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Everything posted by spydre

  1. You know, the other day, I had it happen a few time with my Davide. No reclining, no lying down,nothing, but I still got it. Was weird.
  2. Yes, you can use any tank. C2C has it listed as a pre-order because they receive 50 a week, and that's pretty much what they are selling. They already said in the questions listed under item on the item page usually the max wait is 10 days (and I think that includes shipping - so one week for the item to come in, as orders are filled first come first serve, and max of three days shipping). @Tam - when yours comes in, can you tell me about the carrying case? Frankly, I'm klutzy enough that I should have one when I go room to room, as I don't think it will fit in my pocket as well as the MVP 2 does (it will be a while, I think I'm going to be saving like $10 a month towards it), and sometimes, well, I tend to have to carry several things, like when I go upstairs for the night - my nook, my phone, my "juice case", whatever I'm vaping from, and a drink, as well as the dog's bedtime treat (but that goes into a pocket). Just send me a PM, please. If it hooks on a belt, I may have to just save up to the custom holster place that can make me one that hooks onto a belt loop instead.
  3. Okay, this is the second time I've laid my KPT Mini 2 down on my desk, on an area covered by a towel (to protect from any spillage, my "vaping area"), and walked away, and come back several hours later to a nearly empty tank. No wet spot, not even any dampness on the towel, and no sign on the tank at all that it had juice leak out of it - as in, no juice residue. Until, of course, I went to fill it and change the coil at the same time, and I got.....messy. This is the second time this has happened, as I said, the first being a few weeks ago. So.....I think it's haunted.
  4. Um, I'm talking the carrying case that comes in the kit? http://c2cvaping.3dcartstores.com/A1-PREORDER-AUTHENTIC-itaste-VTR-From-Innokin-PREORDER_p_301.html
  5. You know, the Governor episode.....okay, darn it, I liked hating him.....and now their going and humanizing him, and he cares about that little girl, and now you almost want to care about him. Well, I at least care for the women and the little girl. Not too thrilled that he met up with, who was that, Rodriguez was his name (not sure?). I guess this is all in flashback taking us up to where he's terrifying the prison now, right?
  6. Yeah, powder coating a no no. Battery go BOOM. You could also, well, lemme put it to you this way. If you were looking for a solid color, all of the above mentioned methods will work fine. If you were looking to put a design, maybe acrylic paints with a thin pointed brush might work (like the type you use to do a pinstripe)?
  7. I don't see how, but I have dentures. HOWEVER, I was going to make a separate post on this, what the heck, it's sort of on the same subject. For years, I was bothered by dry mouth due to meds, which eventually led to, well, all my teeth going bad. I knew about this product then, and I used it. But hadn't really worried about it until lately otherwise. There is a specific mouthwash for dry mouth - because dry mouth causes tooth decay. But it also works for almost any cause of dry mouth. Woke up this morning, dry mouth. Used my mouthwash, no more dry mouth, could taste my vape again. Anyway, I'll get to it, the mouthwash is Biotene. It's been my lifesaver.
  8. Well, okay, look at it this way.....your luck with CONTESTS is good. But I think there's one contest you won't be winning, as I think that one contest may get cancelled from not enough participants. Yeah, in December, any variations in price hurt like a mother, I totally understand you. How many grandkids do you have? Only reason I ask is because, well, when MY parents' 5th and 6th grandkids were born (twins!), they announced then and there that Christmas present for THEIR children had ended, and they would only be buying presents for the grands. And I totally understand that - 3 kids, 2, sometimes 3 spouses/significant others, plus 6 grands? That's......an incredible amount of money. I frankly, don't know how my in-laws manage it, and they only have 2 kids and 4 grands. And I also totally understand you wanting to get your kids a way to get off smoking. Okay, that sounded wrong. A way to quit smoking, and that's lovely, and I've thought that ever since you first mentioned it a couple months ago. My mom reimbursed us for our starter kits (which, since you can't use the batteries while they are charging, we each got double starter kits - 2 batteries - and they were $60 a piece), because she was so THRILLED that we were FINALLY going to quit smoking. Come to think of it, I think she paid for my brother's patches when he quit smoking shortly after she had her triple bypass in 2000. Anyway, Patricia, good luck. Shop around, PLUS, it's now officially the Christmas Shopping Season, and Cyber Monday is two days away. Yes, the Black Friday sale may be ending Monday, but I would lay odds that they, or another supplier that carries it, will be having another sale soon. Keep an eye out. You may even want to contact SweetVapes directly and ask if there are going to be any other sales prior to December 17.
  9. Yeah, I was going to say, the Coast2Coast sale JUST ended. EDIT: Tam, that comes with the carrying case correct? Do you know if it hooks on to a belt, or maybe a belt loop? OP, I think in the long run, you'll appreciate the stainless more. The green painted just hasn't been out long enough to know if the paint is going to chip long term.
  10. Okay, I apologize, I just looked up one of the threads, and a couple of people said it, just not you. I thought it was you. Someone said overcharge protection was in plug in, like I said earlier, hubby says overcharge protection is in the battery itself. I don't know, I don't know about that stuff, so could someone who knows about these things please weigh in? In one of the threads, someone said the the thing most of the stories had in common is that they were being charged via comp USB port OR in a car, but I saw one that wasn't, actually, I think I saw two, but like I said, what I think they ALL had in common (except the ones in the cars) was they were stick batteries sitting on either an upholstered surface (one was actually a freaking bed) or directly on the carpet. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but doesn't common sense tell you not to do that? I mean, I wouldn't even set a cordless phone in it's base/charger on a carpet, and that's probably safe, since the battery isn't touching the floor, only the charging base. OP, your parents are concerned about you. Your e-fest charger is good, just don't go sitting on anything other than a hard surface. It also has overcharge protection built in, and won't charge if the batteries are put in backwards. If you have a charger MADE for eGo batteries, you're good that way, as well, as long as you again, set it on a hard surface to charge, and, just to be safe, don't set either of those (the e-fest or the eGo) up to charge and then either leave the house or go to bed. As for the Innoken charger for Itaste, you're good there as well. It was, once again, made for that device. Hard surface, don't leave unattended.
  11. You can also take a baking dish or cookie sheet of water, slide than under your furnace, for a homemade furnace humidifier
  12. I don't know if you read romance novels, but my favorite author is Nora Roberts, and her pen name JD Robb. The Nora Roberts books are romance/murder mysteries. The JD Robb books are a series of books set in the near future following one homicide cop and her group of people, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, in the JD Robb books, the only cigarettes that it's legal to smoke outside of your own home are herbal cigarettes. She started writing these novels before vaping even STARTED, so herbal was the only way to go, lol. Now THAT's a smart boss!
  13. In the say, six or so stories I've seen since I've been vaping, I haven't kept links to video reports of the stories, however, it might be one of the stories linked on the forums. And you yourself have advised NOT to charge certain types of batteries from USB ports (I'm sorry, specifically from a computer on one that wasn't made to be charged off a computer) because they have no over charge protection (although hubby says the overcharge protection is built into the battery, not the charging mechanism). Frankly, I look at a story, I see it, I note what may or may not be wrong with what they were doing. I ask myself do I engage in that risky behavior, or am I likely to? And then I move on. The news channels play up these stories as the hidden dangers you don't know about because it gets ratings, and it's sensationalism.
  14. Okay, look at my sig line. I smoked up to 2 packs a day, and look at my savings so far. I smoked CHEAPIES, and pretty much right now, for the foreseeable future, my vaping budget is going to be limited to what my smoking budget was per month, if not less. Yeah, actually less, because our income dropped, and it's taking a bit to get the correct amount straightened out, but it's still going to be lower. So yeah.....I'm gonna be lucky to get a vaping budget of $100 a month, and so far, that's split between at least 4 or 5 different flavors, and some of those flavors I'm auditioning cheaper replacements. My MAIN all day vape? Costs me $17 for 50 ml. Well, no, that's changed now. They started upcharging for extra flavor, and I get the maximum flavor boost at 70/30 mix.
  15. A lot of these things are happening because they aren't following instructions. Charging an eGo style battery from a USB port, for example, or (I've seen a lot of these), it's sitting on an upholstered surface, or even worse, a carpet, where it can EASILY overheat while charging. There was one case where a woman was even charging her battery in a hot car and it exploded. These things are heat sensitive. Plus, you aren't supposed to leave the batteries unsupervised while charging. It's a no-no. The guys at the store aren't always great at giving the best instructions. One woman was told she could use just "any charger" (on an eGo style battery). And often, these starter kits don't come with instructions.
  16. I hope I did that right. The eGos on the bottom row, I believe, are the ones I have. EGo cases, no branding on the batteries.
  17. I've been waffling a lot today. I'm having a weird taste day. Things either taste burned, or things that tasted fine 30 minutes ago just taste weird, and stuff like that. It can't be coils on the burned ones.....I mean, four different tanks, some with brand new coils, can't have burned coils off a 3.7 v discharge already. And I mean, I was happy for quite a while vaping on my Jive 555 from Vapor Beast.....but then I refilled the tank? All of the sudden, it was like sucking air, like when the coil went out a few days ago. So that's gonna sit until tomorrow, me thinks. But the last hour or so......well, I started off with RY4 from Better Vapes. Then, I decided I wanted to compare it again to the Holy Grail RY4, compare and contrast type thing. An hour ago, couldn't vape the HOly Grail for whatever reason, but it seems fine now. Like I said, I'm having a very, very strange taste day (thanks screwed up brain). So currently, I'm having an RY4 party. Except, I can't really taste the subtleties of the Holy Grail tonight that drew me to it, but I'm all over the sweetness of the Better Vapes RY4. Looking at the calendar, I'm gonna have start scheduling how much I can vape what on the Better Vapes juice. I don't get paid until the third, and I won't be able to get out to Jerseyville to pick more of their juice up until a week from tomorrow - so that's RY4, the new incarnation of the 555, and my 618.
  18. A bit steep for 15 ml, not TOO bad for 30 ml, but it shoots waaaay off the charts for 60 and up. Are they shipped in glass or something?
  19. And I don't think mine has any letters after it. No T or C or anything, as far as I know. It's not branded.
  20. Okay, simple question first, because I do this ALL. THE. DARNED. TIME. You aren't cross threading, are you?
  21. Yup. I'm asking for a Spinner for Christmas, so that by then HOPEFULLY my replacement MVP will be here, and I'll have a VV backup (and VV when the MVP is charging). BTW, the Spinner is supposed to be coming out with a Spinner II before Christmas.
  22. *sigh* I did. And it didn't work. That's why I'm assuming it only works on the Joyetech eGos.
  23. Beware. Chinese site. Therefore a) they ship from China, so it takes forever, and you don't know what you are getting in the juice.
  24. You can actually get cheap little $15 room humidifiers at like Kmart and such, like you would put in a sick kid's room. We used those CONSTANTLY when the kids were little and we lived in the trailer.
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