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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Well, when hubby ran me out to Better Vapes Saturday, Ii had them open the bittom ring. O-ring seemed just fine, I just haven't put juice in it because I have so few juices that seem vapable to me now, though tomorrow, I may try amother that is vapable on and off, with many days apart on when its vapable. Then again, I may empty one or two Evods that really havenT hit the spot since I'd say the day zI tried them at the shop. There is only one shop that has sleeves that don't really alter the flavor of the juice, but that's tge expensive shop. Heck, I may go in there just to taste juices and steal some of those sleeves. I know, I'm horrible. Anyway, they opened it no poblem.
  2. Good for you! I've just in the past 24 hours become extremely disappointed with our "normal" brick and mortar store. I mean, well, they still have good juices, but they aren't as knowledgeable about hardware as I had hoped. As a matter of fact, I messaged them, since they are the only one out of the FOUR B&Ms in our immediate area that carries the full sized Davides, assuming they carried the minis as well, asking them how much they were. Well, their supplier hadn't even made them aware that there WAS a mini Davide, and they referred me to the mini PT. So I sent them a link to the Discount Vapers mini Davide page (granted, they wouldn't be able to get it from DV, but the way they mark their products up, I wouldn't be surprised if they get them from a retail site and not a wholesale site), and told them since it CAN hold twice as much as either of the Mini Pro Tanks, they may want to think about stocking it, since it could probably be a good money maker. They also don't have that great of a knowledge of hardware/APV's that they don't stock, and the MVPs that they stock aren't Innoken/iTaste, but an off brand that I haven't tracked down yet. Granted, I wasn't dealing with the owner yesterday when I was asking questions, but I know one of his part time clerks, well, I don't know about her vaping experience, but I think I know more than she does - her "day" job, or "weekday job" is at the water company as a phone rep. The guy I was dealing with yesterday, who I think normally just mixes stuff up, I'm not sure, but he's not trained on the computer system to check people out, didn't know about hardware/APVs outside of what they stock. Heck, he picked up an SID that they DO stock, and wasn't sure what it was. None of them, not even the owner, had heard about the SVD even existing, and they had to look it up....which, with the kid I was mostly dealing with, ended up being him saying, "Oh, it looks/sounds like it's just like the KMax." The KMax is something they DO carry. Although I've heard the KMax is just a higher priced, prettier lookig VAMO. But another B&M store in my area, even though I've never set foot in it, I'm having more luck with hardware discussions with the owner.
  3. Yeah, my kids are going to be 17 and 19 in December. Once they were older, and we trusted them enough, we would leave the analogs within reach, and they never attempted to touch them, because, well, they KNEW. And by the time we were almost done smoking, hubby still wouldn't let them even bring us an ASHTRAY. Of course, by that time, the most common phrase out of their mouths was asking us to quit smoking. So now? Nope, they won't touch the vaping stuff. We still keep the stuff in cabinets and our tackle boxes, because we outgrew the desk cabinets, not to keep it away from the kids, but to keep it away from the dog, who will eat anything that smells good.
  4. Well, since I also had tanks that held onto the flavor or Inferno and Jungle Juice (nasty stuff, two hits and I was done with it), we decided to go the vodka route - this became especially, well, almost necessary once I started switching tanks left and right because I couldn't taste stuff anymore - rinsing chocolate or rich french vanilla out of a wick doesn't work so well, but the vodka soak worked. I have a bottle sitting on my counter, with a container next to it. I'll rinse coils out as need be, and then when I have several that need soaked, I drop them all in the little container, and put the vodka in, letting them soak a minimum of 8 hours, then I let it air dry. Then they go into the spot in my tackle box designated for used coils ready to be re-used. I'll put them in anything but the Davide, since the Davide is possessed. Granted, I wouldn't say I use "premium" vodka, it's not the stuff that's locked in the cabinet at the store, and it's grain vodka, not potato vodka, but it works well enough. The only time I had a problem was the first time I used vodka, and that was a little bottle I picked up at the gas station, and it did NOT do the job (but it was a .99 bottle).
  5. Someone on the CASAA fb boards shared this reddit post. It's a good thing that somehow Child Protective Services or the police weren't called in, thus relating in a media firestorm. http://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/comments/1o8vdn/psa_be_incredibly_careful/ A mother of a 2 year old left her juice in the living room - sounds as off the dog chewed the lid off very quickly, and the two year old drank a good bit of it. Thanks to the quick discovery, and the mother's quick action, tragedy was prevented in this case. I KNOW all of us that are parents, because we KNOW the dangers of this stuff are careful with our juice, although sometimes we may not think about our pets. I know there have been times after I've filled my tanks that my dog's tried to lick my hands before I could wash them. A mg or two of nicotine absorbed through our skin isn't a big deal, but to a toddler, or to the dog, it's a very big deal. One poster in that thread commented that because he and his wife drip, the juice is constantly out, but their five year old knows it's poison, not to touch it, whatever. That's not a boundary I'd be willing to test.
  6. I love the metal drip tips, I just don't like how they collect lip gunk - like when your lips are dry. Although I prefer the draw of the PT 2 now that I have my Davide drawing properly (it's just prissy when it comes to it's coils, what works in one device may not be good enough for it, I swear, it's possessed), I actually prefer the drip tip of the Davide. When I wasn't using the Davide, I actually tried to replace the drip tip on one of my PT2s with the Davide drip tip. You'd think it would be a simple matter, seeing as they are both 510 tips, both models share the same base, same coil, etc. Nope. Even though on the Davides, those Davide drip tips aren't exactly the snuggest fit in the world, there was no way on Earth it was going into that PT2, which kind of bummed me out, because the drip tip for the Davide is a bit thinner, so my mouth likes it better, I guess is a way of putting it. But since I started using the Davide and the Pro Tanks, I've gotten used to the metal drip tips....so the plastic drip tips on my evods feel foreign to me. Or even the plastic drip tip on the one PT2 that I have to assist in the color coding, since they didn't have enough colors of glass for all the tanks I ordered - I got a different drip tip for the second clear glass PT2. But it's plastic, and it just doesn't feel right, so while I'm using it, I end up switching it out for the original drip tip until I go to put it up.
  7. You know, it was sooo frustrating when I was trying to figure out where the ring went on the mini PT by looking at the other one, only to find out it had come off as well....and it came off way to easy. And then, I swear, I had to spend 30 minutes online to try to find some site that actually showed the location of where the base ring goes...and that was more like a general guide to rings for bccs, so I basically looked at the picture, and looked at the base, and said, "Okay, it must be there, then." The picture wasn't even for showing the location of where to put the rings, but to make sure they are in the correct place and not crooked so your tank doesn't leak....some really obscure site, I think. Did it for top coils as well. The frustrating thing I noticed, on my mini pt 2, I think, once you take the base/coil assembly off, and the bottom ring, there is an o-ring held ONTO the glass by some sort of adhesive. Now, if that breaks, or needs replaced, or somehow gets removed, how in the bleep am I supposed to replace THAT one?
  8. One thing I want to add, I questioned the same issue about juice turning dark - in my case, I questioned it when it happened in one day (you look up the post under threads that I've started). Any time you expose juice to heat, that will happen. I only noticed it because I would say, have 1/2 a tank of a full sized Pro Tank 2, and add my juice to top it off for the day, and I could see the different colors mixing. But if you are getting a burned taste, you probably did the right thing by changing your coil. I'm surprised the coil lasted you that long, frankly. I get most of my juice at either an online/storefront shop locally - www.bettervapes.com OR I get one flavor from this place: http://www.chi-townvapers.com/ I also got to www.vapedudes.com There's a new one I picked up at a local shop - Vapor Beast, but so far in the past week, I've had a problem with them having my two juices in stock on their website, so I can't say whether I would recommend them or not. I get one flavor from Alt Cig - there's is the only Irish Cream I've found that even resembles Bailey's to me (I don't drink coffee, and can't stand the taste of it, so Irish coffee flavor does me no good, lol), but I've not tried their other flavors. But I am fairly new to this (the end of July), and I've been pretty happy with most of the flavors I've found so far, so I haven't gone experimenting with other vendors just yet, and as I'm married, I get the "how many flavors do you need" thing from my spouse, since he only vapes three juices (which probably explains why gets vapor's tongue so frequently). I know, for example, some people swear by Sweet Vapes, though I've never tried any of their flavors myself. Basically, what I do, is when someone mentions a site, or mentions where they bought x juice, I go to that site and bookmark it. I also look at phil busardi's reviews at tasteyourjuice.com - but again, taste is subjective. There is also another site that I haven't actually PURCHASED any of their recommendations, but they have reviews of a whole bunch of different flavors: http://www.vaporrater.com/all.php Again, taste is really subjective. For instance, my hubby and I both vape a local juice called 618 (named after our area code). It tastes different to him than it does to me. I hope this helped.
  9. Like Tam said, the amount of time a coil lasts varies highly. I've had some come out of the package bad, and I've had some last for fills on the tank (an evod tank at that) - but that was the original coil that came with the product, and the original coils are a crap shoot at best. Always run your batteries down as far as the device will let you when possible. Batteries develop a memory (for lack of a better term), and the shorter amount of time you go between charges, eventually, the shorter they will last between charges. When I worked at Radio Shack years and years ago, we saw this happen a LOT with cordless phones, because people would always leave them on the charger. I've never seen a more perfect example of this than my hubby's first laptop. He hardly ever used it when it wasn't plugged in, and he didn't remove the battery when it was plugged in. By the time I asked him if I could occasionally use it in the living room, since I had back problems and sitting in my chair in the den made it worse, the battery only lasted about 30 minutes. Then, about three or four years ago, his use of the laptop got sporadic, and although I thought it was just because he was no longer in school, I asked him about it, and he didn't answer me. Last weekend, I found out, I guess the "real reason" - since he never removed the battery while having it plugged in, the battery memory is zero, and now it won't run without it being plugged in. The only reason I found out is because he warned our son not to make the same mistake on his battery. Of course, the laptop is now, I think 6 years old, so it's pretty outdated. He ended up getting a new laptop when he went back to school this fall. Since it's an Apple, I don't believe the battery is removable, but I do know that he runs the battery down before he plugs it in to charge. Like Tam said, and the I believe the chargers warn, you aren't supposed to leave charging batteries unattended overnight. I'm guilty of doing this, though. Once you "move up in the world" and get a mod, or "advanced personalized vaporizer" that has variable voltage and possibly variable wattage, with removable batteries that you charge on a dedicated battery charger, to me, it's not quite as critical, IMO, at least in my experience. The good ones not only have charge monitoring, but they have over-charge protection, but even they caution against leaving a battery charging unattended overnight, and I can see why - my large 18650 battery charges in a matter of hours - I think 4 - 5 hours tops. Hubby's smaller 18350s charge in about half that time. The one thing that worries me about the not using a USB port on the computer is that a certain mod, the iTaste MVP (both version 1 and 2), only come with a USB charging port. So I have to find a good time to be able to use my phone's USB slot to charge it, or I have to use the computer. IMO, they screwed up when they made it that way, but then again, I haven't heard of any incidents with charging the MVP via USB hub, either.
  10. I admit it, I still get a craving for a cigarette - usually during high stress times, or times that would seem perfect for one. But it's NOT a physical craving for me, it's a mental craving. The first two weeks, I kept dum dum suckers around the house, for when I felt it was too soon to hit the vaporizer again, but I needed that hand motion. But it's still early days yet, for your hubby, and nicotine isn't the worst of the addictive substances in analogs. They also contain MAOI's, which big tobacco KNEW would keep people hooked, from the time they started adding them. That's why, I think, the first few weeks are so hard. We aren't withdrawing from nicotine, we are withdrawing from the MAOI's (which I still can't believe the FDA let them get away with). IMO, the reason why e-cigs work better than the traditional nicotine replacement therapies is because it addresses the physical need to be doing the act of "smoking", whereas the patch, the gum, the lozenges don't. Chantix, and the other prescription med, I can't remember the name of it because I couldn't take it because it could cause seizures, I believe take care, in some way, of the other chemical withdrawal, but don't address the nicotine withdrawal, or of course, the physical sensation of picking up a cigarette and smoking on it. As a matter of fact, when you get the ear acupuncture, they make sure you leave any cigarettes that you may have left over with them, because while your body is temporarily tricked into not wanting the nicotine, supposedly, it's second nature to reach for that cigarette. At one point in time, the acupuncture in our area claimed an 80% success rate, with free follow up visits if you relapsed, but I don't know how true that is, or is anymore.
  11. Well, didn't make it to Better Vapes today (I'm still calling Friday "today", even though it's 3 am Saturday morning). Will be getting there sometime Saturday afternoon. Having trouble ordering my juice from Vapor Beast. Gonna try again in the morning. If that continues, will have to pay through the nose to pick it up at Cloud 9 mid week.
  12. Wow, Rix, those are teeny. Question for you guys. This came up when I was researching my possible replacements for the Sigelei, and I brought up about what happens with an MVP when the batteries inevitably die, as all batteries do eventually? I was told, essentially, that it would take about a year and a half, and you pitch it, and then you upgrade. So that brings the question to mind - how often do you upgrade your APV's, for those that still use APV's over mech mods?
  13. Okay, so last Friday, I got two original mini pro-tanks and two new juices at the new store that opened up. After all the rest of our running, when we finally get home and I'm ready to try out my new flavors, I rinse the mini pro tanks out, and as I was drying them off, an o-ring slipped off of each of them. Waaaaay to easily, to my taste. So, before I saw the second o-ring sitting on the paper towel, I searched the other one up and down for an o-ring the other one didn't have. Obviously, that failed, and then I saw the second o-ring. So, back to my desk, trying to figure out where the freaking o-ring goes, and I finally find a diagram of a bcc that shows an o-ring where my minis currently did not have an o-ring. Great! It took me a couple of minutes of fumbling, but I got the first o-ring back in it's rightful place. Then I look down at the towel on my desk. The second o-ring is gone! I move everything around, I stand up, I shake out my blanket, still didn't find the o-ring. So I start trying to pull the one I just painstakingly put in place off, thinking I might have somehow put both on. Huh? It's not coming off so easy this time. So how did it come off so easy when I was drying it???? So I handed it off to hubby to see if he could at least move it enough to determine if there were one or two rings there. Nope, only one. So I commence to looking around again. Finally find it, it fell off the towel and was under my desk, nearly invisible in it's transparency in the shadow. Finally get that one. And fill up my tiny mini PTs. So, the next day - last Saturday - we went to Better Vapes, and I picked up a mini PT 2. The ring didn't slide off when I cleaned it this time....but as I put it together, I look down in the package, and......there's 2 extra o-rings, just in case. Now, Evods. Okay, I guess lately, I've been screwing some of my evods down too hard. Because when I go to unscrew them/disconnect them from the APV, they unscrew from the base, leaving the base and the coil in, which I then have to use a paper towel, take the coil out, and then, still using the paper towel, unscrew the base (except last night, that didn't work, hubby had to get the base out for me, and yelled at me for it). So, as I was getting the base for my stainless evod out of my Zmax, what do I find in my paper towel? ANOTHER fraking o-ring! I took three different evods apart looking for where this one could possibly go. I STILL have not figured it out, as it appears they are all where they are supposed to be on the base, so I have this ring sitting in a little spot in my tackle box. I've used the stainless evod since then, and it hasn't leaked, lol. But I guess this should also be a lesson as to not overtightening your bccs to the mods. NOTE: Please bear with me, I may be posting several things in the next little bit, or next day or so, that I've been meaning to for up to a week a more, but haven't had time to, or haven't felt well, or whatever.
  14. Okay, you bring up a couple of questions, Prot. The chipset that the Vamo uses - since I've seen the KMax referred to as essentially a more expensive clone of the Vamo (and you pay for the pretty), I'm assuming the Kmax uses the same thing. But isn't that the same chipset that the Zmaxes use? Could the chipset itself be what is causing the problems? Does anyone who have a Vamo here use a Pro Tank (original or two) or a full sized Davide? Because there was a notation about the Vamo 5 (as all Vamo models and some other APVs) have with KPTs, but it didn't go into detail, or provide a workaround, and I have, well, FIVE KPT2s. Frankly, what I would LOVE to do is actually HOLD the prospective models in my hand. While hubby is gone tomorrow, I'll call up the two local stores that I'm not SURE of what they have in stock - Cloud 9 and the new one I haven't visited yet - and see what they have in stock other than the MVP 2 (although I THINK Cloud 9 may only have the MVP 1 in stock, but it will feel the same) and the other, but I think they have the Smoketek SID in stock (which I almost ended up getting instead of the Sigelei) and the MVP2, but I don't THINK they have the Innoken SVD in stock. Frankly, I'm pretty split between the SVD and the MVP, but I will need to know how the MVP feels in my hand, frankly, because sometimes I have issues in my hands. That and, well, since the batteries can't be replaced, the MVP's basically die when the batteries reach the end of their life, which I've heard can be as short as a year and half. With the MVP, even though it's better for a battery to be completely discharged (or discharged to the point where it can no longer be used) frequently, what I believe I'm going to have to do is set it up to charge every night, and use one of my original eGo 900 mah stick batteries when I go upstairs before I go to sleep, and when I get up in the middle of the night, and when I get up before I get downstairs, if I went the MVP route. If I go with the SVD, is there a lanyard that would fit with that? I know NOW that a Provari lanyard would have fit my Sigelei, but what about the SVD? Oh, and I'm sure I'll still be researching all weekend. It will take until at least Monday or Tuesday for DV to get my package, and she didn't say how long it would be before Eric would be able to test it (and it would require consistent use for a bit, just firing it up for five minutes won't necessarily bring out the problems).
  15. It had the Fuzion label, but the local B&M was selling it? Was it a sealed bottled? Hmmm, maybe the b&m split the contents, watered it down, some. Is it a reputable shop?
  16. Got here too late to notice the last reply. I was just going to point at at 4 watts, the flavor would have been muted because it's likely too cool to produce anything. Glad you got your issue dealt with.
  17. I myself prefer the 650's, but I vape a LOT more than you. I'm running the 2000 mah 650's. But before I say anything else - you say you got your hands on - does that mean you tried someone else's, or you have acquired one?
  18. I'd be afraid to use it. Okay, today, I have to send the Sigelei back. So, on the shopping list over the weekend (hopefully), well, first I have to call them. I had my order in my cart already, for the 8 nic and the 18 nic, and changed my mind and decided I would just get a 30 ml of the 18 nic, and for some reason, I can only get one 15 ml bottle, it won't let me order two 15 ml bottles, or one 30 ml bottle, so, for something like the third day in a row, I need to call them for information. They may not be a good source if this is their policy (yet their website DOES list 30 ml bottles as selectable, it's just after you select it that it tells you that you essentially, can't select it. Of course, if I decide to combine the 8 mg nic and the 15 mg of nic, that would take care of needing to buy 30 mg of the flavor, because 15 of each flavor is 30 (ha, I can math!). Going to Better Vapes either today or tomorrow. If I should decide (and after looking at finances as we having a major purchase being made today) to get the two different nic levels of what I order from Vapor Beast, I'll get 2 30 ml bottles so I can just add the two 15 ml bottles in. If I don't get the two different nic levels, I'll have to decide if I'm going to get the "easier to use" bottles (depending on my hands) for my existing flavors which are NOT in dropper bottles (depending on how much they charge per bottle, I could easily spend a good fraction of money right there, but I'm prioritzing my flavors based on what's used RIGHT NOW, just as I'm doing with my tanks.) There is a bit of the "No Joy in Mudville" feeling right now, as hubby says I PROBABLY can't get a Twist or other cheap VV financially right now as a sub between now and the time DV either credits my account, we order what I'm going to get, and it gets here (or they get the SVD back in stock, if that's what I decide on, and I can order it and it gets here). And I understand that, I really, REALLY do. Bad time of year, class ring is being bought um, today, plus household bills for the month.....and we need to try to save up for the month that REALLY hurts, December. Both teenagers' birthdays are within a week and a half of Christmas, plus another family birthday that BECAUSE of the close relation, we try to do an actual b-day gift instead of just a card (two days before the oldest's birthday, coincidentally). It just BITES going back down to non VV. BUT, I'm planning on getting either 50/50 regular 618 blend or 70/30 (the maximum flavor boost was bleh to me, and as long as the regular blend with no flavor boost tastes okay to me, I'll go with that, because I miss my 618). I REALLY think this is still related to "seizure-gate" on the 10th of last month, because I think it may be that I'm not tasting all of the flavors, and that's why on the increased batches, it's come down to me ONLY tasting, essentially, tobacco flavoring, but I don't think I had that problem when I tasted the sample at the store, which was without flavor boost. I won't get a glass/eye dropper bottle on that until I'm sure that's what I'm going to be able to stick with, and I'm still not sure if I'll need the 50/50 or the 70/30. I'm just trying out an 11 ml bottle. I'm not sure if I'm going to pick up a bottle to do my combining of my honey wood/turkish honey in there, or keep doing my....well, a dash of this one a dash of that one in the tank itself. Probably the latter, because I haven't really figured out the proper proportions of which flavor to which flavor, and some days I prefer more honey wood, and some days I prefer more Turkish Honey tobacco. I plan on picking up a mini davide to try. Granted, the full sized Davide's draw is a little more airy than the KPT 2, so I think the KPT2 will be the one I will stick with for my full sized bottles, the mini PT, either original or version 2, are just too small to suit my needs for the smaller sized bottles - so they are definitely going to end up relegated to the "sample only" pile. Going to end up picking up a pack of replacement kanger coils, too. Since I'm switching flavors out of tanks in the past couple of days, and although I vodka soak them - I don't know how long the used ones are going to keep lasting, and I only have 4 brand new ones left.
  19. I THINK what I'll do is transfer the contents of that Davide into another tank, and when we go to Better Vapes, see if they can open it, and then see if I need a new o-ring - although I could just vape everything out of it - pretty sure I have two tanks left in the source bottle, but it's hard to tell, since I fill with the eye dropper thing that came on the bottle, and well, that Davide takes SEVERAL droppers-full to fill, or rather, get close to filling it, although I get closer to filling it since I have the eye dropper rather than having to tilt the bottle so much.
  20. I'm not sure what is going on with your vamo (are you sure you didn't burn the wicks? You know, try to fire the tanks up before the wicks were sufficiently wet, or dry burned them to dry them and accidentally burned them?), but with, well, any other VW device, you should be able to push 2.5 ohms up to at least 8 watts - of course, that's not to say that your juice may not taste burned at those levels, some juices prefer to be vaped cooler - but I have my APV set at a consistent 7 watts and don't taste burned juice on any of my juices. I agree with bcarter, it sounds like you may have a defective unit - either it's reading the resistance wrong, or it's putting out the wrong amount of power. When you put in the fresh battery, that JUST relates to how much charge is on the battery - not how much it is putting out. It will only put out the voltage required to hit the wattage it is set at. So it sounds as if it's either registering the wattage wrong, therefore putting out the wrong wattage, or just plain putting out the wrong wattage, but still thinking it's putting out the right wattage.
  21. Okay, I truly think this ONE Davide I have is not the best representation of the lot, I'm sure of it. I'm willing to try another one, to see if it, too, is possessed. Or at least a mini. Awhile ago, I posted that post seizure-gate September 2013, for a week or two, I was able to vape from my Davide and I didn't feel like it wasn't right to me, that it was pulling too much air. Even though I was also using PT2s, which have a tighter draw, as well, I never really noticed the difference in draws, I guess it was because it was still scrambled. Well, at some point in time I did figure out that it was waaaay to airy, and the tank was almost empty at that time anyway. I tried changing the coil, didn't work. So I set it aside. Still had SOME juice in it. That maybe have been, oh, two weeks ago, maybe three? I can't keep track of the vaping days after my seizure when I vaped what so well. Anyway, the other day when I was making the post about mini pro tank 2 or mini Davide 2, I decided what the heck, and threw another coil into the Davide, and hey, it worked. So yesterday morning I decided to take it apart, clean it out, and when hubby got back home with my RY4 variant, fill it up. Well, friction had other plans for me, evidently. I guess the last time to put back together, I put it back together too well, evidently. I got the bottom and the coil off fine. The bottom ring holding the whole thing together? Wouldn't budge. Tried to get hubby to take two minutes (yeah, he was in a massive hurry) to try to open it up, he couldn't, or couldn't take enough time to properly try, but he couldn't get to open. So I go to the sink, dump the contents out, rinse out the coil, wash the base, and run the stupid ring under hot water for 5 minutes and it still - wont - budge. So ended up putting into a container of what started out as really hot water for a few hours. Cleaned out the inside of the Davide, but the ring still won't move. I figured, to heck with it, the inside's clean, I have my Holy Grail RY4, so I partially fill it, instead of using the previous wick I had just put in there the day before, I used the essentially brand new week I had just put into the pro tank mini with the Holy Grail Friday. Wasn't having problems with that coil/wick prior to putting it into the Davide, but the Davide evidently didn't like it, started pulling airy, didn't have any oomph, any, anything, so I changed the coil/wick, and voila, it was as good as new!. My whole issue - other than the fact that my Davide is evidently possessed or something, is how the frak to get that ring off to take the Davide apart? I mean, eventually, I AM going to need to take apart other than taking a drip tip off or taking the base/coil assembly off. I don't see how I could have possibly tightened it down so much that I couldn't unscrew it. Yes, my left hand is messed up, but it's recovering now and only the tip of the pinky is affected.....I was able to open a jar of applesauce my son couldn't so I don't think my hand is the problem. Yeah, I probably SHOULDN'T have filled it until I managed to get the darned ring off, but I wanted the Holy Grail in a bigger tank, and that was the only EMPTY big tank, lol. So, any thoughts on this stuck ring?
  22. Which guy in the hat - the first guy in the black hat (younger guy), or the really old guy in the tannish hat vaping? I don't like what Levinson said for two reasons. For one, he said it's helping you KEEP smoking. No, it's not. It's continuing to deliver nicotine into my system, just as snus would, but you don't call that smoking, so don't call this smoking either. Number two, he said that there was no evidence that the e-cigs helped people quit more the other of the other methods. Yes, there are a couple of new studies out, I believe, showing that very thing. As for Chantix or the other drug to kick habit, they can be dangerous....... But still, I can't get over him saying that vaping is helping us KEEP smoking. I haven't picked up an analog since August 14 at about 2 or 3 pm, I do not willingly inhale tobacco smoke, chemical additives, tar and carcinogens every day. How is vaping still doing that?
  23. So he's selling his e-cig business out to big tobacco? But I feel almost sorry for him.
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