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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, it was down to the Tesla and MVP 2, and so I took - too darned long after everyone went to bed, and surfed sites on ECigStop's list for both of them. When I wake up, I'm pre-ordering the MVP 2 v 2 for $42, which they start mailing out later this week. That will allow me to purchase some other stuff as well....once I have the energy too look for it (in the "morning", ie after I get up). But too late to take sleeping pills so I won't sleep late anyway. One of them will likely be a mini davide, since DV refunded me not only what I paid for the Zmax, but my shipping as well - so that's $80 right there.
  2. Oh, and by the by, you can order hookah kits...somewhere, and do that. I ran across it somewhere in the last week of searching, I just don't remember where.
  3. What I've also actually done, when I had my Zmax (don't think it happened before that), occasionally I would screw on my evods too tightly. So then, I would go to take them off, and the base/coil assembly would stay connected to the Zmax, while the rest of the evod came off, spilling the contents, provided that I hadn't held the unit upside down when I unscrewed it. After it happened a few times, I started holding the unit upside down to unscrew them, and then I FINALLY figured out the last time, when even I couldn't get the base off and had to get hubby to get it off, that I was screwing them down too tight on the APV. Luckily, they weren't a 510 device, or I would have pushed the pin down pretty good, and lucky for me, even though I do all the changing tanks at my desk, I would do it in the space between my keyboard and the edge of my desk....(except for one time), which is covered by a towel. I picked up the towel habit from when I was smoking analogs in case I dropped ashes, I wouldn't have ashes all over there, but after a couple accidental spills like that, or overfills when I fill tanks right there, the towel REALLY, REALLY comes in handy. The one time I didn't do it over the towel, I was sort of pushed back away from the desk, so it was over my lap,and I didn't realize it happened until I felt it running down my hand, and I looked down just in time to see the juice hit my nice straight out of the dryer clean jeans. Nope, nope, nope, can't wear those to the doctor today.
  4. Tam, that is soooo great. As soon as I can (probably after I order my APV, depending on how much money I save) I'm going to order some. Yeah, I generally use my own (when I still had my Zmax) because you don't know how much of a charge is on those stick batteries. I'm not going to blow through much of a charge testing out a few samples, anyway, not with the 18650 batteries. Now, Friday when we went in, I was perfectly happy to use Cloud 9's stick batteries a) because they haven't been open but a couple weeks, so they are pretty new, and I only had a stick battery on me, and with no way to tell how much of a charge was left on it, I wasn't going to burn mine when they had batteries I could use.
  5. I actually read that some people using the provided collar had their tanks stick in them, so if you don't need it, or if you have a collar that came with your tank, I would use that instead.
  6. You said you're using a K100, that's a mod right? So you aren't running VV/VW? Have you checked everything in the mod?
  7. I'm sorry, just so I'm clear, when did you get the spinner, when did you get the 650 mah, when did you get your kit, and when did you get the other stuff. The timelines you are posting in various threads are confusing the heck out of me, and I can't keep track. Also, what voltage are you using on the spinner (I'm sorry, I read through this thread earlier, but I can't remember if you said that or not after the first page), and what PG/VG ratio are you using on your juice?
  8. Not only that, unless you use your own device, you are relying on THEIR battery, and I've seen some shops that didn't even realize that their sample had sprung a leak or blown a coil until a customer picked up the tank dripping, or nothing was coming out of it and it wouldn't fire. PLUS, MOST of the shops around here, just cut small lengths of plastic tubing to use as mouthpieces for the customers to cover the drip tips with when they are sampling. That alone impacts the flavor, and one shop rather than pitching the used ones, sanitizes them so they can be re-used, so you get THAT taste in there as well. Out of the three shops in this area that I've been to (haven't been to the fourth, but planning on it because ordering two of my flavors from Vapor Beast may turn out to be more hassle than it's worth, so I'm going to check his juices out, and his juices are similarly priced to Better Vapes), only Cloud 9 has "sanitary" mouth guards that were MADE for that purpose. I like them so much that I asked them Friday when I tried some more flavors out if I could keep a couple of them, for when "I'm offering my tank to a smoker who wants to try it and see what it's like, or a vaper who wants to taste what I'm vaping" (but really, it's for when I go into those other shops). Rutez, that's odd about you getting dry hits with your Pro Tanks. I don't think I've gotten a dry hit yet, as long as I give it a couple minutes to soak into the wick, and I don't vape it down 'til it's empty. HOWEVER, quality control on Kanger's coil production is crap, and on the generic brand it's even worse, so I've gotten dud heads before. Had one Evod that the head lasted, oh, about 3/4 of a tank's worth. I filled the tank halfway, vaped that, and then filled it 1/2 way again, and 1/2 way through that, the coil crapped out. But that's the worst experience I've had as far as my coils go.
  9. Congrats, Matt! It's gorgeous, and I'm sure she loves it! But why the clone AND the real one? Why not just the real one?
  10. While you still use analogs, your taste will go back and forth. But, and this MAY help, push water - but not more than is healthy - brush your teeth WELL, and your tongue, and then rinse REALLY well, because that taste can make some vapes taste NASTY, and then mouthwash - if you don't have any mouthwash on hand, you may want to pick up the kind for dry mouth. Also, and I HATE to say this, but if you have any neurological issues going on, that can contribute.
  11. Wizard, that's one thing miss about my ZMax. No cut off!
  12. Rixter, that's a ZMax, not a Sigelei mod? How did you get it to look like that? And have you had any of the evidently common button problems?
  13. For me, I don't think there is much of a pattern. Well, a couple of "tobacco" flavors - 618 which is a local blend, "honey wood", which doesn't really taste much like tobacco, french vanilla tobacco (I tasted that before I fiund their regular french vanilla), holy grail ry4, kick ash tobacco blend - but the last two I didn't actually find until my seizures caused some flavor issues. I used to vape milk chocolate flavor, but I have not been able to taste chocolate in vape (I can still taste it in food). I have banana chocolate, but I vape that now for the banana - it tastes more "banana-y" than my banana cream. I also vape irish cream, and sometimes hazelnut, papa smurf, I'm growing very fond of apple fritter. Um, no bake cake amd mint chip ice cream, but they taste different to me now, and probably differently than most people would taste them. I have a couple of flavors that I liked in the shop, and for a few hours at a time, at most, for a few days, then didn't like them anymore.
  14. Try Chi-Town Vapors. I've tried it, and the tobacco flavor outweighs anything else you taste, plus they have a double ry4,, but I don't know if that doubles the tobacco option or not. You could also try bettervapes.com, they are a smaller supplier here locally, that I think has the flavor prifile you may be looking for, at least it seemed to me at the time. Both have INCREDIBLY reasonable prices.
  15. I'm not the best person to ask about this because of a couple issues (you can check the history of threads I've started to see my issue), but I don't know how long you've been vaping, but the longer you are away from analogs, the more your tastebuds begin to heal. Sometimes what tastes good in the beginning, won't taste good later, and vice versa. HOWEVER, sometimes you find a flavor, or flavors, that you can't pull away from, they keep drawing you back in, or they are your comfort zone. There are a lot of things that I like food wise, that I don't like juice wise. But don't be afraid to experiment, either, occasionally, as your budget allows, get a sampler pack from a vendor of things that SOUND good - they may either be good or foul. If you think you are changing coils too often (and I'm not aware of tobacco or coffee flavors causing that), firstly, how often do you clean out your tanks, and secondly, you may want to start cleaning your coils if you think there is a problem, doing a hot water rinse, soaking them in vodka or everclear, letting them air dry. It could be you are just getting gunk built up on the coils, and they need cleaned more often than you are cleaning them. Then have back up coils that you can put in the tank while the other is air drying, and you can just rotate them until you are sure a coil has gone bad. I mean, when you say you are going through some coils, are you talking about gurgling, leaking, etc.?
  16. Tam, I have to wonder, since it seems you order most of your juice at the same time - just HOW MUCH do you spend on juices when it's order time?
  17. Hubby's looking at an RSST, but he went with the AGAt2 first. How much do they run online (the RSSTs)? I'm pretty sure the only two shops here that carry it were $35+, and I know one was more than $40. Oddly enough, that was the shop here that has the most mark up on hardware, but carries, I think, the smallest selection, and even though the owners "haven't quit their day jobs", and rely on knowledgeable staff (even though one guy is a ******), they opened a satellite store in Edwardsville - maybe a 1/2 hour away. As far as equipment, as you well know, I'm currently down to my original eGo stick batteries (the replacement should be ordered today, once I make up my mind), not even VV on them. Once we get into the new year, and we get certain financial considerations dealt with, then I'll likely get at least two Twists or Spinners as back up, or a cheaper VV - I've seen one as low as like, $35 - 40. If hubby can have his Nemisis close and his RBAs (along with the stuff to do the rebuilding), why can't I have back up, since baseline voltage with the same resistance, thus the same power, forgive me, sucks? Although I may actually drop down to 1.8 ohm coils - less voltage to get me to 7 watts, so the batteries will last longer. I don't see myself getting into mods (mechanicals), because my whole purpose in something OTHER than an eGo is the VV/VW, or bells and whistles, like battery indicator, resistance measurement, etc. Why take a mechanical, and put a kick in there, providing the circuitry? Then you no longer have a mechanical (to me). And frankly, I'm not all that mechanically inclined, hubby is, and they seem more geared (I THINK) for sub ohm vaping, (I know you can't go above a certain resistance on unkicked mechanicals) and can you even get sub ohm coils? I know you can't for the tanks I use, and I definitely won't be going the RBA route. That's something hubby can mess with, but I'm not about to pick up those tools. QUESTION for all you high wattage vapers (this is probably a different post, but, whatever): In Busardi's review on the SVD, he was using the iClear that came with it with a 2 ohm resistance, and vaping at TEN watts - consistently. Other than really SUCKING up battery time, at least the chart I have (which is the chart on this forum as well), puts that within possible burnout zone. Can you really vape that high, and not burn anything out, not melt anything down, or burn your juice (he was using one of Mad Murdock's juices that he was getting ready to review, a yellow one, I think)? I mean, I worry about going higher/burning my juice if I go higher than seven watts/maybe eight watts.
  18. I can't tell you how many years my kids were begging us to quit smoking. And we would try.....and fail. Time after time. I mean, at their age now, they get that this isn't smoking, etc. I know they won't pick up a cigarette. I was already smoking by their age, and they were still "quit smoking" until we did in July. There are a variety of reasons why I know, at least for now, that they won't, but the fact is, both of them were full of the long term consequences of smoking, and the oldest had started in on the second hand effects of it - to the point where we stopped smoking in the car unless we were going to be in the car longer than 20 minutes or more (we used to drive over into St. Louis a lot on the weekends - before college started for hubby and son). As far as sheltering....well, I mean, when we would run out to pick up cigarettes, hubby wouldn't even tell them that was where we were going, even though it was obvious when we got back. Same with now, he doesn't want us talking about going to a vape shop in front of them (and one is almost 19 and a freshman in college), much less buying or ordering juice. But yet other things, hubby wasn't so worried about. EDIT: I do have to say, to a couple of the above posters - luckily my mother was agnostic, so I was never forced into church or Sunday school, but hubby was, and Catholic education through 11th grade. So religion was never really part of our lives. The boys went to a baptist pre-school, but religion wasn't taught except in certain circumstances (Christmas, Easter), and that's only because the only secular pre-school (the public pre-school) only took at risk students, which certainly didn't include my oldest son. We never influenced their opinions either way....we don't think (okay, we made fun of the Catholic religion, I'm sorry, but hubby has pretty much hated Catholicism forever). Hubby and I are both atheists now, and the kids reached the same conclusion on their own. Brian, as far as being ahead on money because of vaping - if you don't count what we've spent on equipment, I still don't know if we are ahead or not. We smoked SUPER CHEAP cigarettes - just over $20 a carton (as you can see from my sig tag), so sometimes we come out ahead on juice (although hubby goes through 618 like there's no tomorrow, but seeing as how a 50 ml bottle of that, when bought at Better Vapes, is in line with how much MOST online vendors charge for 30 ml, and that's what he vapes the most of, his costs are low. But especially the last month, mine have been higher, trying to find flavors that I now find vapable (although some of my flavors are coming back to me finally, just not in the same priority as before), and then I had what, five flavors run out on me at the same time. One flavor I had decided I probably wouldn't order again, it was a sample, and it tasted good just for one night, but then I have two more flavors that I thought (hoped) I could wait until next month to order. Well, since one of them, the one night I tasted it really, really well, at it was awesome, the next day, not so much, I haven't vaped much of it. But the other flavor, it came back to me, and I'm almost out of it now, I have about 2 mls left (and that's what's in the Davide). So, with just ordering three flavors, I spent about 2 weeks worth of analog money on just what I would have smoked.....so I don't know if I can afford to order this other one unless I have money left over from my replacement for the Sigelei.
  19. I actually know what some of those are! Well, the APVs definitely, but I'v heard of the mods, and some of the RBAs. As a matter of fact, hubby has an zAGAt2 that he's currently playing with.
  20. Just FYI, my defective Sigelei was from DV. After the back and forth e-mail process with, I guess it's his wife, finding out when/if the Sigelei's would be back in stock, if the SVD's would be back in stock, communicating about the nature of the issue, after one, um, well, it wasn't the nicest e-mail in the world he could have sent me, he had the package in his hands an entire hour before he recreated the problem, and rather than in store credit like they were originally going to give me, he agreed to a full refund (which my debit card company finished processing and deposited into my account today).
  21. First time I opened it to refill it, well, on the davide, which was my "first", I didn't open the knurled ring, I opened the bottom ring. Juice all over my hands and floor.
  22. Vape mail! And my refund hit my bank account! My Irish Cream juice came, along with a sample of Snickerdoodle and Chocolate Macaroon. Too bad I don't seem to be tasting chocolate yet. For those of you out there that are reading this that may not be reading my thread, I read that the MVP 2 drip well, or something, isn't sealed, so leaks can get into the unit? Is this true? Otherwise I've heard they are really durable.
  23. I'm thinking of going with the Tesla, possibly. I read a review that the drip well isn't sealed, or something on the MVP, so if you get a leak into the drip well, it can leak into the unit?
  24. Troy, where did you pick up your Tesla at? The reason I ask, is so far, Discount Vapers is coming in about $20 below everyone else, and I'm wondering if they are carrying a knock off? It does have the, I guess, branding on it that iVape has it on their website, but if I pull the trigger and get it from there (so I can pick up a couple other things, too), I want to make sure it's not a knock off, if I get the Tesla.
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