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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Sorry, stupid question, but since I'm guessing this is for manual devices, I don't know, what's a kick?
  2. That is one cool looking mod! Can you use larger tanks, or only that smallish one? Did I tell you guys my vape mail came yesterday? Banana cream (yes, I ordered extra flavor and I can TASTE the banana!), no bake cake - extra flavor (even yummier), and chocolate banana extra flavor (haven't gotten around to that one yet). Vape Dudes made me so happy. I included a note asking them to use bottles that maybe weren't so stiff because of my hands. Well, the bottles they used were as stiff as their 10 ml bottles always are, but they included easy squeeze bottles with needle tips! Unfortunately, that meant I got no sample flavor. But I'll take it! That, in and of itself, will keep me going back to them, and it's a good thing they did that, because my MS is being a ho and I can't feel half of my left hand.
  3. Okay, hubby got the fogger, so now he, of course, is going to learn to do the rebuildable part, but my question is, on the list of supplies, he had down ORGANIC cotton (I guess for the wick), though I don't think he found any, I know he picked up silica wick at 3D, but 3D is out of mesh. I mentioned the possibility I've seen floated here of using embroidery floss, and you can find that at any box store that has a crafting section, but he was insistent on organic cotton.
  4. So, since you said a replaceable drip tip, I take it this is replacement for a KPT 1, not a 2? Because you can replace the drip tip on those, I have on two of mine.
  5. cpeters, I would pick up, depending on the fitting your device has, an evod, or something small and inexpensive that you can keep on hand (and keep multiples of) just for tasting samples like this. And then decide if it's going into your regular rotation to get the "better tank" for it when you order a larger size bottle. Shoot, was hoping hubby would be able to pick up some vodka, because Wal-Mart doesn't carry alcohol, and I may need it to get this jungle juice scent out of my evod. I should have my vape mail from Vape Dudes today - it left St. Louis for Alton first thing this morning, and would have been done sorting by the time my carrier started her route. The tank that already has chocolate banana in it, I'll probably empty out for the flavor boosted chocolate banana.
  6. Sorry, I didn't proofread that well last night - 3D's 22 ml bottles are $10 to Better Vapes' $8 price. Oh, and in my vape dudes' order, I ordered everything extra flavor, hoping that would help.
  7. Depends on whether you are talking hardware or juice, and juice, I have a couple. Hardware, generally I go to Discount Vapers - unless it's like an evod or just coils, and then I go to one of my B&M shops, which coincidentally, has an online shop as well. That's also where the majority of the juices I used to vape came from - Better Vapes. There's another B&M store in the area (with a third one opening up 5 minutes from our house in a week, plus it's a vaping lounge!), but, well, I don't remember what they charged me for coils yesterday, but before tax, it was almost double what Better Vapes charges on the Evods, and the 22 ml juice bottles are $10 to Better Vapes $10, since hardware, since they don't have their own online store, so they can't really price the same, and juice they don't make on their own, actually most of their juice they get from the Better Vapes online shop, lol. When I went there yesterday, one of the flavors I got (and still, amazingly like) was Hazelnut - the other was Ripe Strawberry, which I liked in the store, but I go hot and cold on here (I bought this stuff at like noon yesterday). They are both Better Vapes products. 3D carries other brands of juices, but they are "more designer", hence, they cost more. Like the black licorice the guy tried to sell me yesterday (and Better Vapes has a Black Licorice as well) was twice as much as the other juices. Then again, I don't know if it was a 30 ml bottle or a 22 ml bottle. Last time I got a more expensive bottle ($18, so I guess they would round that to $20 when talking to people, at least this guy might - I don't like him), it was a 30 ml bottle from there. My other favorite on juices - well, I guess there were two, Chi-Town Vapers is where I got my honey wood, but right now, honey wood still isn't tasting right, and I don't know if it ever will. But the samples they send out with their orders SUCK. I just tried the sample that shipped with my last Chi-Town order - Jungle Juice. *shudders* I'm even debating writing a negative review of it for the website - the website doesn't list a description of the flavor as it's new, and there's only like 4 reviews up, all positive, of course, so I was expecting something good. Then again, the previous order they sent out a sample of Bavarian Cream which, well, I couldn't get past the burned taste - and that was with a fresh coil. Well, two fresh coils. The other is/was Vape Dudes. Started out Chocolate Banana from a sample I got from Aqua. I also got a sample of no bake cake and mint chip ice cream. I liked them okay, but I didn't think I'd order them. Heck, mint chip ice cream never tasted like mint chocolate chip ice cream to me, like it's advertised, it tasted like, well, bubble gum? But I figured I'd finish it, it wasn't objectionable. The no bake cake I figured I'd finish, I liked it, but not enough to order it, because it would be a frequent vape. My chocolate banana order came with banana cream. Well, I can't remember if I tasted it before or after the seizures, but I loved it. Since the seizures, I can only taste the chocolate banana for a short period of time per day, and not every day, and I'm not sure I'm tasting the banana (I know I can't taste vanilla right now, either, and I'm not sure I can taste most chocolate juices, either, other than chocolate banana), but I went ahead and ordered a refill of chocolate banana, a 10 ml bottle of banana cream, and I can't remember what size bottle of no bake cake, because all of the sudden, not only can I taste the no bake cake, I can taste it well (which isn't happening much), and it's not objectionable most of the time. Well, sometimes it is as I just finished the sample that Aqua sent me, which was 24 nic. I ordered, heck, looks like I ordered 16 mg nic, so the harshness should go away that I get sometimes. The order will be here today, and I can't wait to see what sample bottle they send along, too. Thinking about trying fuzion juices, or medic's juices, as well, but just based on descriptions, as of yet, I have no clue what I'll be able to taste.
  8. Okay, Bebop, put your mind in the gutter. You'll get it. Remember, I live in a houseful of testosterone, even though my nearly 19 and nearly 17 year olds would die before admitting to me that they know what one is.
  9. Okay, they should never, EVER name anything with "BJ" in the name.
  10. Whoops, came back too late to edit this again. So yeah, the evod airiness is just me. I'm sure my brain will figure it out eventually. Another Edit: The poor guy at the vape shop really didn't know what he was getting into with me. I explained what was going on - how literally the morning of the 10th, I tasted whichever flavor fine, and then by the time the third seizure hit around 6 pm, not only did I not remember how to vape, I didn't remember what anything tasted like, and it was a week before I could even taste one or two of the flavors I had, and I was looking at the real possibility of having to replace all my flavors. With the french vanilla before, I can't be positive that it's vape tongue, same with the chocolate. When I had french vanilla tobacco in my tank, all I could taste was the tobacco because I literally could no longer taste vanilla. I haven't been able to taste vanilla in ANY vanilla flavor I've tried since the seizure, either. Well, maybe a wisp of it, but not for more than a few seconds, and more than a whiff. I didn't taste the tobacco in the french vanilla tobacco, but sure couldn't taste the vanilla, either, and in none of the samples I've tried since then. I can taste ACTUAL chocolate, but even the hot chocolate e-juice I thought I liked I tasted the hot flavor, and I don't think I tasted the chocolate flavor, so I can't taste my milk chocolate - although I can still taste the chocolate in my chocolate banana for a few hours at a time, before it inexplicably starts tasting like tobacco, when it has no tobacco flavoring in it. He tried selling me on this licorice flavor (not Pluid, not that strong), and said after a week of vaping that, I'd be able to taste my other flavors again, but this isn't vaper's tongue that I'm dealing with. (Personally, I think he just wanted to move a bottle of stock that costs twice as much as most of the other stock.) So I picked up two, and they seem to be doing okay, there were some others I was considering before I settled on these two (I knew I was only picking up two), but I had to sit back and evaluate how would I feel after five minutes of vaping it? A couple drags off wintergreen or candy cane was nice (which I NEVER said before the seizures), or even the Kewl, but would more than a couple minutes of it make want to pitch it? I've even dug out flavors that I was planning on trading at next month's vape meet and discovered, hey, I like some of them again. I hadn't touched Sweet Tobacco in at least a month. Was planning on trading a completely full bottle away next weekend (22 ml, 18 nic), but I emptied an evod today, and hey, what do you know, I like it again. Thinking of pulling out my Turkish Honey and trying to mix it with my honey wood and see if that works again, too. Truthfully, I don't know if I can impose on my father in law yet again to take me to another doctor's appointment in St. Louis if I were able to get an appointment with my epileptologist while my in-laws aren't out of town, and hell, I don't know if the local neuro I used to see here, if I could get in with him, could even answer my questions about this....and whether it's permanent - but the last time this happened, after a seizure in December (just ONE seizure), it sure seemed permanent. I still can't eat raisin bran, and a bunch of the other stuff that I got turned off of at the time. I was hoping some of that stuff was just because I was taken off two meds that made me eat darn near everything I saw, but no, it was the seizure.
  11. This is something I've gone over and over with my doctor about. Because of my tendencies for my sodium to drop when I drink only water, my docs prefer that I drink something non-caffeinated, but not just plain water. Water will simply run through me, and drop my sodium levels even more, getting me to the point where it could cause seizures or I could require salt tabs, as I cannot STAND putting salt on almost any food. I also mix in gatorade at times as well. Like I said, the sodium issue is a known problem, and has been happening for about 8 or 9 years (ironically, when I went on weight watchers and upped my water intake) - it's a side effect of one of my medications, and it also causes me to get ketones in my urine. No, I'm no where near diabetic, nor am I on an atkins diet, or any other diet that would cause ketosis, or any other conditions that would cause ketosis, and I get plenty of carbs. The sodium thing is a known side effect of a med I've been on since I was 16 for my epilepsy. It's never actually happened until, like I said the last 10 years. So they want me drinking anything that will go through my system slower than water will - which, is well, anything that has any ingredients. Edit: The feeling that the Evods are airy is, well, just me. Had hubby pull off a couple of them, and they were fine for him, just as they had been fine for me before. The two brand new ones I bought today seem airy today as well.
  12. Hubby didn't have time to stop Tuesday or Wednesday for me, so while I was out getting driven around town by my father in law, I had him stop at the B&M, and I got 2 Evods, a pack of coils, and 2 new flavors. They tasted different in the store though - not quite as acidic. So now I have to dial it in to what I can tolerate that doesn't seem so acidic. Got Ripe Strawberry and Hazelnut. And my order from Vape Dudes shipped yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure one of the flavors, I'm not going to be able to taste. I ordered the Banana Cream based on how the sample tasted BEFORE my seizure. While I was at the shop today, I tasted another juice that is SUPPOSED to be a banana cream type flavor, and I wasn't getting any banana from it - and I'm not usually getting banana from my chocolate banana, either, anymore, except maybe for a couple of hours. Well, okay, I take that back, the hazelnut isn't acidic. Unfortunately, by going to 3D (I wasn't going to have my father in law drive me out to Jerseyville), I spent nearly twice as much on the Evods as I would have at Better Vapes, and I spent more on the juice as well - $2 more per bottle. I can't wait until the store in Alton opens up - I wonder what brands of juice they are going to carry.
  13. Well, I checked, it's not expired. It still has a month good on it. So I guess I'm gonna have to bite the bullet on calories, and drink the black cherry when pepsi or coke isn't on sale. At least black cherry TASTES like it's supposed to for me, and hubby won't spring for name brand soda, except for our son at college, unless it's on sale, or after we've recovered from December birthdays and X-mas. But does it darken in ONE day, in the tank, when what's in the bottle hasn't? And this tank was cleaned out within a few days ago - well, a week Thursday. That's why I'm worried I'm burning it. When hubby checked the draw and said it was fine, he did it on his mini provari, and adjusted his settings fir the resistance on my tank. So is 7 Watts too much on a 2.8 resistance, I guess is what I'm saying. I'm still learning, and not being able to taste all the time doesn't help.
  14. Okay, so I got a little airline bottle of vodka from the gas station I grabbed a soda at - little dollar bottle. Soaked the stuff for 10 hours. A couple of the o-rings still have the faint whiff of it, but I'm hoping once I get a juice in there that's flavorful enough, it will cover it up. I just don't want to get another juice in there that I will need vodka for again, but I'm going to insist that hubby keep a vodka or everclear supply on hand for coils, because I dropped in three coils that I had sitting, waiting to go back into a flavor when I tanked that flavor up again and I forgot what flavor it was, so I dropped them in there, too. I've been going through coils like you wouldn't believe the last two weeks switching contents of tanks and stuff.
  15. Well, not sure if hubby is going to pick me up tomorrow to go to the B&M store, or if he's just going to pick up what I asked for without me. I asked him to pick me up two Evods (one disappeared, and I don't want to fill a PT 2 with just a sample juice), plus a box of coils. He didn't have time today, but says he'll get them tomorrow - I don't know if he's going to pick me up and run me back out there (so maybe I can find another juice that I can actually TASTE for the moment - I've sampled almost all of their samples at that store before, but that was you know, when I could taste).
  16. Sorry, been busy today. Neuro appointment, cooking dinner, the works. Okay, first question. The other day, I noticed the remnants of my 618 that I had put in my tank just the day before were darker than the rest of my 618. So when I topped off the tank the colors kind of "mixed together", I guess (and yes, I'm sure it was 618 and 618, the same thing happened today). What could cause what had been in the tank only a day to be darker than what is in the bottle? Could I be burning it and not realizing it since I'm only tasting things right a fraction out of the day? Also - okay, this is just a couple things I'm going to bring up in my list of things that I've been wanting to bring up since the seizure but firefox keeps crashing and eating my post, so I have to start over, so I'm just going to do it piecemeal. Okay, you know how I loved my Davide when I first got it, then it got too airy, then I changed the coil, and it was good again for about a week before it got too airy again? Well, just wondering, I tried it out after the seizure because everything vaped differently then. For, I'd say, a week, I was vaping out of that Davide with no problem, no thoughts of airiness. It wasn't until hubby took a draw off it, and mentioned that he barely got anything off of it. I took a hit off his cartomizer (and yay, I remembered what 618 was SUPPOSED to taste like), but all of the sudden the Davide was much too airy again. So I think I'm going to get some play dough and shove in one of the holes on the post - but from the time of the seizure, to the point where I pulled off hubby's carto (even though I had also used my KPT 2's and didn't notice a difference), my brain didn't recognize it as being too airy. But hubby did do a good thing, and that was suggest a wattage setting for me for 618 (7 watts). I was finally able to sometimes taste what 618 was supposed to taste like again. As for my other flavors, well, it's hit or miss. Well, I should say SOME of them are hit or miss, others, I know I'm vaping, and I know what I'm SUPPOSED to be vaping, but it's not there. My French Vanilla, or my sample Vanilla love, nope, nothing. I can only vape chocolate banana for a couple hours, if that much, before it stops being chocolate banana, and for some reason I taste tobacco. For a few days Honey Wood was doing well, for a few hours at a time (the first week, Honey Wood and 618 were all I vaped, despite them not tasting right), but now, once I'm outside the few hours a day that things taste right to me, honey wood tastes acidic. 618 is just kinda there and well, not much of anything. Last night, Mint Chip Ice Cream worked for me - rather, it was vapable, it just didn't have much flavor, but it wasn't harsh on me, and I barely vaped that at all before, well, yesterday. It hadn't been in a tank in a couple weeks. I hadn't touched no bake cake for at least, well, it was before the seizure, but I finally started tasting it the way it used to taste yesterday or the day before....which is why I ordered more of it - because I can freaking TASTE it the way it's supposed to taste, at least I think so, when it's not being too harsh on me (I'm still working from a 24 mg nic sample, but the last of that is in my Evod, so I have to use it sparingly because they haven't packed up my order yet). The vanilla love sample, well, it's, well, vapable, but I can't taste vanilla, really (although I can more in that than I can in my french vanilla), but again, sometimes it's too harsh. I'm not even trying my irish cream anymore, because BEFORE the seizure, when I could taste it, it was well on its way to being a purchasable Irish Cream....I don't want to waste the rest of this small bottle on me not being able to taste it (and yes, I've tried). Milk chocolate, still a no go. And something very strange is happening as well. For one, out of nowhere, all of my Evods (even the brand new one) seem very airy - and I'm assuming that 's just me. I thought my Pro Tank with my 618 was airy as well, and had hubby check it, and it was fine for him, so it IS just me. And three tanks, even with fresh coils, seem tight as all get out. And there seems to be less um, ooomph? but again, I think it's me. Because its from both the Zmax and the Ego stick. So my brain is TOTALLY crossing signals. I HAVE noticed that the 618 tastes, well, better, if I'm drinking something a little more sweet. Had to cut back on my water intake, which I've had to do before, because my sodium was low, which is a side effect of a medication I just got off of. But here's another thing on the taste spectrum (and this isn't new to this seizure, I've had this happen with other foods after a previous seizure). At the time I had the seizure, and up until about 4 days ago, Pepsi products were on sale, so I was drinking Diet Pepsi. Well, now we are back to generic soda, so I'm on generic diet cola, and um, well, it's always hard switching from one to the other, but usually by the end of the first 12 pack I'm over it? And this is just, um, I dunno if it's a bad batch, or my wiring is messed up, but it's NASTY. Diet Pepsi, even Diet Coke are SWEET, this is just....well it tastes flat, okay, do you know what EXPIRED soda tastes like? For a while, a couple weeks there like 10 years ago, half the time when I'd get my soda from the store, I'd have to dig around on the shelves because most of what they had out was expired. And then for a while, my mother in law was stocking diet pepsi at her house, but we weren't over there that often anymore, and it expired.....and that's almost exactly what this tastes like.....maybe it's me. I'm sure it's just me, and hubby's not going to be happy when I tell him I'm going to have to go back to diet pepsi (oooh, a whole $1.50 more per 12 pack). Hell, half my diet changed last time this happened. My breakfast cereal, I could no longer eat like, mixed foods, like casseroles and such (hubby still buys them, I just "pretend" to eat them, or I eat one part - like the chicken alfredo pasta vegetable stuff I'll eat the chunks of chicken and most of the pasta and then fill up on biscuits). Okay, that's about all I can spit out for right now. Any thoughts?
  17. Shoot, hot enter too soon. Anyway, you aren't supposed to use the USB Ports in your car to charge anything, either. It's only for reading information, unless it is specifically sold as a car charger that uses the USB port. IMO, the people that do this stuff wrong, and then blame the industry when accidents happen, make everyone else look bad.
  18. Um, yeah. Quick search shows that White Rhino doesn't MAKE or sell a charger for the car for their e cig. The charger is a USB charger, so either she was plugging into the USB port in the car (like the Sync system in Fords) or she was charging with an unapproved device
  19. Wonder if it was in sunlight when it was charging? We'll never know what happened, but for me, I can't imagine charging it in the car. Then again, we don't know if she was using a car charger specifically for that item, or using a charger from something else.
  20. Okay, sounds weird, but I'm reserving this space for a question for later, if I can't get my father in law to take me by a B&M store on our way home, or for the really looooong post I've been working on (yes, it's broken up into paragraphs, with lines in between so it doesn't look like a wall of text.....or maybe I should break each point up into separate posts in the same thread. Thoughts on that? But for right now, I gotta go. But I have tapatalk
  21. I was afraid of that. Shi-oh, no, shoot. Who knows when hubby will get around to picking some up. I'm going out today, but my father in law is driving me to St. Louis for my doctor's appointment, and I really doubt he would stop so I can pick up some vodka, unless I do at at a gas station on the way there or home. But yeah, no, he wouldn't like that. As it is, I'm going to have to impose on him and see if he'll take me to 3D vapor or Better Vapes on the way home so I can get more coils and a couple more Evods (don't know how I managed it, but I completely LOST the Evod that had my cinnamon roll in it - the juice isn't a big loss, I still have more of the juice, but I need the evod, considering how difficult it is finding things that sit right in my mouth right now....which reminds me, I have a neuro appointment today, but not my epilepsy neuro, my MS neuro. I wonder if she'll have any insight as to why my tastes get screwed up with seizures? Last time it happened, it spawned an entire diet change, including cereal.
  22. Okay, so I had really just a little bit of inferno in my PT 2 that I got rid of, but it had been in there for about 2 weeks - yeah, it was before my seizure - so I emptied it out, washed out real well with hot soapy water, threw away the coil, and it still smells/tastes like inferno. Am I going to have to soak it in hot soapy water, or am I going to have to let it sit in vodka or everclear to get ride of residue? I really wasn't expecting this, because it had MAYBE 3/4 ml in it, maybe a bit more.
  23. Most of my hardware comes from Discount Vapers, that is, except for like, Evods, which I just pick up at the local B&M stores, or I'll pick up a box of coils from there. Where in Missouri are you at? Depending on where you are, you may have some B&M stores close to you.
  24. Just a note: got an e-mail back from Vape Dudes, and they ARE switching out the regular banana cream instead of banana cream pie in my order. Woo!
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