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Everything posted by spydre

  1. You know, I read that about 4 am, and I didn't want to post what my first reaction was, which was this has what to do with the subject at hand, but well, you know.
  2. Okay, I know I'm going to sound like a cheapskate, but if I'm going to replace my Evods with glass, I need to do it as cheaply as possible, since the KPT2 is more expensive that the full sized Davide - and easier to fill. I found one siye that had them cheaper than Davides by a lot, but it seemed to be a sale, and of course, they were out of stock.
  3. Okay, so for the both of us, we were spending just over $200 a month on analogs. Just counting juice orders, and what we purchased in B&M shops this month, that's about what we spent. And granted, one of those B&M shops was $90, an amount we are not likely to spend again in that shop - as I doubt we'll buy ANYTHING in that shop again unless I'm desperate for one of my juices and they are out even 8 mg nic. Cloud 9. When I finally get around to doing my supplier review of Vapor Beast, I'll start it off with Cloud 9, since that's how I found the Vapor Beast juices, and that's well, why I will only be buying them online. That's also not counting the money that I spent that had been refunded to me from my Zmax which I spread around to a couple of different vendors - the company I bought the MVP from, Chi-Town to get my honey wood, and EC Blends. And finally, that's not counting the hardware hubby ordered over the last month and half. He was griping over how much I was spending on juice (replacing juice that hadn't been replaced in a couple months in some instances) and finding new juices that I could taste and I liked, but he was buying hardware left and right - a Nemesis Clone, an Fogger clone, 2 agaT's, I think, MAYBE an RSST (I can only guess, I see what website the payment went to). August/September we spent more because we had "bonus income", and now, essentially, our income is dropping a bit, and although some of our food costs have dropped as well, some other costs have increased - like gas, from hubby driving to and from Edwardsville every day, six days a week, twice on Friday. So I'll have to run these numbers by hubby (not the hardware numbers). What I ran by him earlier was the possibility of me buying one glass tank + drip tip per month, provided it doesn't get in the way of my juices....
  4. You goofs! That's a humidifier! We can't run through a winter without one, it gets so dry in this house, even with a humidifier on the furnace. Guess that's what we get for living in a 100 year old house.
  5. Just makes me think if the US government would have gotten balls enough YEARS ago, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now, where not only are smokers dying of lung cancer, but those who've never smoked, and had, essentially, second hand exposure over the years. Granted, not all countries have such strict standards as Norway. But I've had family, well a family member before I was in that family, die of lung cancer, shortly after I was married into that family his widow died from the effects of smoking for however long, my grandmother had COPD, my father has the beginnings of it (yet still smokes), not to mention the c/v problems my mother is suffering through (she quit smoking with the patch 13 years ago, but she had a family history of c/v risk factors - her father had non-fatal stroke when she was 12 that left him hemiplegic, and he had heart trouble for as long as I remember him before he died when I was 8). My uncle has already had a stroke, and if it wasn't for the fact that Barnes has the number 1 neurosurgery center in the country, I'm not sure he would have recovered as much as he has. But these aren't just smoking risk factors. Family cardiovascular risk factors, family cholesterol issues, heck, my mom stopped smoking in 2000, and even since then, has had three more blood clots in her legs.
  6. Okay, so I need help figuring out a monthly budget on what I can spend on vaping. As you can see by my sig line, our analogs were cheapies - Class C cigarettes at a discount smoke shop....and in Missouri, too, so the taxes were lower by at least $5, I think....well, not positive. Been a long time since I bought a carton of one type of smokes at Quik Trip in Missouri, and the same type in Illinois. It may actually be more of a difference than that, but we were paying just over $20 per carton - I think like $22 per carton. So I'm not really sure how to come up with my budget. It doesn't help that hubby is pretty much in charge of the money, he knew how much we spent when we were on analogs, and he knows how much is being spent now. But right now, most of the money being spent is on me - juices, previously tanks, coils, more juices, etc. But anyway, how do you guys come up with a workable budget for your vaping for the month? I mean, well, okay, for me, what I vape this week, I might not vape next week, and what I vape for three days, I might not vape again for a few weeks. I mean, I can probably go through months and months of bank account information (though I'm not sure how far back I'll be allowed to go) to find out how much we spent at Dirt Cheap - when we used the debit card and not cash - and figure out how much we've spent so far....but I can't do that tonight as I'm involved in three different things.
  7. You know, I was talking with a friend from Norway, and he was telling me that cigarettes aren't nearly as physically addicting as we make them out to be. So talking to him tonight, there's literally four ingredients in cigarettes - tobacco, tar, nicotine, and C02 in Norway, and only 2000 people a year die from lung cancer. I always wondered how my bff, his fiance, could get by only smoking like 4 a day.
  8. "Best" is subjective. It depends on what you are looking for out of a rig (including durability), and other certain factors. I'm not sure if the rig itself plays into the vape cloud that's produced, I could be wrong. I LOVED my Sigelei Zmax. When it malfunctioned, if it wasn't for the fact that all my research said that even the new v5 had the same button problems, I would have gotten one of those. I also love my MVP 2. Except for the fact that I have to use the only back up in my arsenal when it's charging, an eGo 900 mah stick battery, non-vv. I've not use the Provari, except occasional hits off hubby's, but I've heard the menu is a bit complicated. But, it's also VV only, no VW, and I prefer VW. Whatever you choose to go with - do your research on all possibilities. Both the good AND the bad. If I had researched Zmax problems, I wouldn't have had to return it six weeks after I got it, because I would have known about the possibility of the problem coming up, and I wouldn't have gotten it. No device is going to be problem free, but some problems, there isn't really anything you can do about them if they come up, so you stay away from them.
  9. Pretty, Uma. So that's the name brand, not the clone, then?
  10. Run away. Run far away. Screaming. As a matter of fact, post this in supplier reviews. That way, if people see the warning there, (it will stay on the front page longer), they may be more likely to remember it.
  11. Discount vapors is always out of stock of about half of their stuff.....and then say, the Sigelei stuff, they haven't even taken off the site yet, but they will not be carrying ANY MORE Sigelei stuff, and I knew that over a month ago. They've added APVs and Mods to the site, but haven't taken the Sigelei stuff off yet. And the SVD? They've been out of stock a month. Pretty sure the only things I'm going to get from there are glassomizers, most of the time.
  12. I tried to chase clouds in the beginning, too. Especially after hubby got his Provari, and I still had the eGo 900 mah, and we were vaping the same juice, and I would see bigger clouds forming with his. He swore that I was getting about the same size that he was getting, but I wasn't....but I started getting bigger ones when I got my Zmax. (I loved that Zmax, I miss my Zmax, and if they had fixed the button problem, I would have another Zmax). But basically, I look at the reviewers on the interweb (Pete Busardo comes to mind), and I have to wonder what ratio he's pushing to get clouds that huge.
  13. I couldn't swear to it, since I've never held one in my hand, but they look just like a larger version of the Evod. The Evod, if you look inside, is a stainless tank with windows, at least that's how it appears to me when I look inside of them. I seriously wish there were a way to try tanks out before you buy them.
  14. Well, it is and it isn't. They have to use tobacco to extract the nicotine - nicotine IS a tobacco product. But, as it doesn't contain the tobacco leaf, it isn't. Still, it's better that it's looked on as a tobacco product than a drug delivery device - companies aren't going to want to go through that hassle - the mod manufacturers. Pretty sure that is why theydon't claim it to be a smoking cessation alternative - just harm reduction. It is word of mouth tha gets that done, and shop owners.
  15. Well, the tank coop was on the other page, and I couldn't go back without losing my post, so I guessed. Yeah, ideally, I would go to all glass, but again, I need to talk budget with hubby with birthdays and Christmas coming up, and he took over my iClear 16 for his coffee flavor, and he's having trouble with the flavor, so I think it may be the coil, so I want to, at the very least, get him into a glass tank, well okay, at the very least get him a backup coil, and maybe push him into a glass tank, or the carto/tanks he loves so much, so he can get a not burned taste to it - which is what he was getting tonight. I get paid tomorrow, maybe I can talk him into ordering something for himself. We have to refill our Better Vapes juices anyway. But we won't be buying hardware from there. EDIT: If the tank coop doesn't work out, or I can't afford enough (reember, Disability one income, not much in the way of discretionary spendin) I may see if I can do maybe one a month, plus a drp tip so Ibcan tell the difference.
  16. Well, just an FYI if you just started watching it on NetFlix. If you are a Doctor Who and/or Torchwood fan from BBC America, you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. John Barrowman (Capt. Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood) plays Tommy's dad, and Alex Kingston (River Song for three seasons on Doctor Who) makes a guest appearance as Laurel's mother. It's like all of the sudden the show turned into a gathering ground for old Doctor Who actors....which is why the Doctor Who fangirlz and bois like it. Okay, no, I like it because IMO, Ollie's hot, and Smallville pretty much killed the comic lore anyway, so this week in Season 2 didn't kill it anymore.
  17. Okay, Mr. Carter, and others, you mentioned in Patricia's thread you can't stand the plastic taste of the T3S.....I have literally not had a completely plastic tank since I got my Davide. Everything else was Evod (stainless tank with plastic windows) or glass. Should I just go with the MT3S over the T3S to avoid that plastic taste, since I never really got much of it with the Evods? My original goal was to replace the Evods with glass, but but unless Rix can put together a coop that makes that economically feasible for me to get a couple of those (not gonna buy minis Rixter, sorry). Although if we could put together one for mini davides I could probably manage a few of those since the starting price is lower, but we wouldn't get the coils in on that, since that's a kanger product, right? I dunno. Migraine and anxiety laden evening is not the right time to think, lol. But when I found out it would be $50 for 6 MT3S plus two boxes of coils.....yeah, I'd like to do something that would make getting into glass cheaper, even if I only could buy a few at a time.
  18. I have both the KPT2 and the Davide. I also have Evods for my lesser used flavors, I'm just upgrading them to basically, a bigger tank, I think. Maybe. Well, heck, I don't know anymore.
  19. The newest one, geeze, it's a great store, but their rent is $3,000 a month, because they rented out a HUGE space on mall property (used to be a UPS store). So while I can get one 15 ml bottle of Vapor Beast juice for $12 there, I can get it for $9 on the website....and they aren't selling 30 ml bottles of anything yet. But ANOTHER brand of juice that they sell, because they sell ALL of the brands of juice for the same price, if you buy it from them, you literally pay almost twice as much for it in their store. I paid $20 for an original pro tank mini there, after the mini 2s were out and being sold for under $20. Truthfully, I didn't price hardware there, because when I went in looking, the ones they had were kits (comes with a battery, a crap charger, etc.) and I wasn't in need of a kit, so I didn't look. I did look at what they were charging for the MVP - which is about what all the other B&Ms in the area were charging I THINK, so I knew I could get it online much cheaper. Um, yeah, that much for a KPT2 is BAD. I do have to ask, though, why do you prefer higher vg numbers? Might be able to swing in some on KPT2s, and probably on coils - the tanks it would depend on what we could get the price down to per. Proteus, I could probably at least get an order of 1 18500 - hubby has two of them, one flat top, one button top, and one of them he can't use with his Provari, so he has to make sure he charges it Wednesday nights, because Thurday is his 12 hour day at school, where he needs it.
  20. Does finding something you thought you lost count? You know that KPT mini 2 that I thought I lost? I found it in the depths of (hell) my purse today. I didn't think to look in my purse on that day that I misplaced it, because everything was either in my jacket, or in my bag.
  21. I was using my Nook and somehow hit the post button....then I pulled it back up, and got busy doing morning stuff here, and then yes, I dozed off and on for a while, lol.
  22. See, that's the thing about Better Vapes. They started out online for two years, before opening up now two storefronts (the second one just opened in the last two weeks). Some stuff we got there because it was cheaper - we didn't find out it was knock offs until last week, although we should have known. We just thought they were carrying their online prices through to the stores. But they make their own juice. And the owner, since my taste issues popped up after the seizures in September, has been working his tail off with me to get me to where I can taste 618 (their signature flavor, IMO, named after our area code) again.
  23. You know, that's the thing about this shop. They make their own juice (they started out online only for two years), and throughout ALL
  24. I could be wrong, but I thought the only reason they had those were because, hey, they're glass and bound to break eventually
  25. Yeah, I really don't think Better Vapes realizes the "Kanger" Evods, and probably T3S are knock offs, but they would have to have their suspicions seeing what they can price them at, and everyone else in the area prices the at $10.00. But since I don't want to knowingly buy knock offs, either of the equipment or the coils, in all likelihood, I'll be buying both the tanks and the coils online, because even my $8.50 KPT guy charges $10 for the T3S coils - probably because they can't be used in as many tanks as the KPT coils. I've got my order in my cart at Sweet Vapes, unless I can find them cheaper with all the colors and with the 1.8 ohms. DV I think has them cheaper, but doesn't have all the colors.
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