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Everything posted by spydre

  1. And the Evod. I have three different types of tanks, they all use the same head..... As for bumping for buying something new.....I ordered from Vape Dudes today, a small bottle of chocolate banana, a small bottle of no bake cake (I know I initially said I liked it, but I wouldn't order it again because it wouldn't be an every day vape for me, but my taste centers are SOOOO screwed up, that's been about 1/2 of what I've vaped the last 24 hours. And with my last Vape Dude's order, they had sent a banana cream sample along, and I loved that, so I ordered that this time....except initially I ordered Banana Cream Pie.....I had to use the "contact us" form to beg them to switch it to banana cream, and hopefully they do.
  2. You know, I'm now hunting around my desk and dresser for where I hid all my old ponytail holders. In the last 24 hours, I've dropped three PT 2's. Luckily, none of them broke.
  3. Sorry, sub, just reading over this thread again for reference for time-wise when it started when I read your reply more in depth. Has your doctor tried prescribing you prescription nose spray, like Flonase? And have you tried using a neti pot to clean out your sinuses? If you try that, make sure you use distilled water, and not tap water.
  4. Just an update, I did end up replacing that black evod Monday.
  5. Just saying, you may want to move this thread to the DIY forums - that's pretty much the only place threads that talk about nic amounts that high are allowed.
  6. *shakes head* I don't know if St. Louis is ever going to get good post season play in the near future. The Rams have been crap for years, and now, they have grounds to move the team, should the league approve it, because part of the contract when they came to St. Louis was that the stadium be considered one of the top, I think, so many in the league, and it's not, and the convention bureau won't pay for the upgrades to the stadium that arbitration said the City should cover, rather than the Rams paying for it. So essentially, the Rams are year to year for their "residence" in St. Louis, which means they are going to lose ALL of their season ticket holders.
  7. I was gonna do a make-up case (caboodle) for my stuff, but when we were in the store, hubby didn't want to walk all the way back to that section, so he stopped off at the sporting goods section, and I found a perfect tackle box (although I'm outgrowing it already?) for about 1/4 of the cost. It's got all my crap in it, except for my ego starter kit, and that's in the ego case that came with it. Extra coils are in there, almost all my bottles of juice (except that proved problematic with one bottle that ended up having a leak I didn't know about), Evods, the Pro Tanks, etc. Hubby stores his juice in one of the cabinets of his huge desk, and the stuff he takes back and forth to school with him (the batteries, etc.) in an old cigar carrying case. Oh, well, okay, my charger and my spare batteries are on the top of my desk....not in my tackle box. But hubby is using my charger now, as his was, well, it wasn't a good one, and mine is a four bay intelligcharger.
  8. Hey, hubby was a drummer! Drummers bang better!
  9. I USED to be a legal secretary, before I had to quit working and went on disability, the last seven years of my career at Legal Aid working as the secretary for the head of litigation (loved the lawsuits we worked on, we were making a difference), and as the unit secretary for the public benefits unit, helping people get their "entitlement" benefits, like TANF (cash assistance), food stamps, Medicaid (disability related Medicaid); I was also the unit secretary for the Medicaid for children and families unit, and the consumer unit (usually predatory lending cases), which was sort of blended with litigation. I probably COULD have gone on disability earlier - I'd been having nervous breakdowns for about two years, a year before I had to stop working, I had to take a month work of sick leave for that reason, and I'd been under psychiatric care for six years - which actually, performance issues suffered during the nervous breakdown I was having then led to my termination, and within a few weeks of that, I started having the physical issues. I attempted to work for six more months, I worked a couple of temp jobs, but the pain was too much, and then my MS hit....so, I just stopped. I couldn't drive anymore, sitting at a desk was exceptionally painful, my typing speed was cut in half, although after about a year I had recovered some of my speed, but every time I had an MS flare, I lost a little bit more function in my hand, it would take months to gain SOME of that function back, and the MS fatigue made it difficult to stay awake for what would be a full work day. I basically got approved for disability on the basis of my bipolar, the chronic pain caused by my fibromyalgia, and at that time, only a little bit was based on my MS - basically, only as it affected my typing ability and my cognitive issues. So yeah, I can vape pretty much whenever I want now. Edit: I do have to say, if I was still working my old job, I doubt I would be allowed to vape at my desk. When our previous Executive Director was there, we had an indoor smoking area (prior to the law being passed in St. Louis City saying smoking could not be done inside businesses other than bars or smoke shops), but when she retired, or rather, when the new Executive Director took his position, shortly after that (while I was on leave), he changed the rules so we had to smoke outside - and not just anywhere, on the loading dock. Since I was on leave when the decision came down, I didn't know about the change in policy until the day I came back to work. It was December, just before Christmas, I believe, and I only wore a jacket into work, because all I thought I had to worry about was going from my house to the car, and the car to the building. Oh, no. I had to go outside to smoke, and it was 18 degrees!
  10. What Tam said, or bite the bullet and replace the head. I know with the Kanger coils (PT, Evod, Davide) they are cheap enough to replace. I don't know about how much your heads are to replace. BUT, you'll have the same problem getting the citrus taste out as well.
  11. It's varied greatly for me. Before my seizure, I was vaping quite a bit more. After my seizure, I guess I started back off slow (because nothing tasted right) and have been some days vaping more - of course other days nothing tastes right again, either. But I'm going to make a completely separate post on that....I think the taste centers in my brain got scrambled. But I guess I'm close to 4 or so mls per day, depending on how much I'm awake - the mania is dissipating now, so I get the tired effects of my meds, like klonopin, benedryl (I've got nasty sinus headaches right now, or maybe I'm misinterpreting them and it's still post ictal headaches, but I'm pretty sure I need to see the doc this week), and my sleeping pills. The last two days I actually ended up napping from the benedryl. Pretty sure during the worst of the manic I vaped more, but I'm not positive. One good thing, I don't know if the seizure had anything to do with this, but I've had fewer issues with anxiety since the seizure. So, yay me. I'm actually back to days where I don't have to take my klonopin, which really, hasn't happened in a while - a couple months.
  12. Totally understand. With the MS, it hit my hands first, my left hand first, then the right. Have some numbness, tingling, and weakness in both hands, but worse on the left - which ironically, for some stuff I use more than the right, even though I'm right handed. Speaking of which, I'm a bit more numb tonight than I normally am.
  13. I'm thinking Christie must be as big of a klutz, if not bigger, than I am.
  14. Better Vapes recommended Everclear to us rather than vodka. Says it leaves less of a taste. But man, if all the alcohol isn't out the first time you fire up that coil, I couldn't imagine it.
  15. Which Zmax - Sigeli or Smoketek? ^^ What he said.
  16. Oh wow. Well, I guess that's a good warning not to keep your juice near your eye drops. I can't imagine how much that must have burned. But Holy Geeze, what were you doing putting eye drops in your eye while you driving, as in moving?
  17. That's dangerous to say to me. I'm bipolar - so the propensity to spend money is there....I have to be careful. It's tempting to just spend when I'm depressed to try to make myself feel better. But then on the rare occasions I get manic, the spending is soooo FUN! And I convince myself that I NEED that stuff. I think I said in another thread, I think I'm into a dysphoric mania right now, and I SOOOOO want to spend money it's not even funny, but I know I can't do that. That's why I handed over the bill paying to hubby after became disabled. He can keep us on a budget better....but I just found out about a bill that hasn't been paid in quite some time....and I don't know why he thought it was okay not to pay that, so now I need to kick his butt, because now, when we can least afford it, it's going to come bite us in the ***. And I had to tell him this last night. ANYWAY, good money management and I don't go hand in hand. But how many times have you spent that $25? Has it added up to over $100 yet?
  18. I know hubby told me next time I get a very low read like the two 1.6 coils I read, to have him test it on his Provari. And then if it still comes back at that, he'll take the coil out and check with the multimeter just to be sure before I pitch it.
  19. The only reason I even mentioned getting the batteries stateside is because Fast Tech has been having issues with LI- ion batteries being held up. Fast Tech ships for free, but takes forever, and that's even longer when something is held up because of batteries. Most stateside vendors ship flat rate priority mail, so I've never had to pay more than $6 in shipping fees, even for for my order from Discount Vapers - which was the Zmax PLUS FIVE KPT 2's in their original boxes, plus two spare boxes of Kanger coils. It all fit in the $5 priority mailer, and I paid for three day delivery, but got it in 2. I only mentioned the Provari just saying hubby had one, and just because you pay buttloads of money for something doesn't mean you get both connectors. Rather than just getting an adapter, hubby is now looking at getting something like a Vamo, or something just to use his ego fitted tanks on, but that's just outrageous - nearly $200 on the Provari, around $35 PER carto/tank combination (and he has three, not to mention having to more frequently replace cartos than I have to replace coils, and that's without changing juices in each tank, as right now, he only uses 618, inferno, and Pluid. He stopped using the RY4 and the cherry flue tobacco partly because the only tanks he had for them were ego threaded (don't know why he doesn't just get a tank with a 510 threading on it, either). I know he's not REAL fond of the RY4, but he seemed to like the Cherry Flue, although it's taken him nearly 2 months to get through 1 1/2 22 ml sample bottles - he just doesn't like getting out his ego stick battery to vape on it, he's too fond of the VV on the Provari. Maybe, if he insists on not getting an adapter, I can talk him into a Spinner or a, what is it, Vision? The variable voltage stick batteries? Well, Christmas is coming up, a Vamo or Zmax would work on his Christmas list, too. I know that unless I make the switch over to carto/tanks, I'll be asking for 5 K mini protank 2's to replace my Evods, and then ask that I be allowed to pick out a different colored metal drip tip for each of them. Yeah, and the manufacturing company in the Shenzen region of China also has a general minimum amount of an item that you have to order - like if I were to get Davides or replacement glass for the Davides, I would have to order SIX Davides - so, $114 worth of glassomizers, plus the $5 flat rate shipping. Sounds like they are using a USPS Priority Mail Flat rate box of some sort.
  20. I agree, kids have no business doing it. But I feel less guilty than I did when I smoked around them. Back in the day, we would steal cigarettes from our parents, or we knew what shops or convenience stores/gas stations wouldn't ID. But I don't think there is ANY B&M shop in this area that allows anyone in under the age of 18, much less would sell to someone that young. Looking at what my kids look like at their ages, and what one nephew looks like at almost 20, one nephew looks like at 19 1/2, and what one son looks like at almost 19, and what my boys' friends look like, yeah, I'd like to say I could catch a minor trying to purchase in violation of the brand new state law (and it isn't just criminal to buy under the age of 18, but to possess paraphernalia). I truly do think it's harder to get access to the e-cigarette/juice stuff now than it was at any time for regular cigarettes. The place where we USED to buy our cigarettes, that now sells Blu and other disposable, plus some juices, hell, I can't remember WHEN we started to get cigarettes there - Dirt Cheap, Cigarettes, Beer, and Liquor - but they ID'd me until I was 30+ years old. I think they only stopped once my license expired, because they didn't want to have to admit that they took an expired license as ID (unless they were verifying a credit card ID), since I never got it renewed when I started having seizures again in 2007, and I could barely last the state prescribed minimum time period of 6 months without a seizure before I could drive. I figured it was too risky, after my seizure that happened in Office Depot - I broke my butt bone on that one - happened less than 2 minutes after I got out of the car. Since then, I managed to pull off two years without a seizure, but not much longer than that, but now they are hitting every 3 - 6 months, at least, until I get on my target dosage of the new medication. Big Tobacco is already getting their hands in. Lorillard bought out Blu e-cigs - that's why they have the money to advertise now. Marlboro just made their own entry into the disposable (read, more expensive) market, and I think one other Big Tobacco has moved into the world of e-cigs/faux analogs. I think it's the makers of the NJOY Kings. HOWEVER, what the government is missing is a) they assume that because there are different flavors, they are marketing for kids, and they aren't; they aren't getting their tax money, and of course, while Big Tobacco is already IN the industry, Lorillard and Phillip Morris aren't the industry giants - the industry giants are the ones that make the hardware, and the websites that sell the product (and produce their own juice, a lot of times). Depending on state law, a lot of online stores can't be taxed if they have no B&M location, and Lorillard and Phillip Morris aren't going to load down this with Big Tobacco money because they just have a foot in the door, financially, with Blu and the disposable kind (a much more expensive foot than most of us are willing to pay). All this money is going in a totally different direction, and they don't know enough to be able to be competitive in that market. Plus, I would imagine it's easier/cheaper to manufacture the faux-analogs (and confuse the hell out of people) than it is to learn the new system, and find a niche for them. If they put their money to use researching viable PV systems, and good juice recipes for more than just disposable devices, they could turn this business on it's ear. But Uncle Sam is definitely gettiing aggravated that they aren't taking in the almighty tax dollar. Depending on your state, do you even know how much state sales taxes alone could rake in, just based on State Law Pneumonia is also caused by aspiration of fluids - so if you inhale vapor, and choke on it, if it's not fully aersotolized, then you just created a breeding ground for pnemonia in your lungs. The kids, usually college age, that die from drinking too much generally vomit when they pass out, and then aspirate it. If it doesn't kill them immediately, then it suffocates them until they are found alive or dead, That's just mean blaming menopause for her.....lack of knowledge.
  21. Most of the studies I've looked into - other than the ones run by universities - have their roots in the 2008 limited "study" that the FDA did on an intercepted shipment of Chinese faux-analogs. That's at least the way I read it. I don't know if they tested the chemicals that the company was using in the juice, or if they picked this stuff up as residue off the disposable cartridges, but they found some nasty stuff - stuff that we are exposed to ANYWAY (found this on the e-cigarette wikipedia page, I believe), and it turns out it was in way lower levels than could EVER cause any harm to humans. The Drexler University Study had a much better procedure, and used information gleaned by what would have been inhaled and exhaled - using machines, not humans - and not residue, and not the chemical compounds of the juice. We should still be careful about where we get our juice, and that previous FDA "study" (they subsequently released the shipment for sale at the request of the manufacturer) is another reason why I don't get Chinese made juices. At least the sites I go to, or the B&M I go to, they guarantee that they use all food grade flavorings, and their flavoring AND ingredients are Diacetyl Free. Which you wouldn't think about, but it's used in Butter, and Butterscotch flavoring. Consuming it usually isn't a problem, but INHALING it (like workers do at microwave popcorn production facilities) when it's heated causes what's known as Diacetyl Induced bronchiolotis obliterans - an end stage lung disease, really only treatable by transplantation. There have been a lot of work comp/class action lawsuits over workers getting this, and OHSHA determined that when it's heated, it is hazardous to one's health. It's fine in butter (as long as you aren't inhaling it in, say, an aerosolized form like the sprayers put out at a microwave popcorn plant, so it's fine for consumption, and encouraged in alcoholic drinks, and consumables. I just don't want to inhale the *crap*. Most of the sites make a big deal out of being GMO free in their ingredients (usually VG) as well, but I don't worry as much about GMO's, unless there is an unknown danger to inhaling them that I didn't know about.
  22. Other than the fact that I'm so darned many meds, and chronic conditions (three of which are "built in excuses") just one of those chronic conditions is enough to have my doctor telling me I can NEVER take Chantix. Not only do I have MS and Fibromyalgia, but I have Bipolar II disorder. Other than the mood side effects that it has on you (and then having to wean off of it), it should NEVER be given to people with bipolar. Most anti-depressants CAN be given to bipolar people, provided two things: 1) The person that they are given to is on a mood stabilizer - preferably one you know is working; and 2) you watch out for manic type behavior. Chantix is anti-depressant like, but it was never tested on bipolar patients (regular anti-depressants are tested on bipolar patients). It's "like" an anti-depressant - I think the closest classification is SNRI, but since they were making the medication an agonist to block as α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes, they knew it was going to screw with the mood making part of the brain, so they didn't want mentally ill people anywhere NEAR this thing. Certain AD's even if the bipolar person takes a mood stabilizer can send you manic anyway - Paxil usually sends beepers through the roof, either in your typical mania, or the type that I've gotten for the last 10 years, dysphoric mania. My very first dysphoric mania came thanks to Paxil, after just two days on it. Wellbutrin has a reputation for when it gives people manias, they are generally sexual in nature (I'm sure hubby would love that, but it causes seizures, so I can't take it). (Come to think of it, I'm going into a dysphoric mania now.....been going on since the seizure, since my anti-depressant was increased, I need to call my shrink tomorrow). But that was always my built in for not doing Chantix. They really, REALLY don't want mentally ill people taking Chantix, and I think my shrink would kill me.
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