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Everything posted by spydre

  1. She was a WONDERFUL dog. She lived a good life. She was 10. Unlike Dodger, she had no problems just going upstairs to lie down on our bed to sleep. She would curl herself up so tight in this "little" ball (she was 35 - 40 pounds) her nose was practically up her rear end. That's how she managed to sleep between my legs at night. When we moved here, it was like her dream home. Fenced in yard, so she could be outside as much and as long as she wanted, for the first few years, the neighbors had two big fluffy dogs that we called her "boyfriends". She would race up and down the fence with them. Every other dog in the neighborhood was scared of her, though. When hubby went to the shelter to pick her out, she was this tiny little ball of fur, 6 weeks old, in an enclosure with bigger pups. Hubby came to the fence of the enclosure, and she barged her way to the front, started barking at the other dogs, and didn't back down until they backed off, so it's no wonder hubby fell in love with her. During the winter, she would practically lay on top of the vent to suck up the heat, and during the summer, she would do the same simply so she could lick the condensation off the grate, lol. She had a back problem. When we lived at our old house, the vet thinks she originally hurt it jumping up on the couch or something. It would occasionally plague her, and we'd have to take her back to the vet for steroids. Finally, even the course of steroids didn't work. Then we found Dodger through another rescue group in 1999. More than three times Loth's weight, very large, I was literally bowled over by him, and fell in love. He is definitely hubby's dog, But I'm a close second. And unlike Loth, he actually reacts when I have a seizure. As a matter of fact, provided I'm not sitting in my desk chair, they have to get him outside either when I'm in the throes of one, or immediately after, because HE wants to take care of me, or I guess, rather protect me, and is all over me, hampering their efforts to deal with me. I was going to put in a pic of him, one of my two favorites, but photobucket is giving me problems with the "share" menu, I can't copy it from my pc because it won't let me post a jpeg file to the forums. But since we are way, WAY off topic, any other discussion we should move to PMs.
  2. Well, hopefully I'm not too late with this advice, and you can do it before you leave, but I would try the speed steeping method mentioned by Tam in the post I quoted above yours. Otherwise you'll be waiting quite a while, even with, I think, the heat of your truck.
  3. Love the Sigelei - what resistance coils are you using?
  4. I wouldn't be posting on this, but this has become a trend. ONE of my KPT2s keeps blowing coils every few days. Like three to four,, max. I thought it was just a bum pack, but this is the second coil out of a brand new pack that it's done it with. Nothing stressfull that I'm putting the tank though. First pack was 2.5 ohms, this one is 2.2 ohms, on a regular eGo battery stick. It's been happening ever since the MVP issue with buring juice on anything but the base settings. Any ideas? I'm running out of coils.
  5. That's my old dog. She's been gone for three or four years. Loth. She was a husky/keeshond/shar-pei mix. She was our baby, and it tore me to pieces to put her down. She slept between my feet. Now we have an American bulldog mixed with.....something bigger. I'll post a pic of him, Dodger, in the morning.
  6. Okay, your first step should be to either get a Twist or Spinner (variable voltage), or get an APV - variable voltage, and sometimes variable watts. Those, IMO again, should be your first step before going rebuildable. Get the MVP - at 101vape.com, you can get them for $39.99 for the entire kit - comes with an iClear 30, etc. I had one, had to send it back after a month because of a defect, and rather than getting a different APV with my refund, I ordered the same thing. You'll only have to worry about putting up with regular voltage output while your MVP is charging, which I just recommend you do at night when you go to bed. Variable volatage/wattage makes a WORLD of difference. When I found my sweet spot for the first time, I couldn't believe the difference. The flavors come alive.
  7. I don't know if you've been keeping up with this thread, I hope so, but I posted some articles in, I think the news section, or maybe health and safety, or both, since you put this up. One is a Forbes article on why the FDA is hiding the benefits of vaping. You'll find it interesting. And yes, how is your research going? Keep us posted!
  8. And Chantix is the most dangerous of them all. Even if it WASN'T contraindicated by my bipolar and my epilepsy, I wouldn't risk taking it.
  9. Still......um, yeah, $500 on a gift. Like that would be given to me any time soon, lol.
  10. K, so I'll be handing it off to hubby again, then. I'm sure he can find some use for it.
  11. I'm sorry, I want to make sure I'm clear here. It's performing suboptimally on a TWIST because of lack of variable voltage? On a twist? Do you mean the voltage options don't go up high enough? Yes, you can use an RBA on an MVP, heck, you can rebuild KPT 2s and use them as well. As for dripping, I don't drip on my MVP, since I don't have drip shields, I do that on eGos.
  12. Bastige. I like that weather, where I don't have to wipe the dog's paws off when he comes in. But I like snow.
  13. Okay, I know several of you have experience with this, at least a couple, right? One comes with my MVP. The last one I just tossed aside until hubby needed an extra tank, and I gave it to him. This is dual coil correct? So what resistance do they usually come in (101vape doesn't say), and is that PER COIL or total? Will I have to crank the wattage up way high to get a good vape off of it? Also, it's a plastic tank....the evods don't taste plasticky, but does the iClear? And how much of a pain is the top coil, much less changing it?
  14. Would that basically be emulsification? (yes, I remember high school science class).
  15. Okay, just my thoughts. I know it's almost twice as much, but I would go for the cool fire 2 rather than cool fire 1. To me, it looks like the Cool Fire 1 is a set 8.5 watts....which with some liquids, will burn. Some of them like a cooler vape, around 7 watts, it just depends on the juice. Or, in the alternative, if you aren't using a variable voltage or wattage device now, you can get some simple variable voltages for under $30, and even Innoken Variable Voltage/Variable Wattage devices for less than the Cool Fire 2 (MVP 2 and SVD depending on where you shop). But with only a week of vaping under your belt, I would actually steer you more toward the variable voltage stick batteries, like the Spinner or the Twist. Yeah, you'll have to adjust voltage for whatever your resistance on your coil is, but it's not as big of a step? Just IMO.
  16. Do you mean price wise? Well, most online stores beat out B&M's price wise (except my one B&M is GREAT on prices) and EC beats out almost everyone on price. Maybe not Juice Mafia, or some others that I haven't heard of, but the ones I've looked at (which I admit, hasn't been a great many).
  17. Nope, doesn't sound crazy at all. Applebacco is actually a pretty popular flavor for some vendors. Plus, if you like it, that's all that matters.
  18. Okay, um, I'm just going to come out and say this. I would wait until you have more experience vaping before heading into rebuilding, or mods, or anything like that. There could be a number of reasons why there was such a difference. A big one is he could be building a sub ohm coil, and using a mech mod. It could be the device he's using, the tank he's using, the power, voltage, the resistance, a VERY LARGE NUMBER of factors, so I wouldn't go jumping in with both feet yet. Play with resistances. I can't remember if you have a variable voltage battery stick or not, but if not, get one, they are under $30 if you stick with the Twist or the Spinner. And I DEFINITELY wouldn't jump into DIY just yet. Don't remember if you just quit analogs or have been off them for a while, but first and foremost, your tastebuds are still changing/recovering from coming off the analogs. What tastes good today may taste foul in a month. Give yourself time to sample from different places, see what you like, see what you don't like, and let your tastes evolve. That's just IMO.
  19. It's big tobacco wanting to get their grubby little hands in on the e-cig money, because they are LOSING money from people switching. The thing is, they are more likely to agree to a no internet sales (big tobacco) because most of them, if not all (I don't know what PM plans to make) make cigalikes, which, of course, have no problems getting on gas station shelves. Gas stations aren't going to stock "our kind" of PV's - even just the eGos or Evod batteries, because with that, you have to have juice, you have to let people sample, and you have to have people who can answer questions about it, so it's too labor intensive. The big cigarette outlet here JUST started carrying juice (granted, I haven't been in there since they started, haven't been in there since I picked up the eGo the first time), so I don't know how much they are selling, what kind of sampling they are allowing, but at least they are selling more than just the cigalikes. And I didn't expect them to start carrying this stuff because they are discount cigarettes, beer, and liquor, so it's not like they are a dedicated smoke shop with people standing around just to help you. Unless it's changed, it's just people at the counter checking you out, and they make TONS of money that way. BUT, to get back to my original point, the big tobacco companies (PM is the last American Big Tobacco to get in) would likely agree to more regulation than the rest of the industry - with a lot of the cigalikes, they just market cigarette flavored cartridges (and truly, the cigalikes are what the news media and everything else on TV thinks of as vaping), they'll agree to no TV advertising because they can't advertise cigarettes on TV, either (but remember the Marlboro man?). And they won't stand up to making anti-vaping laws as strict as anti-cigarette laws, IMO, because it's no skin off their backs - their analogs can't be used in those situations, so they are used to it. But the cigalike manufacturers are the ones that have the FDA's ear - which inevitably means big tobacco. And it pisses me off to no end. That's why I'm glad there are organizations like CASAA.
  20. Aren't the Vivi Novas Vision? And yeah, I prefer to stay with Kanger or Anyvape as well, Tam. Considering the one iClear 30 that comes with my MVP, but I have questions about that.
  21. Um, what? Yeah, it was early, I know there's a typo in there, and considering what I end up typing on my Nook when I'm lying in bed or watching TV (not on my phone with auto-correct suggestions or my PC with spell check), I'm usually pretty good at deciphering those. Beat them here? Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude.
  22. Are all dual coils this bad, or is it just KPT 3? I have reason for asking, which I'll post in a little bit. But Tam, 4 volts isn't that high....although I agree 12 watts is pretty high. Heck, my MVP won't go that high, it tops out at 11. And I apologize, in the five times I originally read the OP, I STILL did not pick up on the dual coil part of the post.
  23. Nico, I love that picture of your pit. He/she looks adorable!
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