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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I still have my evods for my smaller tanks, but I'm hoping to gradually replace them KPT Mini 2s.
  2. Can I help if my dog watches her from the time he can see her out the window all the way up one side of the street and down the other? Well, when hubby went to subdue the dog as the mail lady shut the mail box, I hovered at the door while he went to get the mail. Got the sample pack I was expecting today, plus the honey wood hubby ordered for me.
  3. Whoop, yeah, that'll crack a tank all right.
  4. Well, she just hit the end of my street on the other side, and she's coming up on my side of the street now, does that count?
  5. He's gonna be breaking out the shorts again..... Yeah, the only one I got out of that batch was your mileage may vary Oh, yeah, he's gonna be breaking out the shorts again. Trip home?
  6. What kind of juice was the tank cracker?
  7. It's a Christmas miracle.....I've been rendered speechless.
  8. Okay Comp, that was really, really bad. And as for the first one.....55 seconds of Bambi eating before Godzilla stomped him into venison bits?
  9. Okay, I'm wondering if you more experienced vapors know, or can taste whether the majority of vendors or manufacturers seem to use the same chocolate flavoring. The reason I'm asking is this: as I posted back in September, after my seizure in September, the chocolate flavored vapes that I have (Milk Chocolate from Better Vapes, Chocolate Banana from Vape Dudes, and Hot Chocolate from Better Vapes), I could no longer taste the chocolate flavor in my vapes. Held pretty much true for other chocolate vapes that I sampled - I could taste the other components, but not the chocolate. So I'm wondering if they all use maybe the same brand chocolate flavoring, or if I'm just not picking up on any of the chocolate vape flavorings, no matter what brand?
  10. Expecting to get some samples today. My tracking says out out for delivery. So it's anytime between now and oh, six.
  11. Yeah, 18 total hours of you know, general time. From when I would hit it first, to when I would hit it last. Not true vaping time.
  12. When I was vaping less than I am vaping now, the 900 mah lasted me 18 hours. Now, not a chance. I'll switch batteries around mid-morning when I get up to get the kiddo off to school, and then switch up again some time after dinner (and that's having reduced my vaping!). But that first month, I think, yeah, it lasted me about 18 hours. I started freaking around my son's graduation party when they started lasting shorter, and it took me about a week or so of logging charge times (I thought one of my batteries might have gone bad) to realize, no, the batteries are lasting equally, I'm just vaping more. By the time I got my first AVP, I would go through two and a half 900 mah batteries per day.....but like I said, I've cut back (for one, med changes, I sleep more).
  13. I drained mine until the APV stopped allowing it to be used - which was, I think with the Zmax, 3.2. Get the most bang for your buck, so to speak. Depending on your charger, they don't take long to charge, anyway.
  14. The thing is, this tank worked flawlessly for months. But, like I said, different coil, problem went away. With your KPT2, I would ditch the coils that it came with, just to be on the safe side. Some of our members have had issues with the coils that come with it, but not other Kanger coils. Well, the issue seems to be solved for now. Now I just need to worry about the one that seems to be blowing coils every few days.....maybe I just got a pack of bad coils, because they've all been brand new, out of the same pack (the same pack as the one that caused this problem). I guess I'll try a used coil from my pile today, see how that works, but if my used coils continue to be "too used", I can see myself running out of, at least, the 2.5 coils. I'd rather not get into the 1.8 coils while I don't have vw back yet, but we'll see. I should make it through the month. I've just not had luck with coils this month, I guess. Pretty sure I need to be careful of how many tanks I empty and have to clean with vodka, too. Not much vodka left (it's lasted for three months, I can't complain) and with being birthday/Christmas month, even a $5 bottle of vodka with our budget stretched is too much.
  15. I know one time when I went into 3D vapor, the shop I posted the article about, a woman was just starting out, and she was worried about how long her ego battery would last her, and she was about a pack a day smoker, and the sales clerk was so grateful that I assured her that it could probably last about 18 hours if she continues at that rate, and doesn't start vaping more, like I did.
  16. If you ever upgrade, though, the Sigelei Zmax works well....but if that's too big, maybe the Vamo, or even the MVP, or something like that.
  17. Don't. I wasn't clear in my question, so it was a valid response.
  18. Seventeen hour days from getting up to bed time, plus a LOT of anxiety, home all day most days, and no naps led to chain vaping. I've slowed down a bit,, for various reasons.
  19. My first question: how long have you been vaping? Why 1100 mah? I think you are getting voltage settings and wattage settings mixed up. Correct me if I'm wrong here guys, but don't APVs only go up to something like six volts? I know WATTAGE goes to fifteen watts. As far as batteries, AW IMR are pretty much the way to go. Some APVs recommend not using efest or trustfire.
  20. Odd. They advise leaving the cap ON while steeping and after shaking it once, leave it undisturbed, where everything else I've read says keep the cap off, and shake daily (which is what I do, and works well, and what I think everyone here does as well when steeping).
  21. The Sigelei's are good performers, and almost indestructible. They added on the puff counter and I think the pass through to charge something else to keep up with Innokin, I would think. Before I sent my MVP back for repair, I didn't bother looking at the puff counter all that much, except that to adjust wattage on that, the puff counter would show up first. On my Sigelei V3 - well, I had more waking time then than I do now, evidently - but I would go through 2 18650 batteries per day.
  22. I kinda know what you mean. Okay, technically, I can root for three pro teams, no, four. But the Bears, I just never liked them, or maybe it was Ditka. Have extended family in Indy, so part of the family is always celebrating the Colts, even some of us who live around here. Can root for the Rams, but hey, ten year slump. Finally starting to improve the last couple years, but it's going to take a few more.....and then once they get up there, they'll lose their quarterback again and it will be another slump. When Bradford went down with his season ending injury, they tried to talk Brett Farve into coming out of retirement - again. The MAJORITY of my extended family (well, okay, not counting the New England family and Louisiana family) on my mom's side lives in central Missouri (mostly Jeff City) and Kansas City, and my SO spent part of his formative years in KC, so when the Chiefs do well, the Chiefs get attention. I won't talk about the traitorous Cardinals I COULD root for since they USED to be a St. Louis team but it's been, what, 30 years since they moved now? Be glad the Rams moved. Really, be glad.
  23. Wow, 60 years smoking an no appreciable lung damage! Welcome to VT!
  24. Barbie, MVP doesn't come with it's own tank, it has a built in battery, though. Which means, basically just for those couple hours the MVP is charging, you need to have a back up, like your original eGo battery. I like the MVP for the shape.....I don't like the built in battery, which, if I had more cash, I'd buy a VTR, which is the same company as the MVP, but allows you to have your own battery. Coast2Coast currently has them for about $80 (their MVP price is $50), but doesn't include the 18650 batteries (about $12 each depending on where you order them from) or the charger (again, prices vary). The thing I like about BOTH of those is the box shape - therefore, it won't roll off whatever surface I put it on. But there are other popular APVs out there, too. Tesla, SID, SVD, Evic to name a few. Each have their loyal fan base. If you are thinking of upgrading, I would check out Grimm Green's reviews on you tube and the reviews on tasteyourjuice.com . Tasteyourjuice.com pretty much made up my mind for me last time. And do LOTS of research!
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