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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Those are so cool looking! Since I've cancelled my Christmas request this year, maybe I'll get myself one of those in January instead of a regular rainbow one.
  2. Okay, initially, I didn't like it (though it was at a shop that purchases the liquid and then sells it, so I'm not sure how long the sample had been sitting there before I tried it), but once I discovered I liked the Holy Grail RY4, I started looking for a cheaper alternative, when I went to Better Vapes here locally. I started being able to vape more tobacco-y centered flavors after my seizure in, I guess, September 11, and at first I went with Vapor Beast's Holy Grail RY4, plus Kick Ash Sweet Tobacco, but I found Better Vapes' RY4 (though it is sweeter, but I don't think too sweet, and frankly, sometimes it tastes differently, there's enough different notes in it to pick up on different things when you vape it), I can't hardly stand the Holy Grail anymore. To the point that I have almost 15 ml left of it, and if my dad gets into vaping, I'm going to give it to him, and I'm picking up 50 mls of the Better Vapes juice this weekend. I just prefer the Better Vapes RY4. If you are interested, their website is www.bettervapes.com of course. Like I said, I had also gotten really heavy into Vapor Beast's Kick Ash, and then I switched over to their 555, and just in time, because I was about out of Kick Ash. I have one tank left and I hardly ever vape it for more than a few minutes.
  3. With this, it's generally enough to piss me off, frankly, and enough to be gross. Last night I even tried using the drip tips from my KPT2s and my full sized Davide, but it didn't prevent it a couple of times. I'm going to have to take the plunge and buy longer drip tips. Maybe I can color code those drip tips to keep the atties straight, even though I did scratch numbers onto the surface of them.
  4. Gah, because of the holiday, my bank didn't process the direct deposit batch that my payment was included in until early yesterday MORNING - we were even checking at 11 pm Monday night. But with buying 150 mls, potentially, of juice this weekend, hubby said no more juice purchases this month - even though two of them will only be $16.99 per 50 ml bottle. The other will be something like $19.06 with tax because of the flavor boost.
  5. See, I have the opposite issue with most of mine - the second half of the tank looses flavor for me on all of my tanks (which you all know because I talk incessantly are all bcc's), so I have to refill shortly after I've reached half a tank.
  6. BTW, the good thing is, when I switch the Turkish Honey Tobacco from the mini KPT to the KPT2, since they take the same coil (and this is a brand new freaking coil), I can just switch the coil over. Same thing with the french vanilla. Then I can put my hazelnut into the KPT mini, or maybe my Papa Smurf. Probably hazelnut.
  7. Hopefully. Unless something else happens, I have no plans to go anywhere, for anything. Monday was a double emergency (not, like, medical emergency, but something that had to be taken care of IMMEDIATELY), and yesterday was, well, I have general anxiety disorder, so between Monday, and some things that were said yesterday morning, I wasn't in too good of shape. I got okay later in the day, though.
  8. What a wonderful daughter! Hubby has informed me that because this month is Christmas, and he has set minimum amounts that we are spending per kid for birthday (both are this month, and I just got paid for month yesterday) and a separate amount for Christmas, that if I want any juices, I need to ask for it for Christmas from his parents. Well, I assumed he meant from him, too, but he's refusing to accept a gift from me, says he'll return it if I get him something, so I'm not going to take a gift from him, either. As an aside, my mom did sort of the same thing when we decided to start vaping. I told her what we were doing, and asked her if she could reimburse us for the starter kits. I quoted her the single starter kit price, thinking we would just need one battery a piece, but since you can't use them while they are charging, we each had to get a double starter kit. She reimbursed us for those without blinking an eye. She was that happy we were getting off the analogs! Tam has a recommendation on an RDA - Cisco .357 custom or something like that? Is that right, Tam?
  9. At this point, I'm vaping Irish Cream, but I'm getting ready to get into a different flavor. The Irish Cream worked for me through most of the night, but I'm not feeling it so much now. LOL, hubby had a presentation and report he had to do for his college English course. It was on music and emotion. As part of it, he had to hand out a survey, and then collect them, and collate the results as part of the paper/report he turns in at the end of week (guess who got to go through the surveys, collate the results, and type that portion up: me). One question was what type of music do you listen to? One person answered (and it's something that I, too, do) "I have music for whatever mood I'm in". Hubby wonders why I have so many vape flavors (like the um, three I'm buying this weekend). Well, I have vapes for whatever mood I'm in, lol. Thinking of switching it up and going to turkish honey tobacco - though I was vaping that most of yesterday.
  10. Yeah, I think we are getting that weather front system starting today - in Illinois, 'bout 25 miles from St. Louis. Temp is dropping 30 degrees today. Well, it already started to drop, I think, 'cause the high was supposed to be sixty something, and it's fifty something now. If it truly is a scratch on the screen, not just the protective cover, or a scratch further down, like Tam said it looked like, West Coast Vapors (that's where you got it from, right?) should take it back and replace it. I know with your twists or spinners, you used a lanyard. Do you have something like that for your vamo? Because the wonderful thing about box mods is, no rolling off surfaces - which has save my klutzy butt a lot of hassle. You mean like the Provari? Or is that a 10 year warranty, not a lifetime warranty?
  11. Okay, I admit, I'm horrible about wearing my dentures, but I've vowed do better at wearing them more often. But I've noticed something, and I think it has to do with maybe my denture adhesive more than my dentures. For years now, I've noticed after I take the dentures out and clean the adhesive out of my mouth, I can't really taste much for a while - but now, yesterday, I was wearing my dentures all day, I couldn't taste much of my vape, either. I thought it was from my new nighttime med, until it didn't wear off like it normally does. And then I remembered Thursday, when I was also wearing my "teeth", I couldn't taste much vape, either. Now, I can taste food when I'm wearing them, but not much vape. And then I take the teeth out, and even though I clean the adhesive out of my mouth, I guess there's still a residue leftover? So I can't taste much, even in the way of food, for a bit after that. I was going to try an experiment today, and wear my dentures again, even though I'm not going anywhere, but my sinuses are going way nuts today I think, because we are going to have a cold weather front moving in (Troy, maybe the one you were having?). It's going to drop something like 30 degrees today (this changing weather the last two weeks is killing me anyway), and we are getting snow tomorrow. So have any of you noticed this, or will no one admit to false teeth? Or maybe the problem is the brand of adhesive - Fixodent? Which doesn't really work all that well to begin with, at least not as advertised. EDIT: Well, one good thing I discovered with both not being able to taste vape very well yesterday (until about 4 pm, I think the adhesive was wearing off), and not being able to taste vape very well, if at all after I take this new nighttime med, I can vape the rarely vape flavors that I keep around for only when I'm in the mood for it. So a good chunk of yesterday was split between two flavors. The new nighttime med, well, it goes under the tongue, and depending on how much of the saliva is spread around my mouth, and how soon I take a drink afterward (too soon, equals more oral side effects), has the potential to make my entire mouth partially numb for hours, and render me unable to taste my vape for hours (unless I can confine it to a small area of my mouth, then I can taste in other areas, sometimes, or at least get a partial taste). But this does have it's benefits - as outlined in the previous paragraph above, lol.
  12. Okay, so it wouldn't make much of a difference switching between a mini and an evod, then. I'm thinking then that I'll have to switch my french vanilla to the evod and put the mini flavor in the french vanilla's protank.
  13. I've seen this as varying figures previously, and I can't find ANY now, so can someone tell me, what is the capacity of the KPT Mini original?
  14. Hubby uses carto tanks, switches out the cartos just like we switch out coils on clearos. Pretty sure his cartos hold more than my KPT2s, but he says they burn more juice than clearomizers do, too. Even so, I go through more juice than he does. He doesn't see the logic to it, but he's in class a good chunk of the day. He says, that when he's not in class, and he's outside, it's constantly up at his mouth. I said, Okay, that's fine, but unless I'm going somewhere with your parents, or at their house, the only time I'm NOT vaping is when I'm sleeping. When we are both home, I'm vaping more than he is, I can actually observe it, unless I don't feel well, or something's going on or I can't taste right. Evidently, he thinks I sleep more than I do. And he thinks I should cut back on my vaping. I do have some meds that make me sleep, but the one that almost literally sleep an entire day (napwise, in and out constantly) and then half the night, I'm off of now, for that very reason.
  15. I'm looking at the site - does it ONLY come in one size? The 10 ml size? I mean, that's good for sampling, but then you'd have to get three for 30 mls, and well, that puts you above 30 ml prices at several of place I've looked. That's the only reason I asked. Not that it's a deal breaker - any sampling I'm going to be doing is going to be on a monthly basis, have to budget my vaping, at definitely at least for this month, have to slow my vaping down, based on our income, and our necessary Christmas budget. Maybe I can stock up on my "required" juices in January when we get a bonus. Plus I get a very, very, very slight raise.
  16. Lol, silly is JUST what I need right now, trust me. Yesterday was a VERY bad day. I did end up changing the coil out, just in case that was it, and it certainly improved the way it fired, lol.
  17. I didn't see the episode yet.....but I saw the "In Memoriam" part on Talking Dead. I kinda figured those three would get hit.....call it a gut feeling.
  18. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Wait - it's the first week of December in Colorado and you are still wearing SHORTS?
  19. Yeah, no joke. Be 8 months to save up for my APV if I save $10 a month, then it would be another 5 for the holster. Troy, granted, guys pockets are generally bigger than women's pockets, but how well does it fit in your pocket - particularly the area that goes over your hip?
  20. Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about. Which means will have to save up a few more months to get that......they make the Tardis holster for the MVP, I wonder if they'll make a Tardis holster for the VTR?
  21. I thought rule number was.....mentioned over there?
  22. Do you know what time that ends? I don't get paid until Monday EVENING....sometime between 5 and 7, well, and then, hubby and I have to budget how much I can spend on juice this month, and my regular flavors take priority, but I've got an order ready to hit the trigger on of 7 sampler bottles, and can use that discount if I have the extra money in my juice budget (Christmas, 2 kids, tight month).
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