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Everything posted by spydre

  1. On a side note, for people who think they MIGHT need an airflow collar for the KPT2 and did not get one with their KPT2, the collar from the Davide works, if you have one.
  2. Waylon, how stiff is the fire button? I'm looking at getting one, haven't researched possible issues yet, other than I know the fire button can be stiff. But depending on how stiff, that may be the deal breaker.
  3. Patricia, I just found out about the collar trick at about 1 am. Now I have to find my collar, and make sure I didn't pitch it. It's about as airy as my evods right now, although sometimes it gets possessed, and then it gets super airy. I don't know if you are supposed to use the collar with APV's or not, but I literally did not use the collar after the first week (and this was still while I was using a stick battery, before I got my Zmax). NOTE: I just tried it, and it did restrict the airflow a little bit more, and THAT'S the difference! When I used the collar, I automatically screwed it all the way down into the collar, so the airflow was cut by a bit, because it wasn't entirely steady without screwing it down until it was flush!
  4. The full sized Davide or Kanger Pro Tank will go on the stick batteries as well. Oh, and saying, "Help me spend my money" here....well, as you can see, we'll have you spending a lot of it!
  5. Yeah, I looked at their juice, until I saw the prices. At that price, you couldn't afford to vape that often, much less make it an all day vape. As for me, right now I am vaping Banana Cream, which I am almost out of - I need to ake it last untiil next momth, but I am vaping it right now because everything else seems too acrid. Maybe that will change by morning.
  6. Why wouldn't you use one on a stick without one? I'm just wondering because, like I said, none of ine came with one, just the Davide, and I haven't had any issues since I've back on the stick for a week.
  7. When I corrected someone's INCORRECT assumption the other day on facebook about vaping beimg extremely bad for you, someone else responded to be careful, that there are reports coming out about batteries exploding. I THEN had to explaij that in all cases, it was determined that tthe battery was being charged INCORREFTLY - ie, the wrong charger, out in the sun or hot car where the temp of the batt could get extremely high, on bedding so the same issue,,, or being charged off a computer, ehich, I believe, has no overcharge protection. At least if you plug the USB port into a cell phone charger, it has that protection. She neger responded to me.
  8. It's too much fun trying others liquid, if I did DIY it would drive me nuts trying too hard to get it right!
  9. Wow, people find the KPT too airy? They would really hate the Davides, then. Or maybe that's why I'm finding the Davide more airy. It was explained to me as JUST a beauty ring. Does it work that way with the Davides as well? I don't think I have used the ring since a week after I bought it.
  10. No, Troy, actually,, you don't. Currently using mine on an ego battery. It is a beaty ring, just like with the Davides. Egos take both ego and 510.
  11. I have to say grrrr. While my Vapor Beast free first class no tracking shipping made it from CA in two days, my Alt-Cig package evidennttly was received by the Vegas post office Tuesday night, then spent aall day Wednesday being reprocessed there, only arriving at Hazelwood, MO tonight,, so I'll get it tommorow, the coldest day of fall, so far. I will not get y mail until between three and five pm, and for soe reaso, out of the blue tonight (and I mean I was fine, and then 15 minutes later, I was like this), hjust about everthing started to taste harsh to me. I am starting to seriously consider the DIY option.
  12. Yeah, they were supposed to fix it with a heavier duty spring, but it doesn't always work. Some people replace it on their own with an even heavier duty spring if it becomes a frequent problem.
  13. You may need to stretch out your battery spring.
  14. Which version do you have? Is it the one with the heavy duty battery spring? Or is it possible that your center pin has been pushed down by a KPT?
  15. Hey, if I could go sub-ohm I could hit 7 watts with this thing, but I DOUBT it will allow me to use a 1.3 or 1.5 resistance, lol.
  16. I think they HAVE switched things up. I mean, when I got my first Pro-Tank 2s, pretty sure they were assembled, I can't remember about the beauty ring as I never even bothered using the Davide's beauty ring, but there were no extra o rings. Same thing when I bought the two original mini pro tanks at the beginning of the month. But when I bought the mini pro tank 2 the next day, sure enough, it came with two extra o-rings - and I never thought about those rings being for the drip tip, as they are the same size as the rings that go around the base of the mini.
  17. Now, see, imagine going back down to total starter eGo battery baseline, no VV, and you'll know how I feel, lol.
  18. How would you like to go from full time 7 watt vapey goodness back down to an eGo full time?
  19. One funny thing I discovered the other night. Since my Holy Grail was in a smaller tank, I washed out one of my lesser used KPT2s (like, hadn't been used in a month) to put it in. Well, the drip tip felt funny to me, and that was going from Pro-Tank 2 to that Pro-Tank 2, so I compared them. Yup. Believe it or not, ONE drip tip is larger than the other four drip tips, lol.
  20. Like I said, first a shop owner flat out told me his customers were having so many problems with them, that he stopped selling them, and then I started doing the research. I don't want to end up with another APV that has known issues out there that I didn't know about before I picked it up. And there are a few of them - from shorts caused by the battery spring, randomly turning off with plenty of charge and the battery making good connection, or just not turning on for a while for no reason. I know between two different versions, they had to change the battery spring because the one it previously had wasn't stiff enough, so it wasn't keeping the battery in contact, and customers were changing the springs on their own. The insulator (looks like an o-ring) on the center post tends to pop off, the center pin isn't spring loaded, so heavier tanks tend to push the center pin down and/or squash the insulator; there can also be a button problem, buttons sticking, or other things, like circuit boards getting out of alignment. It doesn't happen to everyone, and well, I think the majority of people don't have problems with it, but I'd prefer not to take the chance, especially if a shop owner tells me he stopped carrying them because of the problems his customers were having (but that also makes me wonder which version he was selling). Plus, supposedly, there is sometimes an issue with Pro-Tanks and the Vamo? I don't know if it's the pushing down of the center pin, or what. I know that there is going to be SOME kind of problems pop up with every APV out. It's the nature of electronics. It's just the, uh, I guess want to know which ones exist before I buy one, which ones I can live with. Well, I don't like using my eGos, but probably for other reasons. I'm spoiled by VW, not to mention knowing how much of a charge is left on the battery.
  21. I don't set voltage - I normally just set it to seven watts.
  22. Yup. We generally go up anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour and half or more before actually going to bed, so of course, I'm vaping then. Also, I take sleeping meds, and I can't take those until lights out, because I can't go to sleep before hubby, or my snoring would keep him awake, so I lie in bed vaping and playing a game on my phone, or watching TV with the sound muted and closed captions on. There have been a couple times where I have fallen asleep with it in my hand, or well, I rest it on my body when I'm reading my Nook, picking it up only to vape, and hubby flipped out on me in the middle of night one night, because I woke up after having dozed off to use the bathroom, and he rolled over on to it. If I wake up in the middle of the night (I almost always do) I take a couple hits, or take it to the bathroom with me. And of course, the first thing I do after I sit up is take a hit. The nice thing about vaping and not smoking, as far as the bedroom is concerned? If I wake up in the middle of the night and want a nic fix, or in the morning, I don't have to worry about doing it if hubby's asleep, or isn't "awake" enough to be around smoke. If I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted a smoke while I was up, I would have to smoke it in the bathroom (and of course stay there until I was done with it), and in the mornings, I generally would either have to be up before him to smoke when I got up, or wait usually about 15 minutes before it was "okay" for me to light up. I don't know if it was his sinuses or what. It never stopped him from smoking when I was asleep, but I never objected to it, either.
  23. Yeah, the knurled design makes a big difference.
  24. So far, the only thing that may make me change my mind about the SVD is that it's PWM, not RMS, but I really don't know how that affects the vape. But again, I'm still researching it - may be at for about an hour today before I move on to researching the Tesla, the Lambo, and the evic.
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