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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Actually, the Edgefields werepretty good, for analogs. But when we started vaping, we were finishing off the Edgefields, and by the end, we'd be hitting the vaporizers in between drags off the analogs, lol, since it tasted better. There is a reason why they were the most popular uber-generic they carried. I liked them. I DID develop - I wouldn't call it a smoker's cough (okay, some mornings I def had a smoker's cough, but that isn't what I'm talking about) - I guess the last year or so, just out of the blue, I would have just one single cough. Never felt it coming on more than having just enough time (if that) to cover my mouth. Just out of the blue every once in a while. Talked to my doctor about it, as she'd seen it happen. She said it probably had more to do with the quality of the cigarettes I was smoking, but when your income is what ours was, you smoke what you have to. We actually made the switch while I was still working full time, I think. We had to switch off Marlboros when the feds hiked taxes, I'm thinking around '05, maybe earlier? Switched to Dorals (class B's). Then out of the blue, Dorals hiked their OWN prices up by $10. We smoked GPC's for a while, I think. Then, either there was another tax hike, or maybe that was when I lost my job. Heck, I can't hardly remember half the schtuff that happened last week, much less back in 2007 and before. The only reason I can remember the year we moved into this house is we have a contract that was signed on something else entirely that was signed a year and two months to the day after we moved in here. MS + Fibromyalgia = piss poor memory.
  2. Nothing she's said on the forums thus far has indicated that she's using anything other than standard mixes, and she would have spoken up about it by now. And even with the clearos she uses, even 70/30 shouldn't be too thin.
  3. Like I said, that was bottom of barrel Class C cigarettes, purchased in Missouri, which has the lowest cigarette tax in at least four states (they get across the border business from every state they border on purchasing gas and cigarettes) and purchased at Dirt Cheap Cigarettes, Beer, and Liquor. Granted, they were GOOD class C cigarettes - the most popular non menthol the place sold, but still. And I came to prefer them over Marlboros, lol. You're familiar with GPC's? These were below GPC level. And Missouri has one of the lowest cigarette tax rates in the COUNTRY.
  4. Bingo! The salesman didn't say amps, but said don't use it with any charger but this one, you're cell phone charger, even if it has a USB outlet, will fry it.
  5. With mostly VG juices - the higher the VG content, the more stuff builds up on the coil, which possibly shortens coil life. Her issue isn't a PG/VG issue, as far as I can tell. Like I said before, I use anywhere from 50/50 70/30 PG/VG, and don't have the problem except occasionally in my Davide, or when I've flooded it and gotten juice in the center tube.
  6. The thing is, starter eGos are not made to be charged at 5 volts. That's why they sell a specific charger for them, and tell them don't plug the USB part of the cord into anything but the original wall wart - it will put out too much power to charge the eGo safely.
  7. Depends on where you live, and where you buy your cigarettes, and what type. For instance, I live in Illinois, but Missouri has about $10 cheaper cigarette taxes, so not only did we buy our analogs in Missouri, but at a discount smoke and liquor outlet, and we smoked class C cigarettes. We got a carton of analogs for just over $2 as long as we bought them buy the carton. If we bought them by the pack, they were $2 and something. I was about a two pack a day smoker, sometimes more, sometimes less, and you can see by my sig line how many analogs I've avoided, and the paltry sum it's added up to. However, most of what I vape comes from one of my local B&M's, where $8 gets you 22 ml, and $16.99 gets you 50 ml.
  8. I've found that if it's going to happen to me, it will either happen when I'm direct dripping if I overfill (I think I'm right, Tam, I think the coil may be gone on the one), or my Davide if it's for a reason other than juice in the center post. Not sure why it's happening occassionally on the Davide. I don't know about CE4 type tanks, but with my evods, KPTs, and Davide, I do the above procedure from both ends - making sure to wipe the end off first. Actually, I do it from the drip tip end every time I fill the tank, just in case.
  9. You can only use the iPad until you turn 14? You've mastered going backwards in time?????? Please tell me how! Or build me a TARDIS, even better.
  10. Pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten up to 2 packs a day if it weren't for my bipolar and my anxiety disorder. I remember, once upon a time, I used to be able to go into work, wait until my lunch break, go smoke three cigarettes, and then go back to work for the rest of the day without a problem. Couldn't do that once everything else kicked in.
  11. Ah. The original Sigelei 8 had batteries on both ends of the tube (don't know if this is the case with all mods, but you can open both ends on that one). I think that MAY have been where the misfiring/non-firing was happening, because of both ends, maybe. It was enough that more than one vendor stopped carrying them until they changed the design. Now, I know people on the ECF forums that with the Vamos, had the problem with weak springs would put, I think, a rare earth magnet, or some type of magnet in there to sort of boost the spring up, or stiffen it or something to get it working again.
  12. Just wanted to add that my MVP is still in the freaking que to be evaluated. grrrr.
  13. Oh dear, now that I've read this second page of posts...well, especially the first few, forgive me, but certain wording had dirty thoughts popping all over the place. Just FYI.
  14. What he said. You don't even have to remove the coil. And doesn't take much - you can do it gently with a pair of tweezers.
  15. Patricia, I'm looking at mine, and yeah, it's called red, but it's PINK, depending on the color of the juice you have in it. And the purple glass....that looks sort of reddish to me. But maybe my MS has something wrong my eyes other than the shakiness that an eye exam hasn't detected yet. I'm starting to want longer drip tips, too - at least for my drippers.
  16. In between "emergencies", pain issues, and other stuff, by the gods I don't believe in (although I've become rather fond of saying "by Thor" because of my norwegian friend), I'm so freaking far behind it isn't funny, so I'm apologizing. I'm not normally this bad. Because, well, you all know, I like to talk a lot. But I called Better Vapes today, to see if either Travis or Steve was there to talk about the newest incarnation of my 555 clone......I had given them some tips last time I was in there. Well, nope, they weren't there. Girl answering the phone had NOOOO CLUE what was going on.....all she knows is the sample from last time I was there is sitting out there.....she didn't know they were working on another version..... So, Saturday, if they don't have the second version thought out, because I didn't call earlier this week, I'll have to take 50 mls of the not quite there yet stuff, because I can't keep buying stuff all month, lol.
  17. I'm really feeling that this year. Sooooo, totally feeling it.
  18. And the all important question, what voltage/power setting are you using it on, or is this a mod without a kick, so it's putting out at 3.7 volts. I find that sometimes, with my eGo batteries, if I have "too low" of a resistance for the 3.7 volt output, the same thing can happen. Which is why I no longer use my 1.8 ohm coils.
  19. Ah, okay. See, the magnets instead of springs or whatever they finally changed to in the original Sigelei #8 led to all sorts of misfiring (or not firing) problems, because magnets weren't as good of a conductor with whatever people ended up modding the mod with (and Sigelei eventually changed the design to that). There was something like a 40 page thread on the ECF forums on how to mod your Sigelei 8. But that could have been just a Sigelei problem, although having the magnet when you have to open it up, can be incredibly useful, as it can grab the battery and pull it out, right?
  20. Not really. They screwed up doing the study, and some suppliers are overreacting.
  21. Where did you find it $10 cheaper than anywhere I've looked?
  22. What do the magnets do? Curious, since hubby has a clone.
  23. Like I said, it's a Forbes, I guess OP-ED on why the FDA seems hell bent on covering up the benefits of e-cigs, and the upcoming possibilities of the announcement they will be making. What I don't understand is why the media (ie, news media) is so hell bent on demonizing them as well. http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/10/11/why-is-the-fda-shielding-smokers-from-the-good-news-about-e-cigarettes/ I have a family member (a former smoker as well) who insists that any type of quit smoking aid that has you doing the "hand to mouth" thing constantly won't successfully make anyone quit smoking. He wasn't happy, and definitely didn't believe me, when I told him e-cigarettes help more people quit smoking than other remedies, specifically approved to do just that (and I believe at one time they were all prescription based).
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