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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I didn't check the site recently, but I know it comes in 20 mg nicotine.
  2. I'm guessing your first clue would be that you bought it from a head shop.
  3. I have two cases for when I go out and about. The first is the double eGo case. I don't use that much anymore, since I generally take more tanks out with me now, since I have more taste issues now, it takes me longer to settle on a taste (especially in the mornings, or close to bed time. So what I'm using now (and even carrying my tanks up to bed with me since I switch them out so frequently some evenings while we are sitting in bed, watching tv, cuddling the doggie.) Anyway, I don't know what it was originally for, but it's a case logic case. Elastic strap across the middle of one side perfect for holding a spare battery if my MVP is running low, and, well a netted area like MrWaylon's (only sideways). The whole sideways thing CAN be a problem, simply because it zips along the side, so if you hold it the wrong direction, or move it the wrong direction, everything falls out of the pocket, so it just kind of rattles around loose.
  4. So, at Vapor Joe's, a new blog just got put up, evidently some recent studies are showing risk when vaping cinnamon. I mean, I knew doing the cinnamon challenge where you swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon was dangerous, but Mt Baker is a very large juice company pulling ALL of their cinnamon flavors. The post, and the clip of Mt. Baker's statement, can be found here: http://vaporjoe.blogspot.com/2013/11/at-your-own-risk-mtbakervapor-pulls-all.html#links
  5. Currently? Jive 555. Looking forward to getting whatever Better Vapes has mixed up for me this weekend, too.
  6. Wow, just reading back over my last post. At the time posted, 5:35 am, you can guess I was posting from bed, on my nook. With no spell check function, no autocorrect, etc. *shudders*.
  7. You are definitely right, at least to me, about tobacco nic fits being stronger. And I would smoke more, the more anxiety I had. Even though for the last couple years, we shared the packs, supposedly so we could control the rate we smoked, I,, for the most part, deterimined the rate we smoked, and hubby would frequently tell me to slow down. And heaven help if I was up multiple times durinng the night or woke up before hubby, because there was o limit to how much I smoked
  8. Wow, I just glanced, ad read that as strawberry tripe! I was thiinking, "Eewwweew." You, and others, have put the bug in my head about trying my hand at DIY, but with my taste issues, who knows how long I would fiddle aroud with a recipe before pronoucing it "right" (at least for me, on that particular day and time).
  9. I think part of it depends, in part, on the maufacturer/vendor. But then, there are some things, by their very nature, that produce a strong scent. For example, fruit flavors, or something like inferno or red hots, or you pluid/anise/liquorish flavored juices. Well, anything that has to be vaped out of a glass tank. But remember, a good chunk of taste is actually based on smell, so if there isn't an olfactory response, it generally fails as a juice.
  10. Okay, sorry, I've been typing, and then going away, and just been up and down busy today. So, sorry. E-mailed the vendor last night, and at 6 am I had a return e-mail. First suggestion, as always, clean it. Which I did, and quickly determined that as long as it was on a baseline setting (3.3 volts OR 6 watts), it was usually fine - except the evods were more prone to taste burned even at baseline readings. So yeah, I knew every tank that we had tried on my MVP, including my husband's Evod, had the same results (and that Evod went straight back to performing just fine on hubby's device last night). So while I notified the vendor that cleaning it had no effect, and what exactly WAS happening, with every single tank, regardless of the make or model, the vendor gave me the RMA procedure, but I wanted to make sure that it WASN'T my tanks before I filled out the RMA. So finally tonight I was able borrow hubby's Provari and use it on my 2.6 ohm tanks. Didn't have a single problem with them, and oh my goodness, was it nice to be vaping at a decent voltage level for those flavors again (4.4 volts) - which I believe it's been about two weeks. When it first started happening, I thought it was happening because of taste issues from the seizure on the 7th, and piled on again last Thursday. NOTE: While I was playing with hubby's Provari, I traded actually several tanks back and forth. I thought I had remembered being able to taste better again, and I can.....depending on the voltage or wattage I can push through without burning the juice. My taste buds were just, I guess, temporarily stunted again at first. There are some tastes that I don't think I'll get back at all, or at least not for months, but hey, I've discovered I can drink generic diet soda again, and I lost that taste two months ago.
  11. If it's the internet chart I'm thinking of ("ohmschart") it is actually a touch conservative. Also, if you have a smartphone, there is an app you can get as well. For Android it's called Vape (keeps tracks of quit date, how much you smoked a day, how much you spent per pack, how much you spend on vaping if you choose to enter that, and, well, it says Watt Calculator, but you use a slider to select volts or watts and resistance, and it fills in the one you didn't select - it will color code the power bar - green/yellow/red based on "danger level", just like "ohmschart", and it's conservative as well.
  12. Tam, that reminds me, my preliminary dripping experience may have been somewhat marred by a problem I seem to be having with my MVP. At least, I'm assuming that after maybe four pulls, it's not supposed to taste like you burned the wicking dry, even though there is still juice in the atty, therefore the wicking is still wet (and thus, dripping on your hands). That's PROBABLY why I didn't get enough dripping done with anything but already steeped by a week or more RY4 to get primer off two of the three atty's. Well, that, and the juices as they shipped to me from ECBlends prior to steeping didn't have much flavor to register at all, at least to me. But you know, I'm weird.
  13. Not to be dense, but um, what is it? Is it an RDA, or something else?
  14. One of the tanks we tried, the evod, was hubby's, and it indeed did get burned. He never put any of his cartos on my MVP. And I would think if it was a problem with the juice, it would have given a problem well before months after we've started vaping it at around that level. As a matter of fact, one of my evods I just pulled out to taste the other day, and I thought the coil was bad because it was kind of burny.....but I replaced the coil, and the same effect. I just didn't think about it until tonight.
  15. I handed it to him, MVP, tank, everything but the drip tip (don't want those nasty germsies), said vape on it a bit, and let me know if it tastes burned. I gave him 10 minutes with it, but it only took a couple. He asked what voltage it was set on, and I kind of waved that off, and said, "What voltage would YOU set 2.6 ohm resistance tank on," and he said 4.5 or 6. When I handed it it to him, it was set to 4.2, with a 2.6 ohm coil, brand new, having soaked for a couple of hours. Now, at first, I didn't have this problem with the MVP.....which is why I thought it was me at first. So, we tried experimenting after it finished charging. Set the MVP on 4.4 volts, rather than setting wattage. Started vaping 618 out of it. Within minutes, it started burning. So we pulled the multimeter out. Set on 4.4 volts. Checked the actual resistance of the coil, that was accurate. So we used the multimeter on a couple of different settings to determine if it's outputting what it's supposed to put out, voltage wise. And it is. Every voltage setting I put it on was confirmed by the multimeter. Hubby thinks it's an airflow issue. We've tried it with the Pro Tank Collars on, off, no collar, the Davide Collar, but one of our experiments was with an evod, so no collar to deal with there. Any help/thoughts/clues would help me out, but I'm also in the process of contacting the vendor, and see what they say to do. I mean, like I said, I initially could vape at 7 - 8 watts with no problems. Good thing I've only had this less than a month.
  16. Mostly, I use KPT2s. Well, I have 1 Davide, 5 KPT2s, and then a couple mini PTs and about 5 Evods, but I haven't really hit an evod for more than five minutes in about a month or more.
  17. I would hazard a guess that it's your body going through tobacco cigarette withdrawal - all the chemicals in there. It does take time to detox off the cigarettes, even if you are replacing the nicotine.
  18. As far as microwave popcorn, the diacetyl in the microwave popcorn that the butter flavoring is made out of has been known to cause cancer if inhaled for years. FDA kept it legal because it didn't cause cancer for the folks that eat it, but that didn't help the people working at the popcorn factories. It was found out about AT LEAST thirteen years ago.
  19. I'm starting to wonder if it's not the MVP.....Bear with me here. With the Zmax, I was CONSISTENTLY running a minimum of 7 watts - and that was AFTER my day of three seizures in September. Never had a problem with feeling like any juice was burning. Now these were all 2.2 - 2.5 ohm coils. Some of them have been replaced with lower resistance coils, but some of them have not, and I don't have a single coil that's below 2 ohms resistance. My 555 and my 618 both have 2.6 ohm coils in them, set them both on 7 watts, and both taste burned. Even hubby said the 618 tasted burned, and I'm actually running it at a LOWER voltage than what he would run it on 2.6 resistance. But gosh darn it, I had him use his own drip tip on my 618 tank so I don't catch whatever sinus crud he has, and he was vaping Very Berry, and it seems just the o-rings cross contaminated because now I'm getting a mixed mouthful of 618/Very Berry (of course, he's refusing to believe that). I've put the MVP on the charger for now because it was acting a little odd, even though the battery life was only yellow. I have one more possibility to check out. At least with the 618, when I set it to 7 watts, it tasted burned. But if I adjusted the voltage, not the wattage, oddly enough, I was able to bump it a little higher. So I'll try that with the 555 when it's done charging.
  20. Woo hoo! Got my 555 in the mail from Vapor Beast. DESPITE running at a resistance of 2.6, though, it's touchy even running at 7 watts.
  21. So I started to respond to this at something like 5 am, but hubby woke up and told me to turn my nook off, despite not being able to get to sleep. Anyway, it's all down to your personal preference. Before I got my first VV/VW, I would use 2.2/2.5, because I didn't realize with lower resistance, running the same 3.2 or whatever volts through, you get more power, so a better taste (which is why my husband's 618 out of his Provari always tasted better than mine out of my eGo's until I got my Zmax). After I had to ship my Zmax back, I was a sad panda again because still had fairly high resistance, and back on eGo sticks until I got my refund and my MVP got here. Only problem being, the MVP has a built in battery, so you can't remove the battery to charge it like most units, you have to stop using it to charge it. So it's back to the eGo sticks for the couple hours while I'm charging. So there are SOME tanks that I keep at a low resistance (around 2 ohms) so that when I'm using the eGo stick, 2 ohms, times 3.2 volts, that gives you 5.2 watts of power. (Now, with my Zmax, I was running 7 watts all the time, so the lower power makes me sad, but I'm also having taste issues related to my seizures that are making my power settings not matching up, either.
  22. If it's happenning with more than one battery,, it could very well be the center post on the Davide. Try gently pulling it slightly down with a pair of tweezers. I've had it happen with an evod and hubby had it happen with a carto tank.
  23. You know, as long as I'm TOLD it's a knock off, I don't mind, although I prefer my Kanger coil heads to be genuine. It's hard ennough to get consistent quality with even Kanger heads. But when someone is selling something as genuine, and it's a knock off, it pisses me off.
  24. Wait, if they are getting their mods from FastTech, aren't they getting clones?
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