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Everything posted by spydre

  1. What resistance are you running ten watts with? Doesn't that burn the juice? Trou, you run HOW many watts? You skipped the numbr in that sentance.
  2. Maybe I'm looking to him for the wong stuff, but he never seems to hage what I'm looking for.
  3. Yeah, you won!t fid any wesites prices to meet that. Although I have given up on getting the mini Davides. I'd like to replace the evods with glass, but it's an expense even I can't justify with replacing them with glass for the flavor, when I have the Evods right now. I may do it when we get the spring semester disbursement, when I get the twists or the other things - spinners (?), but we really can't afford it for Chritmas. Plus, the minis are a pain to fill, and it's telling to me that Brian has switched to all KPT2 over the mini Davide, and I'm not sure the slight inrease in apacity is woth the pain to fill, especially with my hands.
  4. See, I'm good, I started a new thread for exceptionally off topic to that thread: Okay, I found out more about Black Canary. First it was the mother, who was married to a detective on the GOTHAM City police force, but his name wasn't Quinten Lance, it was Larry Lance. Eventually, many years later, after watching her mother being an acknowledged superhero, Dinah Laurel took up the mantel, and eventually married the Green Arrow. But not only has the show Arrow made it not Laurel, but made it IMPOSSIBLE to be Laurel, as Black Canary was present at the scene of when Laurel was rescued from a kidnapping and attempted murder this week. But, as usual, it's not the only liberty that the TV series took (just look at the TV series Smallville for that). Oliver Queen on the show took Laurel's (his gf at the time) sister Sarah on a "cruise" on his family yacht, where the yacht was ambushed in a bid to kill Oliver's father (which succeeded, and supposedly killed Sarah as well), and Oliver was desert on and island for five years, where he met up with Slade, I believe, it appears, and Shadow, and Shadow's father (though I don't know if those appeared in the comics). On the life raft before he died, his father gave him a list of men who had wronged Starling City that Oliver needed to exact revenge on, and that's how the Arrow was born when he came back. Plus, Black Canary has ties to Ras al' Goul (or however you spell that - maybe training?)
  5. This reminds me - odd, I know in the Green Arrow universe, Black Canary is (spoilers) Dinah/Laurel, but on the show Arrow, at least how the cast iisted Black Canary (she just started this week) as the actress that played her sister.
  6. Does higher gauge wire mean lower resistance?
  7. LOL, Harv. I could have rewound even further and said frell, but I usually say frak. *sigh* I miss thar show. Proteus, $8.50 for a five pack is good for around here. Of the four shops here, one has the off brand, one is the $8.50, but the other two shops are $10 for a box. If ALL you need is the coils, the $8.50 cheaper than what you would pay at DV plus shipping.
  8. I like your thinking! Except, if it's wattage, I probably wouldn't forget the number, but I'll make a note of it anyway. You need to make that crank that **** up your sig line, though. Seriously. Cool, good to know.
  9. Yeah, it would. I was just making sure that 7 watts isn't too much power to push through a 1.8. I know it's not too much for a 2.2, but my ohms chart - well, no, I guess even on my conservative resistance chart, it says I shouldn't be at risk of a burn out or melt down at 1.8 with 7.5 watts (which is what I've bumped up to) and 8 watts may be okay.
  10. What I'm guessing is you are right. I mean, it's been classified as a tobacco product for ALMOST five years, and they haven't moved to do anything until now - which tells me they weren't going to do anything once that they found it was non-cancerous except for it's making a buttload more money now, and the government wants to get their hand in that money pie. Yeah, they COULD go with banning online sales, but online sales of analogs and cigars are still permitted domestically, so they would have to change THAT policy. Now, if you remember, a few years ago, they banned all flavors in cigarettes except menthol (I know at LEAST Marlboro added a touch of cocoa powder to the lights before that), so it's possible they could try an outright ban on flavors, but, as you said, it doesn't contain a tobacco leaf, so what SHOULD it taste like? And there has been, I'm pretty sure, a lot of lobbying the past six weeks about how we don't lose our taste buds at 18, and that the flavors are what have KEPT us off the analogs. I also see them requiring warning labels, since nicotine DOES have side effects - just not cancer. I know Better Vapes, the B&M we mainly shop at, opened up the storefront simply to supplement their business. They figured they would get more juice sales if people could come in and sample it. I mean, their prices on the online store and the storefront are identical, and on most but the SIMPLEST hardware, there is still a mark up. For what I paid for a KPT mini 2, I literally could have ordered it from DV and paid for shipping as well, but the mark up on the full sized Davides, I don't think, is quite as bad, but it might be, I don't remember. Like I said on the "Bump if you...." thread, found out their 5 packs of coils were so cheap because they weren't genuine Kanger coils, I didn't realize that before, but I should have since they were only charging $5.50 for them (cheaper than DV). There was a lawsuit over this that the FDA filed....they tried to get a classified as a drug delivery system (I guess like the patch? Not sure, but so they could regulate them, and have studies done on them), and the judge denied the drug delivery request, but classified it as a tobacco product, because nicotine IS derived from tobacco - they can't get the nicotine without the plants. It's credible info, as jeffb said. The FDA previously announced that they would make an announcement over an possibilities at the end of October - but I don't know if the shutdown affected that time line, or if they just made the decision quicker. Evidently they routinely hold some types of meetings with SOME E-cig manufacturers, but I believe they are all Big Tobacco cigalike companies, not the eGo and other type devices most of us use with the other tanks. And THOSE, I believe, are simply tobacco or menthol flavored.
  11. Okay, I DO have a chart (and an app on my phone) that can tell me what power level is too high for what resistance coil I have, but I've been told that it's probably pretty conservative. Providing it does not burn the juice, is 7 watts too much to use with a 1.8 ohm resistance? If it needs to be lower (I'm sure it wouldn't need to be too much lower) I can't go lower than 6 watts, because that's the lowest my MVP goes, power-wise. I guess for the 5 watt range, I would have to adjust it voltage wise, but that's only 3.0 and 3.2 voltage, and I dunno, even with 1.8 resistance, bottom level voltage, to me, doesn't seem like it would be very good. Thanks in advance.
  12. Not nearly ready to start that....plus my tastes are kinda screwed up, so I would never know if I was tasting it the way it actually is, or the way my screwed up taste was tasting that day. Vape mail yesterday and today. Yesterday was my regular 36 ml bottle order of honey wood from Chi-Town Vapors. Then today was my "drip tip condoms" to use when we go sampling at 3D or Better Vapes and a 5 ml of honey dipped tobacco that I ordered to see if maybe I could substitute it from EC Blends instead of the honey wood, because EC blends is cheaper. But so far, I need to let it steep, but so far, no, it's not gonna happen. It's waaaay too flowery. And then today, we stopped by another new local vape shop to pick up coils - $8.50 per five pack instead of $10 like the other two close shops are, and I found out that the coils we'd been buying at Better Vapes for $5.50 a box were knock offs - which is probably why I was getting such uneven results on both the actual resistance, and the performance. I think we've only bought coils a couple times someplace other than there. But the genuine Kanger coils I got, I got 1.8 to try out, and I wanted to pick up 2.2 to go back to that rather than the 2.5, but they didn't have any, so I picked up 2.5 for the mean time. And frak, I discovered a couple hours ago that I appear to have misplaced my mini pro tank 2. It's not on my desk that I can see, it's not in my tackle box, so if it's on my desk, it's buried somewhere. The good thing is (I guess), the mini 2 has a smaller capacity than the original minis, so I still have the original minis, I just don't have that one tank....but if I get desperate for another tank, I can use the iClear that came with my MVP. I don't like top coil/wicks, but I have that, and it came with a spare wick/coil thing, so if I NEED another tank, I can use that....I just don't have all my flavors tanked right now, but some of them won't be tanked again for some time, if at all again (chocolate and hot chocolate). My mint chip ice cream I don't have enough to justify putting it in the iClear 16, I think there's barely enough to wet the many wicks of that, plus the mint chip would only be until that bottle is gone, and it's not getting re-ordered. There are a couple other juices that I have that I don't plan on getting ride of (trading away or paying it forward), but I'm not in the mood for them recently, I have tanked what I'm in the mood for. And well, I haven't been able to get the taste for cinnamon roll back since the Day of Seizure infamy, and while I liked Ripe Strawberry initially, after about a week after I had it, it just didn't appeal to me, so I don't know if I'm going to wait on that one or what. Well, I'm going to wait...I just don't know how long I'm going to wait. I like my papa smurf, but I like that a LOT better than the strawberry.
  13. KPT mini 2 is still only 1.5 ml, whereas the mini-Davide larger than an evod, as opposed to being smaller than an evod, I believe. ^^ What he said. I got them not realizing they were only 2.5 ml on the original minis, and 1.5 on the mini 2s....so I use them for BARELY used flavors or small samples. But I agree about the sturdiness of the KPT2. You could get one of those precision fill bottles, with the needle nose tip? My first vape dudes order, I just asked that they be put in bottles not as stiff as their normal 10 ml bottles, and they sent me three of those (one for each flavor I ordered) free, which surprised me. I just wanted them maybe to work the bottles a bit so they weren't so stiff to squeeze. But I gave hubby the precision fill bottles for his carto/tanks, and had him work the bottles for me to loosen them up.
  14. Yeah, so am I. I'm just wondering, how many tanks do you have going at once?
  15. Sweetie, I'm not going to argue about it either. You are the diabetic one, and know what happens to your blood sugar. I guess it's from the sweetener? But if they advertise that it doesn't affect blood sugar levels, you need to contact them and let them know they are wrong. I would hate to see what happened to your friend happen to someone who didn't know to look out for it. And congratulations on controlling your diabetes through diet alone! My dad's a diabetic. Never bothered to start trying dealing with his diet until the last couple of years (after years of kidney damage), and got pissed when my mom cooked differently to accommodate the diabetes. The only change he made was sugar free desserts and either diet soda, or like, Pepsi Max (no sugar), so he ended up on two different diabetes meds and is insulin dependent.
  16. That's really weird, because with DBox Puritank that I mentioned earlier, it says (and Eric at DV tested) that it takes not only the PT coils, but the T3S and the MT3 coils as well, even though it was manufactured specifically to use the PT coils.
  17. Are you talking about the VV/VW Lava Fire APV? Or the actual Lava fire mod/battery tube:? If you are talking about the VV/VW, then I guess I feel like I dodged a bullet. I looked at those for about a minute. But they were the same price as the refund I was getting, and I knew I could get good APVs for up to $20 less than what I paid out for the Zmax. And I wanted that extra money to well, buy more stuff, lol.
  18. Nice, Rixter! Okay, at 6:30 in the morning, when I'm this tired, I can admit the stiff power button thingy is getting on my nerves a little bit. But I need more thumb strength. I do have to say, I "broke my heart" the other day. The three 18650 batteries I purchased with my Zmax, I gave to hubby. Except he can ONLY use them with his mod. How often much does he use his mod at this point? Not enough to justify 18650 batteries. He had been using his 18500's or whatever the largest size his mini Provari takes.
  19. You are right, I'm sure. I've always noticed a difference in taste between 7 Watts or so and the "regular" voltage of a stick battery. I mean, I wouldn't have stopped at that wattage if I wasn't happy with how it changed the taste. Oh, and another instance of sucky timing, Vapor Joe is now advertising for a store that has MY MVP 2 at $39.99, so even$20 cheaper than the already paid ($20 cheaper than what I paid for the ZMax). Gah! I could have used that extra money to buy more stuff!
  20. I'm in the process of responding, but that's on my PC downstairs, and it was bed time, so it has to wait until morning.
  21. I quite literally had only been able to vape 618 ONCE since sending my Zmax back in. But I'm able to hit it tonight because I can TASTE it. Not taste it like I could taste it before what will forever be known as the Day of the Seizures, I don't think, I'm not sure because I can't REMEMBER what it tasted like then. And earlier today using the stick batteries, my messed up brain was only really tasting the flavors for like an hour before they didn't register that much anymore, and I would have to switch to a different flavor, but none of that anymore today. This is the first time I've been able to taste my Holy Grail RY4 in days. Although I have been switching every couple hours, just to taste something else.....
  22. I think in order to be sold as a cessation aid, it would have be classified as a drug delivery system (which there was already a lawsuit over, and the courts ruled it a tobacco product; the patches are a drug delivery system) and they would, I believe have to tested, like, you know, FDA study/approval testing. I'm not positive though.
  23. I've seen a lot of sites that say their juice won't affect blood sugar levels.
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