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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Nope. Have done it every day I've been at my in laws' house. Didn't happen. Froze my tookas off, though.
  2. I'm guessing that's only genuine Joyetech eGos? Doesn't do it with mine?
  3. I tried looking it up, but sorta got confused. What exactly does it do in a mod?
  4. Do you know what I mean? I mean like the spiced apples in apple pie, but without the crust, taste. The crust taste always ends up ruining it for me....which is why I generally don't like cheesecake juices - they have throw the darned graham cracker flavor in there. I'm considering trying out Apple Almond Crisp or Cinnamon Apple Clove from EC Blends to see if those fill the bill. I also have apple fritter here, but that's, well, it tastes like a bear claw most of the time, not just the apple part. But my tastes are messed up today (gotta be my tastes, my eGo batts can't be burning a darned thing, especially in tanks with brand new coils in them), so I don't even know if I could manage to vape apple fritter today.
  5. Okay, I have a preliminary order ready to submit to EC Blends next time I can order from them (probably not until next month, need all my vaping money on existing juices this month, probably), with a couple of the dragon series juices. I swear, I should not get on juice websites.....especially places that have EXCEPTIONAL sample things like EC - I have a preliminary order sitting there of 7 samples, I have 6 in my medicine/steeping cabinet steeping that I don't know if they are going to suit me, or if I'm going to like them or what, plus I added like, SIX more flavors to my list of flavors to try out. I know this particular post is going a bit OT, but since I'm hypothesizing that MAYBE my chocolate block may be flavor/manufacturer dependent, I'm going to dive in and try a chocolate from EC Blends - probably chocolate coconut (mounds). Have another question about a flavor I've been looking for well, for months, in another post. NOTE: By the phrase "next month", I ACTUALLY mean January, as now that Thanksgiving's already over, my mind is treating this as December already and I just haven't gotten paid.
  6. Okay, I should know this. Part of my mind DOES know this, but I can't access that memory the past few days. What is the standard battery output of your regular stick batteries, like your eGos? Granted, I'm sure my issues are my particular taste related today, but this is information I should probably know for future reference.
  7. So um, since my Shop N Save doesn't carry Dragon Fruit, I've never tried it. What does dragon fruit taste like?
  8. ROFL, I keep meaning to write a review for Cloud 9 (B&M store that introduced me to Vapor Beast) and Vapor Beast, but it turns long, and inevitably I have to step away from the comp before I'm done, and then firefox crashes because my computer hates me.....so I have to write it in a word document and then paste it here.
  9. Okay, could you try describing it to me? Okay, granted, a 5ml sample bottle is $2.50 + shipping, but it's Christmas season, and some things that I THOUGHT I would like, you know, like sweet, fruit types, I didn't (but I did like the Pina Colada sample at Better Vapes, I just couldn't come up with an excuse to buy it - okay, I could come up with a reason to buy it, but it would be one of those vaped only occasionally, and I have enough of those, I was afraid it was going to be one I liked in the store, but wouldn't like when I got it home).
  10. I love vacation days from school (kids', hubby's). I have no reason to get up early unless I wake up on my own. Well, no, I take that back. This entire week was fall break week for my high schooler and my college guys (hubby and other son). Nope, up early almost every day, usually because of appointments, lol.
  11. See, the resistance may be an issue for me, lol. I don't want to have to stock three different resistance coils, lol.
  12. Yay, for search feature, I found the freaking thread! And I thought I was following it, and evidently wasn't, so that's why I couldn't find a "notification" in my list. GAH. Okay, that brings me to a question, Tam. All these EC Blends flavors that I have steeping. I guess once I hit around the one month mark on steeping, if I feel like they aren't where I would want them to be when direct drip them, should I try them out of a tank then, just to be sure? Man, you're making me wonder if I should go back to my plan to replace all my evods with mini-Davides (despite the PITA to fill) or out and out full sized KPT2s even. HOWEVER, if I do either one of those, drip tips will have to be purchased as well, to keep track of what's where.
  13. Okay, I should just add that hubby has informed me that he discovered last night the smell of people smoking makes him nauseous. So yeah, there's going to be none of that in the house.
  14. Trust me, same thing with dry air happens with gas heat. Two story house, gas fired furnace, even a humidifier on the furnace itself (and that has a life expectancy of maybe another year, the furnace). It's still dry enough in the house that to keep from shocking ourselves anytime we touch any type of surface, we have to run a humidifier. We have one running in the central room (dining room) downstairs that is supposed to put out enough humidity to cover the whole house, but right now, we're at 24% humidity. We also have a separate one running upstairs. We still get halfway decent vapor, I guess, I just never paid attention to it, but we are used to incredibly dry air in the winter time.
  15. Oh my goodness, it was soooo nice. Yesterday, I'm pretty sure hubby didn't mean to wake me when he was getting put together and stuff after his shower at 8:30 yesterday morning. So it was nice when I got to REALLY sleep in today (getting used a new nighttime med and it knocks me the heck out). I woke up and the dog was curled up in hubby's spot on the bed. It's odd. If I get up first, the dog comes downstairs with me, goes out (sometimes), eats his breakfast (all the time) and then goes and snoozes on the couch until he feels it's time for hubby to get up. And this dog is undeniably hubby's dog. But when hubby gets up first, he goes downstairs, goes outside, and comes back up to our room until I get up - of course, with frequent stops in the oldest son's bedroom (when he's home) to wake him up (which usually starts around 5 am, lol). Hubby thinks it's because the dog thinks he needs to keep an eye on me.....he doesn't like it if I'm in the den after hubby has gone to bed, but there are ways around that.....but Dodger didn't see me have seizure until, oh, maybe 2 years ago, so we'd had him for a full year by then, and this habit of his had already started. But I'm rambling, as I tend to do.
  16. You mean like herbal cigarettes? Okay, I've heard about them, but never seen them. And I mean herbal, not....you know, THE herb. Well, I understand it from both ends of the spectrum. When my mom quit smoking, she banned it in her house (despite my dad smoking) because with her cardiovascular issues, she doesn't/didn't need to be exposed to second hand smoke, and certainly not thirteen years of it. With my in-laws, we've NEVER been able to smoke in there, because my mother in law has very, very severe asthma, we can't even vape in her house. My brother has no medical issues, but banned smoking in his house after he quit, shortly after my mom quit. It was a pain in the behind in all situations, but at least the first two I understood. And with my mom's house, if there are family get togethers, they are in the summer usually, which means everyone's sorta comfortably settled on the back deck (and most of those adults smoke), so we could smoke with freedom there. But like I said, I understand what it's like to be a smoker kicked out of someone's house to indulge in my dirty habit, but, at least when my oldest is home from school, I have another reason to kick them out of my house (I'll PM you, Hav, I'm probably going to mention it on the Thanksgiving thread on the VIP forums, but I can't discuss it on the open forums). And I should clarify something. In my post when I said Kools were the last cigarettes I smoked, I meant literally. We normally smoked a very cheap Marlboro Light Class C knock off that we could get at Dirt Cheap for just over $20 a carton. My last slip up, August 14, when my mom was in the hospital, AGAIN, with another instance of her femoral artery being blocked because they hadn't leveled off her blood thinners, I had a total of three of my sister's Kools. The fact that I was able to almost enjoy them even led me to try just one Kool flavored juice sample, but it was too menthol-y.
  17. Bingo! Shoot, where did my autosaved reply go? Okay, the fact that considering resistance, it automatically adjusts the voltage no matter what is going on resistance wise - if the resistance is + or - the stated resistance on the package (and I've had some vary wildly, even when checked with a multimeter), adjusts for differences in resistance caused by the level of juice rising or falling in the tank (yes, had this happen, supposedly, fluid will alter the resistance in the coil), or the slight drop in resistance (I've generally gotten, well, sometimes, maybe a .2 ohm drop in resistance) around the time that the coil is going to die for good. I do have to apologize, in a way. Thanksgiving stresses me out to no end, and I have an anxiety order to begin with. Since you posted this topic, I was generally in a stress induced haze, or last night, even a food induced partial coma(?).
  18. Sorry, I was rushed upstairs before I could completely finish my response, and I'd hoped to get back to it to edit it quickly, but that didn't happen. Basically, you have people like hubby, and Troy, who have knowledge oozing out of their pores, and then you have people like me, who VW is PERFECT for. If you give them help getting to a good wattage setting for ONE juice, they can go from there in their little VW world - so I guess it's another selling point. But actually, the post was more related to your post about his knowledge. BTW, wrong place to ask, but I can't find the thread talking about the EC dragon flavors? If I find it, you'll know.
  19. I knew he was well versed in vv side of it, and I knew he had both the evic and Tesla (and gave me a good recommendation for the Tesla), I was just thinking, well, okay, let me put this in terms that sort of show the differences between my husband and me. He got his Provari, and even with ambiguity of the vague charts we have, was more than happy playing around, finding out how high he could push the voltage....while I still didn't REALLY understand what was going on...... it wasn't until I REALLY liked the way hubby's 618 tasted, and I asked what voltage he had it on, and what resistance, that I decided to duplicate the wattage, and I decided THAT was a setting I really liked, for all my juices.
  20. Did I mention to ya'll that the RMA for my MVP FINALLY came back yesterday, and it was mailed out, priority, insured, etc., yesterday. Will reach there probably by Saturday, but heh, Turkey Day weekend, they won't be there, so they'll have it in their hot little hands on Monday. I'm stuck with eGo sticks until my replacement MVP gets back.
  21. Okay, so we were at my sister's tonight. The only family member who's house, now, that can still be smoked in. No big deal, I think. Some of this I will detail in our VIP thread, but most of this can go here. I forgot, last time I sat near smokers, I was on a bench outside of Shop N Save, vaping, while waiting on my ride, when, maybe it was only one, but two at most smokers were near me and I was practically freaking about the smoky smell. But, remember, we smoked in our house up until July 27. Yeah, we've washed curtains, and blankets, and coats and clothes, but haven't done anything like carpet or upholstery shampooing, so walking into sis' house didn't smell different to me, since no one had one lit up at the time we walked in. So, we get there, and I sit down, and people are still eating, so no big deal, but it's also not formal, so when my sister finished eating, she settled down and lit one up. Now, this is a Kool. This is the LAST CIGARETTE I SMOKED. And YES, part of me wanted to grab it out of her hand and suck it down, STILL. But another part of me, well, it was sort of put off by the smell, but it didn't smell like I expected it to, even when my dad lit up a Marlboro Red (my preferred cigarettes, even though we bought el cheapos and lights), it wasn't the stale smell you expect, but it was offputting. Shortly after we quit, we started discussing whether we would let visitors smoke in the house. Granted, the only person I can see visiting us that smokes analogs is either my dad or my sister, but I was in favor of letting our visitors smoke in the house. I mean, I remember when we were young, and we would go to another couple's house that didn't smoke, they would let us smoke in their house. Now, I'm not so sure. I mean, like I said, it's not the smell you would normally associate with a smoker, the stale smoke smell coming in off the coat, or clinging to the hair, that smell that kind of bares its teeth at you and announces it's presence.....I just can't describe it.
  22. Currently Jive 555 (Vapor Beast). Once we left the house and was at my in-laws', that's what I was vaping whenever I would go out to vape, and then at one point in time, I started sorta not really being able to taste my vape....I thought it was the snacky dessert type thing I was snacking on - some thing with chocolate and Karo syrup and I think peanut butter.....very yummy, but VERY sweet and mouth coaty. We stopped off at home before running out to my sister's, and a I topped my tank off, and that seemed to help, so I shrugged it off. But at my sister's, my taste diminished, and I couldn't settle on a flavor, but I sorta settled on a flavor until we got home, but I was sort of vaping Honey Wood (Chi-Town). I bumped the fire button before bringing it to me face, and it flashed five times. What? It was now dead? Well, that's okay, I'm home, plus I have a back up. So I put that one on to charge, and pull the back up out. Three pulls, then five flashes. No FREAKING WONDER I HAVEN'T HAD FLAVOR THE LAST HOUR AND HALF, I've been switching batteries back and forth and neither of them had squat for charge! Luckily, I had one of hubby's stick batteries in reserve because I'm a heavy vaper. Plus, I had kinda known there shouldn't have been much life in those batteries anyway. So anyway, I'm back to vaping my Jive 555, and still snacking on the snacky choco-Karo syrup sweet something, but I can taste my vape while I do it. I think when I finish this tank, I'll start on my evod of the clone 555 and see how that's steeping up.
  23. Okay, and here I thought the reason you were asking was to possibly jump to the VW side of the fence, not reasons to use to sell someone on the VW side of the fence. So what selling points will you be using?
  24. What, because VW is easier for me isn't a "better" answer?
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