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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Make up your mind! You can't have Denver AND the Saints!
  2. What pushed it over the edge was talking to my mom, and her agreeing to reimburse us for the cost of the starter kits. I love my mom to death, and she was thrilled that we were quitting smoking, 13 years after she did. My brother managed to quit not long after she did, but none of the rest of us had, and not for lack of trying on my part. If it weren't for vaping, I'd STILL be on analogs now. No matter what Nicotine Replacement method I used, I could never get past the anxiety of not, well, smoking......and not only was able to start out at around the same nic level that I was getting from analogs, but I've been able to wean down to a nic level of 8 from 24. And well, we all know the benefits of putting the analogs down in favor of the vape, and I only had a very few moments where I either slipped up, or had such massive anxiety about NOT having an analog. It's funny, because the article says they don't buy their juice online.....that's exactly how they buy their biggest selling juice, the Better Vapes brand. It has to be - or I guess well, they have a "contract" set up with them. Up until July 4 (a month after 3D opened), Better Vapes was online only, lol. They had opened their storefront by the time the article was printed, but just barely.
  3. Yeah, and they've only lost three games this season, AND started the season out 9-0 - the first team to do that in HOW LONG? And they're 10-3! They are second in the AFC ONLY to Denver. So don't think just because Denver beat them that they're a trash team.
  4. See, and the place I want to go is the place that I would PREFER to buy my coils from anyway, I just can't buy coils this week. They are the only place around here that sells genuine Kanger coils for less than $10 ($8.50). They have everything that I'm thinking about, I think, except the Vamo.
  5. Tam, I would think about a mechanical, but I'm looking for Variable Wattage, or at the very least, Variable Voltage, since I have an Ohm's Law calculator app so I can adjust to get the power I want. I'm not saying I disliked the MVP. It was a great little APV, although if I ever went to dual coils, or cartos with a higher resistance, wattage only tops out at 11 watts, so that may be problematic, so I would probably stay single coil and try to keep resistances lower. It doesn't roll, and from all reports is very sturdy. Frankly, what I would absolutely LOVE to do is find a B&M here locally that carries everything I'm looking at (and I don't think any of them do) and for them to let me play with them a bit, see how it fits in my hand, see how well I like the interface, etc. Gosh, now I'm making matters worse. I found a vendor that sells the Tesla + two batteries (generic, I'm sure) in my price range as well. That was previously recommended to me, too. *holds my head* I HATE buying electronics like this online, but B&Ms charge too much, and even then, and someone says I shouldn't go into a shop to "window shop" with the APV's and not buy anything.
  6. Do you all feel that it's rude to go into a shop, try out the feel of a mod or APV, maybe taste some flavors you've not tasted before, and not buy anything? I did this before I bought my MPV, and I tasted a couple of new flavors while I was there, but my main goal was to check out the MVP, see how it felt in my hand, and how difficult it was for my thumb to push the button, and see if the clerks had any idea on how durable it was (which one clerk said he "accidentally" threw it across the room and it was fine). The new flavors I tasted weren't to my liking, so I didn't buy them. I have been told my *ahem* someone, that it's not only rude, but embarrassing. So I'm asking you all's opinion on it. I'm sort of of the opinion that what we purchase (the APVs) requires some "window shopping", if you will, but this person doesn't agree with me.
  7. If that's it, then that's the issue on two different coils - after I took the brand new coil out (the problem started after I put the brand new out of the package coil in), I tried two different used coils. One of them had the same issue, so I'm assuming I had taken it out of something as bad, and instead of throwing it away, it got put in my vodka group, soaked, rinsed, and put in my re-use pile. The next used coil I tried works.
  8. Actually, it depends on how much you vape, and the mah (milliamp hours) the battery is. For example, I have 900 mah eGo batteries, and they last me about four to five hours (it used to last me about 18 hours, but my vaping has increased) because I vape so much. Well, sometimes, if you know the battery you have (like mine, eGo 900 mah), you can look it up online, and you may be able to find someplace to give you an indication of approximately how many puffs it should last on a charge, but for that to do you any good on finding out if the battery is lasting long enough, you have to be cognizant of the rate at which you vape. For instance, about how much juice do you go through a day?
  9. Yes, I am. Mizzou's doing great. Illini pretty much bit the big one this season again. I do have to say I was shocked that Auburn beat 'Bama, but I don't know much about Auburn, but I'm pretty sure that if 'Bama had gone to the SEC conference game against Mizzou, Mizzou would have lost it anyway. However, the local pro team, the Rams, have only been "meh" for 10+ years I believe - pretty much ever since they lost the Super Bowl at their last appearance (was that before or after Vermeil left?). KC Chiefs, however, are bringing it this season.
  10. I'd love to try a bottle of that out, but it's gotta wait for a bit while I whittle down some of my existing "inventory". Once everyone got up, made the switch over to Honey Wood (Chi-Town Vapers).
  11. Okay, this might belong in a different sub-forum, but this is the article that started it all for me, e-cig wise. Pointing out to me that it's more affordable than I thought, etc. The date shows September 1, but it was actually printed early to mid July - because I'm pretty sure we bought our units July 17th. Yeah, because we had 10 days of doing analogs and vaping. Not sure why it shows a date of September 1 as the publishing date. Now, had I known about Better Vapes, I probably would have gone there instead of 3D, because they carry starter kits cheaper, but oh, well, live and learn. http://www.thetelegraph.com/business/article_52b08cd2-e8d5-11e2-9c78-001a4bcf6878.html
  12. Tried that, no dice. But I started playing with it this morning, seeing if I had the bottom plate screwed on too tightly, or if the coil was even screwed in too tightly, it wasn't firing, and then it was BARELY firing. So I tried a couple of different coils out on it (used, because I didn't want to waste a brand spanking new coil if that wasn't the problem). Sure enough, it was the freaking coil. Brand new coil out of the package did that. I'm a bit.......ticked.
  13. Okay, can anyone compare this to the MVP for me? With my upcoming refund, I can get either of them for the same price if I go to Coast2Coast again. As in, durability, functionality, etc.? I mean, I know the SVD goes up to a higher wattage (I presume if you are vaping a dual coil you would go up that high?), but that's all I really know. Durability is key for me, though I'm getting better, and since it's round, I can find a lanyard in January if I go that route. Truly, I wish I could just go into a store, and play with all the APVs I'm thinking about, and see which one I like the best, lol.
  14. Right now, my RY4 (Better Vapes), with the KPT2 loosely screwed on to the eGo. When I got up over an hour ago (too early), I didn't bring my juice case down with me. Now it's too close to wake up time, and if I accidentally wake people up early, they will be very grumpy indeed. So even if I WANTED to switch juices, which really, I don't right now, I couldn't.
  15. The thing is, with the VTR, the cheapest I've seen it anywhere is $74. So the theoretical $100 will buy him a VTR, and the intelllicore charger he was talking about - no batteries. The VTR is a great unit, there are a couple people here that already own one, and on here that's just waiting on hers to ship, I think. It's a heavy duty monster, heavier that just about any APV, but at least it's durable. But the charger he's talking about ran me around $21 for a two-bay. But it's an awesome charger. I've seen the difference between it and a lower grade charger, and it puts the Trustfire charger to shame. The Trustfire charger tends to indicate that a battery is fully charged when, in fact, it's not. The Vamo 5 is a good solid unit, and durable as well, and can be gotten at some vendors for $50. cpeters, I don't know where you were planning on getting your batteries/charger. I ended up getting mine at RTD Vapor AW Batteries. Efest and Trustfire batteries aren't recommended for the Vamo, and like I said, you can get the i2 for $21 there, or the i4 for $28, and what I got was 18650 batteries, and they were $12 per.
  16. I know I'm a couple days late on this, but Mizzou's move to the SEC paid off. They didn't get the SEC championship, but they're going to the Cotton Bowl! Okay, I don't follow football that much, but with the Rams being only meh for ten years, can you blame me? Chiefs are doing awesome this season, though.
  17. Tried not screwing it down all the way with the ring on. It eas so loose I feared it would fall off.
  18. Posting it here because this is the only place I can think of to post it. I have my RY4 - great juice, nice and sweet, when I'm in the mood for it, which is usually in the evening - in a KPT2. Well, yesterday, I noticed it had a REALLY tight draw, and diminished flavor. Changed the coil, and it made all the difference in the world as far as flavor. But the draw is REALLY tight, like sucking a shake through a straw tight. Air holes seem to be open, so what could the problem be? EDIT: Also, can't screw it down all the way or I won't get air at all, even with the ring on.
  19. I was converted after a couple of juices tasted like dreck, or near dreck, when I got them home (but tasted wonderful in the shop) and then after steeping a few days or week tasted wonderful. Most of what I buy doesn't have to steep, or steep much. But these samples from EC Blends - man, every single one of them had practically no flavor when I opened the bottles. A month has gone by now, and the only one I've tanked up so far, it's not something I'll add into my line up, but it's kind of a dark, smoky flavor (I think I tasted a DK tobacco similar to this, but I haven't tried my dk sample from EC yet), so I'll finish out the bottle. I may just work through the bottles one at a time. Since it's December (3 birthdays - a MIL and two teenage kids - and Christmas), I can't burn through coils any faster than I am - and that's with recycling them until they die. (Golly, off an eGo battery, I had ONE KPT go through 3 2.5 coils in two weeks. I about blew my stack. The last time, well, it was running airy for days before it finally just stopped.)
  20. Wow, that's um, really, um......well, I was never really a girly girl. EDIT: That wink looks really funky.
  21. TA-TA-TA-DAAAAAA Tam......to the rescue!
  22. Wow.....popped on to this thread to read the new posts for the first time in days.....and I noticed my "typo" in bold. It didn't have batteries in both ends (duh), it had MAGNETS in both ends, hence, causing the difficulty with consistent firing, as brass conducts better. Then again, 10:40 on a Thursday night - an end to a long day, and I was likely typing on my Nook.
  23. I blended several flavors early on. I found one of my flavors too harsh, so for a while, I blended it with another juice. Heck, for variety, I blended my french vanilla tobacco with my 618 for a while as well. As they said, the sky's the limit. You are limited only by your imagination! Well, and what you have stocked.
  24. Yes, I do entirely believe I am cursed. I drove cursed cars until we finally got rid of my Dodge Spirit that was nickle and diming us to death, then was cursed with an incredibly horrible accident record in a year and half - and even if they weren't my fault, they consider that on your insurance rates. Sorry, hit post accidentally before I was finished. So I edited it. (The original post.) And yeah, I was even considering the Vamo 5. Still looking around at major APVs that fit within my budget ($49,99 and hopefully they'll refund me shipping like DV did), or to find sites that sell APVs that fit within that budget. This month, definitely can't go above budget (I really, really, really, hate December). Was even considering the Sigelei 3 again, since I've been told what probably caused the mess up in the button....but I dunno. I'm indecisive, definitely. Really, the only thing holding me back from the MVP 2 is the charge time, and yeah, I can just charge it overnight and use my eGo from when I go up to when I come back downstairs. I don't know.
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