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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Yeah, I would seriously doubt ANY maker of FDA approved Vegetable Glycerine - which it is, because of the products it is in - would even CONSIDER using used vegetable oil in their recipe. I don't think it would have gotten approval that way.
  2. I would recommend if you are getting them a single stick battery, that you tell them to get another battery immediately! If they stay a "light vaper" like I was at the beginning, the battery will last them around 18 - 24 hours - so they would need to charge the battery while they are asleep. I myself make sure I have my APV upstairs with me at night - we are generally upstairs talking, watching TV, reading for about an hour before going to sleep, and if I get up in the middle of the night due to a call of nature, a headache, body pain, when I would have normally grabbed an analog (and been up longer for the time it would take me to finish said analog), I just grab my Zmax and take it with me, do what I have to do, and toddle back to bed. (BTW, for me, since I've ALMOST always smoked in the house, it's nice not to have to worry about dropping a burning stick of weeds on to furniture, bedding, vinyl flooring (yes, I'm a klutz, and have done these things while completely and utterly awake - that's why we have insurance on my cell phone, because I'm always dropping it), or getting ashes all over the bloody place.
  3. Sign up for CASAA. Then, if you are on Facebook, sign up for their FB page - they debunk the "negative" study out of France recently (which all levels of anything detected are in line with a study done YEARS ago, well below the levels known to cause any problems, PLUS, there is a study that was done at Drexler University - the results have been released, but it has not been officially "published" in a scientific journal (the same way the French study hasn't, I believe) or peer reviewed, that stated, basically, yes, there can be some undesirable stuff in what we inhale, but far, far lower than any level that would cause harm, and there is NO second or third hand exposure effect, since vapor is only produced when you inhale, and you only exhale, essentially water vaper. Somewhere, there is a link to CASAA's blog about that study, and the facebook page links to a further in-depth article about it, and a link to the study. Also, there are some questions on how the French study was conducted, while the Drexler U study used machines essentially vape and measure what was being "inhaled".
  4. Okay, the first week after I started vaping, I finished up what cigarettes I had left on hand (with the addition of a pack or two due to a death in the family). But it took essentially, ten days to get through what should have been four days worth of analogs. By the time I was halfway done with the analogs on hand, I would take hits off my PV because it tasted better. I was using a flavored tobacco flavor (tobacco plus other flavorings), and it tasted better than just light tobacco did. Yeah, I've had a couple slip ups - both I pretty much knew would happen, and the last one, I think the only reason I didn't pitch the analog after I lit it and tasted "just tobacco" is that it was menthol,and my brain registered it as a "flavor" - though I can't stand menthol flavored juices, or menthol tobacco flavored juices - like, the last slip up I had was when my mom was in the hospital, in danger of losing her leg (this was on August 14), I had a couple of my sister's Kool's (not even lights, which I used to smoke, so my head kinda buzzed when I had an analog) when we were on the way to see her at the hospital an hour away. But I've tried a couple different samples of juices based on Kool's analogs, and I can't stand them. IMO, I think the flavors are there to get us - even if we start out on a tobacco flavor (that usually aren't "just" tobacco flavored), it's to ensure that our mind equates vaping with tasting better. Not the faux analogs like Blu that essentially imitate a full flavor, light, or menthol flavor, but the actual juices we buy for the PV's. I have three tobacco flavors now, and um, several non-tobacco flavors, and at least the last week, I've only been able to vape ONE of the flavored tobaccos - the first one we started out with, with an extra flavor shot. (BTW, if you were smoking Marlboros, for many years you WERE smoking a light amount of chocolate. My friends thought I was nuts that I could sometimes taste chocolate when smoking Marlboros, but I looked it up, and up until the ban on flavorings other than menthols, Marlboro put a bit of cocoa in their analogs.) And props to you for two MAJOR things. First off, if you smoked for seventy years, and are still here, the fact that you haven't succumbed to any of the major death traps involved with analogs is a BIG good on you moment, and your body started to recover the minute you put your last one out. Secondly, BIG CONGRATS, like Christie said, on quitting analogs after SEVENTY years, and still being "clean" a year later! Edit: BTW, yeah, I'm satisfying a sweet tooth with some of what I vape - like chocolate banana.
  5. While it will be easier to fill (I think, though I end up OVERFILLING top filling devices), I have to wonder the effect it will have on being as easy to CLEAN - then again, I also use Evods that only the base comes off. HOWEVER, since they are glass tank, and a one piece assembly, essentially, the only way to replace broken glass is, well, to replace the entire unit. So I will probably stick with the PT 2 rather than going with the Uni design if I actually need to replace one.
  6. Just wondering, why 1.8 coils? Oh, and as for the "wobbliness" of the KPT 2 drip tip - I think it may be a manufacturing defect in the one you bought. Dropped my Zmax, and only the drip tip hit my desk (okay, it was a replacement drip tip made out of plastic) didn't wibble or wobble when it hit, but it broke clean in two where it plugged into the KPT2! Hubby about had a cow on me, lectured me on carrying multiple things in my hands when I have tremors, and all that, and told me I was lucky the Zmax still worked. But the Zmax landed harmlessly in my chair, the only thing that hit was darned drip tip. Good thing I still had a spare drip tip that was much cooler looking. :P
  7. There have been a couple of Vape Dudes flavors that I absolutely LOVE. I've never tried EC Blends. My buds are still recovering, so there is that, too, and this last week ALL of my flavors have been hit or miss, and some of the things I've tasted my tongue has totally confused. I haven't seen anyone here using them, but there are a couple of flavors out of Chi-Town Vapers that I like - one enough that I order REGULARLY, and some from Better Vapes - smallish online store, but they also have a storefront a couple towns over from us. The main one we get from them, that we BOTH vape, after the first bottle, after we found out that THEY made the juice the other store carried, we decided to get an extra flavor shot on the 618. Definitely go into a storefront that has a large sample size for you to taste from (the samples SHOULD have a lowered nic content on them, so you don't get sick from sampling too much - you know how you feel when you've smoked too much; that's how it feels when you vape too much nic) to get an idea what you might like, at least of what they carry, and go forth from there. Yeah, the higher PG can be pretty harsh. I've always started out on 50/50 mix unless the manufacturer recommends differently for that particular juice. That way you get equal parts throat hit/flavor and vapor. And then work up or down as you see fit. I myself wouldn't want to go below 50 on PG, though, because you lose flavor, but running 90, even 80 pg newly, and you are still smoking analogs, I can see it being a bit harsh. The peppery feeling could be you actually inhaling some juice that got into your feeder tube - at least, that's what I've heard it described as. What flavor juice was this? And like Tam said, the FIRST thing to try, if it feels too harsh, it try to dial down the voltage in your twist. Been finding that out by trial and error since my variable voltage came in at the end of last week, well, a week ago Friday, I guess. And I would recommend switching to glass tanks as well - I like both Davide and Kanger Pro Tank 2's (and pro tank mini's), but I still have some evods on hand for sampling (but some kanger mini protank 2's with replaceable drip tips are going on my christmas list to replace the evods). The taste you get out of a glass tank is so much - well, it tastes so much better. And for me, bottom coils (like evods) taste better than top coils (like I THINK the Vivi Nova), IMHO, plus, you don't have to worry about storing them on their sides to make sure the wicks stay wet, and you can let the levels get farther down before topping off, since the coil/wick assembly is on the bottom. But one thing....especially once you find a COUPLE of flavors at least that like, try not to run the same flavor all day every day. It's supposed to make it easier for your tongue to, I guess, adjust?
  8. Prot, three things, until I got to your second sentence, I thought you said COOP, like you know, coop up, chicken coop, I was like what the freak? Second thing - the minute you posted about that Taifun fogger (that is the one you posted about, right?) I knew you'd end up getting it. Third thing - THANK YOU for the information on the mini pt2's! Except, I love the metal drip heads, but I need some way of keeping track of what's in what....so I would have to use replaceable drip heads - although I know where I can FIND colored anodized drip heads now. I think I know what's going on my x-mas list now, among possible other things. VAPE MAIL!!!!! It's here, it's here, it's here! My Vape Dudes Chocolate Banana arrived today and it is mouthwateringly good! I can't tell any taste difference between 24 mg nic and 16 nic, either.
  9. That's great - except when I first started getting the popping on my milk chocolate, I wasn't pulling hardly any vapor off of it with the Zmax, but that's changed, now. Thanks, ladies!
  10. Okay, this has happened to me with a couple of my KPT 2's. Hubby said it's happened on one or two of his tanks (out of his three), as well, but I don't know if he means a carto tank, or mini pt. One some of them, I get this almost like popping sound - hubby said its from the juice being heated up and maybe bubbles popping? Is this something I should worry about? I know when it's happening, it's difficult to get a full draw worth.
  11. You may want to change your coil. It's not "normal", but when my Davide's coil is getting ready to go belly up, it gets way airy. And on this batch of kpt2's that I got in, one of the original coils was bad, evidently, and the draw was so tight it was like trying to suck start a harley. I've not had the wobbliness with the drip tips at all on the KPT2 - although on the Davide, it wobbles pretty well.
  12. Or it will gurgle and leak. I have a leaking Evod right now, but I'm not sure which one. None of them taste burnt (they are all in the same section of my case, so I just find liquid on the evods) and none of them are gurgling. But I've had each on of them out for hours at a time - sometimes overnight, and I've never seen evidence of it then. Could it be because they are stored on their sides?
  13. Some of the online vendors let you add a menthol "boost", I think, to your juices.
  14. HOLY SMOKES! Dirt Cheap is selling juice now? Can ya do me a favor and ask them if ALL of their stores are selling it, or just that location? Because, frankly, Dirt Cheap is closer to us (we live in Alton) than the E. Alton B&M or the Jerseyville B&M - although most of our flavors come from the Jerseyville store anyway, but that would be awesome if our Dirt Cheap started carrying juices!
  15. Holy guacamole Proteus. Yeah, you'll make a LOT of people happy, by the looks of it.
  16. Micromanaging, lol, never thought of it that way. When I get, let's say, hooked into something.....I tend to get obsessive about it. Phone games, MMO's, geeze, fish for a while. But seriously, even if it's only partial taste loss, is it still vape tongue? I vaped some more neutral stuff earlier, very palette neutral - and now I'm doing okay on my 618 (which, to be honest, I haven't vaped a great deal of, maybe 1/2 a tank in at least five days), but it STILL tastes better coming out of hubby's carto tank, lol. But, I don't think I'm micromanaging - I'm getting my stuff set up, and want to find enough flavors that when nothing really floats my boat, there is something there that will.
  17. Okay, at first, I didn't think this was vapor's tongue because I could still taste SOME of the flavors while I was vaping, and some just weren't sitting right with me. It doesn't help that this really started right around the time I started using the Zmax, and I thought maybe I didn't have the settings dialed in right to get the max flavor out of the particular juice. But I probably have vaper's tongue. I can still taste SOME aspects of my juices - but like say if I switch between my fr. vanilla tobacco, and my milk chocolate, some part of my mouth isn't registering any difference - and I used to NEVER be able to switch between the two of them because the french vanilla is so rich, while the milk chocolate is so sweet. But the Vape Dudes sample of chocolate banana I had, and then a sample of banana cream I had yesterday TOTALLY hit the spot, I could taste just about everything. My Irish Cream came in yesterday, and I went ahead an did an evod of it unsteeped - of course, I can't taste it the way it's supposed to taste, but my tongue seems to have a history of interpreting cream as coconut lately, and that's what I was tasting, lol. But it was "unoffensive" to my pallete. I was working with my french vanilla tobacco this morning (I got the tobacco version originally because the day I picked it out, they didn't have a sample of rich french vanilla out, and I didn't know they carried it, and I couldn't taste the tobacco). What I tasted, mostly, with a bit of undefined flavor, was....tobacco. So I added (again, unsteeped) a tiny bit from the sampler alt cigs sent me of Vanilla Love, so it beat back the tobacco flavor a bit, but what I'm tasting is still just sort of undefined sweet. So just now I tried my 618 and my Honey Wood (also a tobacco flavor) which are my other go to's when I'm not having problems with tobacco flavors (sometimes I just get the taste of ashes in my mouth when I've vaped too much tobacco flavor). 618, even with the extra flavor shot, was just bleh for me, but the tobacco didn't stick out as bad, probably because of the extra flavor, even though I couldn't taste it, but I never really did taste the tobacco on 618 UNLESS I was having one of those tobacco tastes like an ashtray periods. Honey Wood, ALL I tasted was tobacco this morning, and I've NEVER tasted tobacco with it, unless I mix in my Turkish honey. Although today, the Irish Cream to me does taste more like Bailey's and not as much like Coconut. So I will probably switch out the evod to the chi-town irish cream (which to me tastes like coconut) and vape on that a while. Anyway, my basic question is - does even this sort of select taste dimming sound like vaper's tongue, and what can I do to combat it? I drink plenty of water, along with other non caffinated beverages (well, usually non-caffeinated, I like the occasional mountain dew as well as my caffeine free diet pepsi; but oddly enough, for the first time EVER, I found myself preferring straight coke vs. pepsi - and I'm not a coke girl, but maybe because the vaper's tongue was already hitting, I couldn't taste the lemony aftertaste I could taste all my life.) The thing with water is, though, as long as I spread it out throughout the 12 - 16 hours I'm up, I'm okay. But if I drink a lot quickly, it makes me ill. Learned that the hard way - had an abscessed tooth, and drinking water helped it, so I was drinking bottle after bottle of water....and it didn't end well. ALSO to take into consideration, I have some sinus SOMETHING going on. I still seem to be able to taste food okay - but I thought I could taste food okay over 20+ years of smoking as well. But this possible vaper's tongue issue goes back before my sinuses started bothering me the last few days (you just start to get used to being able to have your FULL sense of smell back, and then sinus issues hit you, and you can't smell half of what you could smell before). Anyway, thanks for reading the loooong post, and TIA.
  18. BTW, I had seen the MPV in one of our B&M stores ( we don't frequent it TOO much because it's more expensive than the other) and although I didn't TRY holding it, my current APV, the Zmax, fits much more comfortably in my hand than I would imagine a rectangular mod would. The only REAL selling point I saw on the MPV was that you could charge your phone off of it, but thanks, I have a phone charger for that.
  19. Just a quick question, you planning on using the pray and spray method with that gun and hope to hit their heads? I was fond of the resident evil movies, but I love me some Walking Dead. When Rick went batsh*&, I figured it was time for someone else to take over the group, but Herschel would be too cautionary, and I wasn't sure if Daryl was ready to deal with the responsibility - I thought he was a bit too hot headed. However, after dealing with his brother last season, what I can see now is a Glenn/Daryl co-run group. They both bring solid assets to the table, that Rick possessed in one man, but Rick needs a break to be a father (and to teach Carl how to kick more arse than he already does, I'm sorta proud of that boy) to Carl and, um, okay, is her real name Judith? All I can EVER remember is the name Daryl gave her. Love Michone, HATE the Governor. Hated him from when I first laid eyes on him (before I knew he would kill live humans outside his colony to raid their resources) - knew his community was too good to be true. Although, to be truthfully, I LOVED that scene near the end of last season where Daryl and the guy from the Governor's camp seemed to be in a walker killing contest. Any plot lines you guys would like to see develop?
  20. Oh! I forgot to say! Yesterday was vape mail day again. Got my 15 ml Irish Cream from AltCig, with a nice little sample bottle of Vanilla Love.
  21. I don't have a mini, myself, I have a full size. Sometimes the draw for me is too airy, but sometimes it works for me. Sometimes it goes airy when the coil is about to go, at least mine, although right now, the coil seems to be fine, so maybe it's just me. To fill it, just hold on to it, rather than trying to balance it. But I would recommend the needle nose. The holes on the full sized ones are okay, but I've never seen the holes on the mini.
  22. Some times I mix my french vanilla tobacco in with my 618 to give it an extra punch of flavor, and if I'm going to vape my Turkish Honey Tobacco at all, I have to mix it with my honey wood, it's just too harsh otherwise.
  23. Not to mention, if you think you have the winning bid, someone slides in at the last 30 seconds and snipes you.
  24. Hrm. Next time we hit up the Better Vapes B&M (we don't use their online store except maybe to order something to pick up at the store) I'll sample the 555 and compare it to my 618. Depending on how much the vet costs this weekend, we may be hitting them up this weekend, anyway.
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