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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Holy smokes - I just looked, and in my post Kick Ash (A s h) was censored. But honestly, that's the actual name of it, Kick A sh full flavored tobacco.
  2. No, the lanyard will keep me from dropping it....but so far I've not found a lanyard that works with the Sigelei Zmax, unless you drill the little hook thing into it, and I think doing that will void my warranty, plus, I can't guarantee I could find a safe spot to do that at. If anyone knows of any lanyards that will know, let me know, please. I was going to post about that.
  3. Yeah. I don't know how widespread of a problem it is, and I guess when I was researching what to buy, I should have looked up what type of problems or issues they have? But for the most part (other than the button) it performs flawlessly, which is why at first, I really thought it was user error - my issues with my hands. But when it got worse, while my hands were getting better, well..... If DV either replaces or fixes it, depending on how long it takes, like I said, I'm looking into a twist type device so I'll still have at least VV (although that may be difficult to convince hubby as he just ordered a Nemisis, although I need to order at least two flavors, possibly three, and I'd like to possibly order another one, plus try out a Davide mini, plus get glass bottles with squeeze dropper tips - which can be a slowly over time purchase, but it will help me fill tanks when I have tremors). Then again, if hubby gets his Nemisis, and switches to that full time (although I don't see that happening because he likes the VV of the provari, and doesn't want to get a kick for mechanical mod) I could use that, I would just lose the use of my evods and my mini-pro tanks, as the provari is ONLY 510 threaded, and the adapter doesn't work that well with it.
  4. Okay, I've mentioned my full sized Davide issue before. Started out fine, got too airy, changed the coil, was fine for a week, got too airy. Had the seizure, all of the sudden it seemed fine, until I pulled on hubby's carto/tank, and realized just how airy it was. Tried changing the coil. Didn't change anything. I dunno, maybe it's a bad coil, but I'll try changing it again and see if that helps it any. Or maybe I just got a bad Davide, I dunno. My question comes down to, which is better (not just size wise) the PT mini (or mini 2) or the davide mini? And if the Davide mini is too airy, could anyone show me how the bottom is put together that I would be able to put a finger over a hole? I mean, I've heard of people doing that,but like with the PT mini's, there's a skirt on the base, so you can't GET your finger to the bottom. When I heard about the PT mini 2's coming out I was so excited - except I didn't stop to check the stupid capacity - I just wanted to convert to all glass. But essentially, it holds just over half of what my Evods hold. Don't get me wrong, I needed extra tanks anyway, but the two flavors I've been vaping most this weekend have been being vaped out of the minis.....which means refilling them often when you have a 1 ml capacity. And well, I've gone through a lot of those. Once I get more of these juices (should be tomorrow if my husband remembers), I'm going to be re-arranging my full sized tanks that hold juices I'm just not vaping right now (milk chocolate, I'll give the chocolate banana another try with the extra flavor, etc.), and I'll put them in the KPT2's. NOTE: Changing the coil on the full sized Davide worked this time. Right now it just has a little bit of a cocktail of 618 and french vanilla mixed in it, and I think I've vaped all I can vape out of it, so I clean it out tomorrow, and see what it's going to hold for me now.
  5. YOu know, my husband had this very problem this afternoon. On my tank listing, I hadn't listed what I put in this tank a few weeks ago, and I couldn't figure it out - so I thought maybe I wasn't tasting it right. So I asked him to taste it, and he went to put it on his mini Provari, and he had to unscrew it a little bit before he could get the airflow to taste it. He couldn't figure it out either, but then again, he'd never tasted this flavor of mine before. Turns out it was Apple Fritter. I'd only had it once before, and it surely didn't taste like that on the day he bought it for me. I pretty much had to go through all of the bottles that I didn't think had juices in tanks before I could figure it out, lol!
  6. Okay, so it's getting worse. Sometimes, I push the button, and it does nothing at all. Sometimes, I'll push it, and while I'm vaping, it will cut the vape off after a couple of seconds. And sometimes, even better, it's like the button wobbles where it hits the circuit board, because it throws me into the menu. I've seen a few threads on ECF about Sigeleis and Smoketeks having this problem, and even Vmax's. But the smoketek, you can just shove your finger up there and pop the circuit board back in place. Can't do that with the Sigelie because the battery area is separated from the circuit area by a...well, if it were upright, I'd call it a wall. One guy fixed his by taking the top off (very, very carefully so as not to screw up the wiring) and completely replacing the button. But that's the only fix I've seen on the Sigelei, so I hope to the god I don't believe in that DV will take this back and either fix it, or send me out a new one when we they get one in stock. It's a husband/wife operation, and the wife e-mailed me back and said she'd forward it to her husband to look at, and that was two days ago. (No, I didn't mention having ever dropped it. From my research, it doesn't take dropping it for this to happen, and there is no visible damage to my APV.) Started a thread on the ECF forums, because for some reason it wouldn't let me reply to the existing thread (yet, it let me start a thread in the exact same forum), but no replies yet. Figured the more people seeing it, the better chance I'll get of someone being able to help.
  7. But if it was fried, why was it operating fine on the first half of the tank....multiple times, but only get flooding and leaking when the tank level dropped below a certain point?
  8. At least yours came with a users manual. The Sigelei Zmax doesn't. The selling online stores put instructions for use on their page for the item, but it's MOSTLY really intuitive. As long as it's above 2 volts, I don't vary from my 7 watts, unless for some reason it tastes burned. With 2 ohms, you can conservatively go up to 8 watts and be safe (and that's a conservative chart), unless you have a juice that prefers to be vaped cooler. Okay, as far as my recent purchases: From Cloud 9 Friday (expensive as all hell) I got Vapor Beast's Kick *** Full Flavored Tobacco and Holy Grail RY4 Sweet Tobacco. This is the ONLY RY4 variant I've been able to stand. And I've mostly been alternating between those two for two days. But they only sell 15 ml bottles, and yeah, I'm close to out, so I need to order more already. I also got to KPT mini originals (they didn't have the full sized KPT 2 in stock or the mini 2 in stock, but I needed two new tanks for the new flavors, so since we were there, I grabbed the minis. We bought either 3 or 4 juices, plus the mini pro tanks, and WITH a 10% discount card, we paid NINETY freaking bucks. Two of the juice brands are sold online, so we'll save a ton ordering online, especially since Vapor Beast has free shipping to the continental US. So that's $3 off store price, plus no shipping. (And yes, I've been vaping enough of those two that I'm ordering replacement bottles today.) SATURDAY, we went to Better Vapes - best customer service in the area, hands down. I got the PT mini 2 version two....but it's still close enough looking to the original version (even with the replaceable drip tip) that I've gotten them mixed up and put Kick Ash in Holy Grail and vice versa. Talked over the issues I'm having with 618 with the owner - I found it especially odd because we had been getting 618 with a flavor boost, and after the seizure, the flavor detection went away, then it finally came back, and then it seemed to go away again (I don't want to say it's vapor's tongue this time, because with no flavor boost (the sampler) tasted fine (although the sampler was steeped for about a month by that time) and I could taste it and not just the tobacco. So (and I didn't say this to the owner, because I didn't come up with it while I was in the store) is maybe there is one of the underlying flavors that I'm not tasting, and that's why the tobacco is coming out so strong in the single flavor boost I have. But talking through with this guy, and he found it odd that I could all of the sudden taste the no flavor boost better than the single flavor boost that I usually custom order. So, we've come up with a plan of attack - this week, we are trying just an 11 ml bottle of what he calls "maximum flavor boost" (70/30 ratio and as much flavor as they can actually add with the extra PG in there). He's hoping that will shock my taste buds back to where I can deal with the extra flavor. If that doesn't work, next time we'll try the straight 618, a bottle of 50/50 and a bottle of 70/30, and see which works better for me (these are all 11 ml bottles since they are experiments). Granted, I haven't steeped it, I think I'm going to speed steep it today, but I'm having much the same feeling with the maximum flavor boost as I did with single flavor boost. So maybe it is that I'm not tasting one of the flavors, but with the flavor boosted, the tobacco taste is coming out stronger - but I find it odd that I could taste it for a little while after my seizure, but then not. I also got Papa Smurf as a pallete cleanser, though I didn't think about it and my Ripe Strawberry could probably work for that as well. The guy being willing to work with us is why we like Better Vapes so much for a B&M, and we are loyal to some of their flavors. UNFORTUNATELY, I went to re-order the Kick Ash and the Holy Grail RY4, and they are out of stock of 18 mg.....and have been. Which is truly and utterly disappointing. Which means I will likely have to purchase at least the Holy Grail at the shop....and considering that I just spilled Kick Ash on my pants this morning before my doctor's appointment, I'll have to get some of that as well (and that of course, put me behind schedule this morning). I've decided that I really like these glass bottles with the eye droppers, and I'd rather deal with those, so I may be replacing all my plastic bottles with them - they are easier on my hands, especially when I have tremors. Hoping hubby will let me come with him when he stops by Cloud 9 tomorrow after he gets off school so I can taste that um, what is it, Bees Knees Honey Tobacco. Course, I won't buy it from Cloud 9 when I can save $3 ordering it from Vapor Beasts (and they actually have that one in stock).
  9. Well, okay, I finally got tired of dealing with this leaking when it's halfway down thing, and opened it up to transfer to another tank, because I got another smaller tank I could put the flavor in the other tank into. Cleaned it out, double checked all the o-rings and they are still there. I was thinking of slightly filling the tank and letting it sit to see if it would leak, but it only seems to gurgle/flood/leak when I'm using it.
  10. Thanks for that. But at that price (which is what I paid for my Zmax), you may actually end up topping out at OVER what the kit costs, so you'll want to look at prices (just a note if you go this way, don't get a Trustfire charger, they are notorious for problems. My husband doesn't even use his anymore because of it, and uses my 4 bay Nitecore Intellicharger instead).
  11. Since it's a kit, it includes just about everything you would need, (even a carrying case), although you would want to buy an extra battery so that you have one battery to use while the other is charging, like all e-cigs. I looked for someplace that sold the 2.5 as a stand-alone only (2.5 is when they added in the V/W option), and places aren't selling it, except for maybe allibaba, and that's wholesale outlet and you'd have to buy 100 of them! So that's a no no, lol.
  12. I've had a battery post get pushed down from, I'm assuming it was my Davide. Hubby pulled it back up for me, but I'm not sure how.
  13. Patricia, what you linked, it's the same brand as what iheart linked, but yes, it's an APV....and advanced vaporizer. VV/VW, resistance readout, battery charge readout, and power output setting.
  14. First off, I could have sworn I posted to this last night, but I guess it didn't go through. That's what I get for using my nook. For the most part, I agree with you on hardware, or for a shop that doesn't manufacture their own juice. Better Vapes is where I get about half of my juices from, and they started out as a small online presence for about two years, and then opened their storefront 4th of July. The prices in the online store are identical, and they mix their own juice, so they can do custom orders ($8 for 22 ml). For certain things, well, Evods, I will certainly hit them first, or I would for other plastic tanks. But say for Pro Tanks, Davides, etc.? It's only worth it to buy from them if you are only buying one or two, where the price difference overcomes the shipping from say, Discount Vapers. Coils, I'll buy from the B&M because I'm not going to order coils online unless I'm ordering other stuff, too. Well, okay, I just looked at how much DV is charging for the MPT 2, plus their like $5 flat shipping rate, it breaks down to just under what I paid at Better Vapes for it ($19.99 before tax). I have to agree mostly with this. Better Vapes, like I said, is fair priced on their juice, plus they can custom make it on the spot for you. Their juice doesn't HAVE to be steeped, mostly, but I've had some samples that they've mixed up for me, and fresh out of mixing, you could tell they needed to steep, and when I came back the next week, they were much better. They don't have a LOT of hardware, but they are REALLY knowledgeable. They have been trying to help me work through my tasting issues, but since it's neurologically related, I'm not sure if some things are going to come back, or will never come back. 618 and Honey Wood came back for me, but then changed again for me several days ago, so Honey Wood I have to mix now (and provided I get the proportions right, it's fine), but the past several days, with the exception of a few hours, 618 has been off - too strong on the tobacco, or even tasting burned on a setting that I know won't burn it because I vaped it all the time on that wattage setting. But they are trying to help me through this. You don't know how it broke my heart to go into Cloud 9 yesterday, and see all of these wonderful chocolate flavors (including one I had been searching for before my seizure - essentially thin mint), and to be able to taste everything BUT the chocolate. Like there was a chocolate/white chocolate or vanilla mix, and I could taste the white chocolate or vanilla on the exhale, but not the chocolate chocolate in the inhale. But Better Vapes helps me out a lot. The largest pool of knowledge at Cloud 9 and 3D Vapors is the staff, who are dedicated vapers - with 3D, the owners opened up the shop because at that time - June - there were no vapor shops on our side of the river close by. NOW there's four. Other than Better Vapes, they carry another locally made juice, Apothecarium, but there's no website that I can find, the only mentions I can find for it on the web are shops mentioning that they carry it and it's made in Alton. But back to Better Vapes, the owner has been trying to help me out through my taste issues (I think what's going on with the 618 is I'm in and out of being able to taste one of the flavors - not the caramel, because I can usually taste that fairly well, but something else, and he won't "describe" the flavor so I can figure out what I'm missing. I tried the tester of just non-flavor boosted 618, and it tasted fine. So he suggested mega boosting and seeing if that sort of clears it out for me, so he mixed what he called "maximum flavor boost" - 70/30 blend, and the highest flavor they can put with that much PG. Luckily, I only ordered an 11 ml bottle, just in case turning up the flavors that high either doesn't work, or causes more problems. I'm going to let it steep (or maybe speed steep it) If that doesn't for me flavor wise, then I'll go to the straight no flavor boost, maybe with the 70/30 ratio. But as far as taking care of us, once we started going in there regularly, every couple weeks, at least, if not more often, he, of course, would recognize us, both by look and by name. So the second time we custom ordered the 618 with the flavor boost, I just called it in, and he said, "well, normally we want you to pre-pay for a custom order, but you guys are in here all the time, so I'll just have it ready in 30 minutes." Well, today, he was going over mechanical mods with hubby for a good long time, and the one closest to what hubby had in mind was the Natural - which they were selling for $60, but he told hubby, "I tell you what, you decide you want the Natural, when you come in to get it, I'll knock it down to $50 for you." I've looked online since we got home. The only place I found the current version (not the telescoping) of the Natural online for less than $50 was DV. Hubby's, I think, actually looking at a Sigelei (I think 19?), but since I don't know the difference between mechanical mods, and frankly I don't know why one would want a battery tube without the circuitry to do the stuff I like my stuff to do. But that's his thing. But they are good to us. Retail on Evods there is 50 cents cheaper than DV (so $5.49) - whereas all the other shops in town you find them for $10. You know, the new store, Cloud 9, hubby thought that they were carrying pretty much exclusively Vapor Beast stuff, but I'm not so sure - the Sigelei Zmax they carried was a kit, and Vapor Beast doesn't sell a kit, just the straight thing you get from DV. One thing is, though, if they aren't selling at MSRP rather than discounted prices, then they are significantly marking up for purchasing/shipping. I think MSRP on an Evod is around $7, and like I said, they were selling it for $10. I guess I just went into it with higher hopes because they have SO MUCH SPACE, and could stock SO MUCH MORE (I'm pretty sure they have the same amount of display cases in their huge store that Better Vapes has in their very, very tiny store, and Better Vapes mixes on site. And well, just to make juice prices even across the board, they are charging the same price for all juices, despite the fact that while Vapor Beast charges $9 per bottle of juice (great juices, though, and they carry ALL of the Vapor Beast juices), I know one of the other companies (can't remember the name, hubby bought that brand and, well, he probably didn't HIDE his tackle box, I just don't know where it is - oh, I see it now, I just can't REACH it, because it's way on top of his 6 foot high desk) and we checked their website and 15 ml bottles are $7, while 30 ml bottles (which Cloud 9 doesn't carry yet) are only $10. I have NO CLUE what the third brand of juice they carry is - I didn't even try any from that line. Yeah, that's another reason why I go to Better Vapes. Well, I won't order a tank online unless I've tried one of them out before, and like I said, Better Vapes has been soooo helpful to us, particularly me, and he's gonna give hubby that discount on the Natural if he wants to buy it from there. But back on topic - okay, we spent $90 at Cloud 9 on Friday. I spent, I think $25 at 3D the week before that, and I don't know what hubby spent last Saturday (not yesterday, but last week's Saturday) - well, I think he probably spent about $15, all he got was my Apple Fritter, which is growing on me, and a blunt tip needle. Then YESTERDAY, we spent, um, forty something at Better Vapes. Luckily, we got the refund disbursement on the student loan check in. And finally - hubby has his Provari, he has his batteries, he's buying RBA's (and all the stuff needed to rebuild them, except the shops keep running out of stainless steel mesh, and he wants to have enough on hand in case he screws up), and NOW, he wants to by a mechanical mod. His mini Provari was more expensive than my Zmax (granted, I have more flavors, and way more tanks, but my orders setting me up with the zmax, the KPT's, the batteries/charger, it still totalled less than his mini Provari, I believe). But he understands what I'm going through with the flavors right now....sorta. Though he still thinks part of it is vapor's tongue, and it's not, I can tell the difference - what I'm not tasting are certain flavors across the board - not just a particular juice, but a flavor used in ANY juice - there were sooo many good juices from Vapor Beast that I tried, that had a chocolate base to them, and they were good, I just wasn't getting the chocolate taste out of them, just the other flavors. I looked for MONTHS for a good thin mints juice, and when I found it Friday, I couldn't hardly taste the chocolate - it was that way for the Vapor Beast flavor, and it was that way for the Better Vapes flavor based on thin mints and Andes mint/chocolate candy. Yeah, it was nice, (heck, maybe I should have gotten that instead of Papa Smurf as my palette cleanser), but no chocolate. And I actually had to, again, sit him down and say, "this isn't vapor tongue, this is a loss of flavor, or even worse, flavors totally turning around on me, that may last six months, or it may never reverse." I guess he doesn't understand why I can still taste foods flavored that way, but not vape, but the food flavor is more concentrated, I guess, and well, directly on the tastebuds. He just made me realize yesterday that in the 10 months since this happened the first time, he's never understood it in all that time.
  15. I'm doing the same thing. We went to the new vape shop today.....well, their prices are outrageous, for 4 15 ml bottles of juice and 2 mini Pro Tanks (the original ones), WITH a 10% discount, was $90. TWELVE BUCKS per 15 ml of juice. Granted, they have to have markup because they order it from evidently "major" suppliers. Well, hubby and I looked those juice makers up when we got home, one that hubby got was $7 (I don't know about shipping), and the other (the one I got two of and hubby got one of) the 15 ml is $9, the 30 ml is only $7 more. PLUS Vapor Beast is FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the Continental US. So yeah, we'll be ordering from there - especially since Cloud 9 doesn't carry the 30 ml sized bottles. I don't know about the other brand, but Vapor Beast only offers 24, 18, and 8 mg of nicotine, they won't custom mix nicotine levels (well, I was thinking of doing a "contact us" and ask them if that is possible, otherwise I'm going to have order a bottle of 18, and a bottle of 8, and combine them to get 30 ml of 13 mg nic. I was going to get 2 evods for my two new flavors, but the mini pro tanks were only a few dollars more ($16 or 17 I think), so even though the PT mini has less of a capacity, it's glass, so I went for it rather than paying 10 freaking dollars for an evod. You know, I'm not even sure how MUCH the owners know about vaping, other than what they've picked up since deciding to open the business - or maybe the husband vapes, but the wife just started vaping when they decided to open the business, and she vapes no nic....and she actually has the samplers lined up with each sample have one with nic, and one without nic. I'm not thinking that people, unless they've worked totally off nic, would actually WANT to sample with zero nic. Anyway, that's just my thing. But as with all B&M's, hardware is OUTRAGEOUS. The Sigelei that I have, that I paid $80 for, they had for $100. They had the ORIGINAL KPT, but not the two, no Davides, and hubby said the mark ups on the mods were, of course, outrageous. They've got a HUGE storefront space, but use most of it for tables and there's two areas with either two sofas each or two loveseats each and a decent size wall mounted tv in each space. But they could do soooo much more with the space than the little bit of stock they have. I mean, it used to be a UPS store. But I have to say I'm being nice. Since I bought 2 mini pro tanks at an outrageous price - it would have been cheaper to order them online and pay the shipping - I'm waiting until next month, I suppose, for the mini 2, because I want try it out before I ask for more of them for Christmas.
  16. Aqua, I just have to say - I LOVE your new profile pic. What kind of doggie is that? My profile pic is my deceased doggie - I think 3 or 4 years now, but I currently have a very large (90 pounds) American Bulldog mix. Since American Bulldogs are only supposed to be smaller - both in weight and overall size - we're sure the "mix" is something bigger. The vet said his weight is only about a pound or two off, so it's not a matter of him being overweight - he's oversized for an American Bulldog, too.
  17. Okay, I haven't bought anything - YET - but we are going to the brand spanking new today local vape (as in...in OUR town, not one of the neighboring towns, and MAYBE 7 minutes away from us) shop, once we figure out when they are open. I have a blood draw this morning, so maybe once we are done doing that, I'll have hubby swing by (even though it's out of the way) so we can look at the door and check the hours, because the fb page doesn't say. Should they have it, I'm going to at least try to get the KPT mini 2, so I can try it out. If it's too airy, at least the holes are positioned to where I can put tape over it/them, unlike the full sized ones. That's weird that you find it too airy, since the full sized ones are perfect.
  18. Nitecore is intellicharger, right? That's what I went with, except I went with a four bay, because hubby was disappointed in his much cheaper charger, and having issues with it, so I knew he would be using mine. I only got 3 of the batteries, but at the very most I go through right now are 2 a day. You just want to make sure it's a good battery brand, and that it's one that has overcharge protection.
  19. Better Vapes is one of my favorites right now, except for the juices I buy locally, and the one juice that I buy from Chi-Town Vapers.
  20. I generally stick with 2.2 - 2.5 (which can actually range up to 2.8), and so I run, usually, at 7 watts, depending on how the juice is reacting, and lately, how my mouth is reacting to the flavor. You know, that is the EXACT same chart that I mentioned on here about a month ago, and someone told me that chart was too conservative. The only difference is it's different colors, lol. eGo and traditional basic starter kit batteries are 3.5 I believe. 7.5 you say? Maybe I should try my 618 at 7.5, the past few days it's tasted off to me, enough that I cleaned out the tank today, cleaned the coil/wick and let it air dry before I filled it again. Note: Nope, didn't work, it just isn't working well for me these couple days. Maybe I'll take a hit off hubby's, see if I can get taste for it back.
  21. Dangit, that means I'm going to have to try one out before I ask for the rest of them for Christmas. Are the air holes on the bottom or on the post?
  22. Okay, lotsa people looked at this, no one replied. Really? No one has any thoughts, any questions? This is the only KPT2 that this is happening with. I've gotten all of them down that low (just below half a tank), and this is the only one doing it, and it just started the other day. I'm wondering if it isn't an 0-ring issue. My assumption is that while there is plenty of pressure from the liquid in the tank prior to the halfway point, at that point, there's more air pressure (and yes, now it's happening at about the halfway point). Up until the halfway point, I have no problems with it at all. I don't have down the date of my last coil change, but it was sometime since the 11th....it was a Tuesday, I think, the following week, because it was when we took my son to the ER. I took this tank with me, but when I grabbed juice to refill it, I grabbed the wrong flavor, so I ended up having to empty the tank, and when I rinsed the coil, it still didn't taste right, so I pitched the coil and put a fresh one in.
  23. Okay, the last question, I had to answer CASAA. Big tobacco has their very powerful lobby, CASAA is there for us. Best reviewer, for me, was a no brainer. Since I don't do mechanical stuff, and he's reviewed pretty much anything I've wanted information on, that was Phil Busardi. This for best forum, of course. Hubby thinks he has the best forum on ECF, but no, that's impersonal, IMO, and I've made connections, and friends, here.
  24. With the bottom coil/wick assembly, you don't have to worry about topping off NEARLY as often, since the juice literally sits on top of the coil and wick - you don't have to worry about the wick getting dry. I prefer the taste of the KPT 2, as well, since it is glass. Finally, since it's a glass tank, you can vape hot cinnamon flavors like Inferno or Red Hot out of them, or citrus flavors, without worrying about damaging your tank. There are no top coil glass tanks, only bottom coils.
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