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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I mixed french vanilla, or french vanilla tobacco, in with my 618 sometimes at the beginning. Other times, I mixed in Turkish Honey Tobacco with Honey Wood Tobacco - where the tobacco note on the honey wood is almost imperceptible, at least to me. But what other flavors do you have? And really, like I said in another thread, when mixing flavors, the sky's the limit. You are limited only by your tastes, what you find enjoyable. But only mix a little bit at a time - that way if you don't like it you aren't wasting a lot of juice on something you don't like.
  2. Dual or single coil? Looks interesting, though. But MOSTLY I don't have much problems with my Kanger airflow, unless my coil is going out (or actually, in a couple cases, the airflow got really really tight with a dying coil).
  3. Yeah, me too. I'm just too good at spending money. Here I am, I KNOW speed steeping generally works, and I'm looking at $50 ultrasonic jewelry cleaners to do the job for me.....granted, I have jewelry that needs cleaned, but I wear, like, 3 rings, plus the boys have class rings, plus hubby's wedding band. I barely ever wear other jewelry, lol. I'm spending our January bonus before it even gets here. But I know hubby won't go for it, so I'm just dreaming. But the thing with the item AND the box - well, I paid $40 for my MVP which is on it's way here. I can't justify to hubby spending $65 on the VV battery + the box. He won't go for it. LOL.
  4. Since you are time limited, I would definitely recommend speed steeping. Yes, a lot of EC Blends flavors need to steep. And even my go to B&M, Better Vapes, has SOME ingredients that need to steep a few days or a week, but I've only found that on ONE of their juices that I get from them. Wish I could spring for an ultrasonic steeper. That would make it easier to deal with steeping when I order this tobacco blend from EC again. Truthfully, don't know if it's going to replace my Sweet Tobacco or my Turkish Honey - depends on supplies, I guess. But speaking of steeping, how long should you leave the cap off to let it breathe? Hubby's concerned because I still have bottles with no caps on them. And Medic, if I were to LOOK for an ultrasonic steeper (isn't that an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner?) what would I look for - as in do a search for? EDIT: I'm assuming something like this? http://www.amazon.com/Magnasonic-Professional-Ultrasonic-Eyeglass-Cleaning/dp/B001DKDAVW
  5. Okay, 101vapes is giving more feedback, more to what I'm used to - keeping me posted when it's been packed, when it's been shipped (hope to have it Monday, because it should be at the Hazelwood Sort Facility tonight!!!!!) Yes, I'm stalking the shipping. I miss my VW desperately.
  6. Okay, you Coloradoans make fun all you want. Here in this part of Illinois, we definitely feel the effects of global warming during the winter. Last winter was the exception to the rule, but we got all our snow in January and February (enough of it to pull ourselves out of the drought). We had gone two full years without a snow day (even for low temps/wind - it has to be below 10 with nasty wind chill and nasty wind), and that's saying something, and we hadn't had DECENT snowstorms since I don't know when.....for quite a while, I know. We stopped buying snow boots YEARS ago, because there was no need. Let's face it. I haven't been able to drive since 2008, so I don't have to worry about that, and I have full faith in my spouse's ability to do that. I have MS, so summers are bad for me. Winters are bad in a different way, but I don't think as bad as summers, unless things don't get shoveled and I slip on ice/snow - but that hasn't happened in quite a while, and I'm smart enough that when things are too slick I ask for assistance (I've fallen too many times on the ice because my balance can be....off, or simply because it's too slick for my feet to gain traction). My dog LOVES the snow. He's, I guess he's middle aged. Six or seven for a 90 pound dog is definitely middle aged. And the only time he acts like a puppy outside is when it snows. If it snows, or sometimes rains, he comes running inside full tilt, all happy and joyous.
  7. Try Chi-Town Vapers. Not a very well known place, but despite none of my orders being menthol, they've sent me two menthol samples, and I figured hey, what the heck, I'll try them. They have a Kool knockoff, and a Newport knockoff, I don't know about any others, as I didn't go actively looking at menthol flavors. They have good sample pack deals, plus, even when you order a sample pack, they throw in a 2 ml sampler as well.
  8. Yeah, if you're impatient, I would definitely do the hot water steeping method. I've had six bottles here (can you believe, 5 ml, $2.50 a bottle, easiest sampling in the world!), I believe they were mixed November 12, or maybe that's when I got them, and only one is fully steeped yet - and that one is a keeper. One of them I can tell I'm not going to keep, even though it's not fully steeped. The flowery, perfumey note that seems to come through with almost every honey containing recipe is there, so, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to dump the contents I tanked up yesterday back in the bottle, give it to hubby if he's interested (I doubt it), and move on. The other one that I have tanked from yesterday I still can't get a handle on today. So, back in the bottle, steep some more. Next time I get anything from EC Blends, I think I most definitely will speed steep, although supposedly some are good right out of the bottle. These six that I got this time had no taste right out of the bottle when they were shipped. The biggest benefit to me, with EC Blends, is cost. They beat out just about everyone on cost, except for my go to B&M here, and on some sizes they beat them out, too! Not on the, I think, 60 ml sizes, but on 30, definitely.
  9. I hate the CE's. Ditched them immediately, went to Evods, and within weeks, got a Davide, and then a Pro Tank 2, and then at the end of August, I think I ordered 5 more pro tank 2s. My Evods were supposed to be just for "sampling" juices after that....but I kept accumulating juices! Me, too, but I prefer glass over evods, just my personal preference. I know we are mostly a "kanger coil" product group type as far as glass tanks go, I was considering getting another tank (I still have a couple dollars left over from my refund) and was considering getting another tank, but didn't want to shell out the money for even a mini pro tank 2. Hubby suggested the Aro glass tank. Can't remember how much the local B&M sells it for, but with the cost, and having different coils, might as well just get an evod. So I'm skipping the new tank for now. My new MVP will come with an iClear 30, but it's dual coil, I believe (I'll make a post on that later, so long as my hand doesn't cramp up). So I'll either use that or toss it to hubby for him to use (pretty sure he needs to replace the coil in the one I gave him from my last MVP). Actually, I thought Evods were metal tanks with plastic windows. At least, it looks like the inside of my tanks are metal. But anyway, I don't know if Honeysuckle is a tank cracker or not.
  10. Wow, they look nice, but I'm not sure I need a box that adds $30 to the price tag.
  11. Pretty much once I got to the point where I could taste today, which was say around........10:30(?) or so, I think I've pretty much stuck with RY4 (Better Vapes). Nice and sweet, although I've taken a couple of short forays into EC Blends samples that apparently still need steeping, I think, because I can taste pretty good, and they still taste pretty dim, especially compared to the sample of EC Blends' Tobacco Blend that I have tanked up.....and I'm sad because that is almost gone. It's no longer a sort of dark, smoky flavor that it was even at the beginning of the week, but a bit sweet, and while still a bit of a tobacco taste, much more to my liking, and it will be replacing one of my "occasional flavors". But That Juice! and Black Magic Tobacco still aren't fully steeped, so I have my doubts about the others. I don't want to drain anymore direct dripping, as each bottle is down around about 2 1/2 ml now, so I'll just give it more time. But yeah, RY4 has been it for me tonight. Also vaped a bit of a mash up, but wasn't quite in the mood for that flavor tonight (even though it's incredibly, incredibly yummy and on any other day where I hadn't spent my first 4 waking hours with difficulty tasting it I would have vaped it a chunk of the day, lol.
  12. Hmmm, wondering if I should get one of the neat Spinner 2s, or one of those awesome looking wood ones.....the decision is difficult....for me. But this is a bad time for me to be making money decisions, which I'll address in another post. If I can get my concentration to stay in one spot for more than a few minutes, I might make it through everything I want to say tonight (multiple posts, so be prepared).
  13. Tam, from the post title, he's using the little Innokin iTaste VV, um, I think it's 3? It runs about $40. Yeah, 3.0. Here's a link to a review: http://www.vapesquad.com/review-innokin-itaste-vv-3-0/ Truthfully, after seeing that review (they rated it higher than the MVP 2.0), but it's only about 800 mah. Considering I vape 2.5 ohms at 8 or so watts, 800 mah won't last me spit. Here's another link. http://www.innokin.com/itaste-vv-v3.0.html OP, you may be hitting the designated cut off. With Innokin/iTaste products, it cuts off (and flashes) at 10 seconds, but sometimes you might get cut off early. If it's blinking, it's the cut off. I don't think it's your tank, OP. Someone should page Troy. He said the shop he works with is gonna stop carrying the devices because so many of them have ended up being returned due to one problem or another. Paging Doctor Aquatroy????? Gah, I wish we could "tag" people like you can on Facebook, lol. How long have you had the 3.0, and does it do this with other tanks, is the question? And to repeat what Doctor Tam said, get a genuine pack of replacement Kanger coils, replace the coil, and see if that helps. Also, MY final thought, but by Tam and Troy standards, I'm still a newb, just switched in July, if you actually ARE cleaning/dry burning it daily, you could be stressing out your coil and actually shortening it's life. Also, if you are using the 3.0 on passthrough - using it as it charges, it will actually SHORTEN the life span of the battery (built in battery right?), requiring replacement faster. Also, and I hate to be asking these questions when you're wasted but you can answer tomorrow - what resistance coils are you using, and what voltage are you running? OFF TOPIC QUESTION: What color did you go for?
  14. Well, I'm sure in January I'll be getting one so I'll at least have variable voltage while the MVP is charging.
  15. Same here. This time I went ahead and ordered from 101vape.com (with the added benefit of saving a few dollars, but with the holiday mail rush going on, I sprung a few extra bucks for Priority Shipping, so I spent almost as much).
  16. Hubby has a Nemesis clone that I believe he got from Discount Vapors. He's very happy with it.
  17. Hubby not only built his (5 - 6 years ago) and has kept it upgraded, but built mine and the boys, as well. And it was definitely cheaper than buying one with everything we wanted built in. Face it, if you are looking at a gaming computer, it's cheaper to build it - newegg.com is great for the parts, and the box stores like Best Buy don't even carry pc's suitable for much gaming, at least not last time I looked. Not without upgrading graphics and other stuff.
  18. Ordered another MVP 2 from 101Vape.com. Sprung for the Priority Shipping because well, I've been without an APV for three + weeks, and I want to get this to me as soon as possible, lol.
  19. See! I would LOVE to find a thin mint that I can TASTE the chocolate on. I miss my chocolate vapes.
  20. Nope. They seem to reply to emails, sometime. They approved my RMA to mail it back, they THOUGHT they sent the mailing info,, but I had to yell @ them after a week for it becausee they "forgot". It's just run by two guys. I have my money back, but I'm not sure I'll order through them again BECAUSE of the communication.
  21. I've had issues with some flavors losing flavor the last half of the tank. I do two thhings. I'll shake the tank, or I'll just keep the tank topped off.
  22. I had a similar notification problem with them, except in reverse. When they decided on refunding my money, they didn't notify me, they just changed the status of the RMA on my account to note that the RMA was closed and my money refunded.
  23. Admittedly, I don't know if this has been posted here before, but I don't think it has. I don't go to ABC News as a news source - my national news sources are generally nbc news and cnn websites, so I didn't see this when it was first published in September. The journalist got a few things wrong - but it wasn't focusing on things like fires started by charging (in fact, that wasn't even mentioned). http://abcnews.go.com/Health/facts-cigarettes/story?id=20345463
  24. Can't ask hubby about it because hubby doesn't like chocolate as a rule - I almost asked him if he could taste it in the milk chocolate juice, but rather than that I just washed the tank out because I'm not going to attempt to vape in hope of getting a chocolate taste unless I have variable voltage/wattage in my hand. Tam, I was thinking of trying out EC's chocolate coconut next month, as I don't like Almond Joy, but I LOVE mounds. I'm not giving up on chocolate, and I only sometimes have days where I would be able to taste it. Comp, Chocolate banana was awesome.....until that stupid seizure. Tasted good enough that after my little sample bottle I ordered a 30 ml bottle, and was just over 1/2 way through it when I had that stupid, stupid seizure. And now I still have just about that same amount, because all I can taste is the banana. The Better Vapes Milk Chocolate, as I recall, was good too, but more sensitive to tasting burned. But the Chocolate Banana, I got a 10 ml bottle, and went through it in like 3 - 4 days (well, okay, I did spill a couple ml when I accidentally unscrewed my evod a couple of times instead of taking if off my zmax - that happened twice).
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