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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Hmmm, I'm thinking of passing over the Spinner for Christmas so I can get something bigger in January.....Hubby wants a Sigelei #8 for Christmas.....and that would be his second mech mod, in addition to Provari.
  2. Absolutely. Analogs contain 4000 + chemicals, plus the act of inhaling the by product of a burning leaf into your lungs, and I think 400 of those chemicals are known carcinogens. In the US, the most addictive product in cigarettes isn't the nicotine, its the many myriad of chemicals they add to the tobacco during processing. I can't remember the forum name, but the latest thread is a video on how they process tobacco/make cigarettes. I think my post is the last one in the thread - at least, I don't think there are any more threads after that in that sub-forum. http://psychcentral.com/library/depression_smoking.htm http://www.statepress.com/archive/node/7194 These are just a couple of the articles that come up, when you specifically search for cigarettes and MAOIs. My guess is that is the the worst of the addicting agents in cigarettes. Some newer research has come out classifying nicotine in non-toxic amounts as no worse than caffeine (although it IS possible to OD on nicotine, you just have to inhale a heck of a lot of it - over 2 hours max for regular nicotine, over 4 hours for mentholated, as menthol halves the time that it takes your body to get rid of the nicotine for some reason.
  3. On the eVic, you can set the wattage, right? Try setting the watts. 1.3 ohms at 3.4 volts is over 8 watts, that's pushing it with a LOT of juices.....or maybe that's just with me lately from the seizures (getting sick of this crap and the neuro isn't sure whether to believe me or not, and he's not 100% that the dose of meds I'm on is gonna prevent more seizures, the only way to find out is take them and see if I HAVE more - blood levels don't work on these meds). But anyway, gonna try out my dripping attys first thing tomorrow morning. One flavor I don't have much hope for, and if it weren't half gone, I would pay it forward.
  4. The intellicharger does it for me, and charges even an 18650 in a couple of hours
  5. Troy, does speed steeping work on the EC Blends juices? You know, in hot water? Just in case. I mean, tomorrow, I'm running out to Jerseyville with my mom to try Better Vapes' 555 (which, their prices are about equitable with with EC Blends' 50 ml price, once you take into consideration shipping and insurance), so if I can "settle" for Better Vapes' 555 (which they are essentially breaking out of storage for me to try), I'll be good, I won't have to speed steep the EC Blends 555 versions. HOWEVER, if it does not live up to the hype, then I will likely be low, if not outright out of Jive 555 by the time the EC Blends order gets to me (it shipped last night) and then steeps. What device are you using on the regular tanks that you aren't using on the RBA's? First thing I would try, though, is using your KPT on your eVic, and on your RBA, how low is your resistance that you are running? I mean, truthfully, it could be that it's burning the juice. I love how the minis vape, I just wish they were twice as big? I still have my Jive 555 sitting in a mini pro tank 2 because I didn't want to put it in an Evod, despite the larger capacity....and I knew if I emptied out a big KPT2, I would just vape it down all the faster, and since I only had a 15 ml bottle a week ago (and I've been going through it this fast just in the mini). Got my dripping attys in the mail today. I was really confused until I noticed I felt a line across the middle where it opened up.....so I guess you drip the juice in there, and then put the drip tip on, and vape what's there, and see if you like it?
  6. Woo hoo! Notified via email that Honey Wood shipped out today, and another from ECBlends saying that my order was dellivered to the post office last night despite the federal holiday.
  7. Makes sense. I noticed the different sizes on the website.
  8. Is that because of the size plus the cutter?
  9. I have MS, can't donate blood, plasma, or bone marrow, yet after I die, I can donate organs.
  10. Okay, first let's dispel a myth. Lithium ion batteries can and do develop a memory. There has been research on it. Plus, anyone who consistently uses or used a laptop while plugged in can tell you how dramatically it's shortened the battery life (my husband's first laptop - outdated now - can no longer be used without the power cord, because he did not rely on battery power almost at all when he was actively using it four years ago last time he was in school). I always used my stick batteries until they would flash when I pressed the button. By the time I got my Zmax, I was getting anywhere between 4 - 6 waking hours per charge, but that's because I come pretty close to chain vaping. And that was with a 900 mah regular eGo. But if you do a Google search on how long the batteries last, you can probably find about how many charge cycles they are good for.
  11. I've also been known to run high wattage. I've also been known to recycle coils, clean them from when I change juices in a tank and save them for the next time I need a coil, but those go pretty quickly. Basically, I use them until the juice tastes burned regardless of setting, or if I'm having trouble with the draw. Except, since the seizure Thursday, I've been having some juices start out tasting fine (and this started immediately after the seizure, so I know it's seizure related), and then start tasting burned, even at 6 watts. Or even when I'm using my eGo stick battery. So I know it's time to put that flavor up for a while. At first my neuro didn't believe me - I saw him yesterday - but more on that in my Rant thread about the seizures themselves. I had one - it may have been a knock off Evod, I'm not sure - that quite literally, the second time I filled the tank (and I was only filling that tank 1/2 way) the coil went out, when I filled it! Come to think of it, where I bought it, it shouldn't have been a knock off. Then again, I've been surprised before. Went to the newest B&M in my area, and assumed from what they were charging for coils they were real Kanger coils, and then when I get them home and look in the bag, they are in a generic WHITE box that says Clear Cartomizer Coil Unit on one side, and has a selection choice of Kanger E-vod or Kanger Mini-T3 on it. I just used the first one from that box yesterday, but I may not keep the juice in that tank. It was hard to take in the beginning unless I mixed it with something, and I thought since I got more attracted to tobacco flavors now it would be easier to take, but no.
  12. Look on the bright side. There's always disability. Get paid not to work because you can't work......but you get paid, about 1/2 of what you made.
  13. According to my father in law, who used to work for the postal data center, mail still ships center to center (like the Hazelwood Processing Center to Alton) but the route delivery - say my carrier taking the mail out for delivery - doesn't happen. I got all excited because I thought today was delivery day for my drippers. Um, no, stupid federal holiday. No, I don't think the holiday is stupid. My grandfather served in the army WWII and beyond, hubby's grandfather and all his great uncles served in the Navy in WWII, my brother in law served in Desert Storm (as a matter of fact, the day after he had to report for duty at the local armory was the day I met my husband, and although they were "back home" at the armory prior to that date, they were released from duty at the armory Prom Night 1991). My father in law spent several years active duty Navy, then came home and was reserves, and then switched from Navy Reserves to Army Reserves, and served in the Reserves until about, I think 11 years ago? At least I think my youngest was about five when he retired from the service. My father never had the chance to see if his number would have been called up for Vietnam or not. When he was 17, his eye was shot out in a hunting accident, so he had a false eye. That earned him a medical deferment, plus he had a student deferment as well. But a friend of his went over, and didn't come back. I know one local high school class - Roxana, not sure what year - had 6 graduates go over to Vietnam and die. So, no, I don't think the holiday is stupid. I just hate that it interferes with my mail delivery, lol. My package has been sitting at the Alton Post Office since Saturday night. I guess if we had a PO Box, it would be delivered by now, or maybe they only distribute those at a specific time of day, too. But goodness knows the mail carriers need their time off. Working out in the weather every day of the week (except those with vehicle routes where they don't have to get out of their cars, but they are still exposed to the elements). You got that today?
  14. He very well could have. He came from a broken home that the rescue organization "rescued" him from. His original owners tired of dealing with him early on, and tied him out, and the male person was evidently worse to him than the woman, because he had problems warming up to men, but not too many problems (but those first two days he was MY DOG and not hubby's dog), but finally after eight months, the cop that lived next door had seen enough and had the dog removed, and placed with a rescue group that specializes in bulldogs. He was in two previous homes, and they didn't want to give him a dedicated bed, and they got pissed when he ended up sleeping with them, or with their 2 year old daughter. We gave him a bed right next to ours, and never had an issue, except the first few weekends, he hadn't adjusted to our schedule yet, and he would jump on top of me at 7:30 or so in the morning, licking my face to wake me up so he could go out. After a few months, he would just wake my oldest son up (yes, jumping on his chest, or headbutting his bed) because Devin WOULD wake up with him and pay attention to him, lol. Since Devin went to college, we've had to keep his bedroom door open so that the dog can go in and look for him - especially since he comes home one night a weekend to do laundry, so the dog expects him.
  15. Highpass, you might be right. I don't know. I remembered something else I want for Christmas. An SD card for my phone. With the games I have on it, plus all the notes, and other apps (the notes are for things I would otherwise forget), I am very nearly out of space, and that's with deleting all but 2 pictures off my phone. The kids have SD cards, why don't I? And I have more to keep track of. My med log, my symptom log, my millions on notes, evernote, the grocery list app, trillian, messenger, accu-weather (okay, to be fair, we all have accu-weather, but I'm the only one without an SD card, and we all have Galaxies, me and the boys have Galaxy S 2s, and because hubby just got an upgrade, he has Galaxy S4. PLUS, he has a laptop, and a tablet! Hmmmmm, maybe I should ask for a tablet.....but that's.....expensive. I need to think...... Edit: He has TWO tablets.....but one he really can't do anything with. It's the HP web os tablet, that was pretty much obsolete within a month of it coming out.....
  16. I sorta did that Wednesday. Ordered three dripping atomizers which will be here today, and the, I think five sample size bottles from EC Blends, that haven't been mixed yet. I guess it's just as well, about half the time I can't taste anything vape wise anyway, at least today and yesterday. EDIT: No, I need to change that. I can taste things for the first five or ten minutes while I'm vaping it. Then I can't taste it anymore. It may work out like it did yesterday, after a couple of hours, I can start tasting certain things, while muted, again. But then I'm going to be on the road. I think I need to take Apple Fritter and Chocolate Banana with me so I might be able to vape in the car (if it smells like tobacco, I can't do it, even if doesn't have actual tobacco in it).
  17. 3D Vapor. East Alton, or Rosewood Heights, or Wood River, or something Illinois. They all run together in that strip of neighborhood. They have a website set up, but they don't have their inventory on the website yet. You hit the shop button, and it takes you to, essentially, a blank page. Well, all things considered, especially considering demand, a $2 markup isn't bad (I assume you would pay as much for shipping from Vaping Watch, right?). Hubby still hasn't finished a single tank of it, though.
  18. Well, I talked to hubby, and while we spent $240 a month on analogs, and splitting that down the middle that's $120, he would feel "safer" if we stuck to $100 each for our vaping budget. So I'm keeping track of my expenses, and I may have to speed steep my tobacco flavors when they come in from EC Blends, and make up my mind real quick like because I'm almost out of my 555 and Kick Ash.
  19. Just wanted to say.....the local (first) vape shop that opened in the area is now carrying Mad Murdoc's, including Pluid. How much does Pluid normally cost you guys, because this place charges $22 for 30 ml. But I'm not diving into Pluid, there is this other licorice based one, it's really good, but well, granted, I haven't tasted Pluid in quite a while, but I don't think it's quite as intense as Pluid, but still needs a glass bottle. And again, $22 for 30 ml bottle. I think it's Grenada? Yeah, Grenada. That's on the line for next month, when I get a new tank, too (and a new drip tip so I can tell the difference between all my tanks). And yeah, that one is the same price in store as it is online, so if they are able to sell that one at online cost, I wonder what the deal is with some of their other holy crap mark up. http://elevated-vaping.myshopify.com/products/grenada
  20. Yeah, that's what I assumed he meant - so getting about 1 ml of juice per day from the Blu - but he didn't say if he kept up that slow rate with the PV set up, or if he increased. I myself would have increased, but that's me, I'm very orally fixated, and I don't have to worry about being in a workplace environment, either. So unless I'm out somewhere that I CAN'T vape (like inside my in-laws' house), I vape when I want to vape, etc. While I can't vape inside my in laws' house (I can go outside) I CAN vape inside my parents' house, and in my momma's car, as she doesn't have, you know, breathing problems, she just quit smoking 13 years ago. But she's given me the green light to vape in her house and in her car, and she's even gone into a vape shop with me.
  21. Just an FYI on storage temperatures.....I knew I had seen something someplace, just found it tonight on EC Blends: http://www.ecblendflavorshop.com/helpdesk/knowledgebase.php?article=7 The upshot? Storing it cold will not only thicken it, but slow down the steeping process, if it's not already steeped (and you may have to warm it before you can vape it). Some think freezing it will make it last longer, but there is no actual research. Then if you freeze it, you have to thaw it, and wait for it to warm to room temperature.......
  22. If you were only hitting the Blu e-cigs once a day, then you are definitely, probably getting much more nicotine now than you were. Like the others said, cut your nic level down to 6, and then cut your consumption by I'd say about half again if you are vaping more than you used the Blu.
  23. No, it didn't look like it had grown bigger, it just, I guess, started irritating him. What was funny, in I guess the week after the surgery, maybe longer, instead of sleeping on his bed on my husband's side of the room (where there is plenty of room), he always ended up on my side of the bed, usually squished up against my side of the bed, not even lying on the spare pillow in front of the rocking chair. If I swung my legs out of bed without looking, I'd knock into him. Pretty much about a week later, he was back in his bed. I don't know. Maybe the canvas on his bed irritated his stitches.
  24. To be fair, at least the last two weeks, it's been a lot of that with me, lol, If I'm not outright saying it, I'm thinking it - except this week when I got a hot and bothered over the Jive 555 and couldn't put it down, except maybe at night, until my seizure Thursday, and that screwed everything up again.
  25. Yeah, we're gonna have to wait until January just to get the PS4. Highpass, I would go with the surgery for your dog, too. Poor guy. We just had a growth taken off our dog's leg a few weeks ago. The vet said it was basically a hair follicle that grew outward and sorta 'sploded. He had it for years and it never bothered him, and the vet said as long as it didn't bother him, it was fine. But then he started obsessively licking it, and the vet said since he wouldn't leave it alone, it would have to come off. He was really good and didn't have to be coned to keep away from his stitches, he only went after them a few times.
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