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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, PROBABLY an exceptionally stupid question after all this time, but is there anyplace that I can basically find a listing a good portion of APV's out there? I don't want to have to go searching each vendor for what they have. Here's the deal. Sent the MVP back to Coast2Coast after hubby CONFIRMED the problem I was having (everything being burnt on anything but 3.3 volts or 6 watts - the bottom settings in each field), because he tasted it, too. We tried his tanks, we tried my tanks, and the tanks that tasted burned on the MVP tasted absolutely fine on his Provari. I didn't really make the decision to contact C2C until after he confirmed that he could taste it as well. C2C agreed to the RMA to look at it, and evidently got around to it today. They haven't even sent me the confirmation e-mail yet, I just found this out while randomly checking my RMA status on my account. I don't know if they even put a tank on to see if anything tasted burned at over the basic settings - the note just says everything metered out fine, refunding as DOA. So, my options. I COULD just purchase another MVP 2 from C2C with my refund (it's a refund, not an account credit, so it says), I could get the MVP 2.0 from 101vape.com for $10 cheaper than C2C has it. Or I could use the money to buy something like the Vamo 5 or the SVD, or something else major. The SVD from C2C is the exact same price as the MVP 2. I would have to steal back 2 of my batteries from hubby if I did that. Of course, I have a couple of days to think about it while I wait for the refund to post to my account.
  2. Pat, the drip well is basically, well, you know how the coil of a device sticks up and then sort of around it, you have the circle of metal that has the eGo threading on it (while the 510 connection is inside). Well, I'm assuming non-eGo threaded devices have this, too, but basically, is inside that area. Essentially, if the bottom of your tank leaks, it's going to collect there rather than running down your hand. I don't know if that's the express purpose of it, or if it's to keep it from getting to the battery, or what, but that's what I've always heard referred to as a drip well.
  3. I'm sure you already know this OP, but I have to add, just as a tack on, double check your drip well at every fill.
  4. Okay, I had a D'oh moment - well, evidently a few of them, with that particular mini. I didn't notice the O ring when I first took it apart to rinse it out before I used it, so I didn't notice which end of the glass tube it was on. I had been putting it on the bottom of the tube, and well, that's not where it goes. Guess that explains the whole TWO mysterious leaks I had where virtually all the liquid drained out. Hubby figured it out when he was fixing it for me, and well, wasn't too happy, and I totally get why. Boy, do I totally get why. He figured it out when we were trying to put it in bottom and it wasn't fitting, and he noticed, "hey, there's already an O ring here." *hangs head in shame* He put it where it goes with no problem, and I haven't filled up with juice yet, because I can't make up my mind what to put in it out of the sample bottles from EC Blends, but I will probably be Black Magic Tobacco, or That Juice! Probably That Juice! because I have plenty of Honey Wood, with more on the way, before I would need to find something cheaper.
  5. I agree. The Evods are easier to use, easier to clean, and you can replace the coils.
  6. Mine, too. So old cigalikes, right? Really? How could you DD with that? I mean, I'm looking, I just don't see how it could be done.
  7. Just wondering from the picture, is this a type of tank that you can even switch out the coils? If not, I'm not so sure reusing different flavors would work so well, I mean, it doesn't in the CE4s, right?
  8. Yay! The reason I couldn't taste my sweet tobacco is because the coil I was using was bad. So I'm vaping sweet tobacco from Better Vapes.
  9. Probably spent too much money yesterday. Probably. But I should be set on those flavors both for the rest of this month, and for part of next month, unless I get to the point where I just can't stand to vape anything I have, which has happened. Hubby took the flavors that I don't vape "off my hands" so to speak, and he's going to try them out (pretty sure he won't like half of them - I was planning on either gifting them forward on here, or selling them discounted - well, okay, sample bottles from EC would definitely be paid forward, not sold - after I determined if I liked the EC blends stuff - which I think at least some of the flavors may need more steeping time, well, no, I was vaping outta one tank, forgot I put the tobacco blend in a different tank, and that was my sweet tobacco, which for some reason I'm not tasting at ALL now). Anywho, doubt I'll even be buying any samples next month. Just replacing two flavors I'm low on, one from Better Vapes, one I have to get at 3D Vapor, because the brand is a local mixer that sells to various stores, but not privately, and 3D is the only local store, that I know of, that they sell to. The other one is like 200 miles away.
  10. I'll try that, Mcquinn, thanks. That was my big problem.
  11. Sorry, looking at that list, there was no way I would vote for Hon Lik over Edward Snowden or Malala
  12. You don't want to add ANYTHING containing melatonin or seratonin into your system without having a measured amount. In other words, the only way to get melatonin is the OTC supplement, because you only want about, I think it's a 3 mg total dosage before bedtime. Seratonin, I'm really surprised that they are able to sell anything with seratonin OTC, but I see that they can. Seratonin is NOT something you want to take as a "supplement", it's NOT regulated, not controlled, etc., and that's a MAJOR player in brain chemistry. As far as vaping caffeine, yeah, under normal circumstances, caffeine is all fine and dandy, as long as you do not have excess consumption of it. Even now, doctors are still evaluating how much caffeine is "healthy" for a person to take in. If you think you need caffeine, drink a caffeinated drink.
  13. I'm seriously considering the Tardis wrap. Okay, went to Better Vapes. Did pretty much what I said I was going to do. 50 mls of 555, 50 mls of 518, and 50 mls of RY4.
  14. Only time I've seen it happen is hubby was using a carto and tank combination, and the carto had 2 holes punched in it, with a 70/30 PG ratio. Juice was so thin it flooded the carto. OP, just make sure the pack you get is GENUINE KANGER - it can double the life, or prevent other issues on it. If it doesn't say Kanger on the end lid, it's not genuine.
  15. HELP! You guys know how on the bottom of the glass of the KPT mini 2, there is an O ring that is literally just....stuck there? Well, I've worried about it, so I rarely changed what was in that tank. I was too afraid of taking it apart and that O ring coming loose. Well, when I was screwing it back together again just now, or rather, about 10 minutes ago, it happened. The O ring became UNSTUCK from the bottom of the glass. It was sitting nice and prettily in the piece that the glass screws into, so I thought it would be okay if I just kept it there. Nope. I would screw it on, and the O ring would move, coming out of the groove. How do I fix this situation? Do I have to somehow glue it back onto the glass? Or what?
  16. Nephew was out there this past week hunting....I'm assuming deer.....with his father. It was cold enough that he didn't even SEE any deer, much less shoot at one. And he came down sick to boot.
  17. I have to say I have loved both variable wattage devices I've had, and I can't wait to get my MVP 2 back (or rather, my replacement). For me, being able to adjust the settings, see how much battery life is left (can't do that with eGo's, and I hates it), and check the ACTUAL resistance without using a multimeter, since coil heads can vary from their stated resistance - and I can't remember which evods have 1.8's in them (I want to get rid of those, the 1.8 experiment I didn't like). Plus, with my klutzy self, the MVP has the added bonus of not being able to roll off the surface you set it on. I never use the passthrough function to charge anything else, I prefer my whole charge be used up vaping.
  18. Like I said, Brian, it depends on the juice. Some juices just plain don't like it that hot. But I hear ya. As long as it tastes good, and I'm getting my nic, it's all good. Actually, I'm not even sure if I've felt throat hit, or if I even know what throat hit is supposed to feel like?
  19. Personally, I myself would stay away from 1.8 ohms unless you have a variable voltage/wattage device. That low for some juices at a standard battery output can actually burn some juices, but with variable voltage or wattage, you can dial the volts down, or power, and keep that from happening. I had some juices that did great running at 8, 8 1/2 watts, but some that I could go above 7, and with a 1.8 ohm on a standard battery, you are pushing 7.6 watts. Just my personal opinion.
  20. I would agree with Tam that it MAY be the resistance coils you are using. 1.8 ohms puts you 7.6 watts, since when your battery is fully charged, it will output at 3.7 volts, which COULD be too much for the juice you are using. That's why I stopped using 1.8's at all. Like Tam said, 2.2s would probably be best for your target range for taste with a standard, non variable voltage battery. That will put you at 6.2 watts, which is more "ideal" when you are just starting out, or when you are using the stick batteries, flavor wise. I had to play around with resistances when I sent my MVP back because of a problem before I found the sweet spot where I got the good flavor I was used to, and not get burned.
  21. Just wondering, Troy, what's the temp where you are at? Over here in Alton, it's a balmy 17 degrees. Our predicted 2 - 4 inches of snowfall amounted to no more than a dusting. But SOUTHERN Missouri and Illinois got something like 9 inches.
  22. Well, I put them here because the conversation had turned to EC Blends juices, and how much steeping was needed, or IF steeping was needed, or speed steeping, etc. So I threw it out there. Gonna be starting a few other threads on other things today anyway. EDIT: But I should be going to Better Vapes today to pick up about 150 mls of a couple different flavored juices, providing, well, okay, providing my husband feels better and can/will drive me...which he should since he wants to try a couple flavors out. So when I come home I'll get the thread back on track.
  23. Carto tanks, the wicks and coils are INSIDE the carto - that thing that runs down the middle of the tank. The cartos either come pre-punched with holes to let juice into the batting inside (think wick) or you get a tool and punch it yourself. I think that may be why hubby had problems vaping a 70/30 mix with his carto flooding. His cartos are pre-punched with two holes, not one, and I think with the thinner fluid, I think he just was getting too much juice in the batting and it would flood. He ended up stealing my iClear that came with my MVP to vape his 70/30 juice The thing is with carto tanks - you can get them so they hold more than your KPT2 or Davide, but they also burn more juice. I don't know why (and the burn more juice is according to hubby, I wouldn't know), maybe it's because ALL of the batting has to get wet with the juice, rather than the smaller wick we have to get wet with clearomizers/glass tanks? Troy, Jeff, would you care to weigh in on this? I don't know much about cartos, other than hubby uses them, and he thinks I shouldn't because a lot of times I have manual dexterity issues that would make filling difficult - though I was thinking about the Texas Tough Tank, which fills on the side, however that would be going back to plastic, and I've heard that sometimes the hole can strip.
  24. All watts do is it adjusts the voltage to keep the power level the same based on the current resistance of your coil. Have you tried REPLACING the coil? I had a tank that had an issue of leaking about when I got it down to 1/2 a tank. After a couple of days of this, and having to clean the MVP head with alcohol each time, even though I cleaned it up immediately after it started (it would flood, so I would get juice in my mouth, so I knew almost immediately), I figured I would try replacing the coil. Like magic, it stopped. I still have occasional spitting juice with that tank, but no more leaking.
  25. Actually, with the 6 EC Blends flavors I have right now, yes, it's pretty necessary. There are some I've heard that are good just as they come, but the six I ordered and received last month, and they weren't even dragon series, there was barely any taste in them at all the day they came. They definitely have developed taste over time. Though that brings me to a question, Tam and Troy - it's been a couple days shy of a month, do you think they should be good now? If I don't like them through the dripper, try them in an evod? Or should I let them sit a bit more?
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