4.5 volts, that was pushing more than 9 watts through. The only way I could have gotten to this power setting would be by adjusting the wattage, not the voltage - because when you set the wattage, it will adjust the voltage in even smaller increments than .1 - so out a second decimal place, I guess, to get THAT power with that resistance. And this tastes right.
  20. You know, I found this out recently. Firstly, though I've heard through you guys, some hospitals are cool to people vaping in them, mine is not - even if it's not in a patient wing, but a doctor's office wing. The person I spoke to didn't know WHY (she is a vaper and had asked), but she thought it was because some e-cigs, well, look like cigarettes, and it could give the wrong impression. I know when I was getting an IV treatment at a different hospital, a woman that was evidently there like once a year there, at it was around the end of her IV treatment, and she didn't ask the nurse, she just whipped out her e-cig (looked like a regular white cigarette) and started vaping - and true to form with that type, she used it just like a cigarette, not take a vape, set it down, but more like vaping on it constantly for about 5 or 10 minutes. It was before I started vaping, and I almost forgot myself dug out my own cigarettes. When she left, the nurse in charge of the unit said, "I didn't know what to say to her, but I was terrified management was going to come walking in." When I first learned about the first B&M shop in our area, through an article in the local newspaper, the owner was quoted as saying that they had contacted "just about all" of the bars and restaurants in the area, and most of them were cool with it. Well, when you are giving an interview to a newspaper based in a neighboring town, bars and restaurants "in the area", for this area, generally means about five towns that all border on one another. I guess he just meant East Alton. I know most the bars in Alton are okay with it, but I was taking hubby out to dinner, I called Applebee's in advance and asked them. The hostess said she was just talking with a co-worker the day before wondering if people were going to start requesting to do that, and they hadn't yet, I was the first one. So she asked the manager on duty at the time, and he said he would have to get the corporate office's opinion on it, and I was the first person to make a request, at least at that location. So I'm gonna contact corporate, and make a request, and word it nicely, and hopefully they'll make a decision.
  21. Yeah, that's just a bit bigger than my ZMax holding an 18650 battery - are you stacking batteries?
  22. Yeah, I was saying it looks like it's a tabloid type article, but it was from a "legitimate" news source, yahoo news. The French study is simply a rehashing of old information, blown up out of proportion, possibly by the french government itself. Here's another link, that I couldn't find when I made that post last night, where I got my information from - I think that Daily Mail article links to it, I'm not sure. http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/index.php/2013-04-07-09-50-07/126-a-new-study-on-chemical-analysis Created on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 17:53 A new “study” on chemical analysis of e-cigarette: nothing new but huge negative publicity and intimidation By Dr Farsalinos There is a lot of discussion all over the world about a new chemical analysis of e-cigarette liquids that was presented in an article of a consumers magazine in France. The article titled “Pas si inoffensive, la cigarette électronique”, which means “not so innocent, the electronic cigarette” or “not so harmless, the electronic cigarette” was subsequently reproduced all over the world with titles like “E-cigarettes are as harmful as cigarettes and could cause cancer, claims study” (Daily Mail) or “Cancer from electronic cigarettes” (greek newspaper Espresso). Such titles came from the fact that the original French comment (it is a comment about the study, not a true presentation of the study) mentioned that some of the chemicals were found in amounts higher compared to tobacco cigarettes and this is a cause for major concern. There was no mention of the laboratory which performed the analysis, no mention on the methodology, no mention on the results in numbers. Is this called science? Where the truth lies Some more things about this “study” were revealed today. Some information about the methodology was released in a French website. They took 3-seconds puffs, once every 30 seconds. They did not tell us how many puffs they took overall. They provide no information about whether a tobacco cigarette was also tested. What seems strange is that between puffs they were aspirating air from the laboratory (instead of just inactivating the vacuum pump). Moreover, we have no information about what devices were tested. This is very important because not every device has the same liquid content or atomiser efficiency. And it is obvious that the devices were not tested by vapers in order to determine their efficiency and whether their protocol is representative of pragmatic use. However, I will assume that the methodology was absolutely perfect and everything was done in a scientifically proper way. Today, the consumer journal released more information about the results, including the amounts of chemicals found. The results are SHOCKING, not because of the concern about the health of consumers but because it once again shows how a study can be mis-presented and how much fear and intimidation it has produced to the public (in particular to e-cigarette users) for almost no reason. The same chemicals were tested in 12 brands of e-cigarettes in a study by Goniewicz and coworkers that was published earlier this year. So, nothing new was tested in the French study. More importantly, the results of the French study are almost identical to those of Goniewicz. Below is the table of the results of both analyses. For nickel, the French study found 0.2-12 nanograms per 15 puffs. Goniewicz had found even more than that, however he also found that a pharmaceutical nicotine inhaler had 190 nanograms of nickel per cartridge! For chrome, the French study found 1.0-6.7 nanograms. However, they fail to report if that was hexavalent chromium (chromium VI), which is the only chromium form to have carcinogenic properties. Still, the tobacco cigarette may have up to 500 nanograms. It is obvious that the amount of chemicals found in e-cigarette vapor is lower compared to tobacco by orders of magnitude (even if we accept that the methodology was perfect and the results are absolutely credible). Of course, I am not supporting that e-cigarettes are absolutely safe. We don’t know that yet, and most probably they cannot be as safe as clean air. However, there is no doubt that the potential risk is significantly lower. So, how can all these articles reproduce this study as something new and “revolutionary”? The biggest problem with such articles is the intimidation of e-cigarette users. Every time such an article is published, there are vapers all over the world who throw away their e-cigarette devices and relapse to smoking. I have seen it happening to people I know, it is happening every time such “news” are reproduced with such impressive titles and without the slightestreservation from the writers. This French study in fact gives us no new information about the chemical composition of e-cigarette vapor and does not change in any way our knowledge about the potential risks of e-cigarette use and the benefits compared to smoking tobacco cigarettes. I cannot explain why worldwide media refer to this study as if it is the most important discovery about e-cigarettes. On Saturday August 31, during the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology, I will present a study about the immediate effects of e-cigarette use on coronary circulation (blood flow to the heart muscle). In that study I found that e-cigarette use had no adverse effects on coronary blood flow compared to an almost 30% reduction in blood flow caused by smoking tobacco cigarettes. This is a study that has never been done before, it provides completely new information about the effects of e-cigarette on the cardiovascular system, but certainly it does not mean that e-cigarettes cannot cause cardiovascular disease or heart attacks in the long-term. Similarly, simply the presence of some chemicals cannot be presented with titles like “E-cigarettes cause cancer” or anything similar. Scientists, consumer advocates and journalists should understand that this is a sensitive issue and that their reports and articles have a direct and immediate impact on the health of millions of people all over the world. I would like to thank Michele Briot for the translation of the protocol of the French study and Clive Bates for the insight on the Daily Mail article. Dr Farsalinos is a researcher at Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens-Greece and at Medical Imaging Research Center, University Hospital Gathuisberg in Leuven-Belgium. He is actively involved in research on e-cigarettes’ safety and risk profile. (Geeze, I've got too many tabs open, I keep loosing stuff - which is why I lost this last night, too many tabs, couldn't find it.)
  23. Okay. Ya'll had me confused there for a minute.
  24. Um, Rixter, why do you run so many units? Or are you assembling them to sell to other people? Then again, one of the guys at 3D Vapor quite literally had 3 with him, 2 APV's, and one rebuildable. And that was just what was on him at the time - instead of just carrying tanks for the different flavors he would use throughout the workday, he would put whichever flavor tank on it's own unit, and he'd hit off all three of them throughout the day. I don't know if he had more at home - I was sort of overhearing his conversation with another customer who was just picking her stuff out while I was sampling flavors. But he's the best sales clerk they have in the shop, though I haven't dealt with the owners yet, but I'm guessing it's a hobby to this guy, and it's more like, well, a habit (?) to the owners - they fell into opening the shop because AT THE TIME, there was no shop on this side of the river close to us. Edit: One other question - you got Trustfire batteries. Now I've heard the Trustfire chargers aren't that good, are their batteries better than their chargers?
  25. See, I knew it was an Evod BCC because you could see it better in the top picture (I have the exact same color, too), plus, she said she had an Evod starter kit. And I'm sorry, I was assuming that Evods were ego threaded, as they fit on ego threading. If it's not ego threaded, then what is it that would fit on ego threading?
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