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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Oh dear. But just to clarify one thing. We have a couple of "medicine cabinets" in our house. My own personal "medicine cabinet", for my meds (except the two meds I take immediately before lights out), is my desk cabinet, and that has now become my steeping cabinet, lol, as well. Things everyone needs, like ibuprofen, tylenol, sudafed, benedryl, band-aids, neosporin, muscle rub, sunburn spray, those are in a literal cabinet in the kitchen, and juice is a no no in there. College kid takes care of his own meds, and there is a special spot for meds for the other one as well. But yeah, the juice condoms are in my purse. Hoping to convince my dad to try some of my juices later today!
  2. Happy Turkey Day (or Duck Day, or Ham Day, or Turducken Day). In the doctor's office yesterday, a woman was telling me that her friend ordered a Turducken over the net and it was freaking $90. And that's just for the birds! I mean, I know people that don't spend that much on the meal! Well, if you don't go organic, you might spend that much on the meal. I, too, appreciate all my Vapor Talk "family". You guys have given me such good advice since I put down analogs. I come here first before I go to even the B&M's that I trust. And I agree, thank you, Dragon, for being overseas on this holiday. Am I correct in assuming you are military?
  3. But I LOVE hugs! And, you know, teenage boys.....I don't get many of them from them. Ever. Except in the recent emergencies.
  4. I'm sorry, iheart. I'm always a bit suspicious when newbies on the forum start looking to either buy or sell stuff that quick in (and he tried both).
  5. I know specifically Discount Vapers on the Davide page (although he also said in comments that he doubted anyone would be tempted to do that with the Davide or the PT because of the weight). As a matter of face, I was vaping out of my Davide while I was walking to the doctor's office from the car this morning, maybe it had shrunk slightly because it was freaking COLD outside, and it pulled out several times just from the movement of my arm while I was walking. As a matter of fact, it didn't used to come out this easily. Now it just slides out with hardly no resistance.
  6. Lazy disabled wears what's easy? T-shirts, jeans, pullovers.....when I'm not feeling too lazy or fat I'll pull out a button down, but that's not easy.
  7. I, too, volt at VW. I don't want to have to verify the resistance each time I change tanks, and THEN figure out what I should then set the voltage to. VW, I stick it on the power setting I like, and only have to adjust if it feels like its burning my juice. Yes, I have a calculator app on my phone for figuring out volts/ohms/watts, but it's much easier for the non-technophobe me to set to the power I want. When I first started talking to my hubby about the troubles I was having with my MVP, (he runs VV only, a Provari), he asked me what voltage I had it set to. I was like, "I don't know, it's set for 6 watts, if I go above 6 (the bottom) it tastes burned." When we started trouble shooting the MPV was the first time I messed with voltage since about 4 days after getting the Zmax originally, once I honed in on where he was dialing in his 618 at. EDIT: Of course, now that I'll be getting an MVP as a replacement, I HAVE asked for a Spinner for Christmas so I have variable voltage to vape off of the couple hours a day that the MVP is charging.
  8. I didn't know that about the tar and PC's. You'd think I would, as hubby is a compu-genius. But that also explains why the inside of my computer was ALWAYS dirty, and why we went through fans quicker than you would think. Well, as it's liquid, it will still screw up your keyboard, same as a soda. Saw a forum post....somewhere, someone spilled most of a bottle of juice on their keyboard, the only thing that still functioned was the num pad, since that wasn't hit by the juice.
  9. Yeah, I think I'm going to stick with the 2s for now as well. The universal coil thing being a major factor, and if they've stopped production on the coils because so many were DOA.......not going to be an early adopter.
  10. Not so far that we've been able to tell. I mean, don't spill juice all over your keyboard, you know, take general liquid precautions, but we vape at our computers all the time.
  11. The smell, either when I open my tackle box (ironically, even when I couldn't taste half my flavors, I can still smell ALL of them), or when I open what's now my "steeping cabinet", or when I know hubby's vaping 618 and I can smell the vapor.
  12. Big spender here, today. Got myself a whole five pack of 2.5 ohm coil heads. Can't use 1.8 ohm coil heads, at least in evods, on the MVP anymore, it automatically makes it taste like it's burning. So I have to put some of that resistance back in - which I was actually planning on doing anyway. But it was just in time. Because of all the futzing going with the MVP, and finding out that settings that were fine two days prior were now burning a tank, I used my last 2.5 ohm coil on my Jive 555 tank last night, and this morning, the coil in my 618 tank was acting like it was going out - barely pushing out power, so I didn't use the tank that much today. Sure enough, once hubby brought me home my coils, I hooked up my 618, and the coil wouldn't even fire. Changing the coil fixed it right up.
  13. Particularly with the heavier glass tanks - especially the Davide, because the drip tip can be a bit loose. For that reason alone, I've never held a Pro Tank by the drip tip alone. Plus - drip tips, removable, recipe for disaster.
  14. Yes, I know where the term "clone" comes from, but he's using it, in this sense, as not the quality knock off that we all know as clones, but a crappy knock off, or something like that. Like I said, I don't know where he got the change in terminology, because at the time he got the Nemesis, he said he got a clone.
  15. For shame. Even vendor sites tell you not to do that. So now you know better, right?
  16. You really were holding your PV, with a glass tank, in your mouth by your teeth? Or did your hand slip?
  17. What he said...very quickly before he left....evidently in some circles, one to one copies are now being called "counterfeits" (what we would normally call "clones) because they are high quality. Supposedly, the term clones is now being used to refer to cheaper knock offs that aren't as good. I'm not sure where he's getting this, if it's ECF (he frequents their forum, just doesn't post), or somewhere else.
  18. Our local B&M added a photo to their website of the EHPro Kayfun 3.1. For around $55. So I looked at the price, and told hubby, it had to be a clone. So I checked today, and sure enough, the "real" Kayfun 3.1 (different brand) runs $175 +. So I guess basically what I'm wondering, is the EHPro a "quality" clone (hubby says the high quality clones are now called counterfeits, not clones?)? Was thinking about that for Christmas for him, other than the fact that I've got so much other stuff on the list for Christmas for him, except he knows about at least one, and if he doesn't know about the second, he's an idiot, it's just the third he doesn't know about - unless he tries to buy it himself in which case I'll have to tell him he can't. This is what happens when he REFUSES to give me a Christmas list. He ends up figuring out what I'm getting him every year. Or, like his birthday, I got him a nice charging stand for his Nexus tablet.....but then he got a cover for the tablet that makes it impossible to use the charging stand.
  19. So glad I'm not the only one. Especially since, while I have 15+ flavors in my box, plus the ones I'm testing out, I only really have about 5 or 6 that qualify as potential all day vapes, although that's expanded by two tonight, but not for long.
  20. Wouldn't have been so bad, if it weren't for the tissue lint I got in my mouth, cleaning my tongue off.
  21. Tam, I put in my drip tip from my KPT mini, and that did the trick
  22. Sitting here tonight, not feeling too great....think I'm gonna take some meds early tonight....though 11 isn't early on a weeknight.....direct dripping my EC Blends samples. Think one or two may be approaching where Better Vapes' 555 sorta clone is, but I can give them direction to try to make it a bit nuttier....although the nutty taste was coming through like gangbusters earlier, but now not so much. Made a serendipitous discovery. Since I hadn't actively vaped on my Holy Grail RY4 in well over a week, I dug it out, and compared it to the Better Vapes' RY4 that I just tonight decided I liked better (and it's much cheaper!). They're both sweet (unlike a lot of the other RY4's I've tasted), but the Better Vapes' RY4 is just, I guess, I touch sweeter. So I guess my tastebuds had turned again, and that's why I was sort of turned off the Holy Grail since around my last seizure or so. But, the samples need more time to steep....the "Super Nutty" sorta 555 tasted just about identical to the DK 555; couldn't get a read on three of the juices (including That Juice), and didn't bother testing Irish Cream, won't need that for quite a while anyway.
  23. You know, I just never pay attention to the vapor we generate in the car. We always crack our windows so it exits the vehicle, so I just don't pay attention to it.
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