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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Dang, Troy, you just flashed me back more than 20 years and had Karma Chameleon going through my head.
  2. Don't screw it down any farther than finger tight, just like you would do with any APV. Troy, what kinds of problems are causing returns on the 2.0?
  3. Nobody? I guess when you find one you like, you stick with it. I would love to get the KPT2s, only with the thinner drip tips like the Davides, only in different colors (but must be metal). The KPT2 drip tips are thicker, and some are even thicker than others. I had to switch one drip tip out for a spare that I had because it was too thick.
  4. Awwww, I guess since I can't actually describe the flavor, it's hard to figure out what it may be talking about.
  5. Wait, Boba's is Banana Tobacco, or Gorilla Juice is Banana Tobacco? Sorry, the descriptions on the website, are, let's say lacking. Edit: NVM, I see now that Gorilla Juice is Banana Tobacco. Funny, around the end of August, beginning of September, I was being drawn AWAY from tobacco flavors, I would just get that almost ashtray feeling in my mouth. But since the day of Seizure infamy, I'm being drawn back toward tobacco flavors. I mean, I found myself liking RY4 for the first time ever (except the Premier Vapors version - a local B&M, can't remember which and someone makes it for them, I believe, but I didn't like it)
  6. Okay, it depends on the flavor the ratio that I get. My 618, I get a maximum flavor blend, which is 70/30 and as much flavor boost as possible, and my Kick Ash and my Holy Grail RY4, and Jive 555 come from the manufacturer 70/30, no ability to change it. Just about everything else I get is 50/50, unless it comes differently. I'm currently in the process of dropping to 12 mg nic, except on the Vapor Beast flavors (Kick Ash, Holy grail, and Jive 555) which are down to 8 nic because they don't have 12 nic.
  7. *crossing fingers* I THINK I may have hubby talked into us gettig the six l bottle of Boba's to try. Or at least going into Cloud 9 so we can sample it. It runs about the same as your Vape Dudes, etc., andd I may talk him into me picking up a dripping atty so I can test flavors without using up one of my tanks if it's not ready.
  8. Jeffb, hubby says the adapter doesn't fit all that well, and, of course, he worries about screwing it down too tightly. I myself, prefer setting to my 7 or 8 watts, depending on the coil, and letting the APV do the math for me. Once I get my Spinner for Christmas, though, I've decided I'm pretty much going to give up on the 1.8s and stick with 2.2 and 2.5. I dropped to 1.8s on my main tanks so that when I'm using my eGo while the MVP is charging, I can still get higher power even with the non-variable eGo, but I'm not really liking how it's more difficult getting the sweet spot, for me, with that low resistance, when using it on the MVP. Just my observations for ME the last couple of days, but I've also been restless on flavors, too, althou I've been hittin the Jive 555 pretty hard. I got 15 mls Monday on sale, and it's half gone. I cannot even get to Better Vapes to check and see if theirn something similar is close enough to substitute, and if I ordered the EC Blends 555, I doubt it would be here by Saturday. Since two of the local shopes are really affordable, they get first crack before I try EC Blends.
  9. Awesome! Especially considering the damage was because of something you did.
  10. Provari's nice, hubby has one, but its VV only, and 510 only. And even when I bought my zmax, I was 50/50 on eGo and 510 threading. Also good advice.
  11. Oooh, if it destroyed a plastic drip trip, what kind of effect would it have on o rings?
  12. Thanks for the link. Maybe after January I can get one of the $6 bottles a try. Since their descriptions are basically pap, especially for gorilla juice, what's gj taste like?
  13. Troy, I know EC Blends say every order is made fresh, but then why are there LOT numbers, as if they were made in a batch? At least my 5ml honey dipped tobacco had one. You know, now I'm just wondering how long it should be before I give up on chocolate flavors....it's been almost two months exactly since I stopped being able to taste chocolate vape (at least I can taste the banana in chocolate banana, and that's why I vape it).
  14. Does Pluid need to go in a glass tank? Or what about other absinthe/anise/licorice flavor based juices? Was considering getting one....but I don't know. Not as strong as pluid, though. I think they said it was Jaegermeister type flavor? But it's not the other jaeger that I've tasted. But this place said they are getting ready to stop selling it., so maybe I'll have to find another place to get a sample from.
  15. You can always put, what is it, nichrome on it? I mean, I'll look at like Busardo's reviews, but obviously, the reviews don't tell you how they stand the test of time, you have to dig deeper to find that - and I found that out the hard way when my zmax's button started malfunctioning, and THEN I did the research on problems with it.
  16. The couple of vendors I talked to about it like the MVP 2, the SVD, and the Tesla better. They basically carry the vtr in case someone's looking for it, but they don't recommend it.
  17. I would suggest the SVD, the MVP 2, or the Tesla. For the Tesla, the best price I've found online was Discount Vapors, but you may have better luck. For the MVP2, the best price I found when I ordered it a few weeks ago was Coast2Coast. And Troy tells me the Tesla takes a beating as well. Heck, I had guy at a local B&M say he practically threw his MVP across the room at the wall and it still worked. I really, really liked my Sigelei Zmax, but with both the Smoketech and Sigelei Zmaxes, they have a button problem that seems to be becoming more and more frequent, which is the entire reason mine got refunded. Even on the V5 of the sigelei, which has a complete new circuit board, because it incorporates functions of the MVP, the problem persists. Otherwise, I would have just gotten v5 of the zmax.
  18. The majority of what I vape with my MVP (which I think is more advanced than the SVD, not sure), and with my former Zmax, are KPT2s and a full sized Davide, and some evods, however, I'm going to start replacing the evods with glass tanks. Just because I have an APV doesn't mean I want to rebuild anything, I just prefer the variable wattage.
  19. Geeze, last time I read through this thread, I forgot that FLAN was the abbreviation for feels like a nut.....and started looking for a flavor called flan, because I LOVE the dish flan. As far as feels like a nut, maybe I need to give it some more time, or maybe the chocolate vape just won't come back to me - I mean, it's been almost two months, and it's not just one juice maker. If it was just chocolate from Better Vapes I could see it, because they would tend to use the same chocolate flavoring in all their chocolate containing juices (milk chocolate, german chocolate cake, hot chocolate, etc.), but the Vapor Beast Black and White, or whatever it's called - which is regular chocolate and white chocolate (and white chocolate isn't really chocolate) all I got was the barest sense of white chocolate, and Vape Dudes Chocolate Banana I still only taste the banana - but it's stronger than the banana cream that I ordered, so I vape that for the banana, rather than the banana cream.
  20. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kick Ash full flavored tobacco from Vapor Beast. It just can a bear to order sometimes (that's what inspired me to drop my nicotine level, I couldn't get 30 ml in 18 mg nic, and had to drop to 8 mg nic), and with dropping the RY4 off Vapor Beast, the $16.00 for 30 ml isn't so bad.....but I'd like options, since it can be hard to obtain, as Vapor Beast only gets their shipments of their juice in once a week. Here is a description of the flavor: http://www.vaporbeast.com/Kick-Ash-Full-Flavored-Tobacco-p/50-0114-000.htm The best I can say is that sometimes it's sweet, and sometimes maybe little spicy? I'm not sure. It wasn't until after the September Day of Seizure Infamy (which fell on the easiest day to remember in September, 9/11) that I started getting into tobacco flavors that I wasn't into before.....at least, I didn't think I was into them before. But when we went to Premier Vapors two weeks ago, I tried all of their tobacco flavors, and didn't like a single one of them, lol (looking for a substitute for the Kick Ash). Better Vapes doesn't seem to have anything similar in taste to me, either, so if anyone can point me in a different direction, it would be much appreciated. I THINK I have alternates for just about all of my $16 flavors - well, it depends on if I like EC Blends' Irish Cream, but I don't go through my Irish Cream all that quickly, anyway.
  21. Yeah, the cap's off. It's times like this, when I just want to taste from a sample, that I wish I had a DD device rather than all tanks.
  22. Is that an iClear tank, or just a drip tip that looks like the ones on the iClears?
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