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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I always do mouth to lung. You get as much nic from the absorption in the mucous membranes in the mouth, plus at least for me, I get the flavor better that way. And since I'm having difficulty with flavors since my seizures....
  2. So, CAN evods go bad eventually? I was told the could.
  3. This was with a brand new coil, hat I took out and replaced three times, but worked fine in the other base.
  4. Well,, crap. MS hands. Weakness sometimes, tremors - I'd have the same problem, but because I can't manage the freaking button. Do you have any VW suggestions? Okay,, preferably under $75 before tax, which is what my refund would be.
  5. Okay, so I had my second Evod fail the other day. I noticed some online retailers sell bases for Evods. So out of curiosity, I took the base of one of my other Evods and tried it with the "failed" Evod, and it worked! So the bases just look like a ring of mmetal, so what can "fail" in them?
  6. Well, then, I think hubby has a couple extra old USB chargers among all the power cords he's salvaged....I guess I'll cannibalize one of them, because frankly, although it would be convenient to charge it overnight every night and just use the eGo for the vaping I do upstairs, batteries develop a memory, blah blah blah. I'm going to do some more searching, some more research tomorrow, and if I decide on an MPV, I will have to hold one in my hand and feel how much pressure it actually takes on the fire button.
  7. Currently, though I don't know for how long, the super flavor boosted 618 from Better Vapes. I've just about got a handle on tasting it - which is odd, considering its about the only vape I've been able to taste since 2 today. Well, I could taste a teeny tiny bit of apple fritter, and a teeny tiny bit of french vanilla - it's exactly like I'm back to the stupid day after my seizures. It's like my nap flipped that stupid switch again.
  8. Okay, so you never did answer my question about HOW the MVP charges - what do you hook it up TO in order to charge it?
  9. Well, I got another e-mail from Eric at DV. He's completely refunding my money, not bothering with in store credit. Provided that I can talk my husband into it, I'll be getting the V5 of the Zmax. He still thinks the button MIGHT be an issue, but then again, he didn't tell me that when I had him try it, he purposely rocked the button to make it malfunction - he told me at the time it was LIKE the button was being rocked. But what he just told me on the phone was, "Well, it was happening to you, wasn't it?". Well, geeze, if he intentionally rocked the button to recreate it, then it COULD have been "user error", and he gave me the entirely wrong impression! Now I have to wonder if the other person did that, as well, on hubby's advice, to see if he could recreate the problem by doing that, and it's not tremors or my freaking MS thumbs (though I've not noticed having issues with my thumbs before). One reason he was recommending the MPV was because it had "square or rectangular buttons on a flat surface". When I told him the firing button was harder to trigger, he said that could be a good thing.....except when it's not for me, with my hand strength. Granted, I would have to actually hold one in my hand, and try the button out with my thumb, but I could see that causing a problem when my symptoms are flaring up and my hands are weak. He's still going to push for the MPV, I think, because he thinks the button on a round surface is a problem, but what I read when I looked this stuff up was that it was a circuit board problem, supposedly. At any rate, he won't let me order the replacement until the credit hits the bank account, which could actually be several days. My bank just told me it can take up to 7 business days to be processed through the card company and for the money to be deposited back into my account, but it SHOULD only take two. Too bad it's not a straight credit card, that it's a debit card, and it has to go through the extra step of depositing money into my account.
  10. This morning, at the moment, I'm vaping the last of my kick ash tobacco. Since I ordered it yesterday, it was Columbus Day, and it's free shipping, thus no track and confirm, except I DID get the e-mail saying it had been shipped, I have no idea when I will get it, but the customer service rep said their shipping, I guess it's first class because it usually arrives in two days. Just worried about when my order DOES get here, how I'll do with the newer version of kick ash, as I had to lower the nic level to 8 in order to actually get it, within hours of it supposedly being in stock and available, I could only order a 15 ml bottle of 18 nic (only one bottle, 30 ml was no longer available, and I knew 15 ml would go quick as it's one of my main vapes lately), and within two hours (which is what I needed to ask hubby if we could afford it, not even the 15 ml bottle of 18 nic was available anymore. The RY4 variant that was SUPPOSED to be available Saturday was just made available yesterday, and I was at least able to order the nic level I wanted, plus the size I wanted, at mid-day yesterday of the Holy Grail RY4. But I will be out of both of them by tonight, I'm sure. I'm not sure what I'm going to vape today. Flavors that two days ago were great and I couldn't get enough of are "meh" to me today and yesterday. I THINK I want something sweet, but not as sweet as what I have tanked up right now. But I have, let's see, two tanks I can empty, and um, 4 (?) flavors waiting to be tanked? Maybe five? Most of them I bought before the seizure, before my tastebuds altered, but some of them, or rather, the changes to my taste have altered how I taste some of them. maybe I can sort of bring those back, having been off of them so long. I'm looking for something..... ]
  11. See, when I did the google search yesterday trying to find the website of the leatherworking shop that makes the Tardis case, I found that wrap website with that wrap and the regular Tardis wrap on it. That wrap (or the regular Tardis wrap), with the Tardis holster, IMO, would be awesome! Grrrr. I just got an e-mail from Eric at DV. Because I had let them know that the issue doesn't start happening immediately in the mornings (he hasn't received the package yet, he's only going by my e-mail, which is also the information I included in the mandatory letter I sent with the unit), he's implying that it's either user error or a possible battery issue - or I've come across a rare quirk, and decided I wanted us that to replace it with another brand. So I had to very politely tell him I only timed it on Saturday because I had previously noticed the problem did not start immediately in the morning, because I had no idea how long he would be testing it for, I don't know how heavy a vaper he was, and I thought POSSIBLY it could be related to heavy use. And that ideally, I would replace it with the same model, but they no longer carry it, and won't give me a refund if it is found to be defective. That, as I'm a heavy vaper, I go through a full charge of an 18650 battery per day, and then before I go upstairs about an hour or two before I go to sleep, I routinely change the battery out then as well if the battery reads below 3.8, and even with a fresh, fully charged battery it still happens, frequently, and that not only has my husband experienced it immediately when he used it at mid-day (so I could rule out "user error"), but someone else has as well. If it happened to my husband, and immediately, I know it's not user error, and he's the one that pointed that it was like the circuit board seemed to be interpreting the button as rocking, which registered as multiple presses. And user error OR a battery issue would not explain why sometimes it would continue firing, with different tanks, after my finger was completely OFF the button. Heck, if they find it to be defective, and refund the purchase price to my credit card, I could purchase it from Vapor Alley for $5 cheaper - then I wouldn't even have to cover shipping out of pocket again, like I would have to do if DV still carried the mod and I chose to replace it with the same mod. Heck, I could get a V5 from Exhale Vapors for $69. Different circuit board, possibly fixes the problem (and includes a puff counter and a vaping time, and estimate battery life based on the resistance of the tank and the voltage/power setting). Puff counter isn't important to me (although I understand that the MVP has that) but the estimated battery life very well could be, and like I said, a different circuit board possibly fixes the problem.
  12. Cloud 9, the new B&M that just opened up on the 4th (where I found the RY4 that I liked and Kick Ash that was so horribly expensive on juice), I'm not sure how much the owners know - I know the wife, the driving force behind opening it, just started vaping zero nic when they decided to open the shop. I don't know about the husband, although one thing he said to me had me scratching my head.....when I asked if they carried the Davides, he said no because they were just knock offs of the Pro Tanks. Okay, I can see where people would think that, but I explained that the Davides actually had more capacity than the Pro Tanks, and if you can find it on the net, you can (or will be able to soon) get replacement parts and glass that will extend the tubes even larger, and that the draw is more airy, so that might appeal to other people. But with the larger capacity, especially if you have to chose between the mini-Davide and the mini-PT, there's a possibility that they could move more Davides. (He is now looking into the Davides.) I only dealt with two of the clerks, one just on the flavor bar, and this was the first day open, so I didn't bother asking questions, and one on the hardware side, and he was a BIG fan of cartos, and seemed to think with bottom coils, or top coils, you had to let the wick "charge up" every time you fill it, even if you don't clean it between fills (if it's the same flavor, I'll go a few days before I clean it) and the wick was plenty soaked when you filled it.
  13. Ugh, I hated the CE4's that came with my starter kit. It was a week before I started replacing them, and mainly because I wanted to try more than one flavor. I don't know how the flavor is with CE5s, but I found the flavor on my bottom coil evods to be much better, and then when I (mostly) upgraded to glass tanks, that was even better. BTW, Aqua, this new puppy in your profile pic is adorable, too. Are all of these your puppies?
  14. I've had some Evods that the coil lasted what seemed like forever - at least a month....and then I've had others (and Davides and Pro Tanks) where they've lasted no time at all - one Evod the coil lasted quite literally a day and a half, and some members have had the experience with the Davides and Pro Tanks that the coils that come with them don't work at all, but I've been lucky in that they do, but my Davide seems to be (possessed) really sensitive to how well a coil works before it gets wonky (for some reason, unlike my other tanks, the Davide seems to get too airy when the coil isn't "up to snuff" for me, rather than exceptionally tight, like with my other tanks, but the Davide is an airier draw anyway, for me). I even had one coil that I put brand new into the Davide from a Kanger package that didn't work at all, and one that lasted maybe a week. The quality control on the coils isn't so great, so keep a supply on hand. And the backups, backups, backups rule is definitely a good rule of thumb. What resistance coils are you using now? Well, people on this board use a wide range of resistances, I generally prefer the 2.5 resistance, though. YMMV. But yes, tastebuds can definitely change, even after you've been vaping for a year, or you could have developed vaper's tongue (pretty sure hubby runs with vaper's tongue at least 50% of the time right now, because he MAINLY vapes one juice), or, I believe, dehydration can even affect how well you taste your vape. OR, you said you ordered different PG/VG ratios, and that could make a difference, although unless it comes from the manufacturer at a different ratio with no option to change it (Vapor Beast) or the manufacturer makes it standard with a different ratio, or recommends a different ratio (as long as it's heavier on the PG side), I usually stick to 50/50, but again, some other members prefer other ratios, and since taste is subjective, again, YMMV.
  15. Okay, I seriously need to apologize for all the typos in this....and almost any other late night posting I make (except last Friday night/Saturday morning - I was up until 4 am). If it's a "school night" and it's near or after midnight, that usually means I'm using my Nook to post. I was using my cell phone to post, which was less error ridden because it had predictive text (but you had to CHOOSE the correct word, you don't get stupid auto-correct fails that result in totally wrong and dirty messages, and I think I would have ADD some of those words to my phone's dictionary), but the net on my phone, even using wi-fi, sucks the battery up like no tomorrow, and that's my alarm in the morning. The net on my Nook however, barely uses the battery, and I could surf the web (or forums) all night without a problem. So, I'm apologizing now for that HORRID post, and any others that appear in the middle of the night, or when I'm in the living room because the three of us (or the four of us when my oldest is home on the weekends) watching TV together during the commercials. EDIT: Rixter, another reason I don't use ISO, and I only found this from research, it can cause ketosis, or at least ketones in the urine. They used to think the only reason that happened was from diabetes, but further research have shown other reasons for it, but I've had problems with it in the past. One cause for ketosis can be low/no carb diets (what your body is using for fuel affects ketones in the urine), but that's why they say only do Atkins or low carb diets for no more than six months at a time, too many ketones, or ketosis for too long isn't good for you.
  16. So what does the micro usb cable plug into? Does it come with a charger? And well, I guess one of the reasons I was asking about online sites, is so I can get a larger list of what APV's are out there. I mean, we have "vape meets" here every month, but no coops, unless they have them in St. Louis, that I don't know about, and frankly, driving to St. Louis doesn't do my back any good anymore.
  17. Oh, I've had several now. Inferno, citrus, French Vanilla Tobacco (that one is really rich), and though I've never put chocolate to the test, I just automatically so the vodka soak on just about anythingg now, since I'm using it anyway.With Ijferno and "jungle juice" (nasyy weird citru thing), even though the jungle juice hadn't been in the tank a full 24 hours, I even had to do the vodka treatment on the evod and Pro Tank assemblies, the taste clinged so badly, especially to the absorbant areas, like o-rings.
  18. Dude, I can barely cook, and right now I never know what I'm going to like from one week to another, and you want me to DIY? Well, okay, I can see how that last point would actually make the case, lol. And the cooking priblem isn't a MIXING issue. But the problem remains, having somewhere to DO it (I can't see doing it in my kitchen where not only do I have zero counter space, but I'm missing some cabinetry and counter as well, due to new cabinets and ciunter being prepared for the kitchen), and I have no place to stire those supplies. But maybe after Christmas..... Bebop, that looks sweet!
  19. I do agree that the VTR is kinda odd, and I thought it odd that they went back to dials. Hubby wants me to get the MVP. He thinks the button issue may be related to flat buttons on rounded surfaces, so flat buttons on flat surfaces shouldn't be a problem. I contend that the button issue, from what I've seen, is based on how it interacts with the circuit board, at least I know that was the issue with both ZMaxes from what I read Another question I have - for charging - that's what the USB port is for right? You are supposed to plug it into your PC's USB port to charge? But I thought doing that was dangerous because there is no over-charge protection that way? Hubby thinks I should just plug it in to charge overnight, that the little bit I vape upstairs would be "no big deal" on the eGo. But that means plugging in the MVP to charge on a USB port overnight, unattended, when it's not even run down all the way, and I'm not sure I like the thought of that. Anyway, I THINK that's the last of my questions on the subject, but I'll let you know if I have more....I'm just still not convinced - I guess I need to feel the thing in my hand....which is why I'm going to have my dad take me Cloud 9 some day this week (plus, I will sneakily get him into a vape shop, maybe he'll be interested enough). Oh, okay, yeah, one last question - other than Discount Vapers and Fasttech, what websites do you guys look at for hardware? Specifically like APVs? I tried looking around Fasttech, and really did not get anywhere.
  20. Well, Vapor Beast FINALLY got Holy Grail RY4 up available on their website today, and at the proper size and nic level! On Kick Ash, I went ahead and ordered it, but had to bite the bullet and order a nic level of 8 (yikes!). Then I ordered my Irish Cream from Alt Cig. All told, together that came to $50 with shipping from Alt Cig. Was going to order something from Vape Dudes, and another fill on my honey wood, but looking at finances, it wasn't prudent. Hopefully, the honey wood I have will last through the month, possibly. If not, hopefully I'll be able to start hitting on some of these other flavors that I haven't really been able to hit lately. Because, yeah, with smoking the cheapest analogs we could, from a discount smoke shop, what I just spent today alone outstripped what I would have smoked in 2 weeks, I think. So this darn well better last me a while, lol. But I was looking at nearly all my flavors running dry at the same time. Now I'm casting about looking for something that sits right to vape until those three get here....but I still have 1 tank of RY4, and while was sitting fine earlier, it's not now. I still have maybe 1/2 a tank of kick ash....the banana cream was just an urge I got last night, and I vaped about 5 mls last night, and today can barely taste the banana anymore, lol, so I didn't bother to order any more of that yet.
  21. Which brings me to my next question, ADMINS, I know we are allowed to put links in our posts, so why would it cut this link out? Or rather, but the post off AT the link for vegasbindery.com?
  22. Proteus, what about the whole "life cycle" of the MVP models? I mean, I GET that there will be newer and better APV models out there by the time 2015 hits, which is when I've been told that is the typical battery life for an MVP - about a year and a half before you have to pitch the whole thing, rather than just being able to replace your battery supply. And the whole mutli-button thing, I think on both of them, how does that work? My Zmax was one button, and I'm pretty sure hubby's Provari is as well, but infinitely more complicated. Truthfully, I just wish they were giving a refund to my credit card. Then I go could go to another vendor if I wanted, and not be limited by what they have. But they won't. I've asked. If I had to get an MPV, I would prefer the newest one....I can't remember the name of it, but it doesn't have a built in battery, it takes 18650s. Okay, don't laugh, this is stupid, but for me, for right now? The one advantage to the MPV 2? (total geek here). It cut my post off! Dangit, it did it again, I tried to link a tardis mvp holder.
  23. I'm sad now. I shipped my Zmax back Saturday, and going back to the plain eGo stick batteries BITES after vaping everthing at 7 watts. At this point, unless they can't reproduce my problem with the Zmax - since I don't know how long Eric is going to recreate the problem - I'll end up going with what they have in stock. In other words, if they don't have the SVD in stock yet, I'll go with the MVP. The last shop owher, with a wealth of knowledge, gave them both about equal marks, I was just leaningn toward the SVD because of the non built ij batteries -the fact that I have three fully chaged 18650s leaned in that favor, too - plus, when the MPVs batteries go, you hage to chuck the whole unit. But I've definitely learned one lesson in this. Always have at least a VV back up device. Once Deceember is over, I'm sure I'll be picking up some spinners or twists, just in case.
  24. HOLY CRAP, Rutez! Okay, so Saturday, I made it out to Better Vapes. Got yet another version of 618 that I'm going to work on steeping even longer before making a serious effort to vape it, and got some coils. Still didn't manage to get my order to go through at Vapor Beast, so I'm calling them once they open to find out what's going on. If that doesn't work - if they are seriously out of those two juices within hours of them becoming available, I need to find something to vape other than those two, which will be a shame. Also need to order some honey wood, banana cream, and irish cream. Have to look at finances first. There are some juices that I haven't been able to vape in about a week or so, and I'm hoping I can start vaping those again in the mean time.
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