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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Like I said, I had one bad one from one of my PT2's - the draw was so tight it was well, okay, I shouldn't say that...I don't know if it was necessarily BAD, but it also made some funny sounds. Once I replaced it, everything was hunky dory.
  2. Forgot about the T2. Yeah, it it's leaking, it's likely not firing at all. Is the T2, just in case that's what he has, disposable, or can you change the coils out on them? I hate when coils are bad right out of the box, but hey, that even happened on my KPT2, and someone, can't remember who, has it happen on her mini davides.
  3. *Gulp* we got, let's say, a bi-yearly big check. So I spent, I think all told, over $300 getting my Zmax, getting 5 tanks, batteries, charger, a total of four juices over the weekend, 2 from the B&M store replacing what I was nearly out of, and two I ordered online You know, last year, I guess it was for my birthday, yeah, it had to be because it was when I was having trouble with my hand, I had mentioned wanting a new ergonomic keyboard. Well, several days before my birthday, UPS pulls up, drops off a keyboard box. Now, hubby had just ordered a keyboard a couple of weeks earlier. So I got the box off the porch and asked him, "Did you order another keyboard?" I didn't see a purchase on the bank account (I know how he accomplished this, too). He opened it up grumbling something about they better not have.....they sent me ANOTHER one of the keyboards that I just bought. I asked if we were charged, he pulled up the bank account, showed me, nope,no charge. Well, I didn't notice, but he didn't even LOOK inside the box when he opened it. He was grumbling about having to call new egg and get authorization to ship it back....and finally, on my birthday, he prints off what he said was the return shipping authorization (all this time this keyboard box was sitting under his desk, just so I couldn't see what was actually IN there) and took the box out to the car on his way to pick up the kids from school. Okay, so it's time to give me my presents. Close my eyes, and what does he put in my hands but - MY ERGONOMIC KEYBOARD! I had gotten my hopes up so far when I saw that package, and they fell so deeply when I saw there was no charge. He had his dad charge it to HIS bank card, and reimbursed his father (same trick he pulled two months later with my anniversary and mother's day presents). He and the boys thought it was freaking hilarious that I was so easily mislead, even though I guessed what it was right off the bat....what he printed off? Just the purchase invoice, lol. He took an empty box out to the car.
  4. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a coffee/vanilla combination online somewhere, but I can't remember where. Or, if you can't find one that has it, buy a sample pack, and get one of the coffee flavors, and a vanilla flavor, and something else. If you like them individually, try combining them! Sometimes I put my french vanilla in with my 618, and sometimes I put my Honey Wood in with my Turkish Honey Blend (okay, it's the only way I'll vape the Turkish Honey).
  5. Oh, I do drink lots of water....ironically,the last few days have been the hottest of the summer - I THINK it was yesterday, could have been the day before, tied for the high temperature for the date (103). MS + heat = me drinking lots of water. The soda is, well, a break from water (BTW, caffeine free, I gave up most caffeine when I got fibromyalgia), but I could feel like sweet pockets in my mouth, and it was, argh. And it felt like a lot of what I vaped that shouldn't have had THAT kind of sweetness to it was. Today I can taste the no bake cake and the Mint Chip Ice Cream again, but after I stopped with the French Vanilla, the milk chocolate, which normally would be nasty right after french vanilla, just seemed to blend in. Well, and after a snack of a peanut butter and honey sandwich, french vanilla didn't sit well with me, lol, but it did make me crave my honey wood - which truthfully, the 618 and the honey wood I haven't vaped much of since I got the zmax. Well, I vaped about 1/2 a tank of 618 yesterday, but yesterday was a BAD day, very bad anxiety day, couldn't settle on just about anything. (But bad anxiety makes for cuddles at night to help me go to sleep, lol). Anxiety is better today, not gone, but better.
  6. ^What he said. Can you hear it fire when you hold it and the battery next to your ear. If it's leaking, my guess would be a bad coil - it's not burning quick enough to keep up with the fluid getting around the coil. Is it also gurgling? You said it's a kanger, so bottom coil, right? And when you said you put in another, does that mean you replace the wick that was there, or added what you put in to the existing wicking material?
  7. Rixter, you are making me drool again. By the way, I see lots of tiny bottles, but not many larger bottles, at least, not as many as I figured you'd have. It looks like some may be your DIY product, but the other 10 ml size - do you just order like four of them at a time? Or do you just order a whole bunch of sample packs? And no, I don't think my spending is out of hand - though it could easily go there, and I have had a tendency to overshop in the past dark days. But we have one bank account and always have. I just saw my dad write my mom a check too many times to go from HIS bank account to HER bank account to help cover bills and household expenses. I USED to pay the bills....until my brain fog made it difficult for me to remember to pay them in time. Once I got sick, I handed everything over to hubby - didn't need the stress of worry about money, if we had too little, how we were going to get by, or can I get by with paying the water people this much instead of the whole bill and the satellite people this much? Once my disability started up, didn't have those worries anymore, and hubby kept the payments on time. But we use, I won't say honor system. Unless it's for a gift, we'll ask before we buy certain things. If a gift giving occasion is coming up, the person expecting the gift doesn't look at the places or amounts POS services happen (other than shop n save) or charges are made to. Well, he says he doesn't, but how else would he know the year I got him an SD card, and had the forethought to have it shipped to HIS PARENTS HOUSE instead of here so he wouldn't see the return address? But say, he needed new cartomizers - he just said hey, I need new cartomizers, I'm using my last two so I'm gonna order some more, and this and this so I can use a longer battery. *Shrug* Okay, just make sure you order some Kanger 2.5 ohm coils, too, because these 2.2's are consistently registering extremely low. But now I know what I'm gonna get him for Christmas, too. He gave me two very good ideas today.....speaking of which, I need to write them down.
  8. Well, like I said, last night I ordered Vape Dude's chocolate Banana and, ugh, Irish cream from Alt Cig . BTW, the e-mail I got from Vape Dudes said it can take up to FOUR BUSINESS DAYS to get my order sent out? So since I ordered it last night, assuming they were closed today, it may be Friday before it hits the USPS? By that time, I'm guessing, I may have actually RECEIVED my order from Alt Cig even though I only ordered it delivered first class mail, not priority (wasn't going to shell out for priority on a 7 ml bottle). But, at least I know that way from Vape Dudes that's its fresh. It appears, at least with Chi-Town Vapers, that the juices are all pre-made up and thrown into your order, because they say only custom orders need to be steeped.
  9. Okay, since I REALLY don't know how our finances are going to be month to month since the increased gas usage, etc., I'm gonna have to hold off and see if I can participate next semester. Or even next summer, depending on the money issues.
  10. Or maybe an Irish coffee? Not a lot of places carry just Irish cream (Bailey's) flavored e-juice, but a lot carry an Irish coffee - well, either a coffee with Bailey's taste, or a coffee with Irish whiskey taste, they vary.
  11. Today, I have actually quit going back and forth, and I've been pretty much ignoring that ohmschart altogether. The chart was generally going up by varying degrees of a decimal, and mine never fell ON those numbers, so it wasn't too helpful to me. But my 618 is set, my Honey Wood is set, and my french vanilla is ~mostly set. Like I said, I'm still having some tasting issues going on sometimes.
  12. See, I'm not sure if it's the money SPENT on the flavors, the amount of flavors (he has, I think 3(?), possibly adding a fourth when the irish cream gets here), and I go through - well, it's not that I go through so much more, it's more like everything comes up needing to be purchased/ordered at the same time. Well, I haven't added up all the money we've spent on juices yet, but I THINK I go through about $10/week worth - which, compared to the $4x a week worth we spent on cigarettes combined (and I'm pretty sure he vapes less than I do - especially since he's in class a good chunk of the day). I think another worry of his is hardware. That I'll just keep collecting tanks for all my flavors, etc. - but if it's not something I vape on an every day sort of basis, I would probably get an Evod or a, shoot, what is it, the T3S? BCC clear, plastic, different colors? Because I think I have everything is color coded so I know what's in what (even though I have to keep a running list, or I'll forget). At a certain point in time, it must have been after all six grandkids were born, my parents stopped giving us kids gifts, and just gave to the grandkids, lol. Although my in-laws still do buy for us. No, no it's not.
  13. Oh, that sounds so yummm. Maybe next month.
  14. For me, it is/was very much dependant on a) what I used to smoke; what I can actually, I guess, tolerate today - some days, some flavors don't sit with me well - and c) what I just ate. When you eat, it can leave an aftertaste in your mouth that can put you off certain flavors for a couple hours. I USUALLY vape what I was vaping prior - but if I say, have an order of cinnistix from Papa John's, then all bets are off, I'm not going to find a flavor I can stick with for a couple hours, usually, lol. Brushing your teeth can have the same effect, or drinking something, too.
  15. That's what I DO - well, okay, I have all of them in a tackle box (they were in the cabinet of desk, so he still couldn't see them), except for the sample bottles of No Bake Cake and Mint Chip Ice Cream that Aqua sent to me - those are on my desk. And my vary rarely used Turkish Honey Blend, which is only used if I decide to mix it with my Honey Wood - but that's far enough back in the cabinet (behind all my meds) that he couldn't see it from where he's sitting. I was thinking about getting some straight honey flavored juice to mix with the turkish blend to cut down on the harsh, but I don't know if that sample has to steep before it's palatable (they made it up because I asked for it), but as it came out, it was pretty nasty. But the fact of the matter is, we're on a fixed income. I get disability, and both he and my oldest son are in college. Oldest son lives there, but hubby drives, so that adds another expense (gas for going 40 minutes one way two and from campus all week). But I forgot to add, I ordered Chocolate Banana from Vape Dudes and another attempt at Irish Cream from, oh, I can't remember the name right now. If that Irish Cream isn't right, I think the last place I have left to try is EC Blends.
  16. THANK YOU, CHRISTIE! That did it! I put the coil from my Evod that I had my French Vanilla in into the KPT2 that I was making my French Vanilla KPT, and it works perfectly!
  17. The problem is, and I guess I was having too many taste issues yesterday, couldn't settle on a flavor, and way too much anxiety, is FINDING that sweet spot, when power can only be manually adjusted by increments of .5. Been messing with finding the sweet spot on the French Vanilla. In the Evod, it seemed like 5.5 watts was perfect....but since I put it in PT2, I bumped it up to 6, and now I'm trying 6.5 to see how it is with that...but I may have to bump that back down 6, not sure yet. But I'm pretty sure my milk chocolate will have to be cooler than that. Can't remember what resistance it had in the evod before I transferred it over to the KPT2, but 4 volts was pushing it.
  18. Is there anything I can do to, I guess, loosen up the draw of this really, really incredibly tight draw on this ONE KPT2 out of the um, 6 that I own? I cleaned it, let it dry, filled it, and well, I don't know if you are familiar with White Castle (seems to be mainly a midwestern thing, and even then, only parts of the midwest), it's like trying to suck a fresh white castle shake through a straw. Their shakes are so thick when they give them to you, it's pretty much impossible to get them through a straw until they've melted a bit - but they are the best shakes around here, too. I've taken it apart again, rinsed it out again (had to do that anyway since I emptied the juice that was in there into another tank). Before that, I tried re-seating the coil a couple of times to see if that had anything to do with it. Hubby suggested changing the base with one of my other KPT2's....but wouldn't that just make the other one that tight? Or, since the bases are interchangeable, I thought about switching the base with my Davide. The bases are IDENTICAL, even down to the three holes on the post, so I'm not even sure that would do anything, except MAYBE make the Davide tighter (or too tight). Anyone have any clues? After I do my first load of dishes, I'm going to try switching with the base of the Davide if I don't hear anything back, and see if that does anything at all. PLEASE let me know your ideas! TIA
  19. Okay, while we are on the subject of voltage and wattage and stuffs, I have another question to ask. So, hubby is running his 618 at around 5 - 6 watts. Seemed a little cool, but I set mine, and the tastes seemed to match....but then sometimes at 6 watts, not all the time, it will taste like it's burning the liquid, so I back it down to 5.5 watts. Now, this is in my Davide. In my KPT2, for some reason, I have to be at 5.5 watts (on the 618). Now, like my Honey Wood, it seems to do okay at around 3.8 - 4 volts, depending on the resistance it's on. I thought I had my milk chocolate dialed in at 4 volts, but I guess changing tanks from the evod to the KPT2 (I thought I had switched the coils over, too), it tasted LAST NIGHT like it was burning at that level. But my mouth was all messed up yesterday, couldn't get anything to taste right (could seriously switching from diet pepsi to regular pepsi for a few days screw my mouth and taste up this much?). I mean, even though the No Bake Cake which was great the night before, wasn't tasting the same yesterday. On my French Vanilla - the one I noticed (still in an Evod) that had a 1.6 resistance on the coil - once I changed the coil, I started at 3.1 and would increase or decrease voltage as I though was necessary. Truthfully, I can't remember what number I ended up on, because I switched flavors, and thus voltages, before I went to bed. It must have been close to 3.9, because that's what it's set on now from my Honey Wood (with 2.3 resistance) and it seems okay - a little hot, but not burning. Then again, I may have a big of vaper's tongue going as well, unless that's the result of the pepsi change (can't wait to finish this 12 pack so I can go back to diet). Actually, there's only about 3 or 4 of the pepsi's left in this 12 pack, I'll put the diet in to cool, and only drink the pepsi's until the diet pepsi is cold enough. ha ha ha ha ha. Anyway, any help you can give me (like I said, right now, except for the 618, I'm adjusting voltage since you can adjust it in smaller amounts - once I find a good sweet spot, I'll probably go by wattage, unless it's some screwed up number I can't dial in).
  20. Rixter, I've noticed lately, now that I have a device that measures the resistance in the tank, that a lot of my 2.2 ohm coils are ACTUALLY measuring in at more like 1.6. Discovered this on my french vanilla tank last night - tried vaping it with that coil as far down as 3.0 volts to avoid burning it, but it still started burning the juice and I had to change the coil head out. After I go through this supply of 2.2's, I'm sticking to 2.5's. At least if they are "off", they are higher, usually, and not lower. It seems that Kanger has zero quality control on the coils - which is generally why some units ship out with faulty coils as well (Evods or Davides, that is). I know that most vendor sites only take back clearos/glassomizers if they are DOA - does that mean if the coil is DOA, or if even with a "fresh" coil, the unit still doesn't work?
  21. Well, my "normal" usage is, right now, assuming the flavors I just ordered come into my daily rotation, 6 or 7 flavors, plus a couple sample bottles, plus one or two that would be vaped when I actually feel like it, or feel up to it (Sweet Tobacco was great for me for about two weeks, but now I just can't get back into it). The "Irish Cream" from Chi-Town I'm going to try to trade away at the next local vape meet, as to me, and I think to him, it doesn't taste Bailey's, or Bailey's imitators like at all, it tastes like coconut. I've got another sample of Irish Cream coming in, assuming it actually TASTES like Irish Cream, and then Chocolate Banana. I guess he thought that we would get into this, setting on a couple flavors each (which is why he's freaking out that I have 6 glass tanks and 4 Evods). But there are times that I still just can't get a taste to settle right, so I'm looking for a juice for every occasion - like when that happens, you know?
  22. Is it okay to use Vodka in juice? I'm new to this, very far away from trying to DIY (until they regulate our flavors away, but then I'll just hit up Medic, I suppose, if I can't manage to DIY), but I remember reading news stories about inhaled alcohol passing into the brain quicker, making for a faster, more intense drunk (plus sending people to the ER).
  23. The only thing I'm iffy about, correct me if I'm wrong, but Fastech is in Hong Kong. Granted, I know that they are DeKang juices - but that's China, not Hong Kong. I prefer to get my juices from the US. Hardware from HK/China is fine, as that's where most of it is manufactured anyway, but e-juice, at least everything I've heard, can contain some thing that US manufacturers don't put into it. Firstly, DO NOT BE FOOLED by the FDA logo on the label. The FDA does not certify e-juices. Secondly, I'm sorry, and I hate to point this out, but if you went with certain us manufacturers, you could get, well, out the sites I currently have bookmarked, the cheapest I found was a 3 pack 10 ml sampler that's $15 - $5 for per $10 ml bottle. I haven't check EC Blends or some other sites, because frankly, hubby is already starting to freak out at my flavor collection.
  24. One thing I got from a clerk at one of my vape shops - she USED to have the really rough smokers cough (and you can tell it by her voice) - and she said - especially if you have a smoker's cough already - not to lung inhale the first week, to sort of give your lungs time to recover from getting assaulted by smoke. She said this while she was just sorta watching me sample (it was about our third time in the shop) and helping someone with a REALLY bad smoker's cough sample and get set up. She would cough every sample she tried, until she stopped trying to lung inhale. It takes some time for lungs to get used to water vapor, as it the size of that is larger than the smoke particles.
  25. Hubby nixed the rubbing alcohol idea (don't put it in anything that you wouldn't put in your stomach). My normal vape shop recommended vodka or everclear for the soaking, and was as um, aghast as hubby was about the rubbing alcohol idea.
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