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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Don't get me wrong Medic, but are you sure? I've specifically seen descriptions saying protected batteries won't work, or these brand batteries won't work.
  2. Vape, for Android. Keeps track of your last day/time smoked, how long you've been without, how much you've saved, your vaping expenses if you enter them, and then your break even date, where you've saved more than you spent on vaping, how many cigarettes you haven't smoked, etc. You can also save DIY recipes. Achievements, health improvement information, etc. Actually, the watt calculator is more conservative even than the chart that I found (that coincidentally is somewhere on these forums as well), with even that chart showing 2 ohms is still green with 8 watts; whereas the watt calculator on vape shows it as "yellow", so borderline.
  3. *rubs hands together at the the thought of a $6 2.5 ml tank* What is the difference between the T3 and MT3? I didn't see anything different in the description. Edit: Dang, the cheapest the local B&M's carry them for is $9.....but that's better than the $20 they charge for Davides or KPTs. But that's in line with what they charge for Evods.
  4. Well, today, 1.8 ohms is working well with my honey wood at 7 1/2 watts. I switched the coil out last night, because until I get that twist or spinner for christmas, when the MVP is charging, I'm using just an eGo starter battery....and well, with a 2.5 coil on regular battery, it sucked. So I switched out the coils, and that made it better overnight - I was able to push, I think 5.6 watts of power at the voltage non variables push out? That's a heck of a lot better than what you get at 2.5 ohms resistance. 7.5 is good, but 8 watts, I tried, at least with the honey wood, is borderline on a 1.8 coil. Well, actually, the coil is registering as 2.0. When I switch juices/tanks, I'm going to bump it up to 8 watts, but that will have a higher resistance coil in it.
  5. Plus, don't you have to use UNPROTECTED batteries in the evic? As for where I bought my batteries? RTD vapors - they sell other stuff, but they mostly sell AW batteries and chargers.
  6. Awwww, I won't be getting vape mail for a while. I think everything I need to buy soon, we need from the local store (juice).
  7. I don't know. I've only tried a couple of EC Blends flavors, but their honey seems to be pretty flowery, if that's what you are going for. At least on this latest example I have, the honey dipped tobacco.
  8. Like I said, I'm just not into the whole top coil/wick assembly thing. That being said, do you guys know of any bccs that aren't glass, that have a larger capacity than evods? Not sure I'll be able to afford five mini davides (plus, I guess, precision tips for each of the juice bottles that go in there), but a plastic or metal bcc, similar to the Evod but bigger should be doable. I just don't want to go to top coils.
  9. Well, he threw a couple different scenarios at me. User error - despite the fact that I had already told him I had two other people use it and it happened to them immediately; a battery issue - until I told him that I generally went through 1 1/2 18650s per day, and it happened even with a fresh battery. There were a couple other scenarios. The reason he decided to ultimately refund my money is because since he was flat out stating I found a "quirk" I didn't like (and his wife told me they were honoring a 45 day warranty on that, so I was still in that period), I just wanted a new APV. I told him ideally I would want it replaced with the same thing, despite the problems (they couldn't all be bad, right?) (and that was actually my intention at the time, but since they aren't carrying ANY Sigelei products anymore, I couldn't do that. That's when he notified me (after only needing to test it for an hour) that he would be refunding my money. I was going to get Zmax v5 - which actually incorporates some of the MVP functions, and was cheaper from that site...and it had the added bonus of a different circuit board, which is what I was led to believe led to the problems. But then I looked in the comments, and then third review in, someone started having button problems a week after getting it, so I knew I couldn't get that one either. I just didn't want to risk it.
  10. Yeah, it definitely looks like a long wick top coil.
  11. You'll love the MVP - provided you like your power six watts or above. That is if you set it by power rather than voltage. I'm vaping at seven and a half watts. I love my MVP, then again, after two weeks of going back to starter eGos, I missed my VW, and nothing tasted right at the baseline voltage. As it was, I changed the coil in my honey wood tank to 1.8 so that when the MVP is charging, I at least have SOME extra power going through. I think the 1.8 ohm coil puts it at 5.6 watts. As it is, I've asked for a Twist orr Spinner for Christmas, so when the MVP is charging, I'll have VVto fall back on, plus if thee MVP ever goes down, I'll have VV as a back up.
  12. So what about dripping where you use a dripping atty for it to be effective, do you need to clean between flavors, does it have to be an RDA? I know I can't do the rebuilding, and I don't want to depend on hubby for it. Specifically Tam, and I think it's Proteus that does alot of DD, or maybe Medic?
  13. That first one would be awesome! If it could attach to a wall, I don't have room on my desk.....then I could get the bottles out of my tackle box, and more ORGANIZED room in the box for my tanks. Instead of the glass tanks each having a slot to themselves, and then all the evods stacked on top of each other, in two slots, lol. Part of me really wants more tanks.....and part of me wants to whittle down my flavor list......and then there is that part of me standing back going, "and what are you going to do when things like seizures happen and you can't taste jack squat?" So I can't limit my flavors any, I don't think, except to what I can't taste any more.
  14. Okay, I have questions about direct dripping. Firstly, how do you do it? Is it messy? I mean, would I be risking dripping on the furniture, or is there no fear about that, as in you don't have to worry about that. Also, I've heard people mention that they always take dripping attys with them when they are going to sample juice. Do you not have to clean it out between flavors, or do you bring more than one? And can you get into dripping without doing the rebuildable thing? I know I'm asking a butt TON of questions lately, I'm just trying to figure out which direction I want to go. At first I thought cartos, even after investing all the money in KPT2, but they are harder to fill, and I really don't NEED the extra capacity of a carto, and they could be difficult to fill (hubby thinks because of my hands, I would have issues), and then the guy at Better Vapes said he could never get into cartos/tanks, because it always seemed to him to be too wet or too dry, but I wasn't even INVOLVED in that conversation, I was just eavesdropping on my hubby's convo, actually about something else completely. But Brian Carter mentioned in another thread about having to fill his wife's tanks every night - I think if I went to carto/tank set ups, it would be my hubby filling my tanks every night, unless I managed to get a precision fill tip for every flavor I had in a carto/tank. And I don't want to be dependent on him for that, I need to be able to do my own stuff - which is why I'm not going the RBA/RBD route. But anyway, about dripping, can anyone give me any info? Oh, and I THINK, when I think I MIGHT have a chance of tasting chocolate vape, I might break out the iClear to test that....I dunno.
  15. Okay, so there is a "new" B&M in the area. They actually opened up Before Cloud 9, but I forgot it had opened already, so I hadn't gone there. BUT, I found out why Cloud 9's prices/mark up is so outrageous ($12 for a 15 ml bottle, no matter what cost they paid to get it - one juice is half what they charge for it, but one juice is only $3 less than they charge for it; but the two shops that order juices in rather than mixing their own, charge different prices for the premium stuff; plus, they don't carry 30 ml). Because they are on mall property, if not inside the mall - on the little strip mall next to the mall that is still considered Alton Square Mall, and the size of their shop (they took over a UPS store), their rent alone is $3,000 a month. But, we went to this shop because of the genuine Kanger coils, they were the only ones priced below $10, and their juice prices can't be beat (30 ml for $10 except for one brand). I was hoping to find a substitute for my Kick Ash or my Holy Grail RY4 (the only RY4 that I've liked so far), but I didn't like ANY of their tobacco flavors, or maybe it was just my taste buds since the seizure, since even some of my flavors taste "too tabacco-y". But this guy helped me figure out what APV I was going to get, the pros and cons of each one, although he recommended the SVD higher than the MVP (which is his personal APV), I couldn't beat the price I found for the MVP 2, though he did recommend the iClears highly as a tank, but I don't like top coils as a rule (although I've never had to change the juice in one, or take the coil out of one). Well, he recommended the iClear 30 that came with his, which is dc, so of course, he can crank it up higher. But again, not fond of top coils, I mean, I'll use this one if I need to, but I'm certainly not going to BUY one - if I'm going to buy a tank that's not glass it's likely to be an Evod, I guess, or at least bcc that's bigger - or wait. This iClear 30S. I know it's dual coil, but I can't tell if it's top or bottom coil, does anyone know? But we talked the entire time we were in there - about 20 minutes - he talks a lot, but he's the one who told me that Better Vapes must not be selling Kanger coils, and told me to look at packaging carefully if they are selling them for $5.50 (sure enough, they aren't). And they only have 1 brand out of 3 juices that aren't $7 for 15 ml (we pay $8 for 17 ml at Better Vapes, 31 ml is $12, but I don't think we'll stray from our 618) or $10/30 ml. While we won't drop the 618 (I'm back into it now that I can taste it better again since I have a vw device again), we might look for alternatives for our other flavors at his shop. Well, I mean, hubby's, what is it, Crazy Juice, he can always order from the online vendor for freaking cheap - around the same prices - and he doesn't have an alternative taste to the kick ash and the holy grail that I get that I liked, but maybe some of my 15 other flavors....or hubby's coffee flavor from vapor beast we can find something similar there.
  16. Five KPT2s, one full sized Davide, five evods, two mini PT and one mini 2, but I misplaced the mini 2. Hopefully, I'll find it today. Really wanted some Davide minis, but it's not in the cards right now.
  17. There is a Walking Dead story up on nbcnews, I just haven't read it yet.
  18. Yeah, I was almost upset that they didn't go with what had been established in Smallville, but Smallville took liberties of it's own, with Lionel killing the Queens, Chloe, etc.
  19. After waking at ten, I'm still sitting on the bed, while someone is in the shower, trolling the forums on my nook.
  20. That is why we have forums - to spread the news. That, and product reviews.
  21. You know, I liked Discount Vapors and all, but Eric really pissed me off when after he found out all the details of the zmax problem, right before he tested it, he implied that the issue was me, and that I just wanted a new APV. I had to send him a longish email listing the sources that confirmed it was a common problem, and that at that time, I would have preferred replacinng it with another zmax, but they didn't carry it any longer. An hour after he started testing, he had reproduced the problem enough that he was taking it back, and since I griped enough about getting another zmax, rather than store credit, he refunded my money, including shipping.
  22. The thing is, I don't think it's politicians driving this train. I think the FDA is acting on it's own, like it did the last few times analogs were targeted. I mean, the Attorneys General didn't send that letter until the FDA was already looking at it. By that time, some states and municipalities had already begun to take action, some of it misguided. But I do agree that there needs to be a federal minimum age, just like smoking. My state already passes the law that you had to be 18 to even possess the paraphenalia, so to speak; biut even begore, area B&Ms didn't even let minors into the stores.
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