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Everything posted by spydre

  1. You've tried changing the coils out, right?
  2. Mine ended up being knock offs - and I don't think the store owner even knew it. What bothers me more is when someone sells me a tank or coil (evod, or "kanger" coils) that aren't the genuine article. If you are charging me $10 for a 5 pack of coils, it darn well better be a genuine Kanger product, not a knock off, since I can go 10 minutes away and get a 5 pack of genuine Kanger coils for $8.50. We have four shops in this area. One I used to prefer to buy my evods and my coils from, until I found they were knock offs (what do you expect when they are selling them cheaper than Discount Vapors?). Two shops sell them for $10. I don't know about 3D, but I found out that Cloud 9 is selling knock off coils - I would imagine they are just marked up so high because they have TREMENDOUS overhead. Rent of $3000 a month. And then the final shop in the area, 5 pack of coils are the aforementioned $8.50 per box....and I know they are genuine.
  3. There is only one food/drink that has been affected this time frame - generic diet cola. Before, I could tolerate it, but well, you know, it wasn't all that good, but then after the Day of Seizure Infamy (September 11) I couldn't tolerate the generic anymore. Or heck, maybe I just thought I couldn't tolerate it anymore. We were stocking Pepsi products when I had that day of the seizures, and it was like 2 weeks before I was faced with generic diet soda, so I seriously could have misinterpreted it. I mean, last December, there was a definite appetite and food preference change, but this seems more....subtle, so limited to vaping. Say, I can't taste chocolate vape, but I can taste chocolate. Since September, the flavor of the 618 and the Honey Wood have changed over time, it took me weeks to taste honey wood right again. 618 started to taste right again, and then, I don't know if it was because of switching back to the eGo's when I returned the Zmax and was waiting on the refund and the MVP to come in, or 10/24 seizure, or what, but up until maybe a week before I got this last bottle, I couldn't taste 618, either. I can't say it was conclusively the seizures - my tastes did change (sometimes for a very short time) after the September seizures, because I found the Vapor Beast flavors on October 4. And granted, the last two days have been......well, I'm back to taking a couple of hours to settle on a juice......but this burned tasting is just weird. I mean, one flavor or another will taste that way all day, and I dial it down to 6 and sometimes it STILL tastes like that.
  4. Okay, so when I got the MVP, I thought I might want to try lower resistance ratings, but I wasn't REAL sure.....until I had to charge the MVP for the first time, and was getting no power out of the eGo battery. So about half my tanks I lowered to about 2 ohms or so resistance. Some of them I bumped back up. But even at 2.2 ohms, I should be able to go along fine at 7 watts. Now, maybe this is just residual from my seizure on the 7th, and then this past Thursday added on, but even tanks with higher resistance, I'm having to bump the power down to sometimes six watts. I mean, sometimes, I can understand - when a coil's going out or sometimes it starts to taste burned when the juice level gets too low in the tank. But other times, I can see no reason why it would taste burned. I mean, 2.8 resistance should not taste burned but 7 - 7 1/2 watts, and didn't on my Zmax. When I first got the MPV, the coils that came packaged at 2.5 I would regularly vape at 8 watts, so is it because I'm not using the same resistance coils on all of them? Or is it my freaky taste buds again? Heck, even my doctor can't answer that one, he doesn't really believe me.
  5. Quick question. Is the Genesis an RBA or an RDA?
  6. Thanks, Proteus. My own doctor isn't sure he believes me - if it weren't for the fact that taste issues happen immediately after a seizure, and that Sheepdog has the same issue from TIAs, he wouldn't believe me. On my epilepsy/seizure post, I'll go into what he said...and what he said after Thursday's seizure.
  7. Welcome again, then. One of my best friends is a multiple. He also lives in a different country (Norway) where they have stricter laws on what can go into cigarettes, evidently. At least, according to his roommate. But Norway is really strict on the rules governing food, too, to hear that person tell it. Then again, we all know that the food industry gets away with putting a bunch of crap in their food, so....
  8. I'm sorry. Between the seizure last night, and some other stuff, I can't swing it, though I would love to. I just don't have the wiggle room to adjust for flavor adjustments this month plus my actual supply of juices that I will actually go through while I try to get all of this crap figured out.
  9. Okay, just wondering? And granted, this wasn't an RDA, and I wasn't using a drip shield, either, so it got a bit messy, but I had juice all over my hands and my dripper and such. How do you drip on the go?
  10. Okay, Better Vapes is going to try to clone ("Maybe a little better") my 555, but it's gonna be two weeks before I can get out there taste it and figure out if I like it. Since I had the seizure yesterday, I've decided NOT to speed steep any of the flavors I got from ECBlends, because I'm not tasting right anyway. Having issues tasting things for longer periods of time, so I went ahead and ordered a 30 ml of the Jive 555. That was actually a flavor that I was trying to switch to over the Kick Ash (well, the EC Blends version, but I gotta wait for those to steep), so by the time I get the Better Vapes version, and get through a 30 ml bottle of the Jive 555, then the EC Blends samples will be ready to try. Since I ordered the 555 before shipping today, and it HAS shipped out, then it SHOULD be here Monday. I've started vaping kick ash more (should have ordered that while I was at it) so hopefully with the 555 and what Better Vapes gives me, I'll be able to just kiss my budget this month.
  11. I completely and totally agree! I'm loving mine.....and maybe if I can ever get my flavors sorted out, I'll be able to buy more.
  12. Well, I settled on 618 most of the day, amazingly, until about 4 or 4:30 or so. And now, I can't settle. I seem to have lost my ability to tolerate even Holy Grail RY4. Haven't really been able to vape it since before I hit on the 555, so it could very well be before the October 24th seizure. No, it wasn't after October 24......because I found the RY4 at Better Vapes between then and last week....and they tasted similar. But now, today, I can't stand either of them. So right now, I'm vaping Kick Ash. And I'm hitting close to my monthly budget, but I'll get that into bump when you bought thread.
  13. No, usually, cold doesn't hurt it, at least it's not supposed to. But you'll at least want to warm it to room temperature before using it.
  14. Well, okay, I didn't get around to making the order today because yes, I actually slept most of the day. But I'm ordering 555, since I can't get out toBetter Vapes for a couple weeks. Yeah, and coils.
  15. Well, I was vaping 618 for a while this evening, but as I was watching Farscape, waiting for the episode to be over so I could go back in the den. It's a good thing the episode wasn't over, because the second Thursday in a row, had a seizure. Now I can''t settle on a flavor. Hopefully, I can settle on a flavor.
  16. Jeff, I've done the research. It used to be thought that lithium ions didn't develop a memory, but more recent scientific research is proving the opposite. http://phys.org/news/2013-04-memory-effect-lithium-ion-batteries.html http://www.psi.ch/media/memory-effect-now-also-found-in-lithium-ion-batteries http://pocketnow.com/2013/05/03/li-ion-batteries-memory-effect
  17. It will thicken it, and possibly freeze it (so you'll have to warm it up to room temperature before you use it), and it will POSSIBLY make it last longer....but if it's not steeped yet, it will take it longer to steep.
  18. That's the way I have MOST of my flavors. I have 13 tanks - various evods, KPT2s, mini KPTs, and a Davide.
  19. That's always a plus! That's one reason, other than their prices, that I like Better Vapes! Not only do they have their location in Jerseyville (okay, that's about 30 minutes from me), but 3D Vapor (maybe 10 - 15 minutes from me) sells their stuff, too - you just can't get it "personalized" at 3D, since they are a re-seller. So you are stuck with 60/40 (which is odd because Better Vapes Standard is 50/50), no flavor boost, and nic levels only at 24, 12, 6, maybe 0, and maybe 36, not sure. And there's a couple dollar mark up because they order it online. But they also sell other brands, like Mad Murdock's, Apothecarium (which is made in Alton, but the only local shop that carries it is 3D, and 3D just bumped the price from $18 to $22 on Apothecarium, to be in line with their other premium brands). Trying to figure out where to take my dad for his purchase. Better Vapes used to be my favorite store, because everyone who worked there was so knowledgeable, but now, since they've opened a second store, they've hired some staff that doesn't know so much, and I have to hope that Steve (the owner), Travis (the mixologist), or the blonde girl (I think the owner's SO) are there. 3D has all of the Better Vapes tobacco flavors, which my dad would want, but they sell knock off starter kits. Plus, well, he may need actually three battery sticks.... But for the best selection of tobacco flavors, I may take him to Cloud 9. The flavors are more expensive, because they have significant overhead, but they can be obtained online cheaper; I'm just wondering if the tobacco flavors will be more up his alley.
  20. Somehow I missed this thread. If paying this month, which I assume we are, I need to figure out ehat's left in my vaping budget. I might be able to swing one, maybe two KPT2s, and I'm definitely down for heads, I just can't fill out the sheet right now since I'm in bed.
  21. My duh moment direct dripping for the first time today. Got everything set up - you know, the juice in the atty, the drip tip on - and I went to take a hit, and I just got air. Then the /facepalm hit me. I didn't put it on the battery or press the fire button! But my RY4 has definitely steeped enough, and is a good substitute for my Holy Grail. Weird thing is, the other two attys, maybe it was because there was barely any flavor, but the ECBlends flavors didn't even seem to get the primer taste out of them. I had to throw them in Evods just to see where their flavor was at.
  22. Well, my mom got me down to Better Vapes in Jerseyville, and they were missing an ingredient so they couldn't mix up the 555, which they only did on request. But I had called ahead, anticipating the issue, and he said to bring some with me so he could taste it. So not thinking, "hey, I'll bring my bottle", I thought, "Hey, I'll bring my mini pro tank". So he sat around for 20 minutes sucking on it, and he's gonna try to clone it. He said give him a week - he isolated about six flavors out of it he thinks - Travis, the mix master, not Steve, the owner. They didn't have any banana or bananas foster for me to sample, which means their samples ran dry and they didn't refill them. But next, I guess weekend is when we'll be able to go out there, I'll see if they can have the samples made up before we go up then, because I don't want to pay extra for chocolate banana when I can't taste the chocolate, and if I can taste the banana just as fine from Better Vapes, cheaper.
  23. Just less harmful than analogs. And there's no proof that you are exposed to any chemicals in amounts significant enough to cause cancer at this point in time (I think the last study said you'd have to vape an inhumane amount in in day - like not even possible - to cause a significant issue, even with your nicotine level - or spill a significant amount on your skin).
  24. Hey, Compestine, my diabetic dad is is looking for info on vaping on the advice of a diabetes doctor - I guess he figures he's held out long enough. I'm composing an e-mail for him with links and such, and other info, but is there any info that I should be including with the insulin dependent diabetic in mind?
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