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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Well, when I first settled on a flavor today for more than 15 minutes, it was Kick Ash. But, I really couldn't taste much of it after that first 15 minutes, so after an hour, I decided to switch back to something that I have more of a supply of.....the taste is dulled, certainly, although my supplies are low, I expect it to be mailed to me on Tuesday (darn, forgot about that federal holiday Monday, despite the fact that my epileptologist appointment is Monday). My vaping time will be limited tomorrow, as a couple hours out of the day I'll be in father-in-law's car (no vaping there), so I still think my supply is good on Honey Wood. But I guess Chi-town doesn't mail out on Saturdays. But anyway, I'm not vaping much today, but if my vaping picks up, I'll switch over to 618 (assuming it doesn't taste burned at 6 watts), which I still have over 40 ml of.
  2. 1300 mah Spinner Barnes and Noble gift card that I can use on my Nook possibly vaping related gift certificate, I dunno. Christmas will likely be tight this year, so I haven't thought about it much.
  3. I have, um, I guess five main flavors that I cycle through. Kick Ash, Holy Grail, 618, Honey Wood, and Jive 555. Most of the week, until Thursday night, I was vaping mainly the 555. Today, for the first couple of hours, I was literally switching juices every couple of minutes - they would start tasting "wrong" or I would stop being able to taste them every couple of minutes. I think today and the last couple of days have had more to do with the effects of the seizure than anything else. I went through every one of my tanked juices in an hour, and then started through them again. I would have juices that started out fine start tasting burned after a couple of minutes - at 6 watts. Finally, I could sort of taste Kick Ash again, albeit very muted.
  4. Hubby doesn't even understand why I go through so many flavors, at times, in a day - when he should definitely know that after a seizure, I'm going to be flip flopping around trying to get something to taste consistent, although earlier in the week, I was pretty much set on one flavor, although, a lot of times, by the time it was time to go upstairs, I would take a couple different tanks up with me. Yesterday, he pretty much flipped out because I took all my main flavors over to my in laws when I was being "babysat" so that I didn't have a seizure while I was home alone. Granted, I couldn't vape inside, so I didn't vape nearly as much, but every couple of trips outside (this was within 18 hours of the seizure) I switched up juices.
  5. Went to 3D to try out the Better Vapes brand DK Tobacco, which they told me was similar to their 555. Erm, nope. And since I was at 3D since I didn't want to make hubby drive all the way out to Jerseyville, I couldn't have them mix up 555 for me. The good thing is, I do actually have more than I thought I did of the 555.....so I might actually have enough to get me through to when my EC Blends samples get here, and hopefully the 555s will be good enough straight out of the bottle to sample right away and determine if I'm going to order them.
  6. Since my MVP came with a collar, hubby is insisting that I use it with a collar with my large tanks.....so I avoid the MVP collar, since some tanks can get stuck in it, and use the Davide collar with both my pro tanks and my Davide.
  7. I ordered that juice the other day with all my other little bottles from them.
  8. Been flopping around all darn day. Currently going back and forth between 618, Honey Wood, and Jive 555. There's a reason I'm flipping and flopping about, and I'll post on that in a minute in Rants, probably.
  9. Truthfully, well, no, I was going to say I didn't notice this before the September seizures, but I liked Sweet Tobacco when I tried it at the shop, liked it vaping a few times, and then couldn't stand it. Right now, I don't know if it's because of the different resistance setting I have set, because of the seizure two weeks ago, remnants of the September seizures, or even yesterday's seizure screwing me up. I mean, I get favorite flavors, and I LOVE those flavors, and then I'm just all of the sudden turned off, it may be for a week, for a month, whatever. And yeah, I think SOME of it is settings, and maybe this all just go away when I get a Spinner for (hopefully) Christmas so I can use that while my MPV is charging up, although it doesn't take much time to charge. Say for example last night. After my seizure, after tossing around a few different flavors, I finally settled on 618, and I kept with that until we went to bed. Before bed, I filled the KPT2. Oddly enough, I put the base back on, and the coil no longer worked out of no where (I could be recalling this incorrectly, this was four hours after a seizure, and then it didn't taste the same - tasted burned, or something. It's only now that it's tasting right again, 24 hours later - it's under totally different settings - on the eGo, not the MVP, etc. I get to where for a week, or more, I can't settle on one of my favorite flavors - be it Kick Ash, Holy Grail, 618, or Honey Wood. Sometimes it's just like the settings that I've been vaping that on all of the sudden no longer appeal. I've been assuming that all of these cycles through my favorite flavors were the results of the seizures the past two week, or rather, even the past two months. So um, do you guys go through cycles where for some reason for a period of days, or even longer, you just can't manage to vape a flavor?
  10. I went ahead and ordered my Honey Wood from Chi-Town Vapers, and only realized AFTER I submitted the order that every other time I ordered, I used free shipping, so I spent $4 MORE than what I normally would have, and with free shipping I still got track and confirm. So Paying for priority shipping actually makes it more expensive than Vapor Beast. Hoping to run out to a B&M tomorrow afternoon to pick up something like a 555, rather than paying $15 for Vapor Beast to get me through until the samples get here, I can determine which I like, and then order a larger size.
  11. One question I do have in regards to direct dripping. Is it better to go with low resistance or high resistance, and why?
  12. Tam, the MVP 2 has the standard 510, I guess when I can afford a drp shield, I'll contact Keith to know which to order. As an aside, I definitely see how drip Shields aren't commonly known about. I called the four B&M shops in the area. Not only do they not sell non-RDAs, but they'd never even heard of drip Shields
  13. This may be just me, but I prefer US made juice. Granted, there's not really regulation in the US, but sometimes you can't be sure about what gets made in China.
  14. Probably going to have to order Kick Ash, Honey Wood, and Jive 555 tomorrow. Waited too long to order the samples, and I'm almost empty. I may be able to put off the Kick Ash, I haven't been vaping it as much.
  15. Big Bang Theory was awesome tonight. We'll probably watch Coven this weekend. Oh, shoot, I still need to watch last week's Haven. Was going to tonight, but I had another seizure. Cute, Tam.
  16. I can use the 510 drip tips I already have, right.
  17. Yeah, the evod, we I guess pulled down the center pin on the tank. Same on hubby's carto tank. On my KKPT2, believe it or not, even though it worked on my eGo, the problem was the coil. I changed the coil out, and it's working like a champ.
  18. 2.5 you want a MINIMUM of 7 watts, IMO, unless it starts tasting burnt. Although with some juices I crank it up to 8 or 8.5. I wouldn't plug a hole up, because if it comes loose, it will get sucked in,, and you could inhale it. What kind of APV do you have?
  19. That's the one I just ordered. I ordered three, for different types of flavors.
  20. Okay, so I started out my day shopping. I haven't even had breakfast yet. Ordered three Boge Atomizers for dripping. This will come in handy for the samples that I ordered last night, not to mention the samples I have sitting in my box that I haven't tried yet.
  21. Seriously, Troy? How old ARE you? I know wizard is old enough to remember Culture Club and Boy George, and I really thought you were older, too....then again, maybe I was just making the assumption that everyone here is older.... EDIT: Yes, I just looked at your profile, and you have 30 years dedicated to smoking, so yes, you SHOULD remember Boy George and Culture Club!
  22. I'm starting to want that SVD.....but I want other stuff first. Just ordered a whole buncha samples from EC Blends, to see if I can get the equivalent of some of the flavors I have now from them, where 50 ml is $15. I ordered: Irish Cream Tobacco Blend DK 555 Super Nutty Black Magic That Juice! Between those 6, I'm hoping I can replace uh, four of my juices. Heck, the Honey Wood that I'm looking to replace isn't THAT expensive, but for just a couple more dollars, I could get 14 more ml if the black magic works out as a substitute, since I don't think the honey dipped tobacco is going to work out. If the Black Magic doesn't work out, I'll try Black Honey Tobacco from Perfumer's Apprentice next month. Won't be able to do it this month because I'll have end up purchasing another bottle of Honey Wood. The whole 555 thing is my own fault. Went into Cloud 9 with my mom the other day, because I saw 555 on the list for EC Blends....and liked the Cloud 9 Vapor Beast so much I bought it there since it was on sale (that was Monday), and I'm almost through the entire 15 mls already.....I think I might like that better than Kick Ash though - although that may be because of what I've been drinking when I'm not drinking water. Rather than cola or diet cola, I've been drinking black cherry or root beer....which is affecting how I taste my vapes - especially the root beer, which I'm not drinking any more because it made me burpy (really, seriously burpy, for me, which is odd, because I don't burp, it's almost impossible to get me to burp). I probably should have waited on the Irish Cream, I think I've got two month's supply left, if I keep going as I'm going.
  23. You've just guaranteed I won't ever smoke a US made analog again. A friend from Norway says evidently the cigarettes are more "pure" over there, very few additives, if any, and very low addiction rate. The lung cancer rates are incredibly low in Norway - and this friend generally manages to make it through a day smoking very few cigarettes (like, half a pack is excessive smoking for him).
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