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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, so I was direct dripping tonight two juices that I had been steeping - one simply because I haven't finished what it's replacing yet, so it was still sitting there, and I wanted to see if it tasted better than what it's replacing (which I still have, like 15 ml of, I just lost the taste for - but oh, the replacement tastes soooo much better now that it's been steeped for three weeks, that's going in a KPT2 tonight!), and another that I picked up this weekend, the hopeful 555 clone or 555 replacement that needed steeping for a couple days, and on two separate occasions...one with each flavor, I evidently overfilled my atty, and when I fired it up and hit the drip tip, I sucked up a mouth full of juice! Blech! But, I can definitely tell there is one common ingredient in there, lol, between the RY4 and the 555.
  2. So what is the advantage of dual coil over single coil, Troy?
  3. I do have to say, I loved my Sigelei Zmax. It just developed the button problem.....and they can be common, depending. I've heard a couple different things about what could cause the issue. Brian, I'll tell you, I don't know what it is about the difference between holding a round PV in my hand or the boxy one with the MPV that I have, but I haven't dropped the MPV once, and I dropped the Zmax several in the same time frame.
  4. Well, with me, 1/2 a tank is maybe three hours worth in some parts of the day. At least it was this morning. It was nice though, at first....woke up, kept on vaping the 618 I was vaping last night (slept half way decently, too), topped my tank off, then about 3 hours later, right about the 1/2 way mark, I had to switch it out.
  5. rta? Cracked screen? Troy, I'm starting to think that will be next major purchase. I'm not going to get into mods, because I don't want to get into rebuildables, or anything like that.....so, I may just start collecting APV's, and that looks really, really nice. I ALMOST replaced my Zmax with it, but it was JUST BARELY out of my price range.
  6. Okay, I know how much copper is worth here.....I mean, in my area, people are breaking into vacant houses, not just for the copper piping, but for the wiring as well. How much did 140 feet of that stuff set him back? And like someone else commented, if he can get a straw through the cage, wouldn't a cigarette fit, too? Unless Turkish cigarettes are big fat things?
  7. Yeah, I'm currently trying out different vendors versions of juices I like, hoping to find a vendor that either sells them cheaper, or in a bigger bottle (my 555 is $15 for 30 ml, and they don't sell bigger than 30). So I've been getting the smallest "sample" type bottle of whatever you can get from a vendor (for EC Blends it's 5 ml for $2.50), so my first "test batch" from them was six juices, for just over $19 including shipping, all currently steeping right now. There's one that yeah, if EC Blends has one that tastes similar, I'd like to get, after it's steeped up, because they have bigger bottles, and their 50 ml bottles are just a touch more expensive (like $3) than the 36 ml bottles this comes in, but $12 for 36 ml isn't a bad deal, so unless I see something that comes in at a lot better value, I'm not in a rush to replace that. My biggest issue is my Kick Ash and my Jive 555 from Vapor Beast - $15 for 30 ml (which, I agree, a lot of suppliers charge), but they only sell 15 or 30 ml bottles....which I would be ordering, um, frequently. Well, for me, when I try out a flavor, obviously my b&m's comes first, two of them have better prices than anyone online, one because he's a juice maker, and was an online store first, the other because they've gotten really good deals. The two other b&m's are more expensive, but I like at least starting with the b&m so you sample it, take bottle of it, and then if they have a supplier online, order it online cheaper (usually - but Boba's Bounty, and juices from that vendor, are a couple bucks more expensive on the website). BTW, if anyone knows of a honey type flavor/honey tobacco type flavor particularly that does NOT taste flowery, let me know? The only one that I've tasted so far since I've been looking that hasn't has been the variety at Vapor Beast, and again, $15 for 30 ml, nothing bigger than 30 ml (so no discount for buying a larger amount than 30 ml) and I can go through that. If I wanted to buy multiple bottles, I could buy three from Chi-town and get like 50 cents off per bottle.
  8. Erm.....took me one month? And at least a week and half of that was planning what I was going to get before the money came in? It may be all you need, meeting all the functions you want for now. It's entirely possible that somewhere down the line, you'll want something with ohm detection, wattage settings, a battery indicator (the spinners don't have a battery level indicator, right?) Out of the two you mentioned, I would suggest the VTR. But I would also suggest the SVD, but I've noticed that it's been discounted lately, so I don't know if that means they are coming out with another model (I don't think so, Innoken just released the SVD earlier this year), or what. But look around the net, I was able to find a LOT of mods that were way cheaper on some sites than others (including the VTR on Coast2Coast for like $69, I think - they have it listed as a pre-order, even though it's already released, because every time they get a shipment in, they sell out quickly, so rather than listing it as sold out, they list it as pre-order, so when your turn comes up, it ships out to you, about 10 days.) Unfortunately, Coast 2 Coast only has, I think three APVs - the MPV 2.0, the VTR - which is better than the MVP, and the SVD. Everything else is mech mods.
  9. I don't pay attention to it. The only time I actually try to see it is when I'm trying to check what my wattage is set at, as it shows up automatically before either the voltage or wattage setting. On the original MVP, it was a little more of an issue, though, because sometimes rolling over from 999 to 0 would start a 5 second or so "cleaning burn", so people started making sure that they would power off their unit at least once a day to reset the puff counter - at least on the ECF forums, some clearomizers lost their lives to that, or people got really good at ripping the clearomizers off quick.
  10. Gee, last time I was insurable, they just asked if I smoked (life insurance wise). They took it on faith and didn't test for nicotine when I said no (BTW, nic stays in your body 2 hours, double that if it's mentholated). But I haven't been insurable for anything other than term policies since 2000.
  11. Okay, so six days ago, on November 18th, I narrowed down the issues with burning juices to being most likely caused by my MVP, and began e-mail correspondence with them to try to get the issue resolved. I reported everything I tried, etc. I was finally informed to send it in, they will take a look at it, that there is an RMA procedure under my account, under each order, and that they'd "take care of me." I have the choice of getting a replacement MVP, or getting another mod from their site, or getting a full refund. As much as I would like to get an SVD and have switchable batteries, I think hubby has gotten attached to the 18650's I gave him that he now uses in his mod, and I'm not sure we can swing two more 18650's, so I may just get an MVP back, although if I do, I'm definitely asking for a 2300 mah Spinner for Christmas......although maybe, I can just get the SVD, and take one of my 3 batteries back, and have two be part of my Christmas..... At any rate, I'm waiting for them to get back to me on the RMA with mailing instructions back to them.
  12. Okay, so what is the advantage of dc over single coil? Especially if I buy this, and have to buy a new supply of coils just for that. And do the dual coils come out separately, or do they come out as a single unit, and go in the same way? But basically, I'm wondering, I guess, what the advantage of dc over the single coil PT2s are? I mean, if there is an advantage, I can put one on my Christmas list, and then slowly replace the current batch of what the Davide and the KPT2s with what I can on a month to month or more basis out of my monthly vaping budget.
  13. But now I'm wondering how LONG to steep it. Most of their stuff, you don't need to steep, but the owner specifically said to there were some "steeping flavors" in this. Maybe I should pull out one of my dripping attys (for use on an eGo stick, not on the burny MVP), and check it day by day. Which, Tam, that brings me to another question about dripping attys. How do you store them without them making a mess once you've gotten the signal that you shouldn't vape any more from them without adding more fluid? I mean, there's still fluid in them, and sad to say, it leaked.....but only, essentially, over each other. Well, and one mini pro tank that I then emptied, and tried putting an old flavor in that I liked for about a half hour.
  14. First off, once again, I must apologize for the typos in my OP. Made from my Nook, no auto correct, no spell check, and typed while I was quite possibly half lying down. I remember posting it, didn't remember posting it that late. I mean, I was up until about 12:30, then at 1:30, I don't remember being up at 2, but I guess being up at 1:30 might have extended to 2. Oh, no, wait, I'm thinking normal bedtimes, last night was thanksgiving break bedtime, we didn't even hit upstairs until 1. So yeah, the posting time was right.....and it was on my nook. Here's a hint for all of you on sleeping pills: they work better if you take them before the FIRST time you go. But anyway, back on topic. So, last night, was so totally THRILLED out of my mind because my mouth was accepting french vanilla vape again (it had been since....just prior to the November 7 seizure since I could vape it). Every time I got up (2:30 ish, 5:30 ish, 7:30ish), I was vaping my french vanilla just fine, no problem. I wake up at a little after 10 (yay, I slept in on my own volition for once), and for some reason couldn't handle the french vanilla, even though less than three hours before, it had been fine with me (could have been the whole 1/2 tank problem, too). So I switched that out for 618, which, true enough, after 10 minutes, I couldn't really taste any more (again, I think that's my personal issue, because it didn't used to happen), switched THAT out for 555 for a while, and then the 555 got really airy..... but I stuck with it for a while, then after about an hour, I was able to switch back to 618 again and I didn't lose the flavor this time....until the juice level got low (which, ironically, was just a few minutes ago, and coincided with my battery on my MVP getting low). Switched tanks because the 2.6 resistance with the 618 doesn't work real well with the baseline eGo. Switched tanks AGAIN, because the 555 is 2.6 ohms resistance as well, so in addition to airiness, there just wasn't much power. So.....trying the french vanilla again. If that doesn't work out, I'll try honey wood. I need to baby my 618 along as much as possible, unless I can steal some of hubby's, 'cause he's gonna be ticked if I make him drive me out to Jerseyville again next weekend to get 618, since we were just there, but we were in a hurry. But sometimes....you know, you sometimes (well, me), when you can't get a taste for anything, just fall back on something you know, something that's not going to bother you, to sort of help you along until you can figure something out again. That's the way 618 is with me. I THINK out of 50 ml, I have 20 left.....but I don't have anything to measure it with.
  15. Most of my juices are dark in color, so the wicks almost ALWAYS come out brown or black. As long as the coil still performs, and the flavor isn't tainted by the old flavor, or doesn't taste burned, I don't worry about it. I should say, the wicks almost always come out after washing and soaking, they come out dark.
  16. There are so many variables with me on this first question, I had to ask a wider population. First off, do any of you notice your flavor diminishing as your tank empties? If I get to a certain point on my glass tanks (haven't vaped an evod lately other than a few puffs), I noticed, quite by accident, that if juice leveln is on the lower end, my flavor is quite reduced. Now, I'm not sure how recently I noticed this, so I don't know whether to write it off as normal, as part of the issues with my MVP (more o THAT later), or my funky taste issues with seizures so close together. So I thought I'd ask if anyone ELSE experienced it. Secondly, and I'm assuming this is a new weirdness with me, not just whenn I get up in the morning (excluding, usually, the mmiddle of the night), or go without vaping for a while, when I pick it up again, it may take up to a couple of hours before I find a juice that sitd right, or the flavor hits me right, before I can commit to vaping it for several hours. And even then it's, of course, a juice I've tried and discarded ultiple time during that period of time. Now morning, I can understand my outh's still dry from sleeping, but not between two and four hors, soketimes. Anyone else with this? And like I said, it does't even have to be due to sleep. Tonight, for a while, I was vaping much slower, and when I picked it op again, the same thing. A bit frustrating. Anyone else experienc this? I
  17. Ran out to Better Vapes today. They were supposed to be trying to clone the 555 that I have.....I expected them to have a sample made up, but they just made it up last night. First try, a little more on the DK side of things than I prefer, but they said there are some ingredients that really need to steep, so in to steep it goes. Since it's like an extended sample, he gave me a $10 bottle for free. As it ages, I'll give them regular feedback, and I gave him my initial feedback on the sample. Seems although they previously carried 555, a computer crash lost their recipe. So Travis was trying to duplicate what I had based on what he sampled from me. I should have bought more coils, because I have four fresh ones left....but the girls at the counter were so swamped, and hubby was in SUCH a hurry because we had a few more stops to make to get home in time the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special (which we didn't watch on time anyway because he want to hook the surround sound back up before we watched it). But it was nice when we did because we had an extended time with the whole family in the living room, oldest home from college (so the dog had his chew toy back), just enjoying the show, and ooohing and aaahing all at the same time.
  18. If you are feeling it up against your lip, double check that your coil is tight, and you don't have juice in the center tube. Just saying.
  19. Have you thought about the mini Provari? I don't really know how they compare in terms of size. I would go with the 2300 mah spinner, but I would take the tank off before you put it in your pocket. You can set the voltage, which you can with the Provari, you just don't get all the bells and whistles (or the complicated menu). Not to be nosy, but did you didn't jump right in with the Provari, did you? Then again, hubby got the Provari two weeks into our vaping, and I got my first APV a month in.....but I jumped in slower. BTW, just saying....your screen name is REALLY close to one of our long time members here.....so I had to do a double take.
  20. you mean an iClear 30? Discount Vapors or Sweet Vapes.
  21. Yeah, he thought about the 8 for about a minute and a half. Not sure why he changed his mind.
  22. Well, I wasn't getting much of a taste at all without steeping, and I've heard that juices from that particular vendor need to be steeped quite a bit.
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