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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, new question. He's had in a KPT2. Not sure when the last time he hit off it was, but he went to hit off of it today or last night, and he said the coil is totally gone. He didn't say if he could hear it firing or not, but he said it was like it wasn't heating the pluid up at all. I'm hoping he just got a bum coil, because he hasn't even vaped a tanks worth since he got it, and he hasn't cut it down yet. But would pluid screw up a coil like that if it was in a Kanger rather than a carto? He's getting a new carto so he can get another every day flavor (he won't take one of my KPT2s), but he's not going to put the pluid in the carto.
  2. I started with tobacco flavorings because it got me away from the analogs - but I made sure there was enough flavor that I preferred the juice to the analogs. Then I branched out. Now, I THINK, I'm at about 50/50 of tobacco and non-tobacco. But it's the flavors that draw me in. And I vary every day....I think I'm weird like that.
  3. Oh dear. I had a larger response mostly typed out, however, I had to go to bed, and Firefox crashed on me. And for some reason it wouldn't bring up my auto-saved response from last night. I've tried a BUNCH of RY4's, and Holy Grail RY4 from Vapor Beast is the only one I've liked remotely. I get that and Kick Ash Tobacco from there, but they are among the most popular juices (Kick Ash is the highest seller), and they are a smaller outfit. I'm planning on writing a supplier review, probably after I get back from the doctor today to go into the um, quirks with this supplier. But, Vapor Beast does not have sample packs, and it only has two sizes, 15 and 30 ml. The Holy Grail RY4 your best bet to get the the holy grail is to order it early in the week, as they get their shipments at the end of the week, so generally, Monday is your best bet for ordering it. (I'll go into reasons why when I do my supplier review - which will focus on the juice end of their operations). Okay, that sounds really, really dirty.
  4. Just make sure you don't keep that stuff out there once it starts getting cold!
  5. Yeah, I'm good with my evods and my glass containers. Plus, everything I've seen, most of the iClears they send out with the kit, whether you get the 16 or you paid more for the kit with the 30, leak. And aren't all iClears top coils? I loathe top coils.
  6. Hey, if you order a 5 ml bottle, do they consider that a "sample", so it's I guess been sitting on the shelf, so it's pre-steeped? Or will I still have to steep my honey tobacco when it comes in? It's not a big deal, because the same day, I ordered 36 mg of Honey Tobacco from Chi-Town, so even if I like EC Blend's version, I'll have to wait until the Chi-Town stuff is nearly gone to order it. Tam, that feels like a nut looks REALLY good, at least it would if I could taste chocolate vape anymore. EDIT: Deleted the rest of the post which was duplicate of my auto saved content that I was able to pull up and post down there.
  7. I think it's supposed to look like radiator fluid,and it does. Hubby got some, and he's only gone through one carto. It's pretty strong licorice flavor, with other underlying flavors. He was advised to split it or cut it in half somehow? I don't know. He never explained it to me. I tasted it (before my tasting problems), and don't know that I could vape on it for more than a few minutes or an hour or so....and the flavor sticks with you, doesn't it? It's probably pretty good, but my tastes are so weird.
  8. I made my first order from EC blends yesterday. Just a little 5 ml bottle of honey tobacco. I noticed their prices are cheaper than where I get my honey wood from ($15 or 16 for 50 ml, as opposed to $12 for 36 ml), so I figured I'd try it and see if I liked it better than, or as much as my honey wood. Gotta save the $$ where I can.
  9. If you are looking for a maple with color, I would recommend a Japanese maple. We have two. Well, one was an accident, truly. The seeds took root and grew there. We've had a couple of trees do that. Anyway, beautiful red leaves throughout the yesr, though slightly different from the traditional maple shaped leaves. Ours are still youngish yet, so I don't know how big they'll get. Unfortunately, we are going to have to cut the older one down. Someone intentionally planted it right next to the house, where the roots will compromise the stone foundation. Or maybe when we get the fence extended, we'll have room to transplant it, unlike the Bradford Pear that the last tenant planted under a power line, and now the foliage SURROUNDS the power line, but we will have to get THAT one professionally removed. I'm working on a longer response about the RY4, but that's downstairs, but it will be up in the morning, hopefully.
  10. Yes! I just want enough to get me through to when I go upstairs for the night. Long enough to play with it, get it set on my preferred settings, wattage wise, check out the other functions, taste my juices on the "right" wattage - those I can taste that day, anyway, etc. Oh, and get used to the box shape, the button, three buttons to function, instead of one. You know.
  11. Not sure what you are asking, there.
  12. Shoot, I forgot to ask! Since my 18650 batts shipped with a partial charge, I didn't think about it. Do the MVP2s come with partially charged batteries?
  13. Must find..... Edit: Lanyards that just hook onto a belt loop or holster, or an around the neck lanyard? Here at the house, the belt loop thing wouldn't get much use, but an around the neck option would. But alas, my google-fu is weak, so if you know of a direction to look, point me that-a-way.
  14. Nice! Mine could never be, er, that small, or that easy? All of these containers, coils, flavors coming out my wazzoo. The first two trays of my tackle box are neat....when I make sure the bottles, and the tanks get back in there. But the bottom is where the extra bottles of juice, the coils, well, okay, there are 10 bottles of juice down there that I either don't vape AS MUCH as the others, or won't be vaping any more, or I have samples of. And that doesn't count my three partial bottles of 618 of varying strengths in my desk cabinet, or my Turkish Honey Tobacco, again in my desk cabinet, because it's glass I don't want it loose in the bottom of the tackle box. Oh, and the Chi-Town Vapers Irish Cream that tasted like nothing but coconut to me. That's in my desk cabinet, too. I'll keep it around if I ever feel like vaping coconut again.
  15. Well, okay, turns out the first site - White Stag something or other, even though it said "pre-order" and will begin shipping on the 24th, you couldn't ACTUALLY order until the 24th. Hubby didn't want me to a) have to wait until Thursday morning to order it, and chance it that the 50 they had in stock would be sold out by the time I could get it ordered (not until they were out of the house at 7:30 am at least). So he sent me to another site, um, Coast 2 Coast that he heard about from Vapor Joe's. So instead of $42, I got it for $49. So I didn't get the new coils yet, but I was able to refill one the liquids I'm out of (honey wood), and order some drip tip condoms so I can use THOSE when we visit vape shops and not the chopped up pieces of rubber tubing they give you to put on the drip tip to be "sanitary". I also ordered a sample of the honey tobacco from EC Blends simply because as cheap as 36 mg is from Chi-Town ($11.99) for my Honey Blend, 50 ml from EC Blends for Honey tobacco is something like $15 or $16. I'll get my mini davide next month to try out. I will be SOOOOOO freaking glad to get the MVP. Granted, from what I read, and what I recall, the Zmax didn't have a cut off....but this 5 second cut off on the starter battery is killing me. I'd gotten used to nice long pulls, so at least when the MVP gets here, I'll have 10 seconds before I hit the cut off - which I don't think will be a problem.
  16. Okay, here we go. MVP 2 from Coast 2 Coast From EC Blends - the Friend Tips, and and a little 5 ml bottle of their honey dipped tobacco From Chi-Town Vapers - Honey Wood juice. and now almost all of my refund is gone.
  17. I was going to say my coils last me longer on my Kangers....but it very much depends on the kind of juice you are using, the ratio, and other factors, as well as the quality of that particular coil, IMO. I agree with what you say about the evod, and it's an inexpensive way to get into GOOD bccs.
  18. Wow, I started writing that when I was lying in bed, unable to get to sleep....and fell asleep in the middle of it. I must have rolled on my phone and it activated the post button on tapatalk. Well, I know I rolled on my phone as it was underneath me when I woke up. Anyway, as I was saying, the only time it leaks is when the coil goes bad, and I notice that immediately because it starts spitting juice and other things as well, plus I keep a supply of q-tips at my desk, just in case. Thinking of dropping back down to 2.2 resistance coils, or even trying out 1.8, I'll probably order a pack of each, and see what I think.
  19. That is so cool looking. Mine just got to the point where by the time I went to bed at night, it was.....difficult. So I researched it before I contacted Discount Vapers I THINK, once I buy my MVP in a little bit, that I MIGHT get a Tardis wrap for it. And I'm hoping I can find a holster that doesn't hook on to a belt (as I rarely wear a belt), but to a belt loop instead. But that will have to wait, I would have to see how often I would actually USE it, since it's not like a lanyard I can hang around my neck, and then still use....and prevent me from dropping it all over the place.
  20. Not to mention crazy as a loon....but that will happen with just your walker husband for company.
  21. Geeze, I hate nightmares. Once I thought about it, and re-read that review, the reviewer was using the iClear that came with it, which the ones that ship out with it have a history of leaking (which in and of itself is odd, because Innoken has a history of fixing consumer complaints quickly), AND, knowing he had a leaky tank, he left the MVP standing upright overnight. So when he got up in the morning, there was a puddle of juice under the unit, having leaked all the way through. It's almost as if he was ASKING it to fail. Besides, the only time my unit would be upright would be while I'm at my desk, sitting right there. The only times I've had leaks is when I've lost a coil, and I,again, have been whenymm
  22. That, Troy, is because mother nature put a very valuable asset into our brains when it comes to "memories" of giving birth. You don't REALLY remember what it felt like. I mean, yeah, you remember that it hurt like the dickens, and you were screaming for drugs, but seriously, I was being induced with my second one 2 years and 4 days after giving birth to my first one, and I didn't remember what a contraction felt like. Oh yeah, sure, by say, noon that day, I sure as heck remembered, and by 2 I was getting an epidural (I thank medical science for epidurals). I remember before I really even started feeling them, mom was with us, and we were talking, and she was looking at the monitor, and she looked back at me, and she was like, "Didn't you feel that?" I said, "Just a little bit, why?" She said, "That was a HUGE one." Now, I can tell you darn near everything that happened the 13 hours I was in labor with my first one, and the 9 hours or so I was in labor with my second one, I can tell you it hurt like an SOB, I can tell you that after a certain point after my epidural I started having pain again and sorta where, but I can't tell you what on earth it actually felt like, pain wise - whereas I could give you pretty darned good descriptions of any of the pain I've had in the last few years, otherwise. EDIT: Just a note. My big tough hubby had to leave the room while they were giving me the epidural (you know, sticking a needle in my back). My mom was the one that held my hand and stroked my hair for that, lol.
  23. Somehow I knew she was leading him back to be eaten....at first I thought food for a living couple.....but then I thought, and realized, wait, if he was alive, he'd be helping her hunt! Was that just his HEAD underneath that sack or whatever?
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