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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, I know the MAJORITY of the vendors I've looked at tonight have something similar, if not claiming to be the same, to Marlboro.
  2. It came! Woo hoo! Back 7.5 watt goodness with my brand new MVP 2. Was gonna complain about not being able to taste anything again today - well, after my nap yesterday - but firing up that MPV just made everything taste better!
  3. Got it a couple hours ago! Things taste better than anything has tasted in nearly two weeks! The weird thing is, the new 2.5 coil I put in one of my Evods registered over three ohms. Since I had put that coil in after the ZMax was sent back, I didn't have a read on the resistance before. We checked it with a multimeter, and that's what it is.
  4. That's what I was going to say. I've seen the NEXTTANK referred to as either 2.5 or 2S, I can't remember which.
  5. I can't take credit for this, but I found out today that my cousin's husband (cousin in law?), who lives 1/2 a state away from me picked up an e-cig this weekend (sounds like an ego with a generic clearo tank) and is so far so good on not smoking. Not tempted to pick up an analog. He has a lot of co-workers that vape, but I offered any help I could as far as info if there was something they didn't know.
  6. Not sure you need to report anyone - the admins are well aware of this thread, and if I recall, one of the admins even posted in it. Or maybe it was two. As for the Pro Tank, ask any number of members here. A good chunk of us have Pro Tanks, Davides, or both, and swear by them. I myself have 5 Pro Tank 2s, 3 mini Pro Tanks, and a full sized Davide. You said you called YOUR post office - that's not to mention the post office of the ZIP code you actually put on there. Yeah, someone there might catch that it says a different city, but they might not. They aren't REQUIRED to. By the way, your package missing the delivery truck by 1 hour today? Trust me, it wouldn't have made a difference. If it's going to say, a more central hub, like to where I'm at to St. Louis (the closest hub), there should be another one at 5, or close to it. But the trucks that go long distances, or the flights? Those only go once a day, first thing in the morning, to be delivered and processed by evening. I've followed enough packages on track and ship - USPS, DHL, and Fed Ex. I know what time my carrier leaves the post office to start her route, and I've missed that evening pick up truck by two minutes before when mailing a bill out. I don't see anyone here has called you a liar. I can't say to what people think, but no one ever called you a liar. Yes, they have mentioned that you could be causing your own problems - both from the inability to taste due to your continued analog use dulling your tastebuds, to user error causing the problems you are having, since, in two of your posts at least (your vaper's tongue post reads differently) this happens on every tank you've used, no matter what, except for the one CE5. And yet, you've been told that the CE4 and 5 clearomizers are junk, both here and by the shops you go to, and still use them. But, as Medic said, THOUSANDS, and I'll go further and say tens of thousands of people use these devices without a problem, but every single one causes you a problem? Then yes, I'll go with you being the common denominator.
  7. Okay, since I haven't really looked into mods, I don't know what a hybrid is....and how do you make a mod a hybrid, but mainly, what's a hybrid?
  8. How long ago did you get those coils? They are now manufactured so that Kanger Pro Tanks (including original, 2 and minis), Evods, the Kanger Unitank, and I think the Pro Tank 2.5 or 2 S (or whatever they are calling it) and Pro Tank 3, which I've only heard about, not seen for sale anywhere, I don't think, and Anyvape Davide (and the mini version) all take the same coil. There is another tank glass tank - DBox, it's bigger than the KPTs or the Davides, and can take the Kanger coil as well. As for other coils, I know there are other clearomizers that you can interchange the coils with, but I don't know what they are. Now, if you have an evod, and the coil has the shorter stem on it instead of the longer stem like the Pro Tank ones, it will not work in the Pro Techs. It was made before the change over, and the stem is too short to work in the larger tanks of the Pro Tanks.
  9. Considering I've been using my eGo starter stick batteries for the last week and a half, I'm sure I will. It has some bells and whistles that my Zmax didn't have (Version 5 of the Zmax does, but as you can follow in this thread, I determined that going with Zmax again, with the button issue STILL being an issue on V5, I didn't want to go down that road again), so I'll have fun playing with that today, I think. I can't wait for the mail to get here!
  10. Cool. I can never remember the PayPal information (for when I get to a point where my tastes have evened out from the damage done from the seizures) as it's in hubby's name (he beat me to making the account, and you can only have 1 Pay Pal account per bank account). Despite the fact that I have a TON of flavors already, and probably some I'm going to think about trading away at a vape meet in the future (I just don't know how long to wait to see if I ever get to the point I can taste that flavor vape again - pretty sure I have an unopened bottle of milk chocolate juice, and a nearly full bottle of hot chocolate, and since I can't taste chocolate vape, they don't do me any good), I will hopefully still be trying new flavors out - possibly seeing, "well, maybe I can replace this in my rotation with that," or keeping something different on hand for when I can't taste the other stuff. Personally, I don't think they'll go after hardware sales online. And I don't see how they can ban juice sales online without taking the extra step and banning cigarette/cigar sales online (I just checked it out, and yes, you can buy them online domestically). I personally just think they want a piece of the money pie....and yeah, they might restrict flavors....oh, that reminds me of something.....but I hope they don't restrict flavors. I personally think that it should be a federal mandate that e-cig stuff can't be purchased or possessed by anyone under the age of 18, instead of leaving it up to the states or municipalities to pass the law. I know when I started smoking at 15, the law in my state was 18 to buy analogs, 16 to possess - not that it meant that I didn't know where I could buy from. Of course, that was around the time you could go to your little corner market with a note from your mom saying something like, please sell this type of cigarette to my daughter so and so because I'm sick, or I have a sick baby, and I can't get up there, and the market would do it. Part of the juice I buy comes from Better Vapes. I guess their prices are so good (on Evods, coils, the limited amount of drip tips they have, and juice only) because of that - they kept their storefront prices the same as their online prices. But the mark up, even on their website, of the other hardware is hard to justify. Their "bottom of the line" tank prices are good including Evods, and I don't know HOW they are selling the Vivi Novas cheaper than I'm finding them anywhere online, coil prices are good, but once you hit Tumbler level up, the mark up is up to 1/3. They are charging for an original Pro Tank what people online are charging for a Pro Tank 2 online (or in Discount Vaper's case, more). With the mini Pro-Tank 2, I could actually order it off DV website plus pay shipping, and end up paying about the same, or maybe less. The price difference in the Davide isn't THAT drastic, but they weren't even aware of a mini Davide existing. And I'm pretty sure they aren't familiar, even the owner, of APV's that they don't carry. They have APV's and mods in their store - some of them - but not on their website, so I have no idea of the prices of them. All I know is the Natural mod clone is, I think $65. But the juice prices are great - $9 for 22 ml, perfectly in line with what you would expect online.
  11. Sonofzell, I don't really see the, uh, well, the appeal of going with the unitank rather than the Pro Tank or ProTank 2? And yes, it's a polycarbonite tank, according to discount vapers, not glass.
  12. How is your Vamo doing now, Brian? Spring still holding? The MVP is scheduled to be delivered today, according to tracking. It left my post office this morning, so I may get it, maybe around 4 or so?
  13. So does anyone think after this week's episode that maybe Judith is already infected, and that Michonne had a baby go zombie as all part of her history?
  14. Which is why when I bought the Zmax, I bougt three batteries. In case I forgot to chage a dead one, as I HAVE done that with stick batteries. But when my MVP gets here tomorrow, my stick batteries WILL be my back ups, in case it stops working for some reasonn when I'm out.
  15. OMG, you are right, I forgot from when hubby was into cigars. I think that is the thing - they see how much money is getting paid into this mini economy, and they want to add some sin taxes.
  16. Yeah, it was classified as a tobacco product when the FDA originally sued to get it classified as a drug delivery device. The judge said no, it's atobacco product. That was YEARS ago though. Not sure why they are making a big push on it now. It will seriously piss me off if I can't order online anymore, and if that happens, I hope its just juice, not hardware. Franly, with the money brought in with the vaping industry, it would be like collapsing a mini economy. And that reminds me Medic, does your site allow for credit cards, or just PayPal?
  17. I know, right? I'm soooo jealous! But then again, he's been at it a lot longer than me, and I have to share the vaping budget.
  18. Okay, I answered 16 mg nic, but that's changing. I'm probably getting ready to drop to 12, since I dropped to 8 so easily on the kick ash. And depending on how much I vape that flavor, I might pick up a bigger bottle than 30 ml. Not this time, but last time I ordered Honey Wood, I went ahead and got 2 bottles of 36 ml, since that's the only size they carry outside the sampler pack.
  19. Okay, I thought I responded to this, but I didn't. Listen, a lot of places have a policy if you order before x time your order will ship that day. Some places it's noon, some places it's 2, some places don't have that policy. Yeah, with Amazon, you're order would have been sent out that day, because it's all done by robots (literally, from pulling the item off the shelf to packaging it). But you are dealing with human beings. And frankly, most places, since they generally print up their own postage, their mail is picked up FROM them, they don't take it to the post office. So they have to work within the time constraints of when they expect to get their mail picked up. If you look at their contact information, they can only even be reached by phone for 5 hours out the day, Jersey time. You will probably get it Wednesday, in all likelihood, and for an order put in on a Friday, that has no stated shipping policy, that's pretty good. By the way, you kind of jumped in with both feet, jumping straight to a dual coil bottom clearomizer - that's not taking the simple evod route we were advising, but seems to be going beyond the kanger pro tank that you already have. You need to master a single coil unit before worrying about dual coils. EDIT: Yeah, if you put the wrong ZIP on it, it will go to that ZIP, and if your address doesn't exist in that ZIP, it will be return to sender. So, well, then you have to call them to explain, so I suggest you call tomorrow.
  20. Mine is just in a tackle box. A full tackle box.
  21. Did they already collect payment from your CC company? You can call your CC people and have them go after them.
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