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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Well, it's typically expressed as PG/VG percentage.
  2. Yeah, the vaportek one is actually the one he wants. The nzonic head, the getting rid of the magnets, etc. Of course, now he's got a pretty good idea that I'm getting it for him, and he knows how much I'm paying for it, too, but that can't be helped. I just hope he doesn't try to buy his other gifts on his own, because then I'll have to stop him, and once again, he'll know everything he's getting for Christmas.
  3. Well, he says there are more versions out than just that one, so I asked him to send me a LINK to the specific version of the sigelei 19 that he wants.....I know there's like a 19b, or an e as well, and if I don't get told EXACTLY what to get him, he's not getting it. Edit: Jeff, you did it! He never bothered to get me a link, so I checked that link, and thought that MIGHT be what he was thinking about, because he was talking about a later version, and that's the exact one!
  4. Well, it gets opened and shaken daily, I guess I should just pour it back in the bottle.
  5. But you can use the short tube for the single 18650? Or do you need the long tube?
  6. Now, I saw Grimm Green's review with the SVD about there being a little bit of play because of the larger threads. Has that been giving you any problems?
  7. You're right, he does. And frankly, looking over both of his e-mails, someone with his position in a company (ie, that high up), I'm sorry, I expect better written communication skills? Okay, maybe I'm a grammar/punctuation Nazi when it comes from professional people, maybe it's my legal secretary background [and I know I'm not the best practitioner of grammar and punctuation], but it irks me, seeing it come from a professional person, someone putting a public face on a company. I don't know, I guess, well, that's just IMO.
  8. Okay, so my ECBlends order is aboutish ten days old. I think. So, I tried one of the flavors again last night, and still no flavor at all (that juice - the only one tanked). So I'm wondering how long I need to steep these flavors before I should start tasting something - anything.
  9. *sigh* He's been looking at this for a while - since before he got his Nemisis clone, IIRC - I specifically remember hearing parts of that review - specifically the part about what is on the monitor behind him, and about turning the battery around backwards; we even talked about the backwards battery thing. It's not my decision to make, and frankly, well, if I put anything vaping related on my list, if I hope to have him get it for me, then I should get this for him.
  10. Wow, that's kinda....scary. I mean, yeah, you can get flavor with 100% VG, but not the same kind of flavor as you had when you added PG into the mix. When did they make the change? Just with the bottle that you noticed the color difference and taste difference on? Is that how they saved on costs?
  11. You know, I keep getting more and more stuff I MIGHT want on my Christmas list. I have to remember I still have to manage to afford juice next month, and I have two teenagers and a husband to buy for a very tight Christmas. Most of "Christmas" is actually going to happen in January.
  12. Okay, I'm TRYING to figure out what I'm seeing and reading, but they messed up when talking about the coils - they mentioned it in the same breath as the ProTank 3 coils, but those are dual coils, so how could they be the same? My other question, it LOOKS interesting - so is the stem the tank, and then the pipe is actually the battery? Also, I'm not finding where you can get/buy extra tanks - so would you have to have one pipe per tank? Or do they sell that type of tank on other sites?
  13. I'm considering going that route. Well, I had been thinking of saving up and getting one in January - it's not like I don't like the MVP, but not having removable batteries is a bigger deal than I thought it would be, even though it only takes a couple hours to charge.
  14. Please? Granted, I have a week and a half before I can order it.
  15. I'll view it in the morning. Looking forward to it!
  16. I'm so sorry, jstorm. Do you mind me asking where in Illinois are you?
  17. I'm under orders when school is in session to make sure I'm awake after hubby goes to sleep, 'cause I snore (so does he, but if I start snoring first, it wakes him up and he gets all mad and stuff, he can't just roll over and go back to sleep because it startles him or something). So I'm often half lying in bed when it happens.
  18. You know, now, even after these months after putting them down, I still get the urge - especially when I'm having taste issues, or the burn issues on my MVP - where I just want a cigarette. Despite knowing how they are made, what is in them, etc. But sometimes, just having said that, and hitting my e-cig, settles the urge.
  19. Okay, once the third hits, I'll be in the market to purchase a Sigelei 19 for Christmas for hubby. I want to get it someplace that's priced decently, that hopefully has a decent reputation. I found one on sale....but of course it was out of stock. The two others I found were between $25 and 30. I didn't even check Fasttech, because for one, he wants genuine Sigelei, and for two, it's a Christmas gift, so I don't have time to wait on shipping. Father's Day, anniversary, and his birthday gifts were all delayed because of payday and/or shipping, I don't want Christmas to be, too. Thanks in advance
  20. Okay, I could soooo go a different direction. You aren't halfway lying down when it happens, are you? That's when it happens to me, when I'm halfway lying down.
  21. Thanks, Uma! Yes, let us not forget the beneficial properties cinnamon has! There's a reason it's been used in hot toddies for hundreds of years, and in spiced cider, etc.
  22. I AM the wife, and I'm the chain vaper. Today, because of issues, I'm at my in-laws' from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm. Well, hubby threw a fit about it, but I brought my whole tackle box, because even though I have to go outside to vape, I don't know what I'm going to want to vape, and don't know how much I'm going to go through in 14 hours (NOTE: not as much as I would have as I slept for five hours). So yeah, hubby freaks out about how often I change tanks, how much I vape, etc. But I don't. It keeps me from smoking. And as long as I'm not spending as much, I'm good.
  23. Thanks, Uma! Since I'm not home today, I couldn't do any more research (using my mother in law's laptop for this right now), so I'm glad to see someone dug up good information on it. For me, it doesn't make much of a difference, because I only very, very occasionally vape cinnamon roll, (not in 2 months, even), but hubby vapes Inferno frequently. But if these studies didn't even vaporize and only tested in liquid form.
  24. I don't know. But it's telling, IMO, that Mt. Baker pulled the product this early. Either they were using the indicated kind, or they don't want to take any chances that further research will reveal more information. So, it might be overcautious, but...
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