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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I've seen the flu shot to to be too effective to miss it anymore, plus, with MS, if I get the flu, I'll get not only the misery of the flu, but all my MS symptoms will act up as well, and I will truly be in hell. But either 1998 or 1999 (or maybe even early 2000), when the flu season was soooo bad that the hospitals were basically full, and the ER departments had patients on gurneys in hallways waiting to be seen, my husband got it BAD. I didn't. He SHOULD have been hospitalized, frankly. I had gotten a flu shot from work, and I had made sure the kids had their flu shot, and despite hubby spreading his high fever and germs all over the house (and I wasn't the best housekeeper then, either), none of the three of us got sick. Now, like I said, it's pretty mandatory that I get a flu shot every year, because the fever that goes along with the flu will bring about a pseudo-flare for my MS. But when I was in Cloud 9 yesterday, we were talking about the FDA action. I mean, vaping has been around for nicotine since, what, 2008 or before? It's just now that they have decided to make rulings on it - and some of them I can get behind - no possession under 18 years of age, etc. I see them putting a tax on it, because now that it's a million dollar industry, they want their share of the pie. I don't know if they'll be successful in regulating flavors, though. The Attorneys General want them to, because they seem to think flavors target kids, but I sure as heck didn't loose my tastebuds when I turned 18.
  2. Geeze, can it be any more obvious when I'm posting from my nook?
  3. I went through that after I returned my Zmax, while I was waiting on the refund and then waiting on the MVP. One thing I HAD to do (especially since I have to stop using the MVP to charge it) was drop down to lower resistance coils - 1.8 is my baseline now for anything I vape frequently, that way I can still get a little extra boost of power rather than what I was getting using the 2.5 coils, which sucked rocks). Now, I don't know if all of your stuff is RBAs, or if you use other tanks as well, but if you use other tanks (clearos, glassomizers, cartos) that's a thought you may want to try. I mean, if your back up is a stick battery like mine is, it's still not going to be close to what you are used to (and don't try out any new flavors on that set up), but it will get you through.
  4. Is there any way to get a sample of Bohas Bounty?
  5. Okay Rix (hope it's ok if I call you that) what's PGA? And what do you mean, blow it out? That one is an RDA, right? So do you ever rebuild it? Orr do you not need to, and if so, how do you keep the coil and wick from giving out (although I'm not the most mechanically minded or competent person in the world; hell, I can barely cook). I mean, I assue just like non RDAs, the coil/wick assembly has to be replaced sometime. For the personn that bought Boba's and Gorilla Juice, Cloud 9 just started carrying them. I tasted Boba's, and I can't remember what I thought, because it wasn't on sale, and I had gone in to taste, not to buy, and I knew I was going to end up buying Jive 555 because I really liked it, and it was on sale. Plus, this way, when I oder EC Blends' nutty 555 I'll have somethijg too compare it to, unless Better Vapes breaks their 555 back out.
  6. Okay, so I have my Honey Wood Tobacco flavor that I get from Chi-Town, and it's pretty affordable - $12 for 36 ml, but of course, I'm looking to cut costs with Christmas coming up, because I go through a lot of it. I initially tried Better Vapes' black honey tobacco. Way too flowery, but I figured that was the blackberry. So at aother point, the tobacco flavors were getting on my nerves,, because all I could taste was tobacco, almos I bllt on all of them. So I tried Better Vapes' honey sample. Again, flowery. Honey is not flowery. Not the honey I buy at the store, or the honey we got through the summmer from the beekeeper whose grass my son cut. So they failed at the honey taste. My most recent attempt was EC Blends' honey dipped tobacco. It's steeped for over a week, and still, all I'm getting nothing but flowers, I'm not getting any tobacco or actual honey taste. My question is a coupple fold. For one,, is the vast majority of honey/honey tobacco on the market flowery? Also, do any of you know of a honey flavor or honey tobacco that's NOT flowery? And will the EC Blends mix get LESS flowery with further steeping? Thanks.
  7. Okay, so I have 5 KPT2s, and one Davide, all full sized. All function brilliantly once I figured out that I needed to use the so called beauty ring with the Davide. For those of you that own full size of either or both, I'd like your input, which do you think is better, etc.? Over the next few months (unless we can get that KPT2 coop going and get them pretty cheap), it may take me about 6 months to replace my evods with glass....I know the Davides are cheaper, but even with full sized Davides, I'll have to get either precision fill bottles for each tank, or put the juice in the glass bottles with the eyedropper because of my tremors (which are now worse thanks the new Lithium, and my pharmacy had switched generic providers of my Klonopin, and this stupid generic is completely.....well, it doesn't work for me, which happens sometimes; the pharmacist was nice enough to order from the supplier that worked for me, and he'll be switching it out tomorrow, but in the mean time, the tremors stay). But, the tremors can be an issue with filling the KPT2 tanks as well sometimes, when I can't keep my hand steady enough in the fill area.
  8. Yeah, same here. The only place that carries the full sized Davides is Better Vapes, and their distributor that they order through evidently doesn't carry the minis, because they didn't know it existed, supposedly. I'm trying to talk at least Cloud 9 into carrying them - they had written them off as a copy of the Pro-Tank (any of the davides), but I sat them down and said, "look, the Davide has a larger capacity, and mini Davide has twice the capacity of a mini pro tank. They cost less, but you'll sell more. As it is now, I'm betting your customers don't want to deal with a 1 ml mini pro tank, so they just buy a Pro Tank 2 online cheaper than what you are selling the minis for." The other two shops we go to don't carry the Davides in, either, although the one that I've been talking to a lot lately, he's considering it, because of the larger capacity. But, considering what he sells PT 2s for, I doubt I would buy a Davide, mini or no, from him either. Cloud 9, I understand their upcharge. They are renting a space much bigger than they need, or rather, should have a ton of inventory filling it and don't (old UPS store), $3,000/month rent. So instead of basing the price of each brand of juice off what they pay for it, it's all priced the same.....which I've seen in NO STORE EVER except Better Vapes, and that's because all the juices there are the same. Plus they only have 15 ml, and their main line comes as 70/30, and even if you order it from Vapor Beast online, that's how it comes because it's made by an outside vendor. Well, I'll have more to say about Cloud 9 when I write my Cloud 9/Vapor Beast review.
  9. I was a bad girl today. I went into Cloud 9 today (the highest price B&M in my area) with the express purpose of picking up 1.8 and 2.2 coils, because the other stores don't have the 2.2 coils, they don't carry them. And since my "normal" B&M hasn't had 555 for sampling (and their webpage says out of stock) I wanted to taste Cloud 9's Jive 555 that they get from Vapor Beast, as I'm looking at 555 for a substitution - can get it from EC Blends way cheap. But it was really yummy....and it was on sale. Just a dollar more than I would pay retail for the 15 ml from Vapor Beast. But I also had to pay $10 per 5 pack of coils, so I guess I should have just kept it at one five pack.
  10. Okay, typed that on my Nook last night, that was supposed to be do you have them clean them and rebuild them, like Tam does, or do you do it yourself?
  11. That juice price - well, I was going to say okay, until I saw that it $8 for TEN ml - at our b&m that we buy juice from, it's $8 for 22 ml. $17 for 50 ml. That sounds more like the B&M out by the mall (still on mall property) that has a hefty markup because they pay $3,000 rent each month - $12 for 15 ml. I can understand that for Vapor Beast juices, as those retail on the website for $9, but the other brand retails for $7, and they are still charging $12 for a 15 ml bottle of that.
  12. Well, in the morning, or sometime on Monday, I'm going to figure out how much I'll need to spend on juice, hoch it is for hubby to pre-order Helms Deep, and what he needs juice wise. Then we need to start figuring out the Christmas budget. Of course,, it would help if the kids would give us their lists already.
  13. Rix, do you send yours back to get cleelajed and rebuilt like Tam does, or do you do that yourself?
  14. I alluded to this in another post. Now, I NEVER have my 618 and apple fritter out at the dame time. Two reasons. The are just about identical in color, and the 618 is in the KPT2 with light blue shaded glass, and the apple fritter is in the light GREY shaded glass. Plus, while I LOVE apple fitter, I only vape it rarely, because I have to be in the mood for well, it's not a spiced apple taste -that I would probably vape more - but I guess almost the bear claw it's named after. But yesterday, I had almost all my KPT2 tanks out. We were going to be going to Better Vapes, si I had my Kick Ash out, and my Holy Grail, to see if I could find something similar at Better Vapes (where if you pay $16 it's for a 50 ml bottle). Wasn't sure what I wanted to vape, and I needed to put more juice in the apple fritter tank. I know at one point I had the correct tank for the 618, because I'm sure that's the one that malfunctioned, and was fixed. But when I gathered up my tanks to take with me in my case. I had the 618 on the MVP, but when I tries the R4 at the shop, I had to switch tanks to compare it to my Holy Grail RY4, and I guess I got the tanks mixed up. I KNOW that I ended up with apple fritter in my 618, but I'm not entirely sure if I put any 618 in the apple fritter - and I filled that BEFORE I got the tanks mixed up. But with full tanks, I couldn't see the color of the glass, especially in the crappy lighting in y house, even when I vaped them down to half empty. What I SHOULS have done was epty and rinse out the tank I KNEW I tasted 618 in, but I did that with both of them. But now they are back in their respective tanks, and the apple fritter has a special drip tip to set it apart - which I probably need to get two more, plus more for any future glass tanks I get, my bank account willing.
  15. Yeah, the green evod was what I thought it was. he pulled down the center post a bit, and it's working like a champ. It's just that what's in it isn't tasting quite right.
  16. Okay, Brian, I'm reading the description of Endless Summer....."imagine the most beautiful person in the world hands you this drink"......for your sake, I hope you are imagining your wife....or that you don't tell her *snicker*. See, this flavor that I ordered, hoping I could switch it out for my honey wood, because it's cheaper, it's honey dipped tobacco or something. But straight out of the bottle, it was way flowery. And even a week later, daily shaking, etc., it's not really gotten any better or any different, I think I may have to just write it off - what do you think? You know, yesterday at first, I thought I was tasting my milk chocolate again. But I wasn't tasting any chocolate in my chocolate banana. But after tasting it again once hubby got the center post of the evod pulled down, you know, I'm tasting something, but it's not tasting very "choclatey" to me - or to hubby who is having no taste issues.
  17. Yeah, hubby was looking at what they carried a couple months ago, so when I was searching for my first APV, I looked there to see what they have, since that's where we get most of our computer stuff from. They need a holder for an MVP.....except hubby won't give up one of the cup holders. One holds his coffee/soda, the other holds his phone and his Provari.
  18. Ran to our "normal" B&M that we buy juice from tonight. He helped me with an Evod problem, and he was so thrilled when he found out a) that the maximum flavor boost on the 618 worked and I can taste and I love it, and now that some of my tastes are changing, I'm switching over to his RY4 rather than the Holy Grail RY4 that I have to pay $15 for 30 ml for that he gave me everything for free tonight - which, well, the 618 I got was 50 ml - which in his shop is $17. I've still got at least 1/2 of my holy grail left, so the RY4 (which they generally mix up fresh to order) will have plenty of time to steep. I have to be in a particular mood for it. Hubby was being pouty, and didn't believe me how much our vaping budget should be per month, and since he has something non-vaping related he wants to buy this month, when he found out I wanted to buy two flavors, he insisted on not buying anything. Until 20 minutes ago when he discovered he has almost NO 618 left, and that's his main vape, so yeah, he has to get some more Monday.
  19. As for the green evod, I really think the center post on the base of the evod got shoved up somehow. Every other evod works with the MVP, and to even get to to come close to firing on the eGo, it has to be screwed down to death, which is not true of any of the other evods. So I've got hubby working on that to see if it works.
  20. The only way they should be charging a fraction of that for juice is if they are selling someone else's juice. Heck, Premier sells other people's juice, and is a heck of a lot cheaper than that - cheaper even than Better Vapes on 30 ml prices, I believe. If they are selling someone else's juice, then of course, they have to recoup what they paid for it, plus the mark up, but if it's someone else's juice, why bother carrying a little 5 ml bottle? And yeah, one of my B&M carries genuine kanger coils for $8.50 a five pack. The two others that carry genuine Kanger price them at $10 per 5 pack, and the other one carries knock offs.
  21. We thought of that, but every evod except those two workn with it, and that tank and one of hubb's carto were the onlly tanks/cartos that didn't work. Hubby pulled evidently whatever the center post on a carto and it fixed his, and it temporarily fixed mine...but we thought the coil MAY be the problem. I'm nnot sslure how it happened, but I bot two tanks mixed up...but long story short, both my 618 tank and myApple Fritter tanks wwork now, andnI'm not really sure which one was malfunctioning. The pappa smurf evod was just - well, I'm not sure I ever used it on the MVP, I don't think. I went to the vape store for some other stuff, and I adore the owner. At first he thought it was the coil, because that juice is hard on on coils with it's current formulation (he's going to change the recipe) but I changed the coil when I couldn't get the draw off on the MVP. He took a look at it, and figured the airholes appeared to not be fitting well with the MVP, so he just drilled one of the holes open farther, and it works now. Some other stufff he did for me today that I'll post in the bump thread.
  22. Okay, so I'm getting ready to go to Better Vapes today, and checking my tanks for flavors that I want to find a cheaper alternative for, plus checking the flavors I haven't vaped in a couple weeks to make sure the tanks still work. Well, that started Thursday, and I couldn't get my Papa Smurf evod to draw while it was screwed down on my MPV, but it worked fine on the eGo. Since it was firing, I just could draw, I figured it must be some dirt or something in the base, so today I wet a q-tip and scrubbed around in there, after making sure nothing was blocking the air holes. That seems to have "helped". As long as I crank it down nice and tight on the MVP, it will fire, and I can draw off of it - it's a little tight, but not tighter than a KPT2. My green evod, I haven't messed with in about a month because for like a week, I was back to liking that flavor, and then nothing since then. Well, put it on the MVP, wouldn't fire. But it on the eGo, had to really crank it down to get it to fire (incidentally, I put milk chocolate in there after I took the sweet tobacco out, and I might FINALLY be starting to be able to taste it again, even though I can't taste the chocolate on my chocolate banana). So, I'm guessing with those two tanks, since they worked fine last time I used them (but admittedly, I didn't use them on the MVP), I think somehow the center pin for the coil may have gotten pushed up? I'm going to have hubby look at them when he gets home before we leave. Now the what the hell moment. I was vaping from this KPT2 before I started all of this. Same coil, same everything. You know how if you press the buttons to check the resistance on the MVP, if there is a short, or if nothing is attached, it says non. Well, I attach my 618 tank. Check the resistance and it reads 2.0. So I fire it at 7 watts, which is what I was doing before, and what I do with all my 2.0 resistance tanks. And it fired for second, and stopped, and seemed to lock up. I checked the resistance, and it read A 0.00 (A is their ohm sign), although once it read A 0.04. So it fires for about a second. Then it takes me turning off and back on again before it will recognize the resistance as 2.0.....but then only fires for a second again, and stopped. And then I put it down, and just looked at it....and some lines flashed across the screen......and freaking now it works???? Oh and now, how I got the Papa Smurf evod to work on the mvp and it was just a little tight? Oh no, now, no difference, I can't hardly pull off of it at all, even when it's not cranked all the way down, but it works fine with the eGo stick battery. It's not that it's not firing, or even that I have to crank it down to fire, but for some reason I'm not getting a draw off the MVP, while it draws fine off the eGo. Since it's firing, and I don't have to crank it down like my green evod (milk chocolate), and I can't really pull off of it on the MVP, but I can on the eGo, I don't think it's the pin on either one of them being pushed one way or another. And all of my other evods, except the green one, work fine with the mvp, I've checked.
  23. Tam, what's the best amount of time to let EC Blends juices steep before trying them? There are some slightly more expensive (okay, some REALLY more expensive) juices that I'm looking for a cheaper alternative for. Not that they aren't great.....but really, come on, one of my FAVORITE flavors I just ordered 30 ml on the 14th of October, and now I have maybe 10 ml left? So $30 a month when I get on a kick ash kick is kinda expensive, and they don't have bigger bottles because they use an outside manufacturer.
  24. Maybe try going to Walgreens, getting one of those pre-paid Visa cash cards, and using that for your purchases? That way, you aren't giving out your bank account info, and if the guy has shady intentions, you are only out the $20 or so that you loaded the card with. When out oldest went on his band trip to the Chick Fil A Bowl his junior year, that's how his money went with him, rather than sending him down to Atlanta with a stack of cash. As a matter of fact, he kept that card and just kept reloading it when he earned money until he opened his bank account after high school.
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