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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Yeah, I know what RBA and RDA are. I'm just wondering - is the rebuildable part the only advantage of that over a regular tank, or rather, a KPT2 or Davide? Or are there performance issues as well?
  2. I generally switch my flavors up at least once per day. I have a tank dedicated to each flavor juice, generally, so I don't have to dump out to change to a different juice. But I have a few too many juices, so some stay out of rotation for a bit. I haven't had just one flavor juice since one week in.
  3. Sometimes, a juice that sits okay with me, will feel a bit harsh, depending on circumstances. For example, there are some juices I can't vape first thing in the morning, or if I'm having dry mouth, etc. Sometimes, I even have to turn the voltage/power down, even when normally that setting is fine. Like Bebop said, sometimes extra flavor can bite you in the behind, if it's a flavor you haven't tried the normal version of yet. As far as the PG/VG ratio, I usually go with the recommended ratio from the vendor, and a LOT of them actually recommend 50/50. So far, the only flavor I've picked up that wasn't 50/50 from 3DVapor, which actually orders from my other store, but they stock 60/40, and I have no idea why, because Better Vapes normally carries their stock at 50/50.
  4. See, his explanation to me late last night, very late, was because if he's going to be inhaling something into his lungs, he doesn't want it wicked off of something that's been bleached or whatever else.
  5. Okay, I was under the impression from SOMEWHERE that atomizers were only for dripping. But hubby got the fogger, and he says THAT'S an atomizer, and he's looking at a couple other rebuildable atomizers. He said they are (RBA's) are basically just a rebuildable tank? Or am I not understanding, or is he explaining badly? Could someone just break it down for me?
  6. Loved the full sized Davide when I first got it, but unless I can pick up some play dough and stuff it in one of those holes and it will stick, I don't think it will be usable for me again. I don't know why - it was great when I first got it, but then it just, well, got too darned airy. But my Pro Tank 2's are perfect in that respect. which is why I have, um, five of them. And I'm hoping for 5 of the mini 2's for Christmas.
  7. Okay, I've not noticed this with my other KPT's, but I've noticed this two nights in a row on this one because I've been vaping my honey wood/turkish honey two evenings in a row when the tank level got low. Both times, it started gurgling - to the point that juice splashed up through the vape tube on my lip, I unscrewed the tank, and there was juice in the drip well, and when I would blow down from the drip tip, holding the tank over a paper towel, juice would come out for a short time. Don't know what the deal is.....but when I fill the tank, the problems go away. Anyone have any info/experience with this?
  8. Yeah, I definitely won't ever do a top coil again. If you don't go with the Davide, or with a Pro Tank 2, at least go for a bottom coil, like an Evod. Plus, bottom coils are easier to fill. At least to me.
  9. Carter, the Davide and my first KPT2, I didn't have that problem. But when I ordered that batch of them with my Zmax, the first one was fine, but the second one that I didn't rinse sorta bit me in the butt. I rinsed the rest of them out before I filled them.
  10. Sorry, it was....way early, and I misread what I saw on the device.
  11. The two vape shops that we frequent here in our area both advise AGAINST starting with the cigalikes, because you have to pull harder to get the throat hit, plus, it ends up being more expensive than this route, and most people don't have a good experience with it. Those two shops have had numerous customers that originally tried to quit with, generally, Blu e-cigs, and didn't have a good experience, and went back to smoking, until they found the vape shops.
  12. My issue with cinnamon bun wasn't the tank, but after a while with cinnamon flavors, even if it's just powerdery cinnamon flavoring type like with cinnamon roll or cinnamon bun, after a few hours, you start losing the ability to taste it for even a couple of days sometimes. It's the nature of cinnamon flavoring. You either lose the ability to taste the cinnamon a bit in what I call the powdered cinnamon flavors after a few hours. With the more Inferno/Red Hot/whatever your brand calls that type of flavor (which you HAVE to have glass for), in my experience, one of two things happen (or both) - it either dulls your ability to taste anything else, or for quite a while after you've stopped vaping that flavor, everything you vape will still taste like Inferno or whatever it was. Another word of warning. Even with the cinnamon roll type flavors, and with citrus as well, keep a good sized bottle of vodka on hand (I tried using a "mini-bar" sized bottle that I got at a gas station for this, but it didn't get the job done, so I ended up buying a larger bottle from the grocery store that worked much better, even though I used the same amount). The mini-bar sized one, which, heck, I can't remember the brand, but it wasn't one I recognized, after eight hours of soaking, I thought the flavor of both the Inferno and the Citrus juice (on an evod tank rather than a KPT 2) was gone, but after sitting for two days with another flavor juice in them, I went to take a hit off the KPT 2, and essentially got hit with a mouthful of a mix of Inferno and Irish Cream that doesn't taste like Irish Cream. With the Citrus tank (in an evod, yes, I know you aren't supposed to use citrus in an plastic tank), I had put some Banana Cream into the tank, and didn't get back to it for a couple days, and when I did I got a vape full of Banana Cream and Jungle Juice.
  13. Okay, what you have is a bottom coil clearomizer with the evod. The piece you unscrew so you can fill it? Sticking out of there is basically a pole. That is what holds your coil/wick assembly. You twist the pole to unscrew the coil (don't do this unless you have replacement coils already), and then put the replacement coil/wick assembly in the same way. Then just sit the evod clearomizer on it's end, so it's straight up, for a couple minutes to give time for the fluid to soak into the wick. It looks like you have the evod starter kit, right? So that does not have variable voltage, correct?
  14. If you got a geniune Anyvape Davide mini, it will be glass. The manufacturer ONLY produces glassomizers, doesn't even produce plastic cartomizers. It could be that with the mini, the glass is thinner, maybe, so it feels more plasticky? As for dropping, I've dropped several pro tanks and they haven't broken on me *knock on wood*.
  15. I started being able to taste my french vanilla tobacco last night, so I was vaping that late last night, and this morning, but I may be switching it up soon.
  16. Okay, I'm late to the party, some of my replies are on topic, some of them are over the brou-ha-ha (even if that person is either banned or not coming back to read) I've tried two cinnamon flavors. Well, one is cinnamon roll, which I have been told (even on people on this forum) I shouldn't have a problem with a plastic tank, and I didn't, and it EVEN washed out of my tank with just hot water. The Inferno I tried, however....I just automatically pitched the coil, but after soaking in vodka for 8 hours, I thought it was okay, I filled the tank (Pro Tank 2), took a couple hits, and set it aside for a few days before I went back to it. After a couple of days, the Inferno flavor had come back out pretty well. So I took the hit, and got a hit that that was not Irish Cream tasting Irish Cream (the juice I got that didn't taste anything like Irish Cream when I got it, so much so that I told the company they sent me the wrong flavor), plus Inferno. I also had to soak an evod, because I didn't even think about this flavor possibly being citrus when I put it in the Evod, after three hits I was sure I didn't like it, but for some reason I didn't rinse the tank out for a full 24 hours. I thought I had gotten it out, but after I filled it with Banana Cream, and when I hit it at the moment, it was fine, but yup, two days later, the nasty Jungle Juice taste came back out STRONG - which kinda makes me sad, because it was 1/2 an evod full, and it was only a 10 ml sample type size bottle. Really, Rixter? I heard....on this very forum.....that it wouldn't impact the drip tip, because by the time it was in contact with the tip, it was already in vapor form. You know what? IF I asked, I would be a bit upset if I was NOT allowed to see the mixing station, unless they stated it was to keep things sanitary. I want to know that they are clean, and although the thought really never crossed my mind before, I would think about it now. A little bit of disarray, I can understand - like the PG/VG bottles not put back on the shelf (they tend to make a LOT of stuff to order at the B&M I go to that mixes their own juices - they have so many flavors, and only mix a few quick sellers in advance, probably about 30 or so - some flavors people ask about so rarely that they don't even have samplers for them YET, but they are trying to get samplers out for every flavor). Oh, and Medic, I used to work fast food (KFC to be exact). It wasn't bleach water. There is a specific sanitizer that we used on the dishes, a specific sized packet in a sink filled to a specific point. The bucket we used for the towel to wipe down counters, tables, etc., since the sanitizer had to be in specific ratio to the water, we would have to do up a fresh rinse sink, and then get the water out of THAT sink. Heck, the only thing we mixed up that WASN'T in specific ratios was the amount of bleach in the mop water. I mean, we had a specific floor cleaner (with a specific sized packet that went into a specific amount of water) that went into it, but we also added bleach - unmeasured - (just a note, don't use bleach on a grouted floor, the bleach eats away at the grout) You know what, Brian? Then you have crap stores in your area. Okay, the first store we went to, the only actual negative thing they said about their "competition" (which was 45 minutes away across the river) was that their (3D's, the local store) was cheaper than the St. Peters vape shop. (unfortunately, their eGo starter kit is a knock off, and I'm not sure they actually realize it. And there's another shop that opened up locally that has the starter kits cheaper than 3D, and they are genuine). Of course, Better Vapes isn't going to talk trash about 3D, because 3D opened before Better Vapes opened their storefront, when they were just online, and 3D orders MOST of their juice from Better Vapes. The problem is, 3D has a mark up on the juice (of course). Both shops tend to be on the expensive side on hardware though, well, some of it. I can get Evods for about $5 or $6 at Better Vapes, but total sticker shock walking into 3D for 2 Evods this week - $9 a pop! So I don't know where they get their Evods. But like Pro Tanks, or mods, unless it's like an ego Twist, I won't buy from any of the local shops. Speaking of "certifications", I have an article I'm going to post in a little bit, if someone hasn't already. Basically, there is an organization, can't remember what the acronym stands for, but the acronym is ECIG. They've hired on the former head of the American Lung Association to be their spokesperson, particularly with the FDA. Supposedly ECIG is made up mostly wholesalers, but I know of at least one manufacturer who's involved, too, and it happens to be run by the wife of the head of ECIG. They ARE in favor on banning online sales and doing "whatever means necessary" to keep the products out of the hands of children. But that's a different post.
  17. You know, Medic....I'm wondering about that. Hubby charges his batteries, and I'm pretty sure he only has two (and smaller batteries at that) on my charger. I've seen him many times take the battery directly off the charger, and stick it in his mini provari, and put the battery he was using on the charger (he tends to let them sit on the charger since with the Intellicharger he says there's no way to over charge it, despite me telling him to get the darned thing off because I may want to unplug the charger to plug something else in). Granted, he gets longer life out of his smaller batteries because he doesn't vape as much as I do, plus during the week, he spends most of his day in class, but I have to wonder if his battery life would be improved by letting it rest?
  18. who, with me? Not always so. But I do talk alot, and my brain wanders. Hazard of mine, and not talking to many people throughout the day, I think.
  19. Yeah, like Aqua said, there's a wick, and since the Davides and full sized Pro Tanks don't have a flat bottom (they have that pesky screw) if you want them to sit flat while the wick gets primed, you'll have to screw it on to your device, but if you fill the tanks, you usually don't have to do that. Trust me, you'll know if you haven't let it sit long enough. You'll taste it. Also, once you replace a new coil, if you only have variable voltage, not variable wattage, or if you use the VV setting, crank it down a few notches before "lighting up". And a final thought - I know, I have a lot of them - I DON'T think you do, but if you have a mod capable of checking the resistance of the new coil, check that before you vape for the first time as well. As you know, the coils can vary in resistance from coil to coil due to, I guess the manufacturing process, but the Kanger coils are notorious for it being....well, hit or miss of the mark. If you run VV (which I think your device is ONLY VV, right?), you may need to adjust your voltage based on that. But I don't think you can check resistance on yours, can you?
  20. You got that right, iheart. And the taste difference between glass and the plastic tanks is incredibly amazing.
  21. Okay, Sheepdog, I'm working on a reply, but my hand's screwed up and it's hard for me to type, and I gotta go to bed, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to feel my left hand in the morning. But I'll finish typing it and and post it then.
  22. See, that's what I told him. We have TWO BIG bags of cotton balls, because I forgot that we had the first bag when I told him to get the second bag, and then, well, I never did start painting my nails again, so I only use them to clean off my keyboard. But that brings me to my next question....WTH is ORGANIC cotton?
  23. That's about how long it was before hubby ordered his mini provari. I started with the eGo 900 mah. Luckily, I had already started pondering what I was going to move up to when I started vaping enough that I would go through 2 batteries during my waking hours. So by the end of August (that's a month, once I got my extra money), I had my Zmax in my hand. I started out with the clearomizers that come with it, the ones that you can't change out the head, and within a week I started buying up Evods. After a couple weeks, I got an Anyvape Davide (don't actually use that anymore), and then when I ordered my Zmax, I got five Pro Tank Twos. So right now, I have um, five Evods, and 5 KPT's. Come Christmas, I'm probably looking at replacing the Evods with the Pro Tank Mini 2.
  24. Okay, so other than the first week or so after the seizure, I've been having trouble vaping my honey wood. Sometimes it's fine, but other times, it just seems - I don't know if the word is too acidic, but something just gets up my nose. I say acidic because it reminds me of when I was when college (literally, before my youngest was even born), and a woman wore Diamonds and Pearl perfume, and it just, well, it smelled acidic to me, and gave me all sorts of problems. Anyway. But sometimes I could vape it fine. Well, two days ago was one of those days that I couldn't really vape the Honey Wood. So I decided what the heck, and I combined with my old Turkish Honey Blend that I used to do to get through the Turkish HOney because I couldn't vape that alone, it was too harsh. And whoopee, it worked! So I guess yesterday, I was so thrilled with it, I know I vaped more than a tank of it. Which is why I really didn't try out my order from Vape Dudes that much yesterday. And more good news, after a few days of not really being able to hit on my 618 because it tasted too blah, or something, I was finally able to go back to it last night! But since the mixing of Honey Wood and Turkish Honey (I was actually looking for a straight honey flavor at Better Vapes store front the other day, but they didn't have it out, I was hoping that would help it), it has me wondering what I can mix with my other problematic flavors that I used to vape the heck out of, although I tried mixing my french vanilla with the vanilla love sample I got from AltCig with my last order from there, but since I can't really taste vanilla, it did no good - although I HAVE thought of switching the rich french vanilla back to french vanilla tobacco. A thought was mixing chocolate banana with milk chocolate in an evod as maybe a trial run, since I can taste chocolate banana for short periods of time, usually. I don't know, maybe if I turned the power down a little bit, that would extend the period of time I can taste it. But since I got that new bottle with extra flavor, maybe that will help that, too.
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