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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Will o rings going bad cause the problems I'm having with that Evod, or will it just cause them to leak?
  2. So how do you know when the o ring is going bad?
  3. Two things. My black Evod, I've been consistently having problems with, the draw right now is so tight I can't hardly vape from it, if at all. I've tried cleaning it, and tried changing the coil a couple times, but it's made no difference. Could it be going bad? It's only about two months old. N Also, o-rings. Do they need to be replaced and how often? N Since my mom is facing another femoral bypass (she's in surgery now), only using a synthetic blood vessel,I've been vaping more the last few days, especially yesterday, when she was SUPPOSED to have surgery, but they couldn't fit her into the OR schedule. I'm experiencing a higher than normal anxiety level, and recovering SOME of my juice taste, so yesterday I ended up vaping enough that my 18650 battery drained in like half a day, instead of lasting close to all day. Vaping slower now, partially because I was in the ER for about three hours because of multiple seizures this morning. Can't go to my mom's surgery because of the seizures and going to the ER. And I'm out of anti-anxiety meds, but they also gave me Ativan to stop the seizures, and that's an an anti-anxiety.l med,
  4. Just posted it there because of Tam's post stating, "I did not know that the o ring was something that has to be replaced on drip tips. I was going to post another thread on something anyway, so I'll include it in that.
  5. Just wondering, how often do you have to replace drip tips?
  6. I don't think I've ordered anything in two weeks, but hubby ordered some Pluid that just came in yesterday.
  7. Proteus, what do you mean by Hype, I didn't see it mentioned anywhere in this thread before. I'm sorry in the long run it didn't work out to your liking. What is ethyl malto again?
  8. The CASAA facebook page has a link up right now (well, it's in the comments of a post bashing a certain doctor) where a Fox affiliate interviewed the Science Director of CASAA and this station's local "Dr. Oz" type doctor. She threw out the the CDC's claims, claimed they were being marketed to kids because they come in flavors (um, flavors are why we PREFER these over regular cigarettes). Dr. Phillips - who appeared to be on a Skype call in, rather than sitting in a well lit studio with TV make up on, pointed out the flaw with the CDC's figures - the questions were asked were have you taken 1 puff off an e-cig, not have you smoked an e-cig. He put the actual usage by teenagers at a much lower percentage, and she AND the anchor kept rolling over him - IMO, the anchor should have shut the b***** up so Dr. Phillips could finish his answer. If teens are vaping off these things regularly, their sneaking off their parents' devices, or stole one of them. http://www.myfoxchicago.com/video?clipId=9281014&autostart=true That's the video of the interview.
  9. Oh, yeah, to me it is definitely money well spent. Well, as a for instance, look at how much my vaping increased once my mom went into the hospital the FIRST time (August 13th). I think, well, I'm pretty sure it doubled from stress (as did my use of anxiety meds, which I'm out of now because the freaking pharmacy LOST the stupid new order that my doctor sent on August 22nd). It's gone down some when she was released from the hospital, and when vaper's tongue hit, but some flavors are coming back to me. Come to think of it....I think my vapor's tongue hit right around the same time my mom was admitted back into the hospital, anxiety, vaping more again, that makes sense. But my point was going to be, if I had been smoking analogs during this whole high stress time (she spent, I think a week out of the hospital between August 13 and today), I probably would have doubled what we normally purchase in analogs.
  10. Yeah, West Alton is where we used to go for analogs, we live a VERY short distance from the bridge, and it's just a little short hop over there, maybe 10 minutes down the road.
  11. Last night you wrote either spydre or spyder. If you wrote it spydre, then it's the first time you spelled it the right way! I wasn't REALLY thinking when I wrote that, and the profile pic throws me off sometimes when I don't stop to think. (You know, a couple. It wasn't until I saw Brian post his selfie vaping in bed drinking - he said he was drunk - that I knew he was him, and the b wasn't actually the woman in the pic.)
  12. Sorry about the wall of text. I start talking and don't stop, and I wanted to respond to a couple different posts. But basically, it was to respond to the question asking how much I vape per day (and I get PLEN of fluids during the day, since I'm on meds that cause dry mouth) AND to say it seems to be improving slightly. But I AM going to be posting another question on something in a different thread.
  13. First off, Brian, are saying "micromanaging" because of color system to identify what's in what? I just want to be clear. There's a reason behind the color coding system. Since they are all the same product, and some juices are similar in color, I have to have SOME way to tell what's in what - and even in the juices that aren't similar in color, I may look at it and think, "what is that?" The cause lies in two of the chronic conditions I have that affect the way I think....and since I'm disabled, and essentially don't have the prospects of going back to work, rather than occupational therapy to try to help me get better with this, I get the advice "set up a system for things" and "keep a lot of notes". Well, the color coding is my system for telling which juice is in what (I currently have - counting a couple samples - a couple more flavors than are tanked). If I get the KPT2 minis I want for Christmas to replace the evods, rather than getting different colored glass - which I don't know if it will be available anyway - I'll just get different colored anodized drip tips from Empire mods. As for notes, well, let's see, I currently have three different "notes" documents up on my PC (including the tank log, which I also log the coil changes), and um, seven notes in my notes app on my smart phone, which will grow as there is one son's Christmas list that I won't be able to get until probably the end of November, lol. That includes a to-do list, a list of topics I want to discuss at my next primary doc's appointment and MS neuro appointment....oh, that reminds me, I need to add something to my to do list, a list of things that I've been compiling since hubby's birthday of things he's mentioned he's wanted so I can get it for Christmas, my other son's Christmas list, which as a broke college freshman includes only three things, but I'm going to try to get him to put some books on there - so you can imagine the FIRST thing on his Christmas list; um, oh, and my Christmas list. The grocery list is on my phone so I can put things on there that I discover we are out of, since I never remember in time. I've tried so many calendaring systems over the past 19 years it isn't even funny, but it became more of a problem since I got sick. The appointment immediately goes into my google calendar (I make a practice of sitting in front of the calendar when I schedule the appointment), I text my husband about it before I hit save on the appointment, and he is listed as a participant. If the boys are involved, like a doctor's appointment, family get together, they are listed as participants, as well, so that it goes on THEIR calendars (because if I verbally tell them, 3 hours later they won't remember me telling them squat). Um, it depends, and it's hard to tell. I never completely empty a tank, and sometimes I don't get my glass tanks all the way full (more of a problem on the Davide than on the pro tanks, because you have to tilt it so much to get the drop to go in that stupid hole). When these problems were at their worst, I would do maybe 1 - 3 ml a day, if that much, because everything was so harsh. But I've learned to start the day with some more neutral, and work into other flavors. But like, yesterday - I spent about two hours in the car. If I was with my husband, I would have been vaping heavily - a holdover from frequent smoking in the car. But I was a) with my father in law in HIS car, which he shares with his very asthmatic wife; and for about 45 minutes of that, we were taking my son back to college. My father in law allows to OCCASIONALLY vape in the car, unless he smells something that would affect my mother in law adversely (her asthma is bad enough she got her disability pension from it), but I didn't do it in front of my son, because my son would tell my husband, and I don't think my husband would approve, even though I asked my father in law. So the rest of the time in the car, I would only take a couple hits here or there (although he likes the way the chocolate banana smells). But prior in the day, before I could start vaping the chocolate banana, the only thing I could handle was 618, and that was "meh" and bordered on harsh at times, so I vaped very little until actually around 7 pm. But I think the MOST I've vaped in one day was between 8 and 10 on a very stressful day (August 13, when my mom was first admitted - the first time - for the artery blockage in her leg and we thought she was going to lose her leg). But I was vaping enough that ego stick batteries (900 mah) would last me about......well, I can't quite remember, but by the time I got the Zmax the stick batteries were lasting about 6 hours, so I had three in rotation. The 18650's have been lasting just around 24 hours, maybe less, but I think I normally vape around 6 a day? Remember, I don't have a job, and I don't usually go anywhere. The more I sleep during the day (usually due to anxiety meds combined with pain meds and muscle relaxers) the less I vape as well. I've been sleeping a lot lately as well. I do have some sinus issues going on (hay fever, seems to be, unless my husband gave my immuno-supressed self what he has and it's incubating), but I don't think that's responsible for all of this. I can still taste MOST of my food, and I can taste SOME of my juices. Truthfully, right now, for some reason, the only reason I can tell the difference between my milk chocolate and french vanilla tobacco is because since they lowered the nic on the fr vanilla tobacco, ALL I taste is tobacco, with a hint of fr vanilla (but more on that question in another post), and the milk chocolate (not from better vapes) is just a vape with a hint of sweetness to me right now, or maybe a hint of chocolate - unless I try the fr vanilla tobacco first, and then I even taste tobacco in the milk chocolate, and I can't vape any tobacco flavors for a while after that. Sometimes I can "work up" to 618 - it helps if I have a hit off hubby's 618 carto tank first, because his tastes better for some reason, from his carto tank. I haven't really successfully vaped honey wood in almost a week. But I can taste my Irish Cream fine, for a while - it started to lose flavor at some point and I switched over, and I can taste my chocolate banana fine, and sometimes I can taste others okay, too, but not always. The 618, the no bake cake, and the mint chip ice cream (although somehow my mouth is interpreting the "chocolate" on the exhale as more of a "bubble gum" on the exhale, lol, it's still good).
  14. Gosh, that reminds me...a um, "personal massager" I'd quite literally seen in an adult shop locally, turned up in an add a coworker of mine (a 65 year old coworker of mine) was looking at ABOUT oh, 6 years later than when I first saw it. She handed me the little leaflet magazine type thing and said, "Does that look like what I THINK it looks like?" There it was being touted as a totally different personal massager with ten different speeds, perfect for rubbing kinks out of your neck! As I had only worked there for about three weeks at the time, I was too embarrassed to tell her where I'd ORIGINALLY seen it, but my guess is the manufacturer took advantage of it's more generic, not graphic look to market it to two different industries, lol.
  15. Wow, 5 1/2 volts - which is what I have MOST everything set on, unless it's too harsh at that, that puts it at 3.1 volts. I've had 2.2's register as low as 1.6 a couple times - several times under the 2.2, and 2.5's register as high as 2.8 or 2.9. I've got a decent supply of both 2.2's and 2.5's here, I'm not sure how much difference it makes, but this chocolate banana, 50/50 mix, 2.4 ohms at 5.5 watts, I'm getting really good vapor, then again, vapor isn't my main thing, but it's nice to see. But the voltage variations on the coils makes me glad you guys and hubby talked me into wattage settings rather than voltage, having to reconfigure voltage for each different resistance coil every time I switched, whereas the watts settings adjusts the voltage automatically. I didn't think that most of my juices would be good at right around the same wattage settings, but most of them are. Some I CAN take up to 6, but others, while it doesn't burn them, it makes them more harsh, so I have to back them down. But another question about coils and resistance while I'm thinking of it.....how much does a coil's resistance drop before it goes bad? Coil I just had to replace tonight, for a couple nights, was leaking and gurgling, juice getting into the vapor tube, and leaving juice in the drip well of the Zmax. So I thought, okay, maybe when I had to take it apart to get the piece of the broken drip tip out of where it seats, I put it back together wrong. So I waited until the tank was nearly empty, washed the whole thing out, dried it, reseated the coil, just in case it got somehow cateywhompus when the drip tip got broken, filled it up and tried again. Same thing. The resistance had only dropped .2 ohms from when I put the coil in there (but it WAS the original coil, and like I said, this just started last night - original coil to the KPT 2). Since that didn't stop the flooding, leaking, or gurgling, I figured it had to be the coil. I changed the coil out, and yeah, that was it. But it still read 2.6 resistance, and when I initially put it in, it was 2.8.
  16. The right setting is really important on me for this flavor. I mean, I can push 6 watts through it without burning it, but it looses flavor to me, so I keep at 5 or 5.5 watts and it shines. My best friends mom used to make chocolate covered bananas, then would keep them refrigerated until they were eaten, and they tasted exactly like this. Maybe that's why I dreamed of her last night, lol. You know, sometimes it does keep my sweet tooth at bay....but if I'm vaping chocolate (and I'm an admitted real food chocoholic, seriously, had 20 pounds of chocolate on me weight wise at one point), I crave edible chocolate more. Or maybe it's the more frequently I EAT chocolate, the more I crave it..... Vaporizing.....other stuff?
  17. That reminds me, I think my 30 ml order of Chocolate Banana was a bit short-sighted. I should have gone for the 50 because it is something that I would vape SOOO fast (I went through, but hubby was nervous about money (my second order of Honey Wood, I went through 36 mls of it in a bit over a week - well, except for 3 mls that I didn't vape because I didn't want to run out - because I had been out of it for a week before I was able to order it again, which is why since chi-town only sells 36 ml bottles, I got two this time). And when I get down to close to done with the Irish Cream from AltCig, I have to order a much larger bottle. Hubby agrees that it's the best Irish Cream tasting fluid he's tried. And I can even taste cream, and not coconut, and the signature Bailey's taste. The only size options they have are 15, 30, and 50 ml, so I'll have to go for the 50, since it's something we'll share. Um, okay, so I don't know about the built it yourself stuff, so um, what is this???? For coils and wicks?
  18. I prefer nice shiny APV's and mods, myself. And tanks....and juices....
  19. I think on my longest EVOD out of the four I bought, yeah, it was a month or so before I changed it, and that's only because I took fr. vanilla out of the tank, and couldn't get the flavor out of the wicks, so I changed the coil. I would recommend for glass either the davide linked above or any of the Kanger Pro Tank models (and they've just come out with a mini pro tank 2 that is fully disassemble-able like the full sized pro tank 2. The original mini pro tanks don't disassemble like the davide mini's, they are a mostly solid unit like the most clearomiziers except for where you change the coil and fill (at the bottom). But I prefer glass, and I prefer bottom coil. Your biggest difference between the pro tanks and the davides is the draw - how airy it is. Davide will be more airy. But if you buy either of those....a davide or a pro tank (whichever model protank, I have 6 PT 2's right now, and looking to get 5 of the PT 2 minis for X-mas), I don't know about the minis, but the full size ones come with two coils. Odds are, with both (as they both use the same coils), at least one of those coils will be bad. I don't know why. A week or so ago I had 5 KPT 2's come in, and the first coil I used in them out of the packaging was bad. There are a few people here that when they order them, they just automatically toss the coils they came with. Don't mean to scare you off, it's just that's the one place where quality assurance on this is thin, and I'm not sure why, but they are $5 per five pack, so it doesn't bother me so much.
  20. If you are still using analogs, your tastebuds are still blunted, also. That could be partially responsible.
  21. http://vaporsearchusa.com/index01.html - That is the results for Missouri. I live in Illinois (Alton, if you've heard of it), but at a glance (with google maps' help) it looks like the Wentzville/Imperial/Festus/Fenton/Eureka area are closest to you in the state of Missouri - all of those being over an hour's drive. Now let's look at what Illinois locations may be closer to you. no, heck, I can't even find a vendor in Carbondale that sells anything but faux analogs. You may need to do an actual city to city google search on cities near you, I'm not sure.
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