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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Ow, Compenstine, that had to hurt. Mine was a series of errors. After I got my Davide, after I finished most of the first tank, I went to unscrew the base to refill (while, all the time, asking hubby to hand me the 618), except, I didn't unscrew the knurled part, I unscrewed the smooth metal above that.....so essentially, my Davide came apart in my hand, with juice dripping down my hand. Then, once I got my Zmax, I got in the habit of tightening the Evods too tight half the time. So when I would go to take them off......you guessed it, part of the time, the base stayed attached to the zmax. First time it happened right over my keyboard (yikes!). Every other time I went to take an Evod off, I would do it over my lap or at least the portion of my desk between my keyboard and me that has a towel on it for accidental spills. But I did get smart after the first couple of times, and when I would take an Evod off, I would do it inverted, so I didn't spill any liquid, lol. Then I FINALLY figured out what was causing it the last time it happened, when it was tight enough that I couldn't unscrew it even after I removed the coil, and hubby had to do it. So, of course, not having that problem anymore, but I lost, well, I think around a total of 15 ml of juice just from those Evod disasters.
  2. Awwwww, man, I nearly had my in-laws' convinced that could happen. Sounds like my in-laws. Seriously. Well, no, father in law THINKS he knows all this stuff, and then calls on hubby (a computer major) to fix everything he's screwed up, desktops, laptops, smart phones, you name it. I've made a facebook post before, several months ago. All I said was that some people just shouldn't be allowed to own technology (desktops, laptops, smart phones, etc.). Didn't mention any names, but considering it was me saying it, there were only four people it could have applied to....and I assured two of those people I wasn't talking about them, because I wasn't, because overall, they seem to be pretty bright. EVERYONE in my family knew who I was talking about (and of course, those two people aren't on facebook, lol). The son of a friend - well, the son of a former band mom (as I'm a former band mom as well) is going to 'Bama, and he's in the Million Dollar Band. So yeah, I hear about 'Bama a lot during Marching Band season (ask any band mom, it's not football season, it's Marching Band Season). And my son graduated high school, right in time for my niece to start high school and go into the Marching 100.
  3. I was going to say something about it yesterday, but I figured I would wait you rolled over 365! Congrats!
  4. Well, I'll say this. Here locally, there is only one out of four B&Ms that open before 11. The running "joke" is that they have tattoo parlor hours. 11 or 12 to 7 pm, to make sure they are open when all the people that work in St. Louis get back to home base. But yeah, if you can only get knock offs from them, and not name brand stuff, then I wouldn't buy hardware from them. They would still get my consideration for juice, if their juice was decent, their own, and priced appropriately. But say, if they are charging $12 for any brand 15 ml juice, no matter what their cost is, you know their overhead is too high to be able to frequent them for much of.....anything.
  5. Mine hasn't been, either with my Evods, my KPT2s or my Davide.
  6. Really? I'll keep that in mind. Since I KNOW Better Vapes is selling knock of Evods, and I haven't had a problem with those, I wasn't going to have a problem buying the T3ses from them, even though they would have to be knock offs at that price, until I looked at their website. The guy at Premier Vapor said he doesn't think the Better Vapes owner realizes some of his stuff is knock offs, and I'm hoping that's right - because while the T3Ses aren't on their website (I called and asked if they carried them), the Evods ARE on their online store....and they are listed as KANGER Evods. So he is either intentionally misleading people, or he doesn't realize that what he has is a knock off. (Then again, he also didn't know about the existence of the mini-Davide, so the information he has may only be as good as the supplier gives him). So another question, since I can't buy any of this until after I get paid on the 3rd, anyway. Dual coils. I've heard about it - I don't know what the advantage is to having a dual coil over a single coil, but the only non cartomizer dual coil I've seen have been the iClear tanks. Are those the only dual coil clearomizers? And what is the purpose of dual coils?
  7. Oh, holy crap! I knew it was going to be something like that....especially when the car didn't reappear, but geeze. And that prompted my dog to come in and check on me.
  8. Since it's not smoking, can you vape outside (or even are you allowed to go off campus) on your break or lunch break? I was going to say when I was in high school, even the staff would go off campus where the students went to smoke, but actually only a couple did. Staff were allowed to smoke in the lounge back then (graduated in '92). Staff were allowed to smoke in their offices at college, too. Granted, you can't exactly take my oldest son's experience at face value, because he was in the gifted program through 7th grade, but I'm pretty sure they went over the quadratic equation, I think 6th at the latest. Not sure about my youngest son because hubby has been responsible for helping with math homework, except when he's not home. Plus well, even my youngest is a junior in high school. But I'm pretty sure when they put my oldest in regular classes by an administrative mistake the first week of 7th grade, regular 7th grade algebra was the same as 6th grade gifted math. Then 8th grade was essentially, Algebra 2, sort of, right Karbee? I'm so sorry terrychester. Both because you are disabled, and the well, the fact of your disability. I'm disabled as well, and I know how much it sucks rocks.
  9. Seems I just found this thread. Since my father's Mother still smoked when she entered her first nursing home, this joke had me laughing so hard my dog was giving me strange looks. Then again, when Grandma went into her first nursing home, you could still smoke inside in a designated smoking area. She had Alzheimer's. She smoked until she went into the smoking room one day, and tried to sit in a chair that wasn't there, and broke her hip in the process. Truthfully, I can't remember if that's the last time she broke her hip or not, and I can't remember if it was the time that she couldn't have surgery because her COPD was supposed to be advanced enough that she couldn't be intubated (I never saw any evidence of it when I saw her, even years later), but after that, she was in a wheelchair permanently after that, and the nursing home, well, we ended up having to move her eventually because they weren't taking great care of her, and let her body just about fold in on itself after that. HOWEVER, I can just see my departed grandmother doing that, or having that conversation, or trying to buy condoms for that purpose, and in that manner!
  10. Yup, basically like moving into a brand new built/carpeted home, or new mobile home (been there/done that with the new mobile home. It had "new mobile home smell" for months, until the smoke smell overpowered it).
  11. Okay couple Kanger T3S/MT3S questions. First off - http://www.thevaporroom.net/kaego3mlmebo.html this looks EXACTLY like the MT3S, as far as I can tell, but the closest it says anywhere close to an actual name is tabac. Reason I was looking at it is because of the price. But then, that brings me to my second question. For Kanger type clearomizers - the Evod types, the T3S/MT3S type - I mean, I know having the Kanger brand coil is important, but is it as important to have the Kanger brand clearomizer and not a knock off? Reason I was asking, you can probably guess. It appears that the only one of the four local B&Ms that don't charge $10 for it, it appears is selling knock offs (the same place that is selling knock off Evods, and knock off coils). Now the knock off Evods I got from them, I've not had a problem with, but the knock off coils have been a bit more problematic, and I won't be getting coils from there, anymore. Premier Vapor is closer to get coils from anyway in a pinch. But all the local stores have T3S coils at $10 a 5 pack, so it would be cheaper to order them online and pay the shipping even.
  12. Well, hubby and the youngest saw tomorrow's Arrow commercial, and actually had a conversation about who Black Canary's secret identity is. They must have remembered the bits from the first season about Sarah Lance possibly still being alive, because both of them came to that same conclusion.
  13. That is simply the base. Aand its not two extra coils. You get two coils, period. So one initial coil, in back up coil. Nice on the bottles! I prefer those. Brian Carter, how much does Sweet Vapes charge for delivery?
  14. I agree with Medic about getting the clones when they are about 1/10th the price of the original. Hubby got a Nemisis clone. Except he didn't tell me it was a clone. Medic did, when I said he got it off DV, and how much he paid for it, as opposed to what I see now runs for $189 USD. Yeah, um, no, hubby wouldn't be getting a mod for $189 when Better Vapes in Jerseyville said they'd discount a Natural for him down to $50 (yeah, I know you can get from DV for $42, but most other places online it's at least over $50, and at Better Vapes it's listed at $65, he was going to give hubby a "good customer" discount because we are always in there).
  15. See, that's why I asked. Because I'M always getting them mixed up, too.
  16. Wow, how are all these people getting coils from Proteus?
  17. Goof - sorry, *hugs*. Yes, the Uni fills from the top, and yes, it's plastic, no glass replacement, either. Okay, so I did actually BUY anything new, and didn't really get anything "new"..... except. Well, hubby and I both had 618 70/30 "maximum flavor boost", as the shop called it, as high up as they dared boost the flavor, essentially. We like it, I can taste it a heck of a lot better than just the single flavor boost that we were using, but I ran out today. Hubby still has something like the equivalent of maybe three tanks full of of the stuff? Plus he has at least a bottle and half of the regular flavor boost. He wasn't ready to order anymore yet - I think he might want to wait until I get paid (?), which is another bloody week. So he gave ME his maximum flavor boosted 618, since he still has like, a bottle and a half of single flavor boost left (and I gave him my single flavor boost back, which had stopped tasting good to me with some of my taste issues). Before I took his maximum flavor boost, I did try working my way through just a single flavor boost....and blech. Nope, thanks to the seizure Thursday, it's not that I can't taste the single flavor boost, but it doesn't taste, well, I guess the way I remember it's supposed to. But, end of the month, so streeeetttch things out as long as possible, right? I guess I won't be vaping a tank of 618 per day like I have been since I got the MVP. EDIT: Okay, I've been assured that we'll be ordering more 618 before I get paid, thank goodness, but still, I should slow down....both on it, and on my Kick Ash. Was just a couple weeks ago I got a 30 ml bottle of Kick Ash, and it's mostly gone now. :0
  18. Depends on how much the v3 is closer to Christmas on whether I ask for it, or for the Spinner. I've seen four different prices for it online, anywhere from $30 to over $40. As for the tank, yeah, I think I'm going to get the T3s. Looked at the MT3S, which is, well, exactly like an Evod, but bigger (metallic), but the local shop here that carries Evods at $5.99 doesn't carry the MT3S, only the T3S at 5:99, as opposed to the other three shops that charge $9.99 for them (well, okay, I just looked, and Better Vapes carries knock offs, that's why they are so cheap compared to other B&M's, same with their "Evods" - the only ACTUAL Evods I have I bought elsewhere).
  19. Okay, so frim what I'm reading, you put the drp tip on the top, and then drop the drips THROUGH the tip? I'm still not clear on the purpose of bridged or bridgeless, but I can ask my local shop about that. And you drip directly from the juice bottle? What about messes, like spillage on the couch or wherever. *sigh* I have the desire to treat vaping as a hobby, and keep accumulating stuff and progressing, but can't really, on SSDI, plus a supplement for my son until he graduates high school. And if the expenses keep mounting up higher than smoking, hubby, who I put in charge of the money because I'm not to be trusted with it,, says he'll pull the plug on us vaping, but I think he was just taking in consideration how much the juice I ordered that day cost, not how long it will last me for those flavors. What about that custm atty you get, Tam? I know you send it off to be cleaned and stuff, but does it have to rebuilt? But I'm thinking of swithing to dripping at home since I tend to have taste issues. And you guys use them for sammpling flavors in B&M stores, too?
  20. Jeff, which are you talking about? The PVs, or the tanks? I do have to say,, I'm assuming the MT3 is the same as the Evod, both being Kanger products, and almost identical coils.
  21. Yeah, I have five Evods in addition to my five KPT2s and Davide. I just want to replace the Evods with something bigger, but we really can't swing the cost of five full size KPTs, of ANY variety (though I'm interested in the dual coil when it cimes out), and the MT3 essentially looks the same as the evod, just the size I'm looking for (2.5 ml). Brian Carter (gosh, I wish we could tag people, like on Facebook), you said you fill your wife's every night. Does it fill the same as the Evod?? Take the bottom coil out and squirt it in, no PITA like the mini Davides?
  22. Okay, so I'm going to be asking for at least one (hopefully two) either Spinners or Twists for Christmas, for use when my MVP is charging, and to keep as back up, just in case (don't wanna go back to baseline voltage again). So here is my question? Which is better? I see DV has a 1300 mah spinner cheaper than a lower mah twist, so, like I said, I was just wondering which was better. Also, I know the MT3 is essentially just the same thing as an Evod, only bigger, but is it just as good as an Evod?
  23. Yeah, you can send some of the meat my way.
  24. You know, I'm not sure what happeened to me in the space of a few years. When my youngest was in tiger cubs, I had no problems carving the pumpkin with the little bitty things you get in the carving kits, but then a few years later, I was using a long sharp carving knife, and what ended up happenening was, evidently, after I punctured the skin of the pumpkin, I ended up angling the knife....and there ended up being barely any openings, lol.
  25. Kicking back with some 618. Now that I have a VW device again, I can actually TASTE it again. I don't know if it just needed extra steep time, or if it really was because I was pumping the power through it, but it's been a daily flavor (generally at least one tank) again since I got my MVP in the mail.
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