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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Oh my goodness, if you are right, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! Which is odd because they sell 555, too, lol. I'm looking to diminish the tobacco taste even more, plus strengthen the other flavors, hubby is looking to strengthen ALL flavors. Well, okay, I guess I'd have to take it in steps, increase the other flavors first (more so than the extra flavor shot does) and then diminish the tobacco flavor, or vice versa. There are all SORTS of recipes for 555 out there! Not to be nosy, how did you find this out???
  2. Starting to wonder if Better Vapes sort of invented it - 618 is our area code. Get back to you about the sample. Better Vapes doesn't even have descriptions up on their site for most of their flavors.
  3. We're kind of looking around looking for a 618 clone that we can fiddle with the flavors a bit and bring them out a bit more. Well we both want different boosts out of it. Anyway, I've found nothing on google, but, since I'm new to DIY recipe searches, that's not exactly a surprise. Can anyone help us out?
  4. Those types of juices - inferno, atomic fireball, etc., - need to be kept in glass tanks.
  5. If it is legal to go the mobile route where you are at, if you are in a large enough city, consider doing what food trucks do, and tweeting out the locations they are going to be for however long. But again, check into the ordinances CAREFULLY. But if I had my druthers, I'd go for B&M location to purchase from, because you don't have to look for them, frankly.
  6. Trust me, I've dropped my Zmax with protanks on it a lot in the middle of night, and haven't had a pro tank break on me yet (knock on wood). Well, okay, only about four times, I think, but that's like four times in four days.
  7. I think you hit the nail on the head there. Both the exaggeration, and the probable cause.
  8. Then I think you may just have a bad coil, so remove the coil and replace it with the second coil that came with it. After giving your juice enough time to soak into the coil, you should be all good. it's not the tanks themselves that are problems - and Pro Tanks and Davides have this problem in common, it's that quality control on the coils seems to be squat with the kanger/evod/davide coil. But they are like $5 for a box of 5, so I don't worry about it too much, and keep plenty on hand.
  9. If the blowing doesn't fix it, try reseating your coil, or the coil (this is on Protech, right?) may need replaced. If it's the generic clearomizers that came with your starter kit, then you can't do anything with them, other than the blow trick, but with those, you can blow from both ends and have it work (sometimes it takes blowing from both ends).
  10. Proteus, now that sounds like something I MIGHT be interested in trying. I guess it's a DIY only thing, no vendors sell anything like it?
  11. See, I don't like coffee - except sometimes the smell, it reminds me of my grandmother, who used to drink Sanka all the time - but I LOVE Bailey's. So I've been searching near and far for an Irish Cream only, no coffee. AltCig has both, Irish Coffee and Irish Cream. If this Irish Cream doesn't pan out, I'll try EC blends, but that will be my last attempt. If that doesn't work out, I'll try Better Vape's mudslide, and see how I like that (when I was able to drink in smaller amounts, I LOOOOVED Mudslides). Otherwise, so far, there are no other alcohol flavored vapes that I've been able to find that I've liked the alcohol it's based off on.
  12. Mint chip Ice Cream this morning. Both because of it's higher nic content (I'll post about that later) and because it's yummy today when I'm having a panic attack.
  13. That's a graphic work-up, right? Very good designing!
  14. Yeah, that's why hubby won't let me use it. He says rather than shell out for vodka, for the few times I would need to clean one, it would be just as cheap to pitch it if it still has flavor residue after a regular wash, since the coils are so cheap. But on the rubbing alcohol, he said he'd rather be safe than dead, just in case you DON'T get all of it out.
  15. Yeah, I hear ya. BEFORE the last two federal cigarette tax hikes we were already down to smoking "B" class cigarettes - Dorals - where we had been smoking Marlboros before (and this was getting them in Missouri, not Illinois, where the cigarette tax is cheaper), when Dorals out of the blue went up $10 a carton, we found the "Dirt Cheap Cigarettes, Beer and Liquor" store. Ironically, Marlboros were MORE expensive there (that was way back when they were like $25 a carton at Quik Trip gas stations) than they were at Quik Trip. They stocked the same amounts of Marlboros as the class C cigarettes, but they didn't move as quick, so they were priced higher - everyone went in there for the super cheap smokes - well, I can't remember what they USED to be before the HUGE federal cigarette tax hit. But when I was working in St. Louis, at the Central West End area, there were only a few gas stations. Two right catty cornered from each other. The bigger one was nicer, more pumps, more room on the inside, more stock on the inside, but you go to buy cigarettes from them? They were $2 more than from the bp across the street per pack.
  16. Oh yeah, the two B&M shops near us put the nic level at 6 MAX because "you can get too much nicotine" and start getting lightheaded and stuff.
  17. Everything everyone else has told you is spot on. I started out with the regular ego double starter kit (always want to have two batteries so you can have one charging while you are using the other one), and just now upgraded. The Evod is a great tank, I essentially started out with all Evods until upgraded to glass tanks. Your best bet will be to stick with bottom coil clearomizers, like the Evod, or things like it, that have the replaceable coil, for right now. Since you seem to be trying out several flavors, I suggest keeping several Evods on hand. I started out with tobacco flavors, and have been gradually moving away from them. I started out with 618, but from some of the vendors out there, they will model a flavor of juice after a certain brand of analogs, and add flavor to them as well. It won't taste exactly like an analog - vapor isn't going to taste like burning leaves - but it may be close enough to flavor you want.
  18. It's possible a zero nic liquid will work for you. From what I remember, cigar smokers don't inhale, right? They just mouth inhale the smoke from the cigar?
  19. So that R Why 4, is the tobacco taste stronger or the fruit taste? All the purchased RY4 I've found the tobacco was stronger.
  20. Arnie, I just came across this thread, as I'm not a DIY'er. But if you haven't, definitely look for a chocolate banana mix that you like.
  21. When we first got the evods, we took whatever it was that the clerk handed to us, I think 2.2. But I was getting some coils fresh out of the box that when I first used them (gave them plenty of time to soak up the juice) already tasted burned. Found out why. Once I got this Zmax, the first thing I would do with an evod after hooking it in was check the resistance, and a few of those "2.2" ohm coils were in fact, 1.6. Now, since a) using VV/VW, and almost everything I use is glass now, I just told hubby we'd only get 2.5's from here on out. I've rarely had a 2.5 register lower than 2.5, but I've frequently had the 2.2's end up being low.
  22. Amount saved - $232 Amount spent in the last week - $344.56 to get my NEW set up I wasn't keeping track of my expenses previously - but we were reimbursed for the start up kit, so all we actually paid out on were tanks and juice. So I'm actually technically still in the hole. That's what happens when you manage to find super cheap analogs that don't make you gag and smoke them for eight years.
  23. To be fair, what I just spent was to get COMPLETELY set up in my VV/VW world, and with glass tanks. I don't see myself going into the mod/rebuildable world like, um, I think it's Rixter and iMedic and others, because I'm not mechanically inclined. And frankly, I KNOW from experience already that my APV is tough (it's already been said, I'm a klutz). The only thing I can foresee getting for MYSELF is maybe a little VV back up, like they were giving away with the August Contest, or maybe an atty to try dripping so I can test new samples easier, or check if something is done steeping. And of course, flavors, if I still continue to have those days when nothing sits right, or there is just something I HAVE to try - like I still want to try the Kahlua Mudslide at our local favorite B&M store, as I LOVE the drink, but I'm pretty sure that one is one that's gonna have to steep, and they don't keep a sampler made up of it because not a lot of people ask for it, but I think they are working on getting samplers made up of everything they carry, as their sampler counter a ton more than the, say, 14 samples they used to just have on hand now. I never counted how many they ACTUALLY carry on their website, though. But it's a lot. But on the juice, that in an of itself isn't going to be as expensive as analogs, even with as many juices as I have - it may be up to 8 after this next order comes in if I like the Irish Cream (1 flavor shared with my husband), depends, I think. Because of the sizes of the bottles I currently have, they will all come due at different times, and some of them maybe not in the same month, because I vape those slower. Plus, I currently have two that I'm vaping that are samples from Aqua, once those are gone I'm not going to order them, but I like them enough to vape the whole 10 mls of them, lol. My cinnamon roll, well, I'm not sure if that's going to become a permanent one or not. But after this, I'm almost positive I'll be ditching the Sweet Tobacco. It's too much of a very much I have to be in the mood because sometimes it just strikes as too much of a tobacco flavor. I think I may eventually drop the 618 as well, because it's a tobacco flavor and I just can't always deal with a tobacco flavor. I may pass the 618 (if I still keep one bottle as my personal supply) and sweet tobacco off to my uncle's "friend" when I get her set back up vaping, if she likes them.
  24. Currently Honey Wood this morning as I just got up and Honey Wood was what I took upstairs with me, but will probably change after I get rid of my cotton mouth and have a shower.
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