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Everything posted by spydre

  1. That's....weird. Then again, on my full sized Davide, you may recall, I had that incident where I couldn't take it apart to clean it. I could take the base off fine, but the bottom ring, that holds the whole assembly together, would not budge. Hubby didn't want to mess with it (I had already run it under hot water, and even soaked it for several hours in hot water), so next time I went into the vape shop, the owner opened it for me. I joked that I must have loosened it for him.
  2. I had that happen with another vendor who's site I was trying to get to. Granted, I didn't try using a different browser, but it had a message that basically read if you are the owner of the site, please contact the administrator. I read that as they didn't pay their bill.
  3. Now, see, for me, THAT'S incredibly useful information. Since I drop sh- stuff.... a lot. We've already determined that I'm getting a lanyard with whatever I get, but hubby doesn't want me get the Tardis holster , but I don't know why, especially since I framed it as a Christmas present request. But ANY kind of lanyard or holster (well, holster that I could hook to a belt loop, not to a belt because I don't wear belts unless my pants are too big since I dropped two pants sizes) would work....except what happened last night. We were in bed, I was vaping in bed and reading on my nook, and the dog was licking his stitches. Hubby wanted me to take care of it because he was "trying to sleep" and had taken care of it the last three times, so I threw a shirt at him after he didn't stop when I called him or told him to stop. Well, my eGo went flying across the room with the shirt, lol. Luckily, it was a wimpy throw since I wasn't throwing very far, and the shirt actually went farther than the eGo. The shirt landed on the dog, the eGo landed on the carpet right next to the dog bed.
  4. Okay, I haven't started my research for the day, but how durable are e-vics?
  5. Okay, more than one musical instrument is TOTALLY different than having more than one of other things (my son himself has two trumpets, hubby has two drum kits, regular one and an electric kit, but only one guitar), like cars, or the same color shoes, or different purses (okay, I used to have 2 purses - one for more formal occasions, when my larger purse would look um, wrong - and my normal every day one). But I remember even as teenagers (and early teens at that), my BFF had at least three purses that she would interchange on a daily basis, depending on what she wore. I didn't understand that then, and I don't get it now, lol. Yes, I have 14 tanks, lol. But I don't think it's the same - if I want to change flavors in the middle of tank, pouring that juice out would be a waste, and then there's the fact that you have to clean the wick, and if you don't have a spare, you have to dry burn it, and well, could possibly burn the wick doing that. Well, okay, it could be...plus the mech mods don't cost as much as APV's, do they? At least not the clones, right?
  6. I've heard that about the cigalikes. That's why the first shop we went to doesn't carry them, and recommends against them. Better vapes carries an 808, but I think it's different from other cigalikes, and more like the PV's we typically use - but it's not like really displayed like some of the other stuff is, either. It's like in the corner of the display case, surrounded by other stuff - like it's there for someone that wants something that LOOKS like a cigarette.
  7. Thanks Carter....can I call you Brian? I know that's your name because of facebook and posting on the VT fb page. I knew about Sweet Vapes and of course, DV, didn't know about Veteran Vapor, though, I don't think - at least it's not on my bookmark list.
  8. Carter, I for one DID read your whole post, I was just relaying my experiences (granted, we were comparing wholly different batteries....the energizer extended life batteries vs. duracell regular coppertops, because they no longer made regular energizers). The thing is, I know you are a pretty consistent vaper, especially since you don't have go to a smoking area to vape at work, so the only really difference would be if you were using different voltage/power settings. That would account for that much difference in time, but if you were using roughly the same settings, then I completely agree with your findings. I think I said in my last post, some manufacturers recommend AW batteries over e-fest in their devices, and they have a reason for that. I know that I've had no reason to question my 2000 mah 18650s, and I vape a lot heavier than you - go through at least 1 1/2 battery charges per day, if not more, when I can actually taste what I'm vaping. In other words Carter, I trust your results! Dayvape, where do you get those?
  9. I myself prefer the AW (and some brands recommend AW over E-fest), but as both of my children did science fair projects on battery life in two different brands, the only way to REALLY know if your assumptions are correct is to run the conditions identically for both types of batteries, ie same vape time, same wattage/power/resistance, etc. What we did with our science experiment was take a regular battery controlled remote controlled car, and simply set it up with the child in question running the car around in a tight circle until the battery died. The first time we attempted the experiment, it was how you would normally use an RC car, but we got WILDLY different results, so we did the more reliable identical circumstance instead, and got more consistent results between the battery types. Also, did both types of batteries have the same mah rating? I know at least 18650's, you can get with a couple different mah ratings.
  10. Saw an interview with Jim Parsons, and he's KINDA OCD himself, and the directors and writers allowed him to bring a lot of himself into that role, and wrote around it, which, for an actor to mesh in role in a series, I think, is important (as a Doctor Who fan, I recognize this happening a lot, Nine was written for his particular style with role, the same with Ten, and the same with Eleven, and I expect them to do the same with Twelve). But he's such an a** without even knowing it....and of course, no social sense whatsoever, lol. I LOVE how they write his mother, though, too. She seems to know just what to do and say to handle him (um, unlike Leonard's mother?).
  11. Vape mail time! I was pleasantly surprised. Vapor Beast offers free shipping, no track and confirm, and since I ordered my juice on Monday, and it was a federal holiday, so it didn't get mailed out until yesterday. Since it was free shipping, I did NOT expect it be here this quickly from California, whereas my package from Alt-Cig, which has track and confirm on it, flat rate fee, was mailed out at the END of business yesterday, not at 2:00 like Vapor Beast, and didn't even hit the Las Vegas Post Office until 7 pm yesterday. I'm assuming I will get it tomorrow, because nothing's been entered for today, which means it's in transit to Hazelwood. If Hazelwood gets it tonight, I'll have it tomorrow. Anyway, about Vapor Beast. This is the one I had so many problems ordering from. Had to order my Kick Ash at 8 mg nic instead of 18, they don't do custom orders. The phone guy tells me they have a "brew master". Package gets here today, I start looking at the labels....uh, no, they don't have a "brew master", they have a commercial company that makes their flavors up for them, labels it with their name, puts lot numbers on it, seals it, puts a DOB on it, and it sits in a warehouse until Vapor Beasts asks them to bring it to their offices. This Kick Ash that was so hard to get, was born in JUNE. It actually has INGREDIENTS listed on it (well, the ones you would expect, then citric acid as a preservative and then a mishmash listing of artificial and natural flavoring), a poison warning, I mean, this label is better than the labels for any company I've seen, so far, juice wise. Since I was out of Kick Ash except a few drops, I waited until it warmed up to room temperature (and heck, it's three months old, it's steeped enough) and popped it in, as that was probably the only or one of only two or three flavors that I could really taste today - well, okay, I could taste one other (which I should have ordered, but thought I could make it last to the end of the month), and SORTA taste the french vanilla, which is better than I can say for the last week, but it's very, very muted - and have been vaping it since about 7 or 7:30. Now, it's 10 nic points below what I had. Have I vaped more tonight than I really have all day? Possibly. Is it because of the drop in nicotine, because I haven't felt well, or because I can finally freaking taste what I'm vaping fully? Who knows, maybe all three. I'd love to break out the Holy Grail, but today I can barely taste that....I'm going to clean out the tank tomorrow, and see if replacing it with the "fresh stuff" (born in September) helps, or maybe if it's just my brain/mouth being weird again (I'll actually post on that later, when I'm in bed, because I have some thoughts on that, which reminds me, Sheepdog, I keep meaning to PM you, and if I don't tonight, I will tomorrow).
  12. Oh, yes, I went through the o-ring thing....well, it didn't go bad, it came off....and I had to figure out where to put it back.
  13. You can't use that logic with me, Medic. I don't collect shoes, or purses, and very rarely jewelry. I never understood why someone would need more than 2 pairs of shoes in whatever color (flat and heels), and more than one pair of tennis shoes. Although I understand about wanting one for each tank......but that would put me at um, 13 APVs if you count my mini pro tanks? No, 14. Granted, I don't think I can vape all the flavors I have now, well, I haven't tried the chocolate in a while, but I can't vape the strawberry or cinnamon roll right now - I tried those both yesterday and this morning, and those tanks are being emptied out and cleaned tomorrow to make space to try out a couple flavors I haven't tried in a while.
  14. Reminds me a Big Bang Theory episode I saw, um, last week? Sheldon and um Penny, went into a Best Buy type store (this was a rerun) to get Leonard a birthday gift....and Sheldon ended up helping everyone there, hacking into their computer system, and ordering parts from a neighboring store to be delivered to that store before Penny found an employee to stop him. The guy said, "What do you think you are doing?" and Sheldon said, "Evidently your job. By the way 1234 is not a secure password."
  15. First off, I do have to say, when I smoked analogs, I generally, I think mostly did a mouth to lung inhale as well - started it as a defense mechanism when I was 15 and starting to keep from hacking up that lung - and did it often enough that a friend of a friend, when we were visiting her, took my friend into the other room and asked if I was inhaling, because she was giving us cigarettes, and she said, "I don't mind giving her cigarettes, but not if she's not inhaling them." At first I don't think I was even doing a mouth to lung inhale with e-cigs. I didn't even think about it, it's like you took the analog out of my hand, I forgot out to inhale, and then not long after, I saw an ECF thread saying you didn't NEED to lung inhale when you vape. I guess it was the day we were getting our first kits, I remember one clerk in the shop telling one of the customers, "The first week, don't lung inhale, because you are going to be coughing all that crap up anyway." Then the next time we were in there, she was helping a woman with a bad, bad smoker's cough, and the customer when she sampled kept trying to do direct lung hits, and she was very patient and explained, don't take it into your lungs, etc. Turns out, this clerk had a pretty bad smoker's cough of her own when she started vaping, and it's completely resolved now. Evidently, hubby started out doing direct to lung inhales. Then he tried Inferno. Just as he took a big hit, directly to his lungs, she said, "Don't inhale it!" Oh boy, did he cough. I tried it, it's not bad just in your mouth, or if you mouth to lung inhale (it wasn't until then that I realized I wasn't actually lung inhaling when I vaped)
  16. Well, for me, I could possibly see getting a couple of different APV's.....I was drooling over a Darwin last night, until I realized how much it cost..... BTW, Dayvape, how long have you been a member that you have over 2k posts? The flavor is what keeps me off analogs, that, and the knowledge of what I know NOW that is in analogs that was way more addictive than nicotine. BUT, well, if I couldn't get this....yeah, I might go back to analogs if I hadn't beaten the nic necessity yet.
  17. Yeah, I was really excited when I saw that the mini KPT 2 came out.....but I wasn't thinking and didn't check the capacity, and had hubby pick one up at the b&m shop.....paid $20 for a 1 ml tank. That's the more than I paid at the same shop for my full sized Davide....yet they had no idea that there was a davide mini. I sent them a message letting them know they might want to look into them since they hold double what the KPT 2 mini does, so they would probably move more of them. They mark that stuff up by several dollars anyway (at least from Discount Vapers prices), so they'll make their profit. They also supposedly have a supplier on the replacement glass, but that supplier is always "out". Glad Wizard found an online supplier and posted it here. Don't get me wrong, that B&M, Better Vapes, I can't fault them on their juices, or how much of a help they've been to me taste wise (well, the owner and his, I think it's his gf/SO or something), but on hardware, they really don't know more than what they get from their suppliers or outside of what their suppliers carry (the confused looks I got from most of the staff when I asked about the SVD last weekend when the owner was in the back), one of the clerks, it's her weekend job, I THINK she vapes, but I'm not positive, but I know more about steeping than she does, I know that, and her "day job" is a telephone representative for the water company. Another one - granted, he's not actually a sales clerk, he's not even trained on the tablet to ring people up, he spends all of his time in the back mixing juice - was TRYING to help me with information on the SVD, and I said it was made by the same people that make the MPV, and he looked at his MVP, and started trying to google iTaste SVD (when I told him Innoken, and he found it, basically his help was reading the information I already knew, and telling me it sounded just like the MVP, except it was round, and it sounded good - he even said to one of his co-workers, "hey look, it's got the battery warning just like the MVP does,"). I'll buy Evods and coils from them, or maybe if I want another full sized Davide (one) or if they start carrying the mini Davides and their price doesn't exceed the $12 I'd pay at DV + the shipping - or if I really needed one that day, but other than that, or empty easy fill bottles, I'll stick to getting juice from them. Wow, and I so totally wandered around in this post it wasn't even funny!
  18. Okay, first question - I see at least one online site lists the e-vic as VV/VW (wattage is what I'm interested in), but (and Christopher or ADMINS feel free to answer this) on the VT store, it only lists it as VV. Are they selling different models? I mean, unless I find it cheaper elsewhere, which I doubt, I would probably buy it from the VT store, since it's, what, $90 here, where I'll only have to cough up an extra $15, as opposed to minimum of $100+ everywhere else. And is the 2600 mah 18650 necessary? I mean, I have three 2000 mah 18650s. As far as the Provari, no, for three reasons. One is cost. Hubby had to plead and beg just to get his mini, and I think we only managed that because of our expected "bonus" check at the end of that month (which also paid for my Zmax, ironically). We really don't have space in the budget to actually SAVE UP much of anything, at least, not until he gets his disbursement for the spring semester, and the majority of that will be taken up by expenses as well, plus, catching up on bills that would have had to be delayed due to Christmas and two birthdays within a week and half of each other. Two, it is ONLY 510 compatible, and hubby said, at least on his mini, the adapter does not fit very well, and he worries about screwing it down too far - I think the whole pushing the pin issue, but I'm not sure. As only half of my tanks will be full sized tanks (1 Davide, 5 KPT2s), and the other half will be minis - those will be eGo threaded. Three, and this is just a personal preference so I don't have to adjust it every time I slap on a different tank, I prefer variable wattage, rather than having to figure out on my app or my chart on my phone or my pc what voltage to put it at to get it at my preferred wattage. Only one question about the Tesla (and I admit, sometimes prices have been prejudicing me, making me assume that they aren't as good as others if the prices are much lower), and that is how on EARTH do you handle the buttons being above the screen? Making the adjustments - how caddywhompus do you have to hold your hands so you can see the screen? I haven't done ANY research into the Tesla, because the listing on DV made it seem like it only had one fitting, but as far as what fits is - a KPT and a Davide, and the regular eGo threaded stuff like mini pro tanks/evods/and I'm assuming mini davides will fit, right? Found out one of the reasons hubby wants me to go with the MVP 2 is purely cosmetic - since I don't use tanks larger than what, 3 mls, it won't look strange having it stick out of there, whereas hubby's cartos would look kinda strange. But then again, with my Zmax, it didn't look strange, either. He understands why I want to check how hard the button has to be pushed, since I have days like, say, tonight, where it started out with just my left hand cramping (I thought it was from resting my chin in my hand), and then turned into just about my whole left side cramping, which is why I'm not currently on the floor playing Monopoly with my husband and 16 year old right now, lol. Just really starting my research into seeing if there are any problems with the mvp or the SVD I should be aware about. Finally finished watching Busardi's review of the SVD, and for some reason I didn't realize before that it PWM, that it didn't have an RMS option. Does that affect the quality of the vape much? Also, I'm seeing info on this newer, um, Lambo 6. Again, right in my price range - I mean, right at, but I haven't seen anything about whether it's PWM or has the RMS ability, like the Zmax, where you could choose, but I also haven't seen any reviews on it, either. Have any of you heard anything about it? *sigh* And I should ask about this, because hubby wants me to look into it. What do you guys know about the Kmax? I know it's made by the same manufacturer as the Vamo, and I'd heard that it was basically a copy of the Vamo, but I don't understand why they would do that, and sell them as two separate products, other than the fact that the Kmax is prettier, sells for about $10 higher, and the prettier you get it, the more it costs. But if it's just a prettier copy of the Vamo, like I'd heard, then that's all I need to know. But if it's a completely separate product, totally different, whatever, then I'll need to look into it more. And now, back to internet searches and review videos. Thank goodness my kick ash got here today.
  19. Plus, with the lighting in my house....well, it leaves much to be desired. With some liquids, seeing the liquid level in the teeny tiny windows on the side of the evod (the only plastic part of the tank, btw) is almost impossible, which is why I wanted to switch to clear tanks anyway, and I didn't want to rule out any juices, and after I got my first glass tank, I thought it tasted sooo much better. Now I have 1 Davide, 5 KPT 2s, um, 5 Evods, 3 mini pro tanks (blech, only 1 ml), and I'm hoping to replace the evods, eventually, with mini davides, if I try one and like and don't find the draw objectionable - the draw on the davide is on the airy side, but not too bad unless the coil is bad.
  20. I read this over last night because I was looking for listings of vendors....(as an explanation for why I'm necroing a dead thread), and I have NO idea why I thought the mini davides held less than the evods. They hold about .3ml more. So the question is, do I want to go with glass, but more difficult to fill, or do I want to stick with the evods?
  21. Okay, 2 new things....first off, bcarter, I noticed in one of the other threads, you said you were buying more of the KPT2s. I've heard (on DV's sale page, no less) that the Vamo has an issue with Pro-Tanks (but Eric didn't specify WHAT issue). Also, to those of you recommending the Vamo, I'll be frank. I probably won't be going in that direction. One of my local store owners here, who USED to carry the Vamo, currently carries the MVP2, and is getting ready to start carrying the SVD, told me the Vamo was a POS to the point that he stopped selling them because of the headaches they caused. I've done a couple of hours of research today, and found what he was talking about (probably), there's even a thread from June on these forums referring to an ECF thread about various problems. So, just FYI, I won't be getting one of those, I don't want to take that chance. Now, if I open it up to other suggestions (I AM still taking a hard look at the MVP and the SVD, I just really don't know what else is out there), should I do it in this thread or a different thread? I DID find an APV I fell in love with last night.....until I looked at the price. It was a Darwin, I think. It ran more than a full sized Provari. Um, nope, can't do that on my refund from DV (although I may be able to throw like $20 to another device, and some pieces you find for $100 on one site, you can find for substantially less on another site (I found a site that was selling V3 of the Sigelei, no kit, for $100 last night), but right now I'm going insane trying to find supplier sites and seeing what they have and everything. I think the one thing I never asked was are Teslas any good, but IIRC, they don't fit both eGo and 510 threading, only one or the other, so not having one or the other is kinda out for me, as right now I'm about half and half, and will probably remain that way, even if I replace my evods, as I would replace them with mini davides, not full size anything. Let me know, and thanks for your help so far.
  22. Okay, I have to wonder.....what is the reasoning behind have ALL of these shiny toys for you collectors? I mean, yeah, I get having an APV (I miss my APV, and I can't wait until that money is refunded back into my checking account from my debit card so I can replace the darn thing with something that won't have the same problem and hopefully something that will work just as well and keep me all nice and happy), and although I don't really understand the reasoning behind mods, I get wanting/having one....to, well, have one, and do whatever you do with it, and do your rebuildable stuff (hubby still hasn't explained to me WHY he wanted the nemesis clone). But what I DON'T understand, is having so MANY of them. Why? I know you aren't the only one Medic. I only picked your picture out because it was on this page (although they are all nice and shiny and pretty). I mean, especially with the mods, are they made so some mods do things others don't? Or is all about how they look - you know, kinda the same thing that people who (who can afford to) collect cars - they bought it because they like it and they want to look at it and maybe drive one day a week? BTW, Rut, that's a pretty mod, too. EDIT: Okay, I know about sub-ohm vaping. Supposedly more flavor, better vapor, less resistance, but without a kick you can't control the power/voltage anyway right? Well, hubby's two rebuildable attempts, one was over three ohms, couldn't even put it on his nemesis, the resistance was too high, and I THINK last night's was something like 1.9. Which to me, although I couldn't get a good enough taste because his drip tip had a wider mouthpiece than I'm used to, and I couldn't really get that good of a hit or feel for it, it didn't taste all that different, if at all, from an evod with the same fluid on an eGo stick battery? But again, I believe he was using this on his Provari, not his mod, so he was controlling the voltage, he was getting a buttload of vapor out of it, it just took a while for the flavor to kick in, he said. But then again, since he never said WHY he wants to do the mod thing, I don't know that he's after sub-ohm or not. I'm gonna ask him.
  23. I LOVE my Evods. They were the first things I had after the original CE4s that came with my starter kit - I got one a week after the starter kit, or maybe it was a few days, I can't remember what day of the week we went and got the stuff, because I wanted to try a second flavor, and the idiot that waited on us when we bought the starter kits, although he only filled ONE of hubby's CE4s with 618, he filled BOTH of mine with it. What was the point? I could always just refill the thing, he'd shown me how, but he prevented me from trying another flavor without buying another tank at the extra inflated prices at the shop he worked at. Hubby and I have since determined he's kind of another word for butt anyway. Aw, heck, just figured out what was wrong with the bloody Evod. The air holes on the skirting of the base were plugged up. I don't know if it was the rinsing them out, or shoving toothpicks into them, but I can suck air through it again while it's attached to my device now. Son of a (excuse me) *****. Someone told me that evods can go bad last time I had this happen, and I pitched and replaced the evod (at a price of ten bucks because I couldn't get to the cheap store). I didn't even think of it until my husband mentioned that when he uses his eGo battery so he can use his Evod, because of the way he normally holds his Provari, his finger goes over one of the evod air holes. Then I didn't remember it until just now..... Although, I do have to say, this one has seen better days.....the paint is peeling off the, I guess it's aluminum at the bottom. So it's not green anymore, it's green and silver.
  24. Yeah, once you try to start plugging stuff up, then you have to worry about what happens if it comes loose, am I going to inhale it?
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